
Spend the Chinese year: Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong didn't know until they died, Shangguan Ya climbed into Su Ronghua's bed and gave birth to Li Xin

author:One Night Book


Zhang Linghe, Zhao Jinmai starring in the TV series "Hua Nian" has now been updated to the eighth episode, I have to say that the plot of this drama is getting more and more exciting, Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong died tragically at the beginning, and then reborn twenty years ago, when they were still very young, young and young, time returned to their best age, but their spiritual age is already very large, but as these two know that each other is reborn, the reason for their tragic death in the last life has also been pushed to the forefront, who poisoned Li Rong, led to the tragic death of Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan?

Spend the Chinese year: Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong didn't know until they died, Shangguan Ya climbed into Su Ronghua's bed and gave birth to Li Xin
Spend the Chinese year: Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong didn't know until they died, Shangguan Ya climbed into Su Ronghua's bed and gave birth to Li Xin

Regarding this issue, Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong's current speculation is that Su Rongqing is the most motivated and most likely to poison Li Rong, but is the truth really so simple? Of course, it's not so simple, there are actually three real murderers, Su Rongqing is just a small role, and the really terrifying thing is that in addition to Su Rongqing, Shangguan Ya and Li Chuan are the murderers who killed Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan.

Spend the Chinese year: Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong didn't know until they died, Shangguan Ya climbed into Su Ronghua's bed and gave birth to Li Xin
Spend the Chinese year: Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong didn't know until they died, Shangguan Ya climbed into Su Ronghua's bed and gave birth to Li Xin
Spend the Chinese year: Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong didn't know until they died, Shangguan Ya climbed into Su Ronghua's bed and gave birth to Li Xin

Shangguan Ya is Li Rong's best friend, and Li Chuan is Li Rong's younger brother, why did these two poison Li Rong and kill Pei Wenxuan? This point is undoubtedly very puzzling, the answer actually has a lot to do with Qin Zhenzhen's death, Qin Zhen is Pei Wenxuan's Bai Yueguang, and Li Chuan's beloved, she married Li Chuan, but it is a pity that she was killed, but fortunately, she gave birth to a son, that is, Li Ping, that is, the future prince of Li Chuan.

Spend the Chinese year: Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong didn't know until they died, Shangguan Ya climbed into Su Ronghua's bed and gave birth to Li Xin
Spend the Chinese year: Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong didn't know until they died, Shangguan Ya climbed into Su Ronghua's bed and gave birth to Li Xin
Spend the Chinese year: Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong didn't know until they died, Shangguan Ya climbed into Su Ronghua's bed and gave birth to Li Xin

Because Qin Zhenzhen died, Li Chuan was almost crazy, he ordered the entire Su family to be destroyed, and everyone in the Su family was executed except for Su Rongqing, and the reason why Su Rongqing was still alive was because Li Rong tried to protect it. As for the Shangguan family, half of them were also wiped out by Li Chuan, the queen mother committed suicide, and the head of the Shangguan family, that is, Li Chuan's uncle, was killed by him, and the Shangguan family was almost half wiped out, and Shangguan Ya, the queen, became the pillar of the Shangguan family.

Spend the Chinese year: Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong didn't know until they died, Shangguan Ya climbed into Su Ronghua's bed and gave birth to Li Xin
Spend the Chinese year: Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong didn't know until they died, Shangguan Ya climbed into Su Ronghua's bed and gave birth to Li Xin
Spend the Chinese year: Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong didn't know until they died, Shangguan Ya climbed into Su Ronghua's bed and gave birth to Li Xin

It is precisely because of this that Su Rongqing and Shangguan Ya both want to deal with Li Chuan, but Li Chuan reuses Pei Wenxuan, they have no chance at all, plus although Li Rong supports Shangguan Ya's son Li Xin as the prince, she loves Li Chuan's younger brother very much, but Li Chuan has become the largest family because Li Rong supports Li Xin as the prince, and she herself is also a member of the Shangguan family, so he wants to kill Li Rong, which is why he finally poisoned Li Rong with a fragrant beauty, although Shangguan Ya and Su Rongqing knew about this, they stood by and watched, And even happy to see it.

