
The sixty-year-old uncle was begged for a son by a beautiful woman, and he transferred 7.8 million to the uncle, but who knew that it was tragic

author:Sponge chat
The sixty-year-old uncle was begged for a son by a beautiful woman, and he transferred 7.8 million to the uncle, but who knew that it was tragic
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
The sixty-year-old uncle was begged for a son by a beautiful woman, and he transferred 7.8 million to the uncle, but who knew that it was tragic

In 2014, the tranquility of Xinmi City, Henan Province, was shattered by a horrific fraud case. Lao Tang, a sixty-year-old retiree, met a mysterious woman who called herself a "rich woman" Ge Qing in the virtual world of the Internet.

She threw out a jaw-dropping offer: for a reward of 7.8 million yuan, she sought a man to help her conceive offspring. This astronomical figure completely blinded Old Don and made him fall into an elaborate scam without hesitation.

However, when the truth was revealed, Lao Tang not only did not get his wish, but lost his life savings and fell into trouble in his later life. This modern fable reveals the greed and fragility of human nature in the Internet age.

In this era of rapid technological development, even the old Tang who is over the age of sixteen cannot stay out of the matter. Life after retirement should be peaceful and peaceful, but the monotony of day after day makes him feel a little bored.

The sixty-year-old uncle was begged for a son by a beautiful woman, and he transferred 7.8 million to the uncle, but who knew that it was tragic

So, Don decided to take the first step to explore the digital world.

With apprehension and anticipation, Don bought the first smartphone in his life. At first, the tiny device seemed like a book of wonder to him, and unlocking the screen became a daunting task.

But Don didn't give up easily, he spent a lot of time fumbling for each function, just as curious as a child getting his hands on a new toy for the first time.

With the passage of time, Lao Tang gradually mastered the use of this "magic box". He began to experiment with various social apps, meet people, and share his life.

The sixty-year-old uncle was begged for a son by a beautiful woman, and he transferred 7.8 million to the uncle, but who knew that it was tragic

Every time he receives a like or comment, a happy smile blooms on his face, as if he has regained the vitality of his youth.

This virtual world opens a new door for Don. He began to speak freely in his circle of friends, sharing his views on current affairs and expressing his inner feelings. Although his typing speed is still slow, this does not prevent him from enjoying the fun of communicating with others.

Don felt that he had reintegrated into society and was no longer a forgotten member of the times.

However, what Old Don didn't know was that it was this passion and curiosity for new things that made him unknowingly exposed to the dangers of the online world. He immersed himself in the novelty of the virtual space, but ignored the risks lurking within.

The sixty-year-old uncle was begged for a son by a beautiful woman, and he transferred 7.8 million to the uncle, but who knew that it was tragic

Every like, every comment, made him feel that he was one step closer to this digital world.

Don's family was both relieved and a little worried to see him so obsessed with smartphones. They are happy that their father has found a new hobby, but they worry that he might lose himself in this complex online world.

However, their fears soon become a reality, as an elaborate scam is quietly approaching and pushing Don into a situation for which he is completely unprepared.

This journey of digital exploration not only changed the way of life of the old Tang, but also laid the groundwork for future tragedies. It reminds us that while embracing new technologies, we must also maintain the necessary vigilance, especially for the elderly, who need more attention and care from the society.

The sixty-year-old uncle was begged for a son by a beautiful woman, and he transferred 7.8 million to the uncle, but who knew that it was tragic

On social platforms, Lao Tang received a private message from an unknown user "Ge Qing". Ge Qing on the avatar has a good appearance, claiming to be a rich woman who has a lot of money but can't have children.

She made a shocking request: to find a man to help her conceive offspring, and promised to pay 7.8 million yuan in payment.

This astronomical figure made Old Tang's heart beat faster and his breathing became short. He clutched his phone, sweat oozing from his palms, and his heart was in a fierce struggle. Reason told him it sounded too bizarre, but the desire to change his life made him feel excited.

