
The man took the whole family on a three-day trip, and after three hours, he broke up unhappily, and the live-action version of the reality "Flower Less Er"

author:Maleonn talks about history

Xiao Zhang's trip to Xiamen was carefully planned and anticipated after months of careful planning. He hopes that through this trip, the whole family can enjoy an unforgettable time and strengthen the bond between each other. However, the reality is often not as good as it should be, and the beginning of the trip is full of twists and turns.

Before leaving, Xiao Zhang had already planned his itinerary in detail, from accommodation to scenic spots, to daily dining arrangements, all of which reflected his intentions. He chose a hotel close to the sea, hoping that his family would be able to see the beautiful sea view as soon as they woke up. He also made reservations at several local restaurants with excellent reputations, hoping that his family would be able to taste authentic Xiamen food. In addition, he has carefully selected several famous attractions in Xiamen, such as Gulangyu Island, Nanputuo Temple, and Huandao Road, in the hope that his family will be able to leave good memories in these places.

The man took the whole family on a three-day trip, and after three hours, he broke up unhappily, and the live-action version of the reality "Flower Less Er"

However, when the trip really began, everything didn't go according to Xiao Zhang's plan. First of all, conflicts between family members begin to appear. Xiao Zhang's father has a different opinion on the travel arrangement, and he believes that more consideration should be given to the physical strength and interests of the elderly, rather than blindly pursuing activities that young people enjoy. Xiaozhang's mother, on the other hand, was unhappy with the food and beverage arrangements during the trip, and she felt that she should try more local snacks instead of just going to high-end restaurants. Xiao Zhang's younger brother is bored with the travel itinerary and wants to have more free time to do something that interests him.

Xiao Zhang's travel plans encountered their first major disagreement over dinner choices. The younger brother, Xiao Ming, is a typical teenager with a keen interest in fast food culture, and he longs to be able to eat KFC burgers and fried chicken on his travels. However, grandparents insisted on tasting the local traditional food, believing that trying local pasta during their trip was a cultural experience and healthier.

The man took the whole family on a three-day trip, and after three hours, he broke up unhappily, and the live-action version of the reality "Flower Less Er"

For dinner, Xiao Zhang tries to find a compromise by proposing to go to a restaurant that offers local pasta as well as fast food options. But this proposal was not satisfactory to everyone, the younger brother Xiao Ming felt that such a restaurant was not authentic enough, and the grandparents were worried that fast food would affect their health. Eventually, dinner ended in an awkward and unpleasant atmosphere, and Xiao Zhang felt the pressure like never before.

The next day, Xiao Zhang's grandfather expressed his dissatisfaction with the price of food. In a seemingly ordinary small restaurant, an ordinary bowl of noodles turned out to be expensive, which made the grandfather, who had always been thrifty, feel unacceptable. He began to complain about Xiao Zhang's arrangement, believing that he had not taken into account the economy of the trip. Xiao Zhang tries to explain that this is to experience the local characteristics, but Grandpa's dissatisfaction is not alleviated by this.

The man took the whole family on a three-day trip, and after three hours, he broke up unhappily, and the live-action version of the reality "Flower Less Er"

At the same time, his younger brother Xiao Ming's performance during the trip also gave Xiao Zhang a headache. Xiao Ming doesn't seem to be interested in traveling, he always finds excuses to stay in the hotel and is reluctant to participate in any outdoor activities. Even when forced out by his family, Xiao Ming always seems listless and has no interest in the attractions and activities around him. To make matters worse, Xiao Ming also has the problem of motion sickness, which makes him feel extremely uncomfortable every time he travels by car, which undoubtedly increases the difficulty of traveling.

Xiao Zhang begins to realize that the conflicts and unhappiness between family members are gradually eroding the fun of this trip. He tries to communicate with everyone in the hope of finding a solution to the problem. He explained the budget and plan of the trip to his grandfather, trying to make him understand some of the necessary expenses of the trip. For his younger brother Xiao Ming, Xiao Zhang tried to find some activities that he was interested in, hoping to stimulate his enthusiasm for participation.

