
Looking for Wang Feng, who is 19 years older and has three marriages and four children, don't laugh at "Forest North", she is a smart person

author:Luo Hongchen 1109

Recently, some netizens met Forest North, followed by two male assistants, the pomp was quite big, and the real person's appearance and temperament were not inferior to female stars in the entertainment industry, netizens exclaimed: Wang Feng ate so well.

Looking for Wang Feng, who is 19 years older and has three marriages and four children, don't laugh at "Forest North", she is a smart person

Indeed, Forest North is not the kind of young frozen age girl, her appearance, it is okay to say 34, it is okay to say 43, there is no sense of age, but it is highly recognizable and has a good temperament, it is the feeling of literature + coldness + intellectuality.

Looking for Wang Feng, who is 19 years older and has three marriages and four children, don't laugh at "Forest North", she is a smart person

And Wang Feng himself, the past June 29 was his 53rd birthday - coincidentally, this day is also Ma Yili's birthday - high-profile official announcement that he is about to start a national tour.

Wang Feng and Lin Bei, the "long-distance relationship", one is engaged in music all over the country, and the other is based in Xinjiang to engage in cultural tourism, since the official announcement of the relationship in 520, there have only been two photographed in the same frame.

Once on Children's Day, Wang Feng posted a few photos of his daughter's previous photos on Weibo, and then the deity flew over to accompany his "big baby" to the north of the forest;

Another time was during the Dragon Boat Festival, Wang Feng and Forest North rode horses together and ate barbecue together, and the picture was quite sweet. And when riding a horse, it was the experienced Forest North who was holding the reins in front, and Wang Feng was cautiously following behind, which was fun.

Looking for Wang Feng, who is 19 years older and has three marriages and four children, don't laugh at "Forest North", she is a smart person

Since then, the two have not appeared together, and they are busy with their own work.

Especially Lin Bei, from an ordinary small Internet celebrity, now her popularity has increased greatly, and even because she has Wang Feng, a man of the same style, she was also compared with Zhang Ziyi.

Of course, there is no comparison, and there is no need to engage in this female competition.

But this relationship did make her resources soar, and she was also slowly transforming and began to bring goods, and in just one month, she has cooperated with many big brands.

Looking for Wang Feng, who is 19 years older and has three marriages and four children, don't laugh at "Forest North", she is a smart person

For example, banana sunscreen clothing, Ulike hair removal device. It is conceivable that she can bring more products in the women's field.

She even cooperated with two car brands, one is Citroen and the other is the domestic car Trumpchi. Her heroic appearance on horseback is a good match for the car brand.

Looking for Wang Feng, who is 19 years older and has three marriages and four children, don't laugh at "Forest North", she is a smart person

In short, the resources are not inferior to the big Internet celebrities, which shows that the owner still recognizes her influence.

She also opened a window and put Xinjiang specialties on the shelves. The big anchor Xiao Yang also threw an olive branch and invited her to his live broadcast room.

Then in the future, she has great potential to engage in live broadcast by herself.

In short, now that the resources of the north of the forest are soaring, and the personal IP is gradually forming, even if he breaks up with Wang Feng in the future, he can also stir up a wave of big hostesses.

Since the relationship with Wang Feng was exposed, Forest North has received a lot of controversy.

Looking for Wang Feng, who is 19 years older and has three marriages and four children, don't laugh at "Forest North", she is a smart person

In fact, she used to have a good reputation, and she hit the three-star princess Li Fuzhen, as well as Li Bingbing, Xu Qing and others, male and female fans ate her face very much, and some people even said that she was the goddess of white moonlight.

Since being with Wang Feng, on the one hand, the traffic has skyrocketed, and on the other hand, the reputation has become complicated and controversial.

Some people think that she lost money to find Wang Feng and is not worth it;

Some people are worried that she will be deceived and will not have any results with Wang Feng;

Some people also questioned her taste in finding men, saying that she rubbed Wang Feng's traffic.

Actually, there's no need to rush to laugh at Forest North, I think she's a smart person.

Perhaps, Forest North never thought about what the result would be with Wang Feng. When the flow comes, catch it steadily. Later, more on that later.

Looking for Wang Feng, who is 19 years older and has three marriages and four children, don't laugh at "Forest North", she is a smart person

If you have feelings for each other, just talk about love. They are all married people who have children, and a marriage contract is not so important. Especially Wang Feng's love history, Lin Lin Bei may not have thought of making up with him to become an "eight left family".

Of course, some people ridiculed her for bringing goods.

I think it's okay, there's nothing to be ashamed of bringing goods, you can buy the products if you approve them, it doesn't matter if you just watch the excitement, so many big stars are bringing goods, who has a grudge against money.

The key is that the product is excellent, just don't fool consumers. Look at Dong Jie, bringing goods has brought out a new realm.

Looking for Wang Feng, who is 19 years older and has three marriages and four children, don't laugh at "Forest North", she is a smart person

There is a saying in Forest North: No one can be sure what the future holds, but as an adult, I have the ability to take responsibility for my choices.

Don't put yourself in the "lower position", a proper strong mentality.

A woman, as long as she is not too obsessed with love, she is free.

Anyway, she and Wang Feng are both single, true love or not, each takes what he needs, as long as it doesn't affect others, then respect the blessings.

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