
Qian Mu: Why do Chinese pay attention to qi and fate?

author:Spring rain view of the world

In modern society, science has become our main tool for understanding the world and solving problems. It is empirically based and explores the laws of nature through rigorous methodology. Science has achieved the rapid development of human society, from medicine to aerospace, from information technology to genetic engineering, the application of science is everywhere, and it has almost become the authoritative belief of modern society. However, this blind worship of science can sometimes lead us to ignore other forms of knowledge and wisdom, such as the ancient concept of luck.

The concept of luck originates from ancient Chinese philosophical thought, which involves the operation of all things in the universe and the fate of people. In ancient China, it was believed that there was a subtle connection between heaven, earth, and man, and that luck was the embodiment of this connection. It's not just a mystery

The concept of luck originates from ancient Chinese philosophical thought, which involves the operation of all things in the universe and the fate of people. In ancient China, it was believed that there was a subtle connection between heaven, earth, and man, and that luck was the embodiment of this connection. It is not just a superstition, but an attempt to understand natural and social phenomena at a deeper level. Although the concept of luck seems to be incompatible with the spirit of science under the modern scientific system, it is still worth excavating and thinking about as a kind of historical wisdom.

Qian Mu: Why do Chinese pay attention to qi and fate?

First of all, the idea of "the unity of heaven and man" in the concept of luck emphasizes the importance of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. In the context of today's environmental crisis and ecological imbalance, this idea provides us with a perspective to reflect on the modern model of development. We are beginning to realize that the impact of human activities on the natural environment is far-reaching, and that the search for a sustainable path is a modern interpretation of the concept of "harmony between man and nature".

Secondly, the principle of "going with nature" in luck also provides us with a philosophy of life. In the fast-paced modern life, people often feel stressed and anxious. The concept of luck encourages us to conform to the laws of nature and adjust our mindset and behavior to achieve a balance between body and mind. This kind of thinking is also reflected in modern psychology and life philosophy, such as mindfulness meditation and other stress reduction methods, in fact, it is similar to the "go with the flow" in luck.

In addition, the concept of luck is also an important strategic thinking. In business, politics, and even in our personal lives, we often need to adjust our strategies as the situation changes. This concept of luck teaches us to learn to observe, analyze and use the situation in the face of uncertainty to achieve the best results. This way of thinking is also widely used in modern decision theory.

Qian Mu: Why do Chinese pay attention to qi and fate?

Finally, as a cultural tradition, the values and wisdom of life contained in luck are still instructive for modern people. In today's globalized world, the exchange of different cultures is becoming more and more frequent, and traditional cultural elements such as luck can be used as a unique perspective to help us better understand the world and enrich our spiritual life.

Despite the dominance of science in modern society, this does not mean that we can completely ignore other forms of knowledge. Science and luck seem to be opposites, but in fact they complement each other. Science provides us with the tools to understand the world, and traditional cultural wisdom, such as luck, provides us with different perspectives to understand the world. On the path of exploring the unknown, we need to keep an open mind, respecting both science and historical wisdom, so that we can understand the world we live in more fully.

Before discussing the connotation of "qi" and "fate", we first need to understand the concept of "qi". In traditional Chinese culture, "qi" is a very small and dynamic existence, which runs through all things in the universe and is the basic element that constitutes all life. The flow and change of "qi" is considered to be the fundamental cause of the occurrence and change of all phenomena in the universe. This idea is closely linked to the theory of yin and yang, which represents the two basic and relative forces and attributes of the universe, and "qi" is the medium through which these two forces interact and transform.

Qian Mu: Why do Chinese pay attention to qi and fate?

The term "qi", which is often understood as a kind of destiny or fate, is combined with the concept of "qi" to form the idea that the development and change of an individual or thing is affected by some predetermined law or force. In ancient times, people tried to grasp and adapt to this power by observing natural phenomena and celestial phenomena to predict and explain the flow of "qi numbers". This concept has a wide range of applications in ancient medicine, feng shui, numerology, and other fields.

The concept of "fate", on the other hand, is more complex and multidimensional. It not only refers to the development trajectory of individual life, but also a combination of situation and rotation, reflecting the cyclical changes of life and things. In this understanding, "fate" is no longer a single, linear process, but a dynamic, multidimensional system. It involves a variety of factors such as individual choices, environmental influences, and timing that interact with each other to shape the so-called "destiny".

