
Ejina Banner: Take multiple measures to carry out anti-drug propaganda and work together to build a national anti-drug defense line

author:Ejina, China

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Ejina Banner: Take multiple measures to carry out anti-drug propaganda and work together to build a national anti-drug defense line

June 26, 2024 is the 37th International Anti-Drug Day, and in the past few days, the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Ejinaqi Public Security Bureau has carried out anti-drug publicity activities through multiple measures and channels to popularize drug knowledge to the people in the jurisdiction, enhance the awareness of drug recognition, drug prevention and drug rejection, and create a good atmosphere for national drug control

Ejina Banner: Take multiple measures to carry out anti-drug propaganda and work together to build a national anti-drug defense line
Ejina Banner: Take multiple measures to carry out anti-drug propaganda and work together to build a national anti-drug defense line

The Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Ejinaqi Public Security Bureau organized the police to go deep into primary schools and launched an anti-drug propaganda campaign with the theme of "Drug Abuse Ruins Youth and Protects Youth." The police explained in detail the new drugs that are easy to hide in life, so that children can make friends cautiously and resist the temptation of unknown "snacks".

Ejina Banner: Take multiple measures to carry out anti-drug propaganda and work together to build a national anti-drug defense line

The people's police went deep into the front and back of the people's houses, fields, greenhouses, and other key areas where the original drug plants might be planted to carry out dragnet inspections, so as to ensure that no household was missed and no dead ends were left, and the root and hidden dangers of the original drug plants were thoroughly eradicated. It is necessary for the broad masses of the people to establish the concept of the rule of law that "the cultivation of drugs is illegal, the cultivation of drugs must be eradicated, and the cultivation of drugs must be investigated", and further enhance the masses' ability to distinguish and prevent drugs.

Ejina Banner: Take multiple measures to carry out anti-drug propaganda and work together to build a national anti-drug defense line

The people's police visited and investigated various industrial and mining enterprises on the spot, and carried out anti-drug publicity and education for employees, explained the dangers of drugs and how to discover and identify drugs on the spot, guided employees to report all kinds of illegal acts such as drug production and trafficking, and encouraged them to actively participate in anti-drug work.

Ejina Banner: Take multiple measures to carry out anti-drug propaganda and work together to build a national anti-drug defense line

The police played anti-drug public welfare videos, focusing on explaining the dangers and prevention knowledge of new psychoactive substances such as "etomibe butter", "laughing gas" and "e-cigarettes", so that everyone had a new understanding of the knowledge of drug substitutes, and at the same time called on cadres and workers to actively publicize the harm of drug use to their relatives and friends, and once they found that someone around them was smoking, they should actively report to the public security organs.

Ejina Banner: Take multiple measures to carry out anti-drug propaganda and work together to build a national anti-drug defense line

Through the distribution of anti-drug knowledge publicity materials and answering questions about drug prevention, the people's police introduced to the vast number of young people what drugs are, the harm of drugs, and how teachers can correctly guide children to refuse drugs, so that young people can further understand the harm that drugs bring to their health and life.

Ejina Banner: Take multiple measures to carry out anti-drug propaganda and work together to build a national anti-drug defense line

Through iris detection, the police strictly implement the inspection of every car and person, carefully inspect passing vehicles and personnel, and conduct a comprehensive inspection of whether drugs and precursor chemicals are carried in the car. At the same time, the dangers of drugs and the serious consequences caused by drug driving are publicized to past drivers, and the majority of drivers are called on to resolutely resist drug driving, consciously abide by laws and regulations, and drive in a civilized and safe manner.

Ejina Banner: Take multiple measures to carry out anti-drug propaganda and work together to build a national anti-drug defense line

In plain language, the people's police taught the peasants who were working in the fields the common sense of prohibiting planting and eradicating narcotics and preventing drug abuse.

Ejina Banner: Take multiple measures to carry out anti-drug propaganda and work together to build a national anti-drug defense line

The people's police distributed and put up publicity materials and posters on the "Alxa League's Reward Measures for Reporting Drug Violations and Crimes" in key places, encouraging everyone to actively participate in the national anti-drug struggle and have the courage to report clues on drug violations and crimes to the public security bureau.

Ejina Banner: Take multiple measures to carry out anti-drug propaganda and work together to build a national anti-drug defense line

In order to further strengthen the management of refined anesthetic drugs, severely crack down on illegal and criminal activities of narcotic drugs in accordance with the law, standardize the business order of the industry, put an end to leakage and loss of control, and strictly prevent it from flowing into illegal channels. The Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Ejinaqi Public Security Bureau and the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of the United Banner have carried out a special inspection on the management and use of refined anesthesia drugs in clinics in the jurisdiction.

Ejina Banner: Take multiple measures to carry out anti-drug propaganda and work together to build a national anti-drug defense line

The police have successively visited primary and secondary schools and carried out the "first lesson of anti-narcotics" through anti-drug propaganda lectures, PPT displays, and distribution of anti-drug manuals, so as to escort the healthy growth of young people.

Source: Ejina Financial Media Editor: Wang Yi Review: Wu Huimin Final Review: Yuan Weinian

Ejina Banner: Take multiple measures to carry out anti-drug propaganda and work together to build a national anti-drug defense line
Ejina Banner: Take multiple measures to carry out anti-drug propaganda and work together to build a national anti-drug defense line
Ejina Banner: Take multiple measures to carry out anti-drug propaganda and work together to build a national anti-drug defense line
Ejina Banner: Take multiple measures to carry out anti-drug propaganda and work together to build a national anti-drug defense line