
Kou Shixun: A wife and a concubine live upstairs and downstairs, and they have lived together for many years, but in their later years, they frankly regretted it

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Kou Shixun: A wife and a concubine live upstairs and downstairs, and they have lived together for many years, but in their later years, they frankly regretted it
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Kou Shixun: A wife and a concubine live upstairs and downstairs, and they have lived together for many years, but in their later years, they frankly regretted it

In Taiwan's entertainment industry, 66-year-old Kou Shixun has attracted widespread attention because of his unique family structure. , a "master professional" who used to be infinitely beautiful, used his life to perform a realistic version of the "three wives and four concubines" drama.

For 27 years, he lived in harmony with his wife and concubine under the same roof, staging a seemingly harmonious legend.

However, when the reporter interviewed the former "Prince Charming", Kou Shixun made a surprising statement.

These words instantly reveal the truth behind the superficial harmony. Kou Shixun's story makes one wonder: can this unconventional family structure really bring happiness in modern society? His experience seems to convey a profound lesson to the world, triggering a rethinking of the nature of marriage and family happiness.

Kou Shixun: A wife and a concubine live upstairs and downstairs, and they have lived together for many years, but in their later years, they frankly regretted it

Kou Shixun's life is like an inspirational movie, from a poor boy to a screen star, his struggle is full of dramatic turns.

Born in Taiwan in the 50s of the 20th century, Kou Shixun's childhood was not wealthy. His mother came from a famous family, but she was willing to marry because of love and spent poor years with her husband.

However, as fate would have it, Kou Shixun's father died early due to hepatitis, leaving his mother alone to raise four children. In order to support the family, the mother had to get up early and work at night, and the children often did not see the mother.

Whenever he recalls this past, Kou Shixun's eyes always shine with a complicated light, both admiration for his mother and emotion for the past.

Kou Shixun: A wife and a concubine live upstairs and downstairs, and they have lived together for many years, but in their later years, they frankly regretted it

The twist of fate came when Kou Shixun was young. With his handsome appearance and sturdy figure, he was favored by a discerning director, and thus stepped into the door of the entertainment industry.

However, the real opportunity comes from the work "Pure Love". At that time, the crew was looking for a male lead who was willing to play a role that was badly burned. Many well-known actors refused for fear of affecting their image, but Kou Shixun mustered up the courage to accept the challenge with the encouragement of his fiancée Cui Yaoqi.

This decision became a turning point in Kou Shixun's career. "Pure Love" caused a sensation as soon as it was broadcast, and the ratings continued to climb. Kou Shixun's superb acting skills won the applause of the audience, and overnight, he became a hot new star.

Subsequently, he starred in popular dramas such as "Qiushui Yiren" and "Priceless Love" one after another, completely establishing his status in the Taiwanese entertainment industry and becoming the "Prince Charming" in the hearts of countless girls.

Kou Shixun: A wife and a concubine live upstairs and downstairs, and they have lived together for many years, but in their later years, they frankly regretted it

Looking back on this struggle from a poor teenager to a screen star, Kou Shixun's eyes flashed with pride. However, he soon sighed again, as if to foreshadow the coming turning point in his life.

Despite his great career success, his love life is about to reach a complicated turning point that will completely change the trajectory of his life.

Kou Shixun's love life can be called a legend of ups and downs, from the innocent love of childhood sweethearts to the complex triangular relationship later, showing the multifaceted nature of human nature and the complexity of feelings.

The beginning of the story goes back to Kou Shixun's childhood. Cui Yaoqi is his childhood sweetheart, a cute girl with bright eyes and bright teeth and two braids. In Kou Shixun's most difficult days, Cui Yaoqi was like a ray of sunshine, giving him warmth and strength.

Kou Shixun: A wife and a concubine live upstairs and downstairs, and they have lived together for many years, but in their later years, they frankly regretted it

The two were childhood sweethearts, and their relationship became deeper and deeper, but in that era, there was more of a brother and sister relationship between them. It wasn't until they became adults that the two realized that they had a deep love for each other.