The man took the whole family on a three-day trip, and after three hours, he broke up unhappily, and the live-action version of the reality "Flower Less Er"

However, communication did not bring the desired effect. Grandpa didn't buy Xiao Zhang's explanation, he thought that Xiao Zhang did not fully take into account the family's financial situation. And Xiao Ming didn't appreciate Xiao Zhang's efforts, he felt that Xiao Zhang didn't understand his needs and feelings at all. Xiao Zhang was very frustrated, and he began to wonder if he was really capable of solving these problems.

As the trip continues, so does the tension and unhappiness between family members. Every time you eat, everyone argues over the choice of food; Every time he travels, Xiao Ming's motion sickness problem makes the whole family feel anxious and helpless. Xiao Zhang feels that he is in a dilemma, and he does not know how to balance everyone's needs and expectations.

The man took the whole family on a three-day trip, and after three hours, he broke up unhappily, and the live-action version of the reality "Flower Less Er"

Xiao Zhang begins to reflect on his role and responsibilities. As the planner and organizer of the trip, he realized he needed to take on more responsibility and find a way to meet everyone's needs. He began to revisit his travel plans, trying to find something more flexible and inclusive.

He considered adjusting his itinerary and arranging activities for his younger brother Xiao Ming that he was interested in, such as visiting science museums or amusement parks, hoping to attract his attention and make him more active in traveling. At the same time, Xiao Zhang also tried to communicate more deeply with his grandparents to understand their real expectations of food and travel, hoping to find some restaurants that better suit their tastes.

The man took the whole family on a three-day trip, and after three hours, he broke up unhappily, and the live-action version of the reality "Flower Less Er"

Xiao Zhang's efforts did not bear fruit immediately, and conflicts and unhappiness among family members remained. However, he did not give up, and he believed that with enough patience and hard work, a solution to the problem could always be found. He hopes that through this trip, the relationship between his family will be improved and everyone can enjoy the pleasure of traveling.

Over time, Xiao Zhang gradually learned how to mediate and balance between family members. He began to pay more attention to everyone's feelings and needs, rather than blindly pursuing his own plans and ideas. He realized that the true meaning of travel is not where to go or what to eat, but about the mutual understanding and support between family members.

The man took the whole family on a three-day trip, and after three hours, he broke up unhappily, and the live-action version of the reality "Flower Less Er"

Although the trip is still full of challenges and difficulties, Xiao Zhang and his family are trying to find a solution to the problem. They began to try to communicate and understand more, hoping to make the trip more harmonious and enjoyable. Xiao Zhang believes that as long as they can unite as one, there is no problem that cannot be solved.

When planning this trip to Xiamen, Xiao Zhang took into account the different needs and expectations of family members. He knew that his grandparents had always been frugal and might have concerns about expensive trips. In order to avoid unnecessary family conflicts before the start of the trip, Xiao Zhang decided to hide the true price of the hotel. He told his family that the cost of the hotel was paid for by him through some special promotions, which was much lower than the market rate.

The man took the whole family on a three-day trip, and after three hours, he broke up unhappily, and the live-action version of the reality "Flower Less Er"

However, things didn't go as Xiao Zhang expected. On the second day of the trip, my grandmother stumbled upon a hotel bill while sorting her luggage. When she saw the price on the bill, she was very angry. She believes that Xiaozhang is not honest with his family, and such an expense is an unnecessary luxury for the family.

Grandma immediately gathered the whole family and expressed her anger and disappointment. She believes that Xiaozhang's behavior is irresponsible for the family's economy and disrespectful to family members. She asked the family to end the trip immediately and return home to avoid more waste.

The man took the whole family on a three-day trip, and after three hours, he broke up unhappily, and the live-action version of the reality "Flower Less Er"

Xiao Zhang was very shocked and helpless. He originally thought that concealing the price was a way to protect his family's feelings, but he didn't expect it to lead to a bigger conflict. He tries to explain his motives to his grandmother, hoping to get her understanding and forgiveness. But Grandma's anger did not subside because of this, and she insisted that it was a failed trip that had to end immediately.

Xiao Zhang's father and mother were also surprised by his grandmother's discovery. They began to question Xiao Zhang's decision-making, believing that he should have been more honest and transparent. They felt that although Xiao Zhang's behavior was well-intentioned, it did not take into account the feelings and expectations of family members.

The man took the whole family on a three-day trip, and after three hours, he broke up unhappily, and the live-action version of the reality "Flower Less Er"

Faced with his family's doubts and accusations, Xiao Zhang felt very frustrated. He began to reflect on his own behavior and realized that he was planning his trip with too much focus on his personal wishes and ignoring his family's opinions and feelings. He felt very guilty and didn't know how to undo the failure of the trip.

