
He participated in the war twice, refused his girlfriend's request to consummate the marriage before the war, and died with 4 enemies on Xiaojianshan

author:Maleonn talks about history

Lin Zuwu, a name that demonstrated extraordinary courage and leadership early in his military career. In 1979, he fought back in self-defense against Vietnam, a key turning point in his military career. In this war, Lin Zuwu not only proved his courage and combat skills, but also was awarded a third-class meritorious service for his heroic performance. This honor is not only a recognition of his personal heroism, but also an affirmation of his sense of responsibility and dedication as a soldier.

He participated in the war twice, refused his girlfriend's request to consummate the marriage before the war, and died with 4 enemies on Xiaojianshan

After the war, Lin Zuwu was sent to study at the Nanjing Infantry School because of his outstanding performance and potential. This school was the cradle of training elite officers of the Chinese Army, where Lin Zuwu received systematic military education and training, and learned about tactics, strategy, command art and other aspects. His military theory and actual combat ability have been greatly improved, laying a solid foundation for his future military career.

He participated in the war twice, refused his girlfriend's request to consummate the marriage before the war, and died with 4 enemies on Xiaojianshan

After completing his studies, Lin Zuwu was assigned to the "Hard-Headed Sixth Company" of the 1st Army as an artillery platoon leader. This company is known for its tenacious fighting spirit and brilliant achievements in history. Here, Lin Zuwu not only needs to use the knowledge he has learned in the military academy, but also constantly sharpens his command ability and combat skills in actual combat. As the platoon commander of the artillery platoon, he is not only responsible for the tactical use of artillery, but more importantly, for cultivating the soldiers' will to fight and their ability to work in a team.

In the "Hard-Headed Sixth Company", Lin Zuwu won everyone's respect and love with his rigorous work attitude and care for the soldiers. He knew very well that as an officer, in addition to having excellent tactical command ability, he should also care about the life and growth of soldiers. He often communicates with the soldiers, understands their ideas and needs, and helps them solve practical problems, thereby enhancing the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the company.

He participated in the war twice, refused his girlfriend's request to consummate the marriage before the war, and died with 4 enemies on Xiaojianshan

During Lin Zuwu's tenure in the "Tough Sixth Company", the company participated in many important military operations and exercises. In these operations, Lin Zuwu always took the lead, led the artillery platoon to accurately execute orders in the complex and changeable battlefield environment, and made important contributions to the company's victory in battle. His military prowess and leadership were highly regarded by his superiors and colleagues.

He participated in the war twice, refused his girlfriend's request to consummate the marriage before the war, and died with 4 enemies on Xiaojianshan

However, Lin Zuwu's military career was not all smooth sailing. In the border operations, he faced unprecedented challenges and dangers. On March 8, 1985, during a border operation, Lin Zuwu served as a commando leader. During the fierce fighting, he was hit by shrapnel in the chest and in his right leg, and was seriously wounded. In the face of pain and the threat of death, Lin Zuwu showed amazing courage and determination. Even when he couldn't stand, he insisted on crawling while directing the battle until the last moment.

He participated in the war twice, refused his girlfriend's request to consummate the marriage before the war, and died with 4 enemies on Xiaojianshan

Lin Zuwu's heroic deeds and indomitable spirit have become a spiritual symbol of the "Hard-Headed Sixth Company" and even the entire First Army of the Army. His military career, though short, was full of glory and glory. His story has inspired generations of military personnel and has become an indelible part of China's military history.

On March 8, 1985, a day that will be remembered by history, in the battle of Xiaojianshan, Lin Zuwu served as the first commando leader. On this day, his name and heroic deeds are forever engraved in the annals of the military history of the Republic. Xiaojianshan, the front line of this old mountain on the border of Yunnan, has a dangerous terrain and is the focus of contention between the enemy and us. Lin Zuwu and his comrades-in-arms launched a thrilling life-and-death struggle here.

He participated in the war twice, refused his girlfriend's request to consummate the marriage before the war, and died with 4 enemies on Xiaojianshan

Before the battle began, Lin Zuwu was fully prepared. He knew that it would be an arduous battle, but he also knew that as a soldier, it was his sacred mission to defend every inch of his homeland. At the mobilization meeting before the war, Lin Zuwu firmly said: "Sixteen of us should be like sixteen sharp knives straight into the enemy; Sixteen of us have to use the trained steel and iron bones to smash the small Jianshan; Sixteen of us must use our own flesh and blood to open the road to victory leading to Xiaojianshan. His words were sonorous and powerful, full of faith and determination to win.

He participated in the war twice, refused his girlfriend's request to consummate the marriage before the war, and died with 4 enemies on Xiaojianshan

After the battle began, Lin Zuwu led his assault team and rushed to the enemy's position like a tiger descending from the mountain. They braved the enemy's dense artillery fire and a rain of bullets, and marched forward bravely and unstoppably. In the fierce firefight, Lin Zuwu took the lead and charged ahead, and his heroic behavior greatly boosted the morale of the soldiers. However, the situation on the battlefield changed rapidly, and Lin Zuwu was wounded several times in battle, especially after he was hit by shrapnel in the chest and right leg, and his life was already in danger.

In the face of the test of life and death, Lin Zuwu showed the firm will and indomitable spirit of a soldier. He refused the dissuasion of his comrades-in-arms and resolutely did not leave the battlefield, saying: "Leave me alone, rush up." Even though he was seriously wounded, he remained in his command position, directing the battle with the last of his strength. In the enemy's counterattack, Lin Zuwu and his comrades-in-arms bravely resisted and repelled the enemy's attacks again and again. However, the enemy's offensive became more and more fierce, and the comrades-in-arms around Lin Zuwu fell one after another, and the situation on the position became more and more critical.

At the last moment, Lin Zuwu made an earth-shattering decision. Faced with the encirclement of the enemy, he would rather die than be taken prisoner, and resolutely pulled the grenade on his body and died with the enemy. This magnificent move shook the entire battlefield and the hearts of every Chinese. Lin Zuwu used his life to interpret a soldier's loyalty to the motherland and love for the people, and he defended the dignity and territorial integrity of the motherland with his blood and life.

Lin Zuwu's heroic sacrifice soon spread throughout the country, and his deeds touched hundreds of millions of people. On June 10, 1985, the Kunming Military Region awarded him the honorary title of "Combat Hero", which is the highest praise for his heroic deeds and the best interpretation of his spirit of sacrifice. Lin Zuwu's name and his heroic deeds have become a spiritual force that has inspired generations of soldiers. His story tells us that no matter how the times change, the loyalty and bravery of soldiers will never go out of style, and they use their lives and blood to protect the peace of the motherland and the happiness of the people.

Lin Zuwu's sacrifice is not only a personal tragedy, but also a loss for the entire country. His life was short, but his spirit was eternal. With his actions, he proclaimed to the world a truth: The Chinese people are invincible in the struggle to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity. Lin Zuwu's heroic deeds will forever inspire each and every one of us to bravely face all difficulties and challenges, defy hardships and dangers, and forge ahead bravely for the prosperity and strength of the motherland and the happiness and tranquility of the people.