In 1982, when his career was booming, Kou Shixun fulfilled his promise and married Cui Yaoqi. After marriage, Cui Yaoqi wholeheartedly supported her husband's career, and even quit her job to concentrate on taking care of the family.

She gave birth to a son and a daughter for Kou Shixun, and became a model of a good wife and mother. The marriage seemed perfect, but it was a huge challenge a few years later.

In 1996, fate played a joke on Kou Shixun. He met the beautiful and moving Xu Lidan, a woman who had won the title of Miss Bodybuilding. Xu Lidan has a fresh and refined appearance and a graceful figure, which is undoubtedly a huge temptation for Kou Shixun, who is at the peak of his career.

Kou Shixun: A wife and a concubine live upstairs and downstairs, and they have lived together for many years, but in their later years, they frankly regretted it

Although he knew that he already had a family, Kou Shixun still couldn't extricate himself from this relationship.

When Kou Shixun took Xu Lidan home and was about to confess to Cui Yaoqi, the air seemed to freeze. Cui Yaoqi quietly looked at her husband and the strange woman, her heart like a knife.

She had thought that her years of dedication and patience would be exchanged for her husband's loyalty, but she did not want to exchange it for such a result.

Faced with the choice proposed by Kou Shixun: accept Xu Lidan or divorce, Cui Yaoqi fell into a deep struggle. She thought about her children, thought of her years of dedication, and finally made a decision that surprised everyone.

Kou Shixun: A wife and a concubine live upstairs and downstairs, and they have lived together for many years, but in their later years, they frankly regretted it

She agreed to accept Xu Lidan, but asked to take charge of the family's finances.

And just like that, an unusual family was born. Cui Yaoqi lives on the third floor, Xu Lidan lives on the second floor, and Kou Shixun moves between the two families. In order to maintain fairness, Kou Shixun also had a son and a daughter with Xu Lidan, and the family soon became a family of seven.

This decision made the fate of the three people tightly entangled from then on. On the surface, this particular family structure seems to have found a balance, but in fact, it lays the groundwork for all kinds of conflicts in the future.

Kou had to carefully balance the two families and try to be fair and just. However, this balance is so fragile that it can be upset at any moment.

Kou Shixun: A wife and a concubine live upstairs and downstairs, and they have lived together for many years, but in their later years, they frankly regretted it

Kou Shixun's family has become a delicate balance, seemingly harmonious on the surface, but in fact there is an undercurrent. This particular family structure inevitably brings with it many contradictions and conflicts.

Family gatherings often become the fuse, with several people sitting around a table, and the atmosphere is always tense. Kou Shixun's son Kou Jiarui once said frankly: "Since my aunt moved in, there has been no peace in the family.

Every holiday, my mother is very emotional, I am afraid of the New Year, and the family always quarrels. This sentence expresses the hearts of the children in this special family, and also reveals the undercurrent under the surface harmony.

At first, Kou Shixun spent most of his time with Xu Lidan, and rarely "bothered" Cui Yaoqi. Although Cui Yaoqi was full of dissatisfaction and resentment in her heart, she didn't dare to speak out, so she could only bury her grievances deep in her heart.

Kou Shixun: A wife and a concubine live upstairs and downstairs, and they have lived together for many years, but in their later years, they frankly regretted it

The mother, who washes her face with tears every day, finally arouses the anger of her son Kou Jiarui. One day, he couldn't bear it anymore and ran downstairs to have a big fight with his father.

This conflict deeply touched Kou Shixun. He began to reflect on his actions and realized that he should care more about Cui Yaoqi's feelings. So, he plucked up his courage and walked into Cui Yaoqi's room.

Looking at this wife who accompanied him through the difficult years, Kou Shixun was full of guilt.

In order to alleviate family conflicts, Kou Shixun came up with a "rotating duty system" and took turns with his two wives. The establishment of this system is an attempt by Kou Shixun to balance family relationships.

