
Military camp essays|The "Wei military doctor" who can be called a miracle doctor, and the home remedies are used to treat "no slippery"

author:Color Harbor

Home remedies, cure "not slippery"

▓ Xu Xiaobing

"The deputy political commissar said that you are a little slippery these days, and asked me to come and have a look." Liu Yizhu said to me, and casually handed over a paper medicine bag half the size of a palm: eat three pills at a meal, eat three meals on the first day, and eat one meal a day from the second day for five days. Seeing that I was a little inexplicably nervous, he smiled: This situation will happen in the early days when new comrades come to the team, and they will be fine if they adapt to the life and training intensity of the army. Don't speculate.

The adaptive training has finally ended, and our new comrades have returned to the camp one by one.

After 40 days of intensive training, he completed the basic subjects of being able to walk, running, daring to jump, sleep well, and being willing to eat, and only in terms of physique, physical fitness, and perseverance can he truly integrate into the long-cherished old unit - the amphibious reconnaissance team. Began to carry out basic skills training such as climbing the wall, grappling and fighting, listening and reading maps with the team in the camp area, in preparation for the summer training.

It feels so good to "come home"!

The meals of the old troops were so good!

In just one week, my meal size was reduced from two large bowls to the standard amount of rice for my old comrades: one flat bowl. The deputy political commissar stared at it for a moment, and the small duty of each squad must not "cut corners". When the rice is put into the bowl, he will not be annoyed: whoever dares not to finish it and waste food will be guilty of the crime. He also stipulated that soup and rice were not allowed, saying that it hurt the stomach. I heard from the veteran comrades that during the swimming training, the deputy political commissar would be at the door of the restaurant at the door of the restaurant, guarding the rice bucket, and adding a spoonful of dry rice to each person. The whole team is not exempt.

Military camp essays|The "Wei military doctor" who can be called a miracle doctor, and the home remedies are used to treat "no slippery"

In order not to eat cat food and not hurt the stomach, everyone has to press down most of the bowl of dry rice before they can drink the soup. Decades later, the old comrades-in-arms got together, and after the exchange, they realized that no one had an upset stomach. Thank you to him old man.

The amount of food has decreased, but the amount of food has skyrocketed. Deputy squad leader Lao Ruan said when he talked to me: In fact, just eating vegetables is enough, and most of the bowl of dry rice is the care of the leader, a piece of heart! The rice is steel.

After returning to the team, the intensity has decreased a lot, the most important thing is that the running distance and intensity in the morning and evening have been reduced, and the "walking class" is not going to class for the time being. Five dishes and one soup per meal, eat a fine light, all of them have excess energy, and walk with the wind.

The days of "home" are comfortable, and after three days, I have moisturized a lot, and the most obvious feeling is that I have grown meat. The fly in the ointment is that the oil and water are too big, and I can't store the goods in my stomach, so I have to run to the toilet three or four times a day, which is too embarrassing.

"You little guy, you have a dog's belly, your stomach is not slippery, and you can't hold two or two plates of oil! Eating nothing does not grow meat. Said the deputy political commissar.

Hey, hey, learn from the old comrades, and salute seriously: Thank you for the commendation of the chief, you must work hard to eat, and strive to save an extra plate or two of oil.

"Get out! Get out of here! ”

I was 16 years old when I joined the queue in Siyang, and although the educated youth were not short of food, they "couldn't live." (The poor and middle peasants all say so). Every day, the bud reed, potato porridge, drink the stomach vomiting acid, when the spring is shaking, and because of the water to build the ridge by the cold, between the hot and cold, spit a few mouthfuls...... The retired old military doctor in the village (the military doctor of the New Fourth Army) Xian Xiangbo took the pulse and said with a smile: The cold and heat collided, and the intestines and stomach were slightly injured, so I first asked the family to send ten yuan to buy meat and eggs; Pay attention to bring warmth, don't be greedy for cold, just raise it for half a month. When I joined the army, because my group was a "policy soldier", the physical examination only briefly went through the motions. The "new training group" re-inspected twice, and both of them "passed the test in confusion", but their bodies still knew that the oil and water should not be too big. Now the problem is that the troops are stationed in the sea and mountains, there are too many delicious things, and the cooking class can change the way to cook, especially the braised pork.

"He can't eat good things, he eats at the top, and leaks at the bottom, it's a pity that the big fish and big meat are big." Liu Yizhu said.

"He's rectum! As long as you eat it in your mouth, it's not bad. You can always hang some oil and water. It's okay to get over the addiction. The deputy political commissar set the tone.

Unexpectedly, this has also become a topic of discussion at the monthly meeting of the "Revolutionary Committee."

Rest assured, small problems, chronic enteritis, stomach is fine. Things always have a pattern, and after two weeks, I found that the time point of "can't stop" is always about 90 minutes after eating. That's it, there are more ways than difficulties.

The team set off a week in advance, routinely inspected the combat readiness points, and rushed to Wenxi Town to meet after the end. What I was most excited about before setting off was "can't stop slipping"? Liu Yizhu sent a small bottle of berberine in time, swallowed three pills, and walked.

Military camp essays|The "Wei military doctor" who can be called a miracle doctor, and the home remedies are used to treat "no slippery"

Walking, walking, forty or fifty kilometers a day, it is the scenery of the sea and mountains, which is wonderful and energetic;

Walking, walking, southern Zhejiang is delicious, full of pipes, and very refreshing.

Walking, walking, walked into the Wenxi Paper Mill (Xia Xun's residence), and the mission was over. When I woke up in the middle of the night, I felt missing, what did I do less? Drowsiness hits, don't get annoyed, sleep.

Summer training, the whole is a full set, 120 days, all-weather, 10 class hours, is a layer of skin that everyone has taken off. Together with the old comrades, I scolded the secretary general, the supply staff, and the cooking class, but I admired them very much in my heart: six meals a day (three main meals, morning and afternoon plus meals and supper), from morning to dark, I was so busy that I "scolded and didn't return the scolding."

In early September, after returning to the camp for only five days, my stomach was full of trouble, and my old friend who had been away for four and a half months came again.

This time, the old captain poached Sun Fuling, the health officer of the garrison regiment. This "Wei Jun Doctor", who was respected by the common people as a miracle doctor the following year, pointed out in response to my situation: This is shallow oily enteritis, I can't eat good things, and I am a terminal illness in the reconnaissance team, and there is no cure! In any other company, it will be cured if it is not cured, because it will not be able to eat so much oil and water from us.

"Forget it, it's a three-point poison, and it's not a matter to always eat berberine. I have a secret remedy that cannot be passed on to others, pass it on to you, it depends on whether you have perseverance. Three words: scrape oil and water! ”

Aren't you "running to death"? You go run wow; Listen to the people call you "little white skin"? You go to the sunbath; One basketball a day, you go to fight to grab wow...... Aren't you going to fight for the task of flirting your legs? Can't rest anyway. It is guaranteed to be broken in two years.

I nodded, whoa!

Two years later, I basically don't have any "slippery" interactions with my old friends, and my body is much stronger, although I am still thin, but I know that the meat is growing in my bones.

Military camp essays|The "Wei military doctor" who can be called a miracle doctor, and the home remedies are used to treat "no slippery"

Xu Xiaobing, born in 1952, is known as Bingga. He went to the countryside to join the team, fought as a soldier, worked as a saltwater duck, worked as a trade union cadre, and graduated from the Chinese Department of Nanjing Normal University. The last public office was magazine editor.

Military camp essays|The "Wei military doctor" who can be called a miracle doctor, and the home remedies are used to treat "no slippery"