Old Tang's eyes flashed with excitement and hesitation, and in the end, greed triumphed over reason, and he decided to accept this opportunity to "make a windfall".

The sixty-year-old uncle was begged for a son by a beautiful woman, and he transferred 7.8 million to the uncle, but who knew that it was tragic

This is just the beginning of an elaborate scam. Ge Qing cleverly set a series of traps, pressing forward step by step. The first is a "meeting gift" of 50,000 yuan, which Ge Qing claims is to show sincerity.

Although Old Tang felt a little embarrassed, he gritted his teeth and agreed when he thought of the huge returns in the future.

Immediately afterwards, Ge Qing proposed to buy 20,000 yuan of accident insurance. She explained softly that this was for the safety of both parties. There was a trace of doubt in Old Tang's heart, but Ge Qing's gentle words quickly dispelled his concerns.

Subsequently, a variety of expenses followed: doctor's fees, notary fees, cohabitation fees, etc. Every expenditure has a plausible explanation that makes it difficult for Don to refuse.

The sixty-year-old uncle was begged for a son by a beautiful woman, and he transferred 7.8 million to the uncle, but who knew that it was tragic

His savings are being depleted at an alarming rate, but the anticipation of the upcoming $7.8 million is keeping him going.

In order to raise these expenses, Don began to borrow money from everywhere. He looked for relatives, found friends, and even considered mortgaging the property. Every time he spoke to his friends and family, he was filled with guilt and anxiety, but the hope for a better future made him unable to stop.

However, as more and more money was invested, Don's family began to notice the abnormality. They noticed that Don was often absent-minded and always hid in the corner and secretly looked at his phone.

Faced with the questioning of his children, Lao Tang made up various reasons to prevaricate the past. Every time he lied, he felt a burst of guilt, and fine beads of sweat oozed from his forehead, but the anticipation of the huge amount of money that was about to arrive made him continue to deceive those closest to him.

The sixty-year-old uncle was begged for a son by a beautiful woman, and he transferred 7.8 million to the uncle, but who knew that it was tragic

Just when Lao Tang thought that he was about to become famous, Ge Qing put forward a request to pay 80,000 yuan of personal income tax. At this time, Old Tang was exhausted, his savings were almost exhausted, and his borrowing was at its limit.

However, he still clung to the last glimmer of hope and decided to grit his teeth and hold on one more time. Old Tang's eyes were full of exhaustion and despair, but there was a hint of perseverance.

Whenever Old Tang had doubts, Ge Qing would comfort him with sweet words and let him see hope again. Her words were like a shot in the arm, constantly stimulating Old Tang's nerves.

Old Tang's eyes flashed with a vision for the future, as if he had seen the beautiful life brought by 7.8 million yuan.

The sixty-year-old uncle was begged for a son by a beautiful woman, and he transferred 7.8 million to the uncle, but who knew that it was tragic

However, all this is just a flower in the mirror, a moon in the water. What Old Tang didn't know was that he was moving towards a situation of no return, and the "Ge Qing" that haunted him was just a well-made virtual character.

This deception, like a delicate spider web, trapped Lao Tang firmly in it, unable to move.

Old Don's abnormal behavior finally aroused the strong suspicion of his children. They noticed that their father had been restless lately, often hiding in corners and sneaking around looking at his phone, and that the family's savings were disappearing at an inexplicable rate.

One day, Old Tang's eldest son couldn't hold back anymore and questioned his father directly. Facing his son's serious expression, Old Tang felt a sense of weakness, his eyes flickered, and he was at a loss.

The sixty-year-old uncle was begged for a son by a beautiful woman, and he transferred 7.8 million to the uncle, but who knew that it was tragic

He tried to prevaricate in the past, but under the repeated questioning of his family, he finally broke down and told the truth.

At the insistence of his family, Old Tang finally agreed to go to the police station to report the case. At the police station, he recounted the whole incident to the police in detail. With every word, he felt a pang of heartache and remorse for his credulity.

