
no bamboo is not south of the Yangtze River

author:First Humanities
Copywriting丨Tie the alley

"The drizzle is invisible, and the idle flowers are silent." But if you are in the early summer in the south of the Yangtze River, the drizzle will turn into a sparse bamboo shadow, like jade, swaying in your heart.

At this moment, you may ask, when is the most attractive time for bamboo?

no bamboo is not south of the Yangtze River
no bamboo is not south of the Yangtze River

I will answer:

Literati and writers always love to find inspiration in this verdant landscape, and the pen walks the dragon and snake, and the ink is stained with clouds and smoke.

"Chinese bamboo culture has a long history, poetry, calligraphy and painting, and the scrolls are fragrant." Bamboo has long become a part of Jiangnan culture, and with it, the charm of Jiangnan is more mellow.

So why is bamboo so fascinating? Listen to me.

no bamboo is not south of the Yangtze River
no bamboo is not south of the Yangtze River

01 The indissoluble bond between bamboo and Jiangnan people

Jiangnan people's love for bamboo is famous.

The bamboo rhyme here has both the warmth of life and the elegance of art.

Bamboo has become an indispensable part of Jiangnan poetry and painting.

Do you remember the famous film "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"?

The bamboo forest fight inside seems to be a living Chinese ink painting.

no bamboo is not south of the Yangtze River
no bamboo is not south of the Yangtze River

That intoxicating bamboo forest was filmed in the beautiful Anji, Huzhou.

Anji, a place named after bamboo, where the vast sea of bamboo, like green waves, rolls between the mountains.

"On the shore of Taihu Lake, the bamboo shadow is swaying." Anji's bamboo has long been integrated into the lives of the locals.

From food, clothing, housing and transportation to poetry and songs, all reveal a deep attachment to bamboo.

Grandmaster Wu Changshuo's ink bamboo, green bamboo, and purple bamboo are all vivid, as if you can hear their whispers in the wind.

no bamboo is not south of the Yangtze River
no bamboo is not south of the Yangtze River

02 The imprint of bamboo in Jiangnan life

Bamboo in Jiangnan is not only a plant, but also a symbol of culture.

It penetrates the limitations of time and space and is deeply imprinted on this land.

Long before the invention of paper, our ancestors began to use bamboo slips to record words and pass on wisdom. The precious documents that laid the foundation of Han culture were handed down through bamboo slips.

Bamboo has witnessed the rise and fall of Chinese civilization.

Not only that, but bamboo also plays an important role in the lives of Jiangnan people.

From bamboo weaving technology to bamboo furniture, from bamboo fans to bamboo bags, all reflect the exquisite craftsmanship and deep feelings of Jiangnan people for bamboo.

no bamboo is not south of the Yangtze River
no bamboo is not south of the Yangtze River

03 The character of bamboo and the spirit of Jiangnan people

Bamboo is not only a plant, but also a symbol of spirit.

It is tenacious, breaking the ground, and rising higher and higher, symbolizing the spirit of Jiangnan people's continuous pursuit of progress.

There is a cloud in the "Book of Songs": "The green bamboo is rampant, and there are Fei gentlemen." "Bamboo has been a symbol of gentleman's virtue since ancient times.

Zhao Mengfu, Zheng Banqiao and other literati and writers all took bamboo as their friends, expressed their feelings about life, and expressed their attitude towards life and the pursuit of ideals.

People in Jiangnan can always find spiritual sustenance on bamboo.

They spur themselves on with the spirit of bamboo, and constantly pursue a higher realm.

no bamboo is not south of the Yangtze River
no bamboo is not south of the Yangtze River

04 Epilogue

Someone once said that bamboo is like a law, it takes root silently in the first four years, and only grows a short 3 centimeters.

But from the fifth year onwards, it grows at an astonishing rate, taking only six weeks to grow into a towering bamboo.

This is just like the spirit of Jiangnan people, long-term accumulation and precipitation only for one day to break the ground and pierce the sky.

"The spring tide brings rain and comes in a hurry, and the wild ferry is unmanned and self-controlled." In this green, fat, red and thin early summer season, we sighed again: "No bamboo rhyme, no Jiangnan." "The people of Jiangnan are accompanied by bamboo, and they encourage themselves with the spirit of bamboo, and outline the most beautiful scenery in the picture scroll of life.