
This set of deeply relaxing yin yoga sequences is perfect for practicing on a hot summer day!

author:Yuyu loves yoga

Yoga aids, like anatomy, cannot be one-size-fits-all. Use assistives creatively to allow your body to get what it needs in every pose. Whereasas are held for a long time, make sure you use enough aids to assist you, but not do all the work for you.

This set of deeply relaxing yin yoga sequences is perfect for practicing on a hot summer day!

A yin yoga class alone won't have as many asanas as other types of yoga, so make the most of these asanas and quickly gain flexibility and stability with regular practice.

This set of deeply relaxing yin yoga sequences is perfect for practicing on a hot summer day!

With this yin yoga sequence, the asanas will be restored and recharged. If you're a beginner, hold each asana (each side of the asymmetrical asana) for 45 seconds to 2 minutes at a time. Intermediate practitioners can hold for 3 to 5 minutes.

This set of deeply relaxing yin yoga sequences is perfect for practicing on a hot summer day!

Try not to count seconds or your breaths. If you're in class, wait for the teacher to signal that it's time to do the next pose. If you're practicing at home, set a timer.

Wide-knee baby pose

This set of deeply relaxing yin yoga sequences is perfect for practicing on a hot summer day!

This asana helps to get your mind into a slow, gentle yoga practice. Keep your knees open to give your body more room to rest between your legs and sink deeper into the ground. If needed, place a cushion or pillow under your body to keep you comfortable. Relax your arms and raise them above your head or at your sides. Remember to take deep breaths throughout the exercise.

Butterfly pose

This set of deeply relaxing yin yoga sequences is perfect for practicing on a hot summer day!

This sitting position helps to open your hips and relax your lower back. Place yoga blocks, cushions, pillows, or folded blankets and towels under your knees to support them, and as you begin to fold forward, keep your spine straight, but relax your spine, shoulders, and neck.


This set of deeply relaxing yin yoga sequences is perfect for practicing on a hot summer day!

Lie prone on the mat with your elbows under your shoulders. Either relax your neck and let your head hang down, or keep your gaze in front of the mat to prevent compression of the cervical spine.

Kogu extension ceremony

This set of deeply relaxing yin yoga sequences is perfect for practicing on a hot summer day!

This is another asana that bends backwards and expands the chest and helps to increase breathing and circulation. The asana itself is a combination of baby pose and downward facing dog pose. Posture is also good for your shoulders.

Dragon Pose

This set of deeply relaxing yin yoga sequences is perfect for practicing on a hot summer day!

This is a deep hip open pose that targets the hip flexors of your back legs. It resembles a deep low lunge. Keep your back toes pressed against the ground to maintain the stability of this pose.

Swan pose

This set of deeply relaxing yin yoga sequences is perfect for practicing on a hot summer day!

This asana targets your gluteal muscles and gluteal flexors. While maintaining this asana, keep your front legs bent to protect your knees. If you're leaning to the side, place a blanket under your hips to help stabilize the asana.

Saddle Ceremony

This set of deeply relaxing yin yoga sequences is perfect for practicing on a hot summer day!

This asana requires hip and ankle flexibility, which is why it is often ranked after the dragon, swan, and other preparatory asanas. It targets your quadriceps muscles and, depending on the position of your feet, compresses your lumbar spine. For added stimulation of your quadriceps, sit between your legs. If you want a deeper backbend, sit on your heels. If the quadriceps are too tight, you can lie on the cushion.

Banana style

This set of deeply relaxing yin yoga sequences is perfect for practicing on a hot summer day!

The name of this pose comes from the shape you make with your body. It is a simple asana that stretches and lengthens your entire body, improves blood circulation, and targets your myofascial tissue. Lie on the mat and raise your arms above your head. Slide both heels onto the right side of the mat while reaching for your hands to the upper right. Stretch the left side of the body. After a few minutes, repeat on the other side.

Supine twisting

This set of deeply relaxing yin yoga sequences is perfect for practicing on a hot summer day!

Gently rotate your spine in this supine position, releasing tension and stimulating your trapezius, gluteal muscles. If your ankles or shoulders are off the floor, place a yoga block or rolled-up towel underneath.

Big break

This set of deeply relaxing yin yoga sequences is perfect for practicing on a hot summer day!

Although Yin Yoga is a slow and gentle practice, it is still important to end the course with Savasana, which is also known as Pentagram Pose. Just like the traditional corpse pose, lie on your back and allow yourself to be completely relaxed, in Yin Yoga, you can place your feet and arms away from the center line of your body so that you can use your entire body to create a pentagram shape, which is what this asana is named after.

This set of deeply relaxing yin yoga sequences is perfect for practicing on a hot summer day!

Yin yoga is designed to lengthen and target the musculature throughout your body. Slow pace, but challenging poses help to restore and recharge your system. When you practice Yin Yoga, give yourself enough time and space to enter each asana in a comfortable way, without intense pain or tension, but still leave room for the stress of a specific goal, which will build flexibility and stability in your practice.

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