
【Lixiang China |.】 Gold Medal Ideological and Political Course] Ideological and Political Teachers "Have Deep Feelings"

author:China Social Science Net
【Lixiang China |.】 Gold Medal Ideological and Political Course] Ideological and Political Teachers "Have Deep Feelings"

  On March 18, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the symposium of teachers of ideological and political theory courses in schools that "ideological and political courses are the key courses to implement the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people", and "the key to running ideological and political theory courses well is teachers". From the "two keys", we can see the importance of ideological and political teachers in implementing the fundamental tasks of education. At the same time, at this meeting, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward six specific requirements for the quality of teachers in ideological and political courses, namely: strong politics, deep feelings, new thinking, broad vision, strict self-discipline, and positive personality. This is not only the foundation of ideological and political teachers in the new era, but also the guiding ideology and action guide for the country to build a high-quality ideological and political teachers. Teachers of ideological and political courses are engaged in the cause of educating people with emotion and emotion. Teachers of ideological and political courses with deep feelings can keep in mind the professional mission of bacon casting souls and implement the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people. In the journey of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, thousands of ideological and political teachers will practice the importance of education with feelings and patience. Today, I will explain to you the profound connotation of "deep feelings" for ideological and political teachers from the three levels of "why", "what" and "how".

  1. Why: The importance of "deep feelings".

  The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that education is a major plan of the country and the party. What people to cultivate, how to train people, and for whom are the fundamental questions of education. The foundation of educating people lies in morality. Ideological and political courses are fundamental courses for students to establish moral norms. "Deep feelings" is not only the continuous motivation for ideological and political teachers to teach each class well, but also the key to impress and guide students. At the symposium of teachers of the school's ideological and political theory class, General Secretary Xi Jinping told everyone the story of Jiao Yulu told by his political teacher. It was precisely because of the emotional narration of the political teacher, and even choked up several times, that General Secretary Xi Jinping was deeply shocked in his heart. Only true faith can have true feelings, and true feelings can infect people. Only by integrating their own feelings into the classroom can teachers of ideological and political courses make ideological and political courses attractive, appealing and vigorous, and achieve the teaching effect of spring breeze and rain, moisturizing things silently, and wearing water drops and stones, so that students can truly enter the eyes and ears and the brain and heart.

  2. What is: the core essence of "deep feelings".

  In the Great Chinese Dictionary, "feelings" refers to a state of mind that contains certain feelings. The special professional mission and role requirements of ideological and political teachers give it deep and broad feelings, and have unique and rich meanings. At the "3.18" symposium, General Secretary Xi Jinping gave the core essence of "deep feelings" to the ideological and political teachers of colleges and universities in the new era from three dimensions, namely: family and country feelings, preaching feelings, and benevolence and love.

  The first is "family and country feelings". China's excellent traditional culture advocates the "unity of the family and the country", and everyone will be good if the country and the nation are good. Especially today, when we see the lives of the poor under the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, we have no reason not to be grateful to our great country and great people, and we can't help but feel a very strong sense of family and country. "The Book of Rites: Confucianism" points out, "Profit the country, not seek wealth and nobility." Since the beginning of the new era, the "Chinese Dream" has gradually become a concrete expression of the feelings of the family and the country in the discourse system of the new era. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that teachers of ideological and political courses should have feelings for the family and the country, have the country and the nation in their hearts, pay attention to the times and society in the great practice of the party and the people, absorb nutrients and enrich their thoughts, and strive to cultivate new people of the era who take on the great task of national rejuvenation, and cultivate socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor. In the public course on the basic principles of Marxism for undergraduates, I often use the story of Wan Runnan, the former manager of Sitong Company, as the introduction of the course, and use this story as a negative case to warn students and guide them to always maintain their "feelings for the family and country", so that they can make the right choice at the critical moment of life and even the party and the country.

  The second is "evangelism." Han Yu of the Tang Dynasty wrote in "The Teacher Said": "The teacher, so preach and teach to solve doubts." "Preaching" is a teacher's first duty. For ideological and political teachers, the "Tao" here refers to Marxism. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Marxism is the fundamental guiding ideology for our party and country, and it is also the brightest background color of mainland universities. As preachers, ideological and political teachers themselves must first understand and believe in the Tao, that is, they must adhere to the simple love of theory, their profound belief in Marxism, and carry the glorious mission of disseminating knowledge, ideas, and truth. At the same time, the construction of ideological and political courses should adhere to integrity and innovation. "Integrity" means not deviating from Marxism and socialism, and "innovation" means moving forward, advancing with the times, and forming a theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Teachers of ideological and political courses should answer the profound truths of why the Communist Party of China is "capable", why Marxism is "effective", and why socialism with Chinese characteristics is "good" for the majority of young students.

