
Don't forget to prevent drowning, and see how the police protect their lives

author:Jimu News

Jimu News reporter Zhou Pingying

Correspondents: Ouyang Zhizhi, Cao Meixi, Shi Xuemeng

Don't forget to prevent drowning, and see how the police protect their lives

The police led the volunteer patrol team to patrol the lake

"Pay attention to safety by the river, don't take it lightly at the water's edge, and call the police as soon as possible in case of emergency." On June 27, when the police of the Siping Police Station in Baokang County, Xiangyang City, Hubei Province, were inspecting the reservoir basin under their jurisdiction, they encountered four people enjoying the cool air by the water, and immediately stepped forward to tell them to pay attention to safety.

Don't forget to prevent drowning, and see how the police protect their lives

The police are carrying out drowning prevention propaganda

In the past few days, the Siping Police Station of the Baokang County Public Security Bureau has taken the initiative to carry out a series of publicity on drowning prevention accidents and investigation and rectification of potential safety hazards in waters in combination with the distribution of waters under its jurisdiction. During the operation, the police continuously strengthened the publicity and education of drowning prevention for the whole people by preaching at home, hanging drowning prevention banners, and holding drowning prevention knowledge lectures. At the same time, forward the publicity copywriting and cases related to drowning prevention in the WeChat police-public contact group, and ensure that the drowning prevention publicity and education are not missed by one household and one person through online and offline linkage publicity, so as to truly become a household name and known to everyone.

Don't forget to prevent drowning, and see how the police protect their lives

The police put in safety protection equipment

Don't forget to prevent drowning, and see how the police protect their lives

The police entered the school to preach the knowledge of drowning prevention

By analyzing the drowning police situation in the jurisdiction in recent years, the Siping Police Station listed the waters where drowning incidents may occur as key supervision areas, and organized community police and "Tianzi Lake Volunteer Patrol Team" to carry out high-frequency inspections and inspections in conjunction with village (community) cadres in accordance with "who manages and who is responsible", and strengthened the inspection and guidance of daily safety measures. During patrols, promptly discourage people from playing in the water, decisively stop students from playing or swimming in dangerous waters such as reservoirs and ponds, and promptly report the situation to schools and parents, supervise the implementation of guardianship responsibilities, and earnestly assume guardianship responsibilities.

Don't forget to prevent drowning, and see how the police protect their lives

The police put in safety protection equipment

On this basis, the community police went to the campus to carry out drowning prevention education and publicity activities. Through the form of knowledge preaching and case analysis, the basic skills and common sense such as drowning prevention knowledge and first aid methods in case of drowning incidents are preached to teachers and students. Report on drowning accidents across the country, warn students to stay away from dangerous areas such as ponds and reservoirs, and raise awareness of self-protection.

Don't forget to prevent drowning, and see how the police protect their lives

The police are carrying out drowning prevention propaganda

In addition, organize the police to carry out a "dragnet" investigation and combing of the safety precautions in the Nanhe River Basin, Tianzi Lake reservoir area, reservoir area and other waters that are prone to drowning accidents in the jurisdiction, circle the dangerous areas and dangerous waters, do a good job of knowing and controlling, and timely put warning signs, lifebuoys, lifesaving rods, lifesaving ropes and other first-aid equipment in case of emergency.

Don't forget to prevent drowning, and see how the police protect their lives

The police are carrying out drowning prevention propaganda

(Photo courtesy of the correspondent)

(Source: Jimu News)

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