Kou Shixun: A wife and a concubine live upstairs and downstairs, and they have lived together for many years, but in their later years, they frankly regretted it

Under his mediation, the relationship between Cui Yaoqi and Xu Lidan gradually eased, and even became friends.

Over time, this particular family seems to have found a way to live in harmony. They started shopping, grocery shopping, and spending the holidays together. Every Spring Festival, the family will also go together to pay New Year's greetings to relatives and friends.

On the surface, the family has become a model of harmony.

However, the price of maintaining this apparent harmony fell on Kou Shixun alone. He had to carefully balance between the two families and try to be fair and just.

Kou Shixun: A wife and a concubine live upstairs and downstairs, and they have lived together for many years, but in their later years, they frankly regretted it

This balance is so fragile that the slightest carelessness can upset.

Although the conflict has been alleviated and family life has become calmer, the pressure and hardships hidden behind this balance can only be truly appreciated by Kou Shixun himself. This special family life also laid the groundwork for his future insights and reflections.

Kou Shixun's family life seems to be harmonious and perfect on the surface, but behind it lies a huge pressure and cost. As the sole breadwinner of his family, he carries an unimaginable burden.

Even in his retirement year, Ko had to work year-round to support his family of seven. He used to be passionate about acting, but now he feels deeply tired.

Kou Shixun: A wife and a concubine live upstairs and downstairs, and they have lived together for many years, but in their later years, they frankly regretted it

Kou Shixun admitted: "I did love acting very much when I was young, but after decades in this industry, the high-intensity work pressure has worn out my enthusiasm.

In recent years, I've completely lost my passion for acting while making films, just barely trying to make ends meet.

This kind of high-intensity work eventually affected Kou Shixun's health. In 2010, he was hospitalized due to overwork. His two wives and children took turns taking care of him and giving him meticulous care.

This experience made Kou Shixun reflect on his own lifestyle, and it also made him realize that he was aging faster than his peers.

Kou Shixun: A wife and a concubine live upstairs and downstairs, and they have lived together for many years, but in their later years, they frankly regretted it

Not only Kou Shixun himself, but his choices also caused problems for the children. Complex family relationships cast a shadow over children's development. Kou Jiarui once said that the tense atmosphere at home made his childhood unhappy, and he was always full of fear during holidays.

Despite this, Ko Se-hoon struggles to keep this special family running. He carefully balances the relationship between the two families and strives to be fair and just.

However, this balance is so fragile that the slightest carelessness can be upset.

Kou Shixun's experience tells us that behind the seemingly perfect appearance, there is often a heavy price. This includes not only physical and mental stress, but also the impact on the family, especially the children.

Kou Shixun: A wife and a concubine live upstairs and downstairs, and they have lived together for many years, but in their later years, they frankly regretted it

His story provokes deep reflection on the nature of marriage and family happiness.

Now, 66-year-old Kou Shixun has basically retired from the entertainment industry and began to enjoy his old age. However, when he looks back, he utters thought-provoking words: "This kind of life is too tiring for me.

If I could do it all over again, I would never choose to marry two wives.

Kou Shixun's story has become a microcosm of an era to some extent. In a modern society that promotes monogamy, his experience has made people rethink what marriage means.

Kou Shixun: A wife and a concubine live upstairs and downstairs, and they have lived together for many years, but in their later years, they frankly regretted it

Polygamy brings not only complex interpersonal relationships, but also huge mental pressure and financial burden.

His experience teaches us that true family happiness is not about having much, but about understanding, respect, and trusting each other. A healthy marriage relationship should be based on equality and loyalty.

Ko's story may surprise people, but it's more important to learn from it. It reminds us to cherish our families and uphold the sanctity of marriage.

While pursuing personal happiness, it is also important to take into account the feelings of the family, especially the children. This story eventually became a profound reflection on traditional values and the modern institution of marriage.

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