  Finally, there is "benevolence". In 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed to be a good teacher with "ideals and beliefs, moral sentiments, solid knowledge, and benevolent heart" when he had a discussion with representatives of teachers and students of Beijing Normal University. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "good teachers should cultivate love, inspire love, and spread love with love, and narrow the distance with students through truth, sincerity, and sincerity, nourish the hearts of students, and make themselves good friends and caring people for students." From the standard of "four haves" to the new requirements of "six wants" for ideological and political teachers, we can see the importance of "benevolence" in the special group of ideological and political teachers. Ideological and political teachers are faced with students with different majors, knowledge backgrounds, learning conditions, etc., theoretical teaching is important, but more importantly, it is student-oriented, teaching according to aptitude, teaching without class, willing to be a ladder, with sincerity, dedication, benevolence to devote themselves to the cause of education, expand the spiritual width of teachers. Carry forward the spirit of "come with a heart, not half a grass", and illuminate the way forward for students.

  3. How to do: the cultivation path of "deep feelings".

  It is necessary to grasp the core essence of the quality of ideological and political teachers, and strive to improve the emotional quality of ideological and political teachers.

  First, we must adhere to the background of patriotism. In 2019, when General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Nankai University, he pointed out that "patriotism is the national heart and soul of the Chinese nation. As a teacher of ideological and political courses, patriotism is the source of a person's morality and meritorious service. Teachers of ideological and political courses should always take patriotism as their own background, so that "those who are good for the country love it, and those who harm the country are evil", and at the same time, "they should work hard to cultivate patriotic feelings, let the spirit of patriotism take firm root in the hearts of students, educate and guide students to love and support the Communist Party of China, be determined to listen to the party, follow the party, and be determined to take root in the people and dedicate to the country." Adhere to the supremacy of the country, the supremacy of the nation, and the supremacy of the people, have a strong sense of family and country, a strong sense of responsibility, patriotism, and the will to serve the country, demonstrating the height of the spirit of the teacher.

  Second, it is necessary to strengthen the study of Marxist theory. Teachers of ideological and political courses should not only persevere in "learning horses in horses and studying horses in horses", but also "speak in horses, believe in horses, and walk in horses". Teachers of ideological and political courses should solve the problem of truly understanding, believing, and applying Marxism, and be firm believers, active disseminators, and exemplary practitioners of Marxism. In ideological and political courses, students should continue to deepen their understanding of the historical inevitability and scientific truth, theoretical significance and practical significance of Marxism, educate them to learn to use Marxist standpoints, viewpoints and methods to observe and analyze the world, truly understand the issues of the times they are facing, profoundly grasp the development trend of the world, and recognize the general trend of development in China and the world, so that students can deeply understand the power of Marxist truth and lay a scientific ideological foundation for their growth and success.

  Third, it is necessary to devote oneself to the cause of Marxist theoretical education. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "education is a cause of 'benevolence and love for others', love is the soul of education, and there is no education without love." A good teacher should be a benevolent teacher, and a person who does not love cannot be a good teacher. Teachers of ideological and political courses should always adhere to the cause of Marxist theoretical education, and have a persistent pursuit of ideological and political education and teaching, "integrate the love for the family and country, the love for education, and the love for students, and always have students in their hearts, so that ideological and political courses can become a warm course." "Maintain the love and persistence of education, reject utilitarianism, stay away from impetuousness, strive to awaken another life with one life, and bear the heavy responsibility of shaping the soul, shaping life, and shaping new people.

  On the occasion of this year's Teacher's Day, General Secretary Xi Jinping sent a letter to the representatives of outstanding teachers across the country, pointing out that a group of educators and outstanding teachers have emerged in the group of teachers who "have the ideals and beliefs of having a big heart and serving the country with sincerity, the moral sentiment of being a scholar and acting as a model of the world, the wisdom of educating people to enlighten and nourish their hearts and teach them according to their aptitude, the attitude of diligence and dedication, the benevolent heart of loving students and being willing to contribute, and the pursuit of the world and the promotion of cultural people". Teachers of ideological and political courses shoulder the sacred mission of educating people for the party and the country, and should take educators and excellent teachers as examples and undertake the important task of "planting the seeds of truth, goodness and beauty in the hearts of students and guiding students to buckle the 'first button' in life". Ideological and political teachers should always keep in mind the "deep feelings", be persistent in cultivating people with virtue, devote themselves to education and education, care, care for and care for students, respect, understand and tolerate students, attract students, impress students and guide students with true feelings, and strive to cultivate socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics and labor.

  (The author is dean of the School of Marxism, Tsinghua University)

Author: Zhu Andong

Source: China Social Science Network

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