When delving into the connotation of "qi" and "fate", we have to mention ancient Chinese philosophical thought. Different schools of thought, such as Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism, all have their own unique interpretations and understandings of "qi" and "fate". Confucianism emphasizes the relationship between people and society, believing that through self-cultivation and family governance, people can change their own destiny; Taoism, on the other hand, advocates conforming to nature, believing that man should conform to the flow of "Tao" in order to achieve harmony with the universe; Buddhists, on the other hand, believe that everything has a cause and effect, and that through practice, one can transcend samsara and change one's fate.

Qian Mu: Why do Chinese pay attention to qi and fate?

In modern society, although the concepts of "qi number" and "fate" are no longer as widely accepted and applied as in ancient times, the philosophical ideas and life wisdom contained in them still have important enlightenment for us. In the face of uncertainties and challenges in life, we can try to think from the perspective of "qi" and "fate", learn to adapt to changes, grasp the opportunity, and at the same time actively make choices and efforts to influence and change our destiny.

In addition, the concepts of "Qi Number" and "Destiny" also provide us with a macro perspective to understand the world and life. In modern society, people tend to focus too much on immediate interests and short-term goals, and ignore the long-term development and internal connections of life and things. By thinking about "qi" and "fate", we can more deeply understand the continuity of life and the interdependence of things, so as to cultivate a more comprehensive and long-term way of thinking.

When discussing the connotation of "qi" and "fate", we also need to note that these concepts do not exist in isolation, and they are closely related to the individual's psychological state, social environment, cultural background and other factors. In different historical periods and social backgrounds, the connotations and extensions of "qi" and "fate" may change. Therefore, when we understand and apply these concepts, we also need to have a historical perspective and cultural sensitivity to avoid simplistic and one-sided understanding.

Qian Mu: Why do Chinese pay attention to qi and fate?

In general, the connotations of "qi" and "fate" are rich and complex, and they are not only the products of ancient philosophy and culture, but also the profound thinking of human beings about the nature of life, the universe and existence. By delving deeper into these concepts, we can better understand ourselves and the world around us, and we can also draw wisdom and strength from them to face life with a more positive and open attitude.

As an important part of traditional Chinese culture, the concept of luck has a deep history and a long history. It is closely related to the way ancient people explored the world, and is an explanation and understanding of natural phenomena and social changes by ancestors. In the long course of history, the concept of luck has been gradually perfected, and it has a close connection with the shaping of heroic images and historical records.

In ancient times, people often felt confused and powerless in the face of the vicissitudes of nature and the rise and fall of personnel. To explain these phenomena, they coined the concept of luck. The concept of qi luck holds that everything in the universe is governed by an invisible force, "qi", which operates according to certain laws and affects the development and change of things. Through the observation of natural phenomena and social events, people gradually formed a set of theoretical systems about luck.

Qian Mu: Why do Chinese pay attention to qi and fate?

In the historical practice of the past dynasties, the concept of luck has been continuously improved and developed. During the Wei, Jin, Sui and Tang dynasties, Taoism incorporated qi into its religious system, believing that qi was the embodiment of the will of the gods and had the dual nature of philosophy and magic. In Chinese medicine, Qi became the basis of the theory of blood and qi, which was used to explain the overall functioning of the human body. In the Song Dynasty, the rise of the philosophy of rational qi pushed the concept of qi to a new level. Zhu Xi and other physicists combined qi and reason to form a set of philosophical systems about the universe and life, believing that qi is the foundation of all things, and reason is the law of qi's operation.

The concept of luck is also closely related to the shaping of the hero's image. In ancient times, heroes were often seen as people with extraordinary luck who were able to judge the situation and take advantage of opportunities to achieve great things. Historians often give them a mysterious aura of luck when recording the deeds of these heroes as a way to explain their extraordinary achievements. For example, Liu Bang's mother, who was resting by the river, dreamed of meeting with a god and was subsequently born, an account that undoubtedly gave Liu Bang an extraordinary kind of luck.

Qian Mu: Why do Chinese pay attention to qi and fate?

In addition, the concept of luck also plays an important role in the historical record. When historians record historical events, they often interpret them from the perspective of luck to explain the development and changes of history. They believe that the circulation and change of fortune is an important force that pushes history forward. In times of social upheaval and historical change, some reclusive wise men will predict and guide the direction of history by observing the changes in fortune.

In general, the concept of luck is a deep understanding of natural and social phenomena by ancient Chinese, which has been continuously improved and developed in the long river of history, and has a close connection with the shaping of heroic images and historical records. This concept not only reflects the spirit of exploration of the world by ancient people, but also reflects their deep insight into life and society. Although the concept of luck may no longer be universally accepted in modern society, the philosophical ideas and cultural values it contains are still worth exploring and pondering.

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