At Grandma's insistence, the family began to pack their bags and prepare to end the trip early. Xiao Zhang felt very lost, he originally hoped to strengthen the relationship between his family through this trip, but he did not expect that the result would be like this. He began to think about how to express his apologies to his family, hoping to get their understanding and support.

The man took the whole family on a three-day trip, and after three hours, he broke up unhappily, and the live-action version of the reality "Flower Less Er"

Xiao Zhang's father, after seeing Xiao Zhang's frustration and helplessness, began to try to ease the atmosphere of the family. He told his grandmother that although Xiao Zhang's behavior was debatable, his original intention was good, so that everyone could enjoy a pleasant trip. He suggested that his grandmother give Xiaozhang a chance to correct his mistakes and make up for his mistakes.

Xiao Zhang's mother also joined the persuasion. She believes that while it is true that the price of the hotel is higher, the trip has already started and it is not a wise choice to end the trip now. She advised her family to continue traveling, but asked Xiaozhang to take her family's opinions and feelings more into account in her future plans.

Under the persuasion of her parents, her grandmother's attitude began to soften. She realizes that although Xiao Zhang's actions make her angry, his original intention is for the sake of his family. She decides to give Xiao Zhang a chance, but asks him to be more transparent and honest in his future travel plans.

The man took the whole family on a three-day trip, and after three hours, he broke up unhappily, and the live-action version of the reality "Flower Less Er"

Xiao Zhang felt very grateful, he expressed his apologies to his grandmother, and promised to take his family's opinions and feelings more into account in his future travel plans. He began to revisit his travel plans to find a more affordable way to meet his family's needs.

In the aftermath of this conflict, both Xiao Zhang and his family realized the importance of communication and understanding. They began to experiment with more communication and negotiation in the hope of finding a more harmonious way of traveling. Although the start of the trip did not go well, they believed that as long as the family could understand and support each other, they would be able to overcome the difficulties and enjoy a pleasant trip.

The man took the whole family on a three-day trip, and after three hours, he broke up unhappily, and the live-action version of the reality "Flower Less Er"

Xiao Zhang's trip to Xiamen was originally a family reunion trip full of expectations. However, due to the lack of effective communication, unpleasant events during the trip gradually highlighted the lack of communication between family members. Xiao Zhang's concealment, although well-intentioned, led to grandma's anger and family tension because he did not share the true situation with his family in time. This incident profoundly reveals the importance of communication in family relationships.

During the journey, Xiao Zhang realized that the lack of effective communication could lead to unnecessary struggles and conflicts. He began to reflect on his own arbitrariness in planning his trip, not taking into account his family's opinions and needs. He realized that if he could communicate with his family well in advance to understand their thoughts and expectations, he might be able to avoid his grandmother's anger when she found out about the hotel price, and maybe he would be able to reduce misunderstandings and conflicts among family members.

The man took the whole family on a three-day trip, and after three hours, he broke up unhappily, and the live-action version of the reality "Flower Less Er"

Xiao Zhang's father and mother also realized the importance of communication. They began to wonder whether, as elders of the family, they should also be more open to communicating with the younger generation, rather than just sticking to their own ideas and habits. They recognize that effective communication not only helps family members understand each other's thoughts, but also promotes mutual trust and respect.

His younger brother Xiao Ming also learned the lesson of communication in the process. He realized that his inactive attitude and laziness towards travel was also due to not adequately communicating his feelings and needs with his family. If he can express his expectations for the trip, maybe Xiaozhang will be able to arrange some activities for him that are more in line with his interests, so that he can participate more actively in the trip.

The man took the whole family on a three-day trip, and after three hours, he broke up unhappily, and the live-action version of the reality "Flower Less Er"

Although the grandmother's anger is intense, it also reflects her concern for the family's financial situation and her expectations for Xiao Zhang. If Xiao Zhang could communicate with his grandmother in time about the price of the hotel and the reason for the choice, maybe the grandmother would be able to understand his considerations instead of feeling deceived and disrespectful.

