
Masters show the way (that's a good point)

author:Insight reading


Yang Jiang said:

"Throughout our lives, we must continue to cultivate our souls and improve ourselves."

When a person lives a lifetime, he is actually experiencing, that is, he is experiencing.

If you don't know how to take action, make cognitive progress, and finally constantly improve yourself and build a good character.

Then, it will be very difficult for you to live a good life, and even get worse and worse, and live more and more sadly.

The true master guides the way, which is to constantly cultivate oneself, go to self-transcendence, and finally improve oneself and perfect oneself.

As the "People's Daily" said, "The knife must be sharpened on the stone, and the person must practice in things, and it is difficult to become a great tool without going through the wind and rain and not seeing the world"

In fact, the really powerful people are the ones who can make effects and complete tasks in action.

Generally speaking, only by acting, even if it is an action in the brain, to put it bluntly, is thinking, can a person live a more sober life, and can he be more thoughtful and efficient when doing things.

Finally, continue to grow, continue to become a talent, and continue to achieve this life.

Masters show the way (that's a good point)

Actions speak louder than words

Someone online asked:

"Why is it that the truth is understood, but the phenomenon of poor execution is so common?"

There is a highly praised answer:

"It's not that the execution is poor, but the so-called truth is understood, but it's just the appearance, and the fundamental reason is that I haven't really mastered this truth."

A person is not afraid of no inspiration, no ideas, no action.

Of course, this does not mean that there is action, inspiration, and ideas.

It's not that action is the only way out.

It can be said that the thing, or means, that verifies the truth depends on time.

It's like a person imagining all the postures and ways of learning to swim before going to sleep.

But this does not mean that the next day, put yourself who can't swim, immediately teach.

In other words, no matter how beautiful, easy, or simple you imagined, as soon as you put it into action, you will know whether it is difficult or not.

Therefore, don't underestimate the role and power of execution, let alone the importance of action.

Those who are getting more and more powerful must be people who are getting more and more studious and executing.

Because these people will devote more time and energy to learning, practicing, and growing.

What people are most afraid of is self-righteousness and lofty ambitions, and this arrogant mentality is actually cutting off the path of their own growth.

There is a sentence in the Analects:

"Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, and knowing is knowing."

On the path of growing yourself, let yourself be a little confused, be a little low-key, and be humble, but you will be able to learn more.

These things that you learn by your own heart, and the skills that you slowly boil out with your time and energy, will definitely give you greater effects and play at some point in the future.

Zhang Yiming, the founder of Douyin, once said:

"A person who keeps a normal mind will be more relaxed, and there will be no distortion in his heart;

Observe things delicately, seek truth from facts, and be patient. tend to be better at getting things done. ”

People who really care about their own actions, or whose personality has become independent, do not need to be taken care of by others, and they do not depend on others at all.

Because for these people, they already know the laws and underlying logic of some things, or the essence of some things.

Then, you have your own ideas and logic to do relevant things, and in the whole process, you will not put pressure on yourself, because you have a normal heart.

In other words, when you become more calm and calm inside, there will be no distortion in your actions.

At this time, you already know how you should deal with it and how you should behave in order to reap good results.

Kafka said:

"If you try to get something, as long as you are calm and realistic, you can easily and unconsciously achieve your goal."

In short, no matter what, a person can only keep honing himself in things, keep working hard, and keep achieving himself.

Finally, grow yourself a little bit, you will become more and more confident, and you will live more transparently and understand more philosophical about your current life and life.

At such a time, no matter how the outside world changes, the world inside yourself must be calm, calm, and happy.

Masters show the way (that's a good point)

Cognition is the greatest productivity

Many people may not know that the real productivity is actually cognition.

For example, if you don't know the nature and logic of an airplane, then even if you see an airplane flying in the sky, you don't know what it is.

Because when you don't even have that concept, how can you know it?

And how can you possibly know it exists if you don't even know it?

When a person has cognitive power, he can open the door of his thoughts, open his own horizons, and support his own pattern.

It's a cyclical upward process, just like climbing a staircase, the higher you climb, the wider the world you see.

"Cognitive Awakening" says that many people are ignorant of the rules of the world, and are always accustomed to spinning in the fuzzy zone, going around in circles in the comfort zone, repeating what they have mastered, and turning a blind eye to the real difficulties.

Therefore, when a person's cognitive power becomes broader and stronger, he can see the world more comprehensively.

Of course, it is impossible for a person to understand everything in the universe in a lifetime.

However, at least when a person is constantly improving his cognition, he has a more thorough understanding of the rules and logic, laws and essence of the world.

Then, there will be fewer and fewer worries and pressures, challenges and difficulties in your life.

To put it bluntly, just like there is a sentence in "The Godfather" that says:

"People who spend a second to see through the essence of things, and those who spend a lifetime unable to see the essence of things, are destined to have completely different fates."

Therefore, you can spare no effort to improve your personal cognitive level and open the door to your own cognitive world.

When you open this door, you will find that the outside world will be more beautiful and exciting.

Masters show the way (that's a good point)

Character is the pattern

The real master is not only a master in cognition, a strong man in action, but also a wise man in character.

Why is character becoming more and more important?

It's like seeing such a question on the Internet: "After entering the society, what are your deepest understandings?" ”

Gao Zan replied: "Don't get too drunk with wine, don't be too full with food, and never be too good to those who are low." ”

When you have a certain understanding of the importance of character, you will understand that not only your own character is very important, but also the character of others and the character of others are equally important.

Chekhov said:

"Everything about a person should be clean, whether it be the face, the clothes, the heart, the mind."

In this world, no one is immutable, and no one is always good and not bad.

To put it bluntly, everything is changing, and people's hearts and human nature are also changing.

But in this ever-changing process, if a person can maintain his original intention, he can firmly believe that something can withstand the erosion of time.

Then, you will live with more strength and direction.

Zhou Guoping said this:

"We live in the world, and we all have a need for love and kindness.

When you go out today, you don't have to have an adventure, as long as you meet friendly smiles along the way, you will feel that the day is very beautiful. ”

When a person lives, there are always many things that cannot be changed.

However, the most valuable thing about a smart person is that he knows that he should let go of the unchangeable things and pick up the things that he can change.

And you can ensure that when you change these things, you can bring more positive energy and more new hope to yourself.

So, by allowing yourself to do the right thing for a long time, and then being the right person, you have the character to pass the test.

In this way, you can more and more support the pattern, live this life well, live the present, treat the people around you well, and have a better and happier future.