
How dangerous is the popular "stinky water" in the children's circle?

author:China Commercial Health Release

Following the "Carrot Knife" and "Cigarette Card", an unbelievable game "Raising Stinky Water" has become popular among many primary and secondary school students. The so-called "smelly water" is to mix food residues, drinks, medicines, saliva, and even insects, mud, etc. to make a liquid, and then "raise" it in a bottle, wait for it to "explode" after fermentation. Because when "stinky water" ferments, it will not only release unpleasant odors, but also hide serious health risks, so in response to this "interest", parents urgently need to give their children correct guidance.

How dangerous is the popular "stinky water" in the children's circle?

"Smelly water" releases toxins and irritating gases

"A bottle of 'smelly water' mixed with a variety of substances is equivalent to a microbial culture medium, and bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites, etc., will multiply in the bottle, and most of them are harmful bacteria. Under the right conditions, a single bacterium can multiply more than 16 million in just six hours, so there are a lot of toxins in 'stinky water'. Wang Cui, the chief laboratory technician of Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital, introduced that bacteria usually produce two kinds of toxins, internal and external, of which endotoxin enters the human body, which will cause fever, make microcirculation disordered, and it is very easy to cause endotoxin shock and disseminated intravascular coagulation; When the human body is exposed to exotoxins, neurotoxins, cytotoxicity and enterotoxins will be produced, causing botulism, cholera, food poisoning, etc.

How dangerous is the popular "stinky water" in the children's circle?

Huo Shufen, deputy director of the Second Department of Respiratory and Critical Care of Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital, said that "stinky water" will breed a large number of bacteria, molds and other microorganisms, especially saprophytes, and may also produce carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, formaldehyde and other gases, and cause explosions. If inhaled in large amounts, it may cause lung infections and, in severe cases, pneumonia. If the stinky water accidentally splashes on the skin or even in the eyes, it can also cause infection. "On the Internet, there are also some 'stinky water' formulas containing mice, cockroaches and other materials, these saprolites, in addition to containing a large number of bacteria and viruses, will also produce irritating gases, saprophytic organic matter, etc., when the droplets enter the human body after the explosion, not only cause airway allergic reactions, but also induce acute asthma attacks."

How dangerous is the popular "stinky water" in the children's circle?

"Smelly water" can also cause serious gastrointestinal diseases

"Stinky water" will not only affect children's skin, eyes, and respiratory system, but also directly cause a huge impact on the digestive tract once the harmful substances are ingested by children.

Zong Wei, deputy director of the first department of gastroenterology of Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital, pointed out that the harmful substances in the "smelly water" can easily lead to gastrointestinal indigestion, which in turn causes nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and other symptoms, and may also induce more serious gastrointestinal diseases in the long run, such as gastrointestinal mucosal damage, infection, gastrointestinal bleeding, etc. Zong Wei reminded that if the child accidentally comes into contact with "stinky water", the skin surface should be washed immediately, and then disinfected with alcohol. If you accidentally ingest "stinky water", you should rinse your mouth quickly to remove harmful substances that may remain in your mouth; At the same time, closely observe whether there are gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and respiratory symptoms such as dyspnea and cough; In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to whether the skin is red, swollen, itchy and other allergic reactions. During this time, your child should be encouraged to drink plenty of water to dilute harmful substances that enter the body and promote their excretion in the urine. When your child has symptoms or discomfort, you should avoid giving your child any more food to avoid increasing the burden on the stomach and intestines.

How dangerous is the popular "stinky water" in the children's circle?

"If your child has severe symptoms such as persistent vomiting, unbearable abdominal pain, or difficulty breathing, he or she should immediately call the emergency number or go to the hospital. When you go to the doctor, explain to the doctor in detail the time, amount and symptoms of your child's accidental ingestion, so that the doctor can make a diagnosis and treatment quickly. Zong Wei said that even if the child does not show obvious symptoms, it is necessary to continue to observe for more than 24 hours to ensure that there are no potential health risks.

Guide children to explore the world in a safe and scientific way

The popular game of "raising stinky water" among children is very difficult to understand in the eyes of adults. As for why children like and are keen on this, Yi Yuan, a psychotherapist from the Department of Psychology of Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital, said that the group of "stinky water" is mainly composed of students from the upper grades of primary school to junior high school, that is, children aged 10~15. This age is the most curious, adventurous, and adventurous stage in a person's life. From the perspective of psychological development, the main reason why adolescents are more interested in novel and exciting things is that through such situations, they will release more dopamine and get more happiness than children and adults. For example, some children will use a magnifying glass to burn insects and curtains in a high temperature of 40 degrees; There are also children who put silkworms in pencil sharpeners and twist them; When you go to the playground, you always have to play some adventurous activities, such as haunted houses and so on. The current "stinky water" actually satisfies the children's curiosity about the development and change of the microbial world, and at the same time realizes their adventurous fantasies. When more and more children get involved, in order to keep talking about common topics with their peers, a popular trend is formed.