The unpleasant events on this trip made all the members of Xiao Zhang's family deeply appreciate the importance of communication. They began to try to change the way they used to communicate, to express their thoughts and feelings more actively, and to listen to their families more patiently. They realize that it is only through effective communication that they can truly understand each other's needs and expectations, thereby reducing conflicts and enhancing family harmony and unity.

The man took the whole family on a three-day trip, and after three hours, he broke up unhappily, and the live-action version of the reality "Flower Less Er"

Xiao Zhang began to take the initiative to communicate with his family, and instead of hiding his thoughts and plans, he put them in front of his family frankly, inviting them to give their opinions and suggestions. He learned to listen and to respect his family's opinions, even if they were different from his own. He realized that communication is not just about expressing oneself, but also about understanding and accepting others.

Family members are also beginning to be more open about sharing their thoughts and feelings. They are no longer afraid to disagree because they know that is what communication is all about. They learn to seek consensus in communication and find a balance in disagreement.

The man took the whole family on a three-day trip, and after three hours, he broke up unhappily, and the live-action version of the reality "Flower Less Er"

Although the trip was full of contradictions and unhappiness at the beginning, the communication between family members gradually became smoother and more effective. They begin to realize that communication is the key to solving family problems and is the basis for maintaining family harmony. Through communication, they are not only able to solve immediate problems, but also build stronger family relationships for the future.

As the communication deepened, the family members of Xiao Zhang's family began to understand and respect each other more. They learn to support each other and tolerate each other while traveling. While there will still be disagreements and challenges during travel, they believe that as long as they can maintain open and honest communication, there are no difficulties that cannot be overcome.

The man took the whole family on a three-day trip, and after three hours, he broke up unhappily, and the live-action version of the reality "Flower Less Er"

This trip made all the members of Xiao Zhang's family deeply aware of the power of communication. They begin to value every communication with their family members more and work harder to listen and understand. They believe that as long as family members can maintain effective communication with each other, they can face all the challenges of life together and create a loving and understanding family environment together.

Family harmony is a common goal pursued by every family member, and effective communication is the key to achieving this goal. Communication between parents and children is especially important in family life. The article emphasizes the key role of effective communication in family harmony, arguing that it is a bridge that connects the hearts and minds of family members and is an important means to reduce misunderstandings and conflicts.

The man took the whole family on a three-day trip, and after three hours, he broke up unhappily, and the live-action version of the reality "Flower Less Er"

Differences in age, experience, and values can easily create estrangement between parents and children. If this estrangement is not communicated and resolved in a timely manner, it may evolve into deeper contradictions and conflicts. Therefore, it is recommended that parents and children should get along as friends and enhance understanding and communication through daily activities to reduce estrangement.

First of all, parents should let go of authority and communicate with their children on an equal footing. In the family, parents often play the role of education and guidance, but this does not mean that they can ignore their children's opinions and feelings. Parents should respect their children's individuality and choices and encourage them to express their ideas and needs. Through dialogue on an equal footing, parents can better understand their children's inner world and build a family atmosphere of trust and respect.

Second, parents can increase understanding and communication by participating in their children's daily activities. Whether it's learning, hobbies or social activities, parents can actively participate and experience life with their children. In this process, parents can not only understand their children's interests and needs, but also discover their confusion and problems, so as to provide more targeted help and support.

In addition, common activities in the family are also an effective way to improve communication. Whether it's cooking together, watching a movie, or doing outdoor activities, family members can naturally exchange ideas and feelings and get to know each other better as they get to know each other. These activities can not only relieve the stress of daily life, but also promote emotional communication between family members and enhance family cohesion.

However, effective communication is not just about daily communication and activities, but also about a deep understanding and acceptance. Parents should learn to listen to their children and respect their opinions, even if they differ from their own beliefs. At the same time, children should also learn to understand and accept their parents' concerns and expectations, and recognize their efforts and efforts.

On the basis of effective communication, family members can face life's challenges and difficulties together. Whether it's academic pressure, career development, or relationships, family members can support each other and work together to find solutions to problems. This kind of support and help can not only reduce the stress of the individual, but also enhance the trust and dependence between family members.

In conclusion, effective communication is an important cornerstone of family harmony. Through equal dialogue, shared activities and deep understanding, family members can build closer and more harmonious relationships. This relationship not only provides emotional comfort to family members, but can also be a source of strength for them to face life's challenges. Therefore, both parents and children should value and actively participate in family communication to create a loving and understanding family environment.