
A Century of China's Anti-Drug History: Why is China the Most Anti-Narcotic? The four-character lesson of that year was too profound

author:Notes on History

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A Century of China's Anti-Drug History: Why is China the Most Anti-Narcotic? The four-character lesson of that year was too profound

Text: Xiao Hei



As the safest country in the world, China will always be at the forefront of the world in the fight against narcotics. How strong is China's anti-drug system? In China, there are few things worse than drug trafficking and drug use.

From the beginning of the large-scale anti-drug campaign at the end of the Qing Dynasty, to the later sale of tobacco by Lin Zexu and Humen, and now to the present, China has a history of large-scale anti-drug for hundreds of years.

It is precisely for this reason that just as China is a forbidden place for the world's mercenaries, China is also a forbidden place for drug lords.

And the fundamental reason for all this is that the lesson of the words "the sick man of East Asia" was too profound, so that we never dare to forget the harm that a small drug will bring.

A Century of China's Anti-Drug History: Why is China the Most Anti-Narcotic? The four-character lesson of that year was too profound

(Opium smoking)

1. Opium is rampant

In fact, in the feudal history of the mainland, there have been some similar things like "drugs", such as Wushisan in the Wei and Jin dynasties, but there are not many cases of drugs in the mainland, until the late Qing Dynasty, opium entered the mainland in large quantities, so that the demon of drugs appeared in our lives.

How terrible the harm of opium is that cannot be reflected in historical materials, and the only reference is those homeless people who use drugs all year round on the streets of the United States. It's hard to imagine that the kind of zombie-like people are a true portrayal of almost everyone in the late Qing Dynasty, civilians, soldiers, businessmen and even women, all affected by drugs.

A Century of China's Anti-Drug History: Why is China the Most Anti-Narcotic? The four-character lesson of that year was too profound

(Opium Wars)

Because of the emergence of drugs, a large amount of wealth flowed abroad, and the soldiers no longer had enough combat effectiveness, and the Qing Dynasty could only be bullied by other countries. Although with the appearance of Lin Zexu and others, a huge anti-smoking campaign was carried out, but what he did was also a drop in the bucket.

The lessons of history have made us very cautious about drugs, and it has also laid the foundation for the mainland's very strict attitude toward drugs.

A Century of China's Anti-Drug History: Why is China the Most Anti-Narcotic? The four-character lesson of that year was too profound


Second, the attitude of the mainland

The mainland's attitude toward narcotics is very strict, and this is mainly reflected in three aspects. The first is the seriousness of the law, according to the law:

"Whoever smuggles, sells, transports, or manufactures more than 1,000 grams of opium, more than 50 grams of heroin or methamphetamine, or other drugs in large quantities, shall be sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment, life imprisonment or death, and shall also be sentenced to confiscation of property."

This is the attitude of mainland law towards drugs.

There are such rumors on the Internet that drug trafficking in the mainland can be directly sentenced to death if it exceeds 50 grams, although this statement is not rigorous enough, but it also indicates from the side that the mainland will never tolerate drugs, so is it okay to do it within 50 grams?

Although the death penalty will not be carried out for carrying and selling drugs up to 50 grams, it is certain that they will be imprisoned for 3 to 7 years, and at the same time, they must cooperate with the relevant departments of the mainland to deal with other known drug dealers and drug addicts.

A Century of China's Anti-Drug History: Why is China the Most Anti-Narcotic? The four-character lesson of that year was too profound

(Young drug addict)

The second aspect is to treat everyone equally, no matter what status, no matter what nationality, as long as it involves drugs, it will be dealt with seriously. There was once a drug dealer from Britain named Akmao, who was directly arrested by the mainland at the customs because he was carrying a large amount of drugs, and was finally sentenced to death because of the huge amount.

After learning the news, the British couldn't sit still and tried every means to demand that Akmao be taken away, and even I exerted diplomatic pressure on the mainland, but the mainland did not retreat, and still executed Akmao: "You can take away people, but they don't have to be alive, they may also be ashes."

A Century of China's Anti-Drug History: Why is China the Most Anti-Narcotic? The four-character lesson of that year was too profound

(Drug Detection Tools)

And the third aspect is to go back to the roots, in some movies, we can often see the process of drug dealers using sewers to destroy drugs and avoid being convicted.

However, in the mainland, this situation rarely does not occur, because the mainland has long mastered the ability to identify the source of drugs through sewage, and in fact, the mainland can judge the source of drugs through sewage every year, and arrest a large number of drug-making factories and users.

