
Du Hua Nian: There are three murderers in the tragic death of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong? Su Rongqing's small role, Li Chuan was the most surprised

author:One Night Book


Zhang Linghe, Zhao Jinmai starring in the TV series "Hua Nian" premiered six episodes, it can be said that the beginning is the general plot of Wang Bang, Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong are a husband and wife who exist in name only, one of these two is the Zaifu of the dynasty, and the other is the princess of the prison country, both of them hold great power, but they both died tragically at the beginning, and then the two were born twenty years ago, one is twenty years old, and one is eighteen years old. After all, there are many cases of being reborn alone, but there are still relatively few stories of both male and female protagonists being reborn.

Du Hua Nian: There are three murderers in the tragic death of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong? Su Rongqing's small role, Li Chuan was the most surprised
Du Hua Nian: There are three murderers in the tragic death of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong? Su Rongqing's small role, Li Chuan was the most surprised

But judging from the first six episodes, the most surprising or curious thing is who made Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong die tragically at the beginning? Obviously, Li Rong was poisoned by the fragrant beauty, which led to her thinking that Pei Wenxuan was poisoned, and finally ordered to kill Pei Wenxuan before she died, Pei Wenxuan finally died in White Horse Alley, but Pei Wenxuan swore that he did not kill the eldest princess Li Rong, so who is the murderer?

Du Hua Nian: There are three murderers in the tragic death of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong? Su Rongqing's small role, Li Chuan was the most surprised
Du Hua Nian: There are three murderers in the tragic death of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong? Su Rongqing's small role, Li Chuan was the most surprised
Du Hua Nian: There are three murderers in the tragic death of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong? Su Rongqing's small role, Li Chuan was the most surprised

According to Pei Wenxuan's speculation, it is very likely that it is Su Rongqing, because when he first entered the princess's mansion, . Su Rongqing gave him a sachet, and it was precisely because of the combination of this sachet and a certain drug that Li Rong had been taking for a long time that she became a fragrant beauty, which made her die in a short period of time, of course, this is just speculation, although Li Rong almost concluded that Su Rongqing was to take revenge and poison herself, but what is the truth?

Du Hua Nian: There are three murderers in the tragic death of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong? Su Rongqing's small role, Li Chuan was the most surprised
Du Hua Nian: There are three murderers in the tragic death of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong? Su Rongqing's small role, Li Chuan was the most surprised
Du Hua Nian: There are three murderers in the tragic death of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong? Su Rongqing's small role, Li Chuan was the most surprised

In fact, there are indeed three murderers in the original book, Su Rongqing is indeed one of the murderers, and the other two murderers are actually very unexpected, today we will talk about who the murderers who led to the rebirth of Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan.

Su Rongqing

Su Rongqing is the second son of the Su family, he actually has an elder brother named Su Ronghua, who was born in a famous family, the Su family is a century-old famous family, and he is called the first son of Huajing, but Su Rongqing in the previous life is very pitiful, because the Su family participated in the rebellion, supported Li Chuan's third son Li Xin as the crown prince, and participated in the killing of Qin Zhenzhen, in the end, the Su family was destroyed, the man was executed, and the woman was exiled, but Su Rongqing pleaded for Su Rongqing because Li Rong liked him, which saved his life.

Du Hua Nian: There are three murderers in the tragic death of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong? Su Rongqing's small role, Li Chuan was the most surprised
Du Hua Nian: There are three murderers in the tragic death of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong? Su Rongqing's small role, Li Chuan was the most surprised

Although Su Rongqing saved a small life, he was ordered by Li Chuan to be punished, so he was extremely angry and hateful for Li Chuan in his heart, and stayed by the side of the eldest princess Li Rong, in order to take revenge, he did everything he could, more than ten years of forbearance, he had no ability to kill Li Chuan to take revenge, so he could only do it to the royal family, Li Chuan was seriously ill, and he wanted to set up his eldest son Li Ping as the crown prince before he died, and Li Rong supported Li Xin, who had the blood of the Shangguan family, and Su Rongqing still dealt with Li Rong.

Du Hua Nian: There are three murderers in the tragic death of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong? Su Rongqing's small role, Li Chuan was the most surprised
Du Hua Nian: There are three murderers in the tragic death of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong? Su Rongqing's small role, Li Chuan was the most surprised
Du Hua Nian: There are three murderers in the tragic death of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong? Su Rongqing's small role, Li Chuan was the most surprised

Of course, the poison of Xiangmei was not actually given by Su Rongqing, the real murderer was someone else, but Su Rongqing knew about this poison, so he gave each of the people in the princess's mansion a sachet and asked them to wear a sachet, the purpose was to prevent others from being poisoned, and finally the eldest princess died because of Pei Wenxuan's sachet, Su Rongqing was one of the murderers, and he was the executioner who promoted the development of this matter, but it was a pity that he avenged his own people, but killed Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan.

Du Hua Nian: There are three murderers in the tragic death of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong? Su Rongqing's small role, Li Chuan was the most surprised
Du Hua Nian: There are three murderers in the tragic death of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong? Su Rongqing's small role, Li Chuan was the most surprised

2 Shangguan Ya

Shangguan Ya's identity is no one else, it is Li Chuan's queen, or Li Rong's best friend, this is a person from the Shangguan family, yes, he is also a member of the first family, which is why the Li family is so jealous of them, the reason why Shangguan Ya has a part in killing Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan is for two reasons, one is naturally to avenge the Shangguan family, and on the other hand, it is to make his son Li Xin the prince.