Yi Yuan suggested that for children to "raise stinky water", parents should not blindly "avoid it", but should see that children have the need to seek knowledge, social needs and explore the unknown world, and through parents and schools to actively observe and guide, teach children to explore the world in a safe, scientific and positive way, stay away from health hazards, participate in truly scientifically significant experimental activities, and give safety guarantees in the process of exploration.

>> experts introduced

How dangerous is the popular "stinky water" in the children's circle?

Wang Cui: Competent laboratory technician and licensed physician of the Laboratory Department of Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital. He served as a youth member of the National Bacterial Resistance Surveillance Network, the secretary of the Shaanxi Branch of the National Bacterial Resistance Surveillance Network, and a member of the Laboratory Physician Branch of the Shaanxi Provincial Medical Doctor Association. In recent years, he has published more than 10 academic papers in medical journals and journals at home and abroad.

How dangerous is the popular "stinky water" in the children's circle?

Huo Shufen: Deputy Director of the Second Department of Respiratory and Critical Care of Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital, Deputy Chief Physician, Master's Student. He is a member of the Youth Committee of the Shaanxi Branch of Internal Medicine of the Chinese Medical Association, a member of the Standing Committee and Deputy Director General of the Geriatric Branch of the Shaanxi Medical Doctor Association, a member of the Standing Committee of the General Medicine Professional Committee of the Shaanxi Health Promotion and Education Association, a member of the Respiratory Professional Committee of the Shaanxi Health Care Association, a member of the Geriatrics Professional Committee of the Shaanxi Health Care Association, a member of the Medical Care and Elderly Care Branch of the Shaanxi Medical Doctor Association, a member of the Tumor Individualized Diagnosis and Treatment Professional Committee of the Shaanxi Anti-Cancer Association, and a member of the Western Interstitial Lung Disease Special Committee. He has presided over 2 provincial science and technology projects and 1 municipal science and technology project. He has participated in the compilation of 3 books on "Respiratory Failure", "Rational Use of Medicine for the Elderly" and "Prevention and Health Care of Geriatric Diseases", and published several academic papers, conference papers, and 3 SCIs.

Outpatient hours: Recently, the Xixian campus has been outpatient on Tuesdays

How dangerous is the popular "stinky water" in the children's circle?

Zong Wei: Deputy Director and Chief Physician of the First Department of Gastroenterology, Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital. Vice Chairman of the Youth Committee of Shaanxi Digestive Endoscopy Society, Member of the Youth Committee of Digestive Endoscopy Branch of Cross-Strait Medical and Health Exchange Association, Member of ERCP Group of Shaanxi Digestive Endoscopy Society, Member of Standing Committee of Shaanxi International Medical Exchange Promotion Association, Member of Standing Committee of Tumor Photodynamic Special Committee of Shaanxi Anti-Cancer Association, Member of Gastroenterologist Branch of Shaanxi Medical Doctor Association, Member of Digestive Professional Committee of Shaanxi Health Care Association, Member of Standing Committee of Digestive Endoscopy Special Committee of Shaanxi Communication Society. He has presided over 2 general projects of Shaanxi Provincial Natural Science Basic Research Program and 1 scientific research project of Shaanxi Provincial Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He has published more than 20 papers, including 2 SCI papers. The results have been published in the Chinese Journal of Digestive Endoscopy, the Chinese Journal of Digestive Diseases and Imaging, and the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology.

He is proficient in endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), endoscopic duodenal papillary muscle incision and stone removal (EST), stent placement and drainage of obstructive jaundice caused by hepatobiliary and pancreatic tumors, stent placement and drainage of colorectal cancer with acute obstruction, and endoscopic ultrasound.

Clinic hours: Monday morning and Wednesday afternoon

How dangerous is the popular "stinky water" in the children's circle?

Yi Yuan: Psychotherapist in the Department of Psychology of Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital. Registered system psychologist in clinical and counseling psychology professional institutions and professionals of the Chinese Psychological Association. He has participated in the compilation and translation of many works such as "Psychotherapy of Traditional Chinese Medicine", "Stress and Psychosis: The Development of New Research Models", "Research on the Compilation and Reliability and Validity of 100 Psychological Symptom Questionnaires", and the paper "Simulation Teaching of Abnormal Psychology" was published in the national core journal "Chinese Journal of Higher Education", and won the first prize of the journal. A total of 3000+ hours of individual treatment and more than 200 hours of group treatment. At present, he mainly works with children and adolescents, and also leads parent growth group therapy and adolescent growth group, and has independently led three phases as the main therapist. Since 2017, he has been teaching students in the Department of Psychology of Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital, responsible for the case supervision of students.

Psychological counseling clinic hours: 8:00~15:30 every Wednesday in Xixian Campus

>> registration method

1. Scan the code to search for the name of the expert to make an appointment for registration.

2. Search the official account of Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital on WeChat, and you can register directly online by searching for the name of the expert.

Huashang Daily Gale News reporter Wu Jie

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