The police patiently recorded Don's statements, asking some detailed questions from time to time.

Police quickly launched an investigation and quickly zeroed in on the suspect by tracing the flow of funds and communication records. They found that the account where Tang sent money did not belong to anyone named "Ge Qing", but to a man named Cao Caibo.

The sixty-year-old uncle was begged for a son by a beautiful woman, and he transferred 7.8 million to the uncle, but who knew that it was tragic

This astonishing discovery took everyone by surprise. Old Tang's eyes widened, and he looked at the officer in disbelief, his lips trembling and he couldn't speak.

The police continued to investigate in-depth and soon arrested Cao Caibo. In the interrogation room, the young man bowed his head and confessed to his crime. It turned out that he was an unemployed vagrant, and after seeing a similar fraud case in the news, he came up with the idea of imitation.

As the investigation progresses, the full picture of Don's scam finally emerges. The "big money for a child" plan that he poured all his heart and soul into was nothing more than a carefully woven scam.

Old Tang sat on a bench in the police station, covering his face with his hands, and his shoulders trembled uncontrollably. Not only did he lose his life savings, but he also lost his trust in humanity.

The sixty-year-old uncle was begged for a son by a beautiful woman, and he transferred 7.8 million to the uncle, but who knew that it was tragic

This case not only brought great harm to Lao Tang and his family, but also sounded the alarm for the whole society. It reminds us that in this age of information explosion, vigilance and rationality are more important than anything else.

The police soon arrested Cao Caibo. Under the incandescent lights of the interrogation room, the unassuming-looking young man confessed to his crime. Cao Caibo, an ordinary vagrant, orchestrated this elaborate scam.

In a deep voice, he recounted how he came up with the idea of imitating a similar fraud after he happened to see a similar fraud case on the news. Cao Caibo described in detail his modus operandi: buying second-hand mobile phones to avoid being tracked, using photos of beautiful women downloaded from the Internet as bait, and elaborately fabricating seductive stories of "seeking children with a lot of money".

In the process of telling, Cao Caibo's tone even carried a hint of pride, as if he was showing off his "ingenuity". He explained how to take advantage of the elderly's thirst for wealth and unfamiliarity with the online world to drag Don into a scam step by step.

The sixty-year-old uncle was begged for a son by a beautiful woman, and he transferred 7.8 million to the uncle, but who knew that it was tragic

However, when the police asked him why he did this, Cao's expression suddenly darkened. He whispered, "I don't have a job and life is difficult.

I thought it was just a small scam, but I didn't expect it to cause so much damage. This sentence neither exonerates him nor compensates for the loss of the victim.

Through this interrogation, the full picture of Lao Tang's scam finally surfaced. The "Ge Qing" that made Old Tang think about it day and night was just a virtual character carefully made up by Cao Caibo.

And the savings that Don has painstakingly accumulated have also become stolen money in the hands of scammers.

The sixty-year-old uncle was begged for a son by a beautiful woman, and he transferred 7.8 million to the uncle, but who knew that it was tragic

This case not only reveals the sophistication of online fraud, but also reflects the complexity of social issues. It reminds us that while fighting crime, we should also pay attention to those marginalized groups who may embark on the path of crime, so as to prevent such cases from happening in the first place.

What happened to Don is undoubtedly a painful lesson, not only for himself, but also for all netizens. This case clearly illustrates the need to be vigilant and more aware of cyber traps in the digital age.

Especially for the elderly, it is particularly important to strengthen cybersecurity education. We need to remember that pie in the sky is not going to fall from the sky, and that being sensible and prudent in the face of tempting online offers is the best weapon for self-protection.

This story reminds us that while enjoying the convenience of the internet, we should also be wary of the potential risks. Only in this way can we embrace the opportunities brought by new technologies in this era of information explosion, and at the same time avoid falling into similar traps and safely swim in the virtual world.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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