
Happiness is an inner feeling

author:Zi-Ink Literature
Happiness is an inner feeling

Author: Zimo

Happiness is an inner feeling, when we feel happiness, it is like a warm ray of sunshine, quietly shining into the heart.

When we immerse ourselves in happiness, you will find that happiness is not an accumulation of material things, nor is it an external glory, but comes from inner peace and satisfaction.

For Nietzsche, "Happiness is a feeling that arises when your strength grows and when resistance is overcome." ”

In this complex world, we are often busy pursuing fame and fortune, but ignore the real desire of our hearts, and always feel that having more is happiness, in fact, happiness is between trade-offs, not that you have more, but that you care less.

However, when we stop our hurried footsteps and meditate on the bits and pieces of life, between a porridge and a meal, between a grass and a tree, between sunrise and sunset, happiness flows like a clear spring.

Happiness may be a carefree life, or a light mood with nothing to do, or a glimmer of light in the morning light, sprinkled in front of the window, awakening the sleeping heart.

It should be a bright light in the middle of the night, warming life, illuminating the road of life, and accompanying us through the long dark night.

Feelings of happiness always come up inadvertently, a friendly greeting and greeting, a hug from family, or a warm harbor for us when we are tired, all of these things are happiness.

Happiness is an inner feeling

For Lin Yutang, there are four kinds of happiness: "One is to sleep in his own bed; the second is to eat the meals cooked by the parents; the third is to listen to your lover to tell you love words; Fourth, play games with children. ”

In the passage of time, we can find a deep affection and beauty, in the long river of years, have the life and life story we want, all this is happiness.

When we live a simple life in our own life and have abundant peace in our hearts, then we will have a sense of happiness every day.

In the quiet summer, early in the morning, the sun shines on the familiar streets, greets with the grass and trees, and smiles on the face, this is happiness.

Perhaps, when we are old, in our own life alone, in our own life garden, we can plant flowers and grass, plant life landscapes, and touch the bits and pieces of life with delicate emotions.

Let the flower of life bloom with delicacy and elegance, let yourself feel the beauty of life, synchronize this beauty into life, and feel the joy of your heart, which is also happiness

Although our lives are ordinary, we are full of love and hope, our parents are healthy, our children are studying hard, and every moment we spend together as a family is full of happiness.

Happiness is an inner feeling

Wang Zengqi said: "The family sits around, and the lights are amiable. ”

On cold nights, families sit around a warm fire, sharing each other's stories and dreams. These ordinary and warm moments are also happy.

Happiness is not always so lofty, it is usually hidden in the tiny and ordinary life, if you know how to find, happiness exists in all corners of life, only we need to find it with our hearts, feel it with love.

Happiness is an inner experience, which does not depend on material abundance, but on our attitude and perception of life.

Happiness is not out of reach, it is all around us, and when we learn to cherish what we have and be grateful for the gifts of life, happiness will follow.

So, how do you find your own happiness in life?

We all live in a complicated world, often for life, for a few taels of silver, running around tired, busy with trivial affairs, ignoring the beauty of life.

Then, we are required to be able to slow down the pace of life and bring ourselves a little leisure, then, you will find that the original happiness lies in the subtle beauty of life.

Let yourself be quiet, when the first rays of the morning sun shine on your face, feel that we are still alive, open your eyes to see a new time, feel the warmth of the sun, breathe in the fresh air and the fragrance of flowers, and listen to the singing of birds. These seemingly ordinary moments, but they are the unrepeatable beauty of life, isn't such a time happiness?

Happiness is an inner feeling

It is also a kind of happiness to learn to meet with fate, reconcile with yourself, spend time with family and friends, have care, and have companionship.

Or, take up a hobby and make the most of your spare time, devote yourself to it, and enjoy that focus and fun. No matter what you do, as long as it is something you like, you can find your own peaceful world in your busy life, this is happiness.

In fact, happiness is an inner feeling, it is not far away, it is all around us. If you can see the world with a pair of appreciative eyes, find fun from the daily life of firewood, rice, oil and salt, and make yourself happy, beauty will bloom into happy flowers in ordinary time.

Su Shi said: "Sitting alone in the idle court to idle flowers, light boiling time and slow brewing tea." Don't ask about fireworks in the world, let the years be dyed with frost. ”

Therefore, the happiness of life lies in one's own mentality, and only with a good mentality can we have more happiness in ordinary life.

A happy life does not lie in being rich and rich, not in the pursuit of prosperity and splendor, but in savoring every moment of life with your heart.

Let's slow down, pay attention to the poetry and beauty around us, have a feeling of happiness in the joy and warmth, embrace life with a grateful heart, and happiness will follow.

For the rest of our lives, let us let go of our inner impetuousness and anxiety, and savor the beauty of life with a normal heart. In the hustle and bustle of the world, only by maintaining a peace of mind, facing life calmly, and listening to the inner voice, can the light of happiness illuminate our lives.

Happiness is an inner feeling
