
The seemingly simple yoga pose is actually the most difficult!

author:Yuyu loves yoga

Savasana (Zombie Pose). The last and most toned pose of yoga practice. After a challenging lesson, a sigh of relief can be heard when the teacher announces that "we are now resting in a corpse style".

The seemingly simple yoga pose is actually the most difficult!

That magical five minutes of complete relaxation when your body is able to absorb everything you've just done on the yoga mat – all those incremental physical, physiological, emotional, and energetic changes that occur during the practice as you let your body rest. A truly deep Savasana can be an excellent opportunity to recover, recharge the body and calm the mind.

The seemingly simple yoga pose is actually the most difficult!

Support the corpse pose

The sedative effect of rest in the corpse pose has a very therapeutic effect and helps to restore the balance of the nervous system. But the key is to let go completely – to release all the physiological tension in your body. This usually requires a little bit of support.

The seemingly simple yoga pose is actually the most difficult!

For many people, lying flat on the ground creates tension in a certain part of the body. Even though you feel completely comfortable in corpse pose, your nervous system will feel even the slightest tension to stay alert. Placing something the right size on your knees, lower back, neck, or under your head provides just the right amount of support to induce relaxation of the nervous system, which in turn invites muscles, sensory organs, and thinking into a state of relaxation.

The benefits of corpse posing

The seemingly simple yoga pose is actually the most difficult!

Savasana is one of the most important self-care elements in yoga and is one of the most important postures. In our fast-paced times, our minds and energies are constantly being pulled in multiple directions. When tension, fatigue, and mental stress rise, it provides just the right amount of counter-posture.

The seemingly simple yoga pose is actually the most difficult!

If your mind is speeding up or your anxiety levels are rising, lying still may be one of the biggest challenges you can face in practicing yoga. If you're having trouble with this, be a little patient with yourself. Savasana provides the perfect moment to practice mindfulness, gently scanning the body for sensations, channeling consciousness into the brain and finally into the heart. Examination at this moment can have a profound effect on the brain. It reduces anxiety and depression. It is even used to treat them.

The seemingly simple yoga pose is actually the most difficult!

When you lie down in Savasana for the first time, your body, nervous system, and mind will usually feel some residual stimulus, no matter how intense or quiet your previous practice was. Over time, the nervous system gradually relaxes, the heart and breathing rate slows down, and blood pressure drops. At this point, your body is in a state of physiological relaxation.

The seemingly simple yoga pose is actually the most difficult!

In the final stage of Savasana, the mind relaxes. At this stage, relaxation is at its deepest, and you may feel "disconnected" from the outside world. If you are in class, the teacher's voice or ringtone will bring you back to your normal consciousness. If you're practicing at home, you'll usually start to feel like your body is ready to move again. At this point, you can lie on your side and gently move to a seated position.

The seemingly simple yoga pose is actually the most difficult!

Practice method

  1. It's important to be in a location where you can completely relax and unwind. For example, place a rolled-up yoga mat or blanket under your knees to relax your lower back and arches of your feet. If you can't easily place the back of your head on the floor without tilting your head back, place a folded blanket under the back of your head. Make sure to add only enough padding to maintain the natural curve of your neck.
The seemingly simple yoga pose is actually the most difficult!
  1. Traditionally, the arms are at the sides of the body with the palms facing up, but it is also possible to place one or both hands on the abdomen. When you lie comfortably on the ground and relax, you'll know you've found the perfect Savasana.
The seemingly simple yoga pose is actually the most difficult!
  1. Traditionally, the eyes are closed. Some people like to place the eye patch gently on the eyes to promote relaxation. That is, if you don't want to close your eyes, just stare at things that won't catch your attention.
The seemingly simple yoga pose is actually the most difficult!
  1. When you start your Savasana, you may find your body restless or your mind active. It's good to notice that there are ideas swirling around in your head without following or engaging with them. As for the feeling of restlessness, try making some small adjustments to your joints to bring your body into a quieter state. Place your legs on a chair or lift your head slightly to help you breathe.
The seemingly simple yoga pose is actually the most difficult!
  1. When you're ready to wrap up your Savasana, do some gentle body movements to get your energy back to the surface of your body, flip to one side, and then get into a seated position. Sit quietly for a moment to end the exercise.

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