
Every sentence does not mention the flesh and hemp, and the flesh is numb to the bone

author:Anxiety-relieving poems
Every sentence does not mention the flesh and hemp, and the flesh is numb to the bone

1. Man Qian's romance was at that time. Love is called by Xizhen. - Su Shi "Nanxiangzi Feeling"

Interpretation: Oriental Shuowen is romantic, and was once called "son" by the mother of the king of the west.

Su Shi has had many women in his life, and the most well-known ones in later generations are Wang Fu, Chaoyun, and Wang Yanzhi.

Wang Fu was his wife, who died young, and the song "Jiangchengzi" made countless people in later generations mourn and cry.

Chaoyun is his interpretive flower, which has also appeared many times in his works.

Only Wang Yanzhi rarely mentions it.

There is no way to verify the time of the creation of this poem "Nanxiangzi Feeling", but many people speculate that this poem was written by Wang Yanzhi.

The "Man Qian" here refers to the famous genius Dongfang Shuo of the Han Dynasty, and "Xizhen" is the mythical and legendary Queen Mother of the West.

Legend has it that the Queen Mother of the West once descended to the Han Palace and invited Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to taste the fairy peach.

At that time, Dongfang Shuo was peeping out of the window, and the Queen Mother of the West said to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty: "This peep child tastes three times, and steals this peach from me."

Su Shi used Dongfang Shuo as a metaphor for himself, and the king of Runzhi is the Queen Mother of the West, detached from the mundane, and the fairy posture is elegant.

The title of "son" is intimate and vivid, portraying the intimacy between the two at a glance, and the affectionate flesh and hemp are all in it.

Every sentence does not mention the flesh and hemp, and the flesh is numb to the bone

2. May grandma and Lan Xinhui be sexual, and express their hearts under the preface of the pillow. For the oath. In this life, you will never be alone. ——Liu Yong, "The Jade Girl Shakes the Fairy Pei Beauty"

Interpretation: You have the noble quality of orchid grass, your heart is pure, and your demeanor is elegant.

I express my deep love to you in front of my pillow and make a vow that I will never fail you in this life and this life.

Liu Yong was uninhibited all his life, traveled to the Qinlou Chu Pavilion, and had close contacts with many courtesans.

is away from home all day, and there are many confidants, his wife is inevitably angry and jealous.

This poem was written after a quarrel with his wife, who he likened to a maid beside the Queen Mother of the West, detached from the mundane and combining the beauty of the world.

Such a beautiful and refined beauty, and such a versatile talent as him, is a match made in heaven.

In the end, he affectionately called his wife "grandma" and made a vow that he would never live up to in this life.

Affectionate and numb, he is worthy of being a master of love in the midst of thousands of flowers.

Every sentence does not mention the flesh and hemp, and the flesh is numb to the bone

3. May you pick more, this thing is the most lovely. ——Wang Wei "Acacia"

Interpretation: I hope you can see it in the south and pick it up more, because it can best convey the feelings of longing.

This poem is also known as "Jiangshang Presents Li Turtle Year", yes, the object of Wang Wei's thoughts is not a woman, but a man.

Li Guinian was a famous musician in the Tianbao period, proficient in a variety of musical instruments, and had a very high attainment in music, which was deeply appreciated by Tang Xuanzong.

He had a close relationship with Wang Wei, who was also proficient in music and rhythm, and sang Wang Wei's poems at banquets many times.

After the outbreak of the Anshi Rebellion, Li Guinian, who was a musician in the court, began his life in exile and finally settled in the Jiangnan area.

In the south of the Yangtze River in spring, a few young branches grow on the acacia tree.

I hope that when my friends see this lovesickness, they can think of me in the distance.

Obviously, he misses it deeply, but he writes it from the other party, with more twists and turns, and more tactfulness.

It seems to be straightforward and numb, but it is subtle and tactful, and it is full of longing, which is extremely infectious.

Every sentence does not mention the flesh and hemp, and the flesh is numb to the bone

4. See you on the south side of the painting hall, and you have always been trembling. It is difficult for the slave to come out, and the king is merciful. ——Li Yu "Bodhisattva Barbarian"

Interpretation: Finally, in the corner south of the hall, I saw my lover and pounced happily.

Snuggled in the arms of his lover, trembling gently, he said coquettishly: "It's not easy to come out, you have to take pity on it." ”

Li Yu and Xiao Zhouhou's private relationship has always been criticized by future generations.

When they were seriously ill after the Great Zhou, they had many trysts and complained to each other.

Li Yu even recorded this private affair in his lyrics, for example, this poem "Bodhisattva Man" describes the tryst between a young girl in love and her lover.

It was a hazy moonlit night, flowers blooming, and a faint smoke enveloped the entire palace.

She carried golden embroidered shoes and only thin socks, and walked gently step by step.

She met her lover on the south side of the painting hall.

First "trembling", and then "wanton pity", through action and language description, the woman's bold and selfless mood after meeting her lover is portrayed exhaustively.

Between the lines, there is a lot of romance and ecstasy.

Every sentence does not mention the flesh and hemp, and the flesh is numb to the bone

5. I only hope that your heart is like my heart, and I will live up to my love. ——Li Zhiyi, "Fortune Operator"

Interpretation: I only hope that your heart can be as unswerving as my heart, and don't live up to this piece of infatuation.

Li Zhiyi was a famous lyricist in the Northern Song Dynasty, and in his later years, he was demoted to Taiping Prefecture because he offended the powerful Cai Jing, that is, the area of Dangtu in Anhui.

After taking office, his wife and children died of illness one after another, and he himself suffered from ringworm sores and cold diseases.

At this moment, a woman appeared in his life.

Her name is Yang Shu, a famous local courtesan, and at the age of thirteen, she once amazed Huang Tingjian with a song "Walking on Frost Exercises".

When the two met, Li Zhiyi was close to sixties, and Yang Shu was at a young age, and the difference between the two was nearly 40 years old.

But age hasn't been a hindrance for them.

In the autumn of that year, they made a vow on the edge of the Yangtze River.

"I only wish that your heart is like my heart, and I will live up to my lovesickness", which is deeply flavored by folk songs, enthusiastic and bold, clear as words, and shows the fiery emotions without concealment, and has touched countless people for thousands of years.


Author: Poetry of Anxiety

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