Spend the Chinese year: Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong didn't know until they died, Shangguan Ya climbed into Su Ronghua's bed and gave birth to Li Xin
Spend the Chinese year: Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong didn't know until they died, Shangguan Ya climbed into Su Ronghua's bed and gave birth to Li Xin
Spend the Chinese year: Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong didn't know until they died, Shangguan Ya climbed into Su Ronghua's bed and gave birth to Li Xin

The plan of these two is naturally to kill two birds with one stone, using Li Rong's death to kill Pei Wenxuan, and it is obvious that they both won, not only won, but these two also became the biggest winners, the reason is very simple, because Pei Wenxuan is dead, Li Rong is dead, then the Shangguan family can naturally support Li Xin to be the prince, and even force the palace to let Li Chuan give way, after all, the poisoning of Li Rong and the killing of Pei Wenxuan can be relied on Li Chuan's head, and the more important thing is that Li Xin's identity is not a member of the Li family, but after the Shangguan family and the Su family.

Spend the Chinese year: Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong didn't know until they died, Shangguan Ya climbed into Su Ronghua's bed and gave birth to Li Xin
Spend the Chinese year: Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong didn't know until they died, Shangguan Ya climbed into Su Ronghua's bed and gave birth to Li Xin
Spend the Chinese year: Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong didn't know until they died, Shangguan Ya climbed into Su Ronghua's bed and gave birth to Li Xin

That's right, this is something that Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan didn't know until they died, in fact, like Qin Zhenzhen, Shangguan Ya actually had a beloved person before marrying Li Chuan as the crown princess, the person he liked was Su Rongqing's brother Su Ronghua, but unfortunately these two couldn't love it, Shangguan Ya married Li Chuan for the benefit of the Shangguan family, but the Shangguan family needed a child later, and Li Chuan favored Qin Zhenzhen alone, so this was left out, she and Su Rongqing's brother got along and gave birth to the third prince Li Xin, The reason why the Su family collapsed later was because of supporting Li Xin to become the prince, which led to the fall of the Su family later.

Spend the Chinese year: Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong didn't know until they died, Shangguan Ya climbed into Su Ronghua's bed and gave birth to Li Xin
Spend the Chinese year: Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong didn't know until they died, Shangguan Ya climbed into Su Ronghua's bed and gave birth to Li Xin
Spend the Chinese year: Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong didn't know until they died, Shangguan Ya climbed into Su Ronghua's bed and gave birth to Li Xin

However, everyone doesn't know this secret, except for a small number of people in the Su family and the Shangguan family, Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan don't know this secret until they die, it can be said that the last winner in the previous life was the Su family and the Shangguan family, and finally supported the people with their blood to ascend to the throne, although Su Rongqing was punished by the palace and the Su family was destroyed, but the Su family still has the blood to survive in the world, that is, the third prince Li Xin, and finally Li Xin became the new emperor and became the biggest winner, of course, Li Chuan's ending was only a tragic death.

Spend the Chinese year: Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong didn't know until they died, Shangguan Ya climbed into Su Ronghua's bed and gave birth to Li Xin
Spend the Chinese year: Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong didn't know until they died, Shangguan Ya climbed into Su Ronghua's bed and gave birth to Li Xin
Spend the Chinese year: Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong didn't know until they died, Shangguan Ya climbed into Su Ronghua's bed and gave birth to Li Xin

But in this life, with the rebirth of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong, everything will be different, not only has the original trajectory changed, but Su Rongqing is actually a resurrection, what he wants to do is to prevent Li Chuan from becoming the emperor, and even did not hesitate to take refuge in Concubine Rou and support King Su's accession to the throne, the purpose of which can be seen, is to prevent the recurrence of the tragedy of the Su family, it can be said that the next plot will be very exciting, looking forward to the follow-up story.