3. The harm of drugs

The mainland's attitude towards drugs is also unique in the world, or in other countries, drugs have long been strange, and even in some regions, drugs have been legalized like cigarettes.

For example, in France, in December 2022, it was officially approved to sell marijuana and some marijuana products nationwide, although marijuana is not as toxic as heroin, but it is also a genuine drug.

A Century of China's Anti-Drug History: Why is China the Most Anti-Narcotic? The four-character lesson of that year was too profound


After the introduction of this regulation, countless French people poured into the streets, smoking marijuana on the street, and the scene was unbearable to look at, which is enough to show that marijuana has a very large number of people and audience in France, but compared to France, the situation in Mexico is really hell on earth.

Many people say that Mexico is a country occupied by drug traffickers, because in Mexico, drug traffickers have more armed forces and civilian support than the Mexican government.

Moreover, in Mexico, drug trafficking is a "formal" job, and many children who do not study well will be motivated to become a drug dealer, because in their perception, drug trafficking is a job with a high income, a stable job and a "social status".

Until now, Mexican drug lords are rampant, and even the United States has no way to take action against them. In contrast, Jinshanjiao, not far from China, was once on a par with Mexico, but now it is history.

A Century of China's Anti-Drug History: Why is China the Most Anti-Narcotic? The four-character lesson of that year was too profound

(Opium smoking)

Despite the proliferation of drugs abroad, China has always adhered to the bottom line, strictly controlling the production, trafficking and consumption of drugs, and will not tolerate them once discovered.

The people of the mainland also hate drugs, and everyone's first reaction when they see drugs is to call the police, and there is also such a rumor on the Internet that when a thief burglarizes, he immediately calls the police when he sees someone hiding drugs, and he doesn't care about the exposure of his stealing.

The reason why the mainland is united is that it does not want the situation of the past to be repeated again, and it does not want to be called the "sick man of East Asia" by others, because the Opium War is an eternal pain in history, so it must stay in history and cannot "see the light of day again."

A Century of China's Anti-Drug History: Why is China the Most Anti-Narcotic? The four-character lesson of that year was too profound

(Tracing the source of the drug based on sewage)

However, at present, China's drug control will be greatly challenged, because in the case of the widespread legalization of marijuana abroad and the rampant use of drugs, China is like an untapped market, with a steady stream of money behind it.

It is hard to imagine what those drug dealers will do in order to open up the Chinese market.

A Century of China's Anti-Drug History: Why is China the Most Anti-Narcotic? The four-character lesson of that year was too profound


For example, in May 2024, the anti-drug propaganda film broadcast on the anti-drug train of Chongqing's rail transit was actually reported out of context. Perhaps they saw that the mainland's anti-drug propaganda was too good, so that they did not have the opportunity to sell drugs in China!

A Century of China's Anti-Drug History: Why is China the Most Anti-Narcotic? The four-character lesson of that year was too profound

(Anti-drug video footage and official response)


Many international students have shared that they can smell marijuana almost everywhere abroad, and Chinese students are also very few people who have never seen drugs, which shows that the mainland's anti-drug efforts are very strong in the world.

A Century of China's Anti-Drug History: Why is China the Most Anti-Narcotic? The four-character lesson of that year was too profound

(Mexican drug dealers)

Some people have wondered what kind of conflict would arise if Mexican drug traffickers came to China.

First of all, this is impossible to happen, after all, China cannot interfere in the politics of other countries, and secondly, if Mexican drug traffickers really come to China to sell drugs, then only prisons and the death penalty await them, there is no third option.


[1] The French government approved the sale of mosaic leaves containing cannabidiol as legal. Sputnik.2022-12-30

[2] A drop of sewage to see the "poison infested"——Visiting the Guangdong Branch of the National Drug Laboratory.2021-06-23

[3] How is it possible to be "non-toxic"? A Discussion on the Control of Tobacco Drugs in Chengdu in the Early Years of the Founding of the People's Republic of China ‖ Fu Zhigang Guo Yuxin.2021-08-11

[4] Anti-drug Publicity Month|A Hundred Years of China's Anti-drug History.2022-06-23

[5] Chongqing refutes rumors: "Chongqing Metro was shocked by thunderous subtitles: What kind of funeral are you brewing? It is taken out of context to mislead the public. Global.2024-05-18

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