Du Hua Nian: There are three murderers in the tragic death of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong? Su Rongqing's small role, Li Chuan was the most surprised

At that time, the Shangguan family was not as good as before, because more than ten years ago, the Shangguan family and other families joined forces to kill Qin Zhenzhen, which caused Li Chuan to be angry, and finally the Shangguan family was wiped out half of the family, her aunt committed suicide, her father died tragically, and she, as the daughter of the Shangguan family, the current queen, joined forces with Su Rongqing for revenge, after Li Chuan was seriously ill, it was she who ordered Su Rongqing to kill Li Rong, and then killed Pei Wenxuan with one stone, without Pei Wenxuan, the emperor would only be Li Xin, it could not be Li Ping.

Du Hua Nian: There are three murderers in the tragic death of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong? Su Rongqing's small role, Li Chuan was the most surprised
Du Hua Nian: There are three murderers in the tragic death of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong? Su Rongqing's small role, Li Chuan was the most surprised

3 Lichuan

One of the most surprising murderers is actually Li Chuan, Li Chuan should not want Pei Wenxuan to die, killing Pei Wenxuan is Su Rongqing and Shangguan Ya's means, they used Li Rong to kill Pei Wenxuan, and it was Li Chuan who really wanted to poison Li Rong, that's right, Li Chuan is Li Rong's younger brother, but this sister still wants to kill him, because Li Chuan loves Qin Zhenzhen miserably, but it is a pity that Qin Zhenzhen was jealous of major families after giving birth to his son Li Ping, and finally died tragically, and Li Chuan was furious about it.

Du Hua Nian: There are three murderers in the tragic death of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong? Su Rongqing's small role, Li Chuan was the most surprised
Du Hua Nian: There are three murderers in the tragic death of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong? Su Rongqing's small role, Li Chuan was the most surprised
Du Hua Nian: There are three murderers in the tragic death of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong? Su Rongqing's small role, Li Chuan was the most surprised

The angry Li Chuan did a lot of things, Li Rong said that Li Chuan was brutal, and these things actually had a lot to do with it, he not only destroyed half of the Shangguan family, but also forced his mother to commit suicide and killed his uncle, which left the Shangguan family, the reason why the Shangguan family was able to stay was thanks to the original support for Li Chuan's ascension, but they didn't expect that Qin Zhenzhen would have such serious consequences, and what they didn't expect was that after Qin Zhenzhen's death, Li Chuan not only destroyed half of the Shangguan family, but also destroyed the entire Su family, it can be said that after Qin Zhenzhen's death, Li Chuan was not surprised to do these crazy things.

Du Hua Nian: There are three murderers in the tragic death of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong? Su Rongqing's small role, Li Chuan was the most surprised
Du Hua Nian: There are three murderers in the tragic death of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong? Su Rongqing's small role, Li Chuan was the most surprised
Du Hua Nian: There are three murderers in the tragic death of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong? Su Rongqing's small role, Li Chuan was the most surprised

And Li Rong has the blood of the Shangguan family in her body, the same as Li Chuan, the difference is that Li Rong supports Li Xin as the prince, and Li Chuan supports Li Ping, so Li Rong became Li Chuan's enemy, in fact, what they don't know is that this Li Xin is not the royal blood, but Su Rongqing's brother Su Ronghua and Shangguan Ya's son, the two sisters and brothers fight to the death for a prince without royal blood, it became a joke, and finally Li Chuan even poisoned Li Rong, just to make Li Ping the prince, Shangguan Ya and Su Rongqing sat on the mountain and watched the tiger fight, Watching Li Chuan, Li Rong, and Pei Wenxuan fight to the death, and then secretly sit back and reap the benefits, I have to say that they are really treacherous and cunning.

Du Hua Nian: There are three murderers in the tragic death of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong? Su Rongqing's small role, Li Chuan was the most surprised
Du Hua Nian: There are three murderers in the tragic death of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong? Su Rongqing's small role, Li Chuan was the most surprised
Du Hua Nian: There are three murderers in the tragic death of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong? Su Rongqing's small role, Li Chuan was the most surprised

Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong were reborn, but it is obvious that although these two were reborn, they didn't know the truth of the year, and it was extremely difficult to find out the truth of the year, after all, no matter how they recalled, these things were hidden from them, and the only one who knew the answer was the person concerned. However, Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong are lucky to have the opportunity to know the truth, because there is another person who has also been reborn, and this person is Su Rongqing.

Du Hua Nian: There are three murderers in the tragic death of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong? Su Rongqing's small role, Li Chuan was the most surprised
Du Hua Nian: There are three murderers in the tragic death of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong? Su Rongqing's small role, Li Chuan was the most surprised

Yes, Su Rongqing is also a reborn, Pei Wenxuan actually had a guess at the beginning, but he didn't continue to speculate, and in the end, Su Rongqing should tell the truth about the previous life. What Su Rongqing has to do in this life is to prevent Li Chuan from ascending the throne, because he wants to protect the Su family from repeating the tragedy of the fall of the year, but what he doesn't know is that the family has been in trouble for a long time and is feared by the emperor.

Du Hua Nian: There are three murderers in the tragic death of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong? Su Rongqing's small role, Li Chuan was the most surprised
Du Hua Nian: There are three murderers in the tragic death of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong? Su Rongqing's small role, Li Chuan was the most surprised
Du Hua Nian: There are three murderers in the tragic death of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong? Su Rongqing's small role, Li Chuan was the most surprised

It's just that it's better to let Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan and the like do this, at least it won't be as ruthless as Li Chuan, blood is flowing like a river, Su Rongqing in this life is doomed to failure, and his ending is dead or alive? It's exciting.

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