
Looking back at the wonderful road and looking forward to the future, poetry and flowers are more fragrant - Liaozhai Poetry Society held a celebration meeting for the fifth anniversary of its establishment

author:Chic Jinan

Looking back at the wonderful road, looking forward to the future, the poems and flowers are more fragrant

——Liaozhai Poetry Society held a celebration meeting for the fifth anniversary of its establishment

On June 19, 2024, the fifth anniversary celebration meeting of the Liaozhai Poetry Society of Zichuan District Poetry Society was held in the Sanli Community Party and Mass Service Center. Vice President and Secretary-General Che Chunde presided over the meeting. President Meng Fanzhong made a summary report on the fifth anniversary of its establishment. In the report, he fondly reviewed the development process of Liaozhai Poetry Society from small to large, from weak to strong in the past five years since its establishment, and his confidence in future development; Member Yu Xinmin spoke on behalf of new and old members; Xu Yongxing, President of the Zichuan District Poetry Society, delivered a warm speech and put forward hopes for the future development of the Liaozhai Poetry Society; The members of the Eight Immortals crossed the sea to show their abilities and performed a variety of literary and artistic programs and calligraphy and painting works; Teacher Zhao Yuxia, vice president of the Zichuan Poetry Society, commanded the collective recitation of Du Fu's five-character ancient poem "Wangyue", expressing the ambition and ambition of the people of the Liaozhai Poetry Society to climb the peak bravely without fear of difficulties...... It will be the top of the mountain, and you can see the mountains at a glance! The passionate melody ended successfully.

A glimpse of the fifth anniversary celebration meeting of the Liaozhai Poetry Society

Looking back at the wonderful road and looking forward to the future, poetry and flowers are more fragrant - Liaozhai Poetry Society held a celebration meeting for the fifth anniversary of its establishment
Looking back at the wonderful road and looking forward to the future, poetry and flowers are more fragrant - Liaozhai Poetry Society held a celebration meeting for the fifth anniversary of its establishment
Looking back at the wonderful road and looking forward to the future, poetry and flowers are more fragrant - Liaozhai Poetry Society held a celebration meeting for the fifth anniversary of its establishment
Looking back at the wonderful road and looking forward to the future, poetry and flowers are more fragrant - Liaozhai Poetry Society held a celebration meeting for the fifth anniversary of its establishment
Looking back at the wonderful road and looking forward to the future, poetry and flowers are more fragrant - Liaozhai Poetry Society held a celebration meeting for the fifth anniversary of its establishment
Looking back at the wonderful road and looking forward to the future, poetry and flowers are more fragrant - Liaozhai Poetry Society held a celebration meeting for the fifth anniversary of its establishment

Celebration of the fifth anniversary of the establishment of the Liaozhai Poetry Society summary report

Good morning, distinguished leaders, distinguished guests, and poets!

Today, we gather together to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the establishment of the Liaozhai Poetry Society. I would like to express my warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to all the leaders and guests!

Looking back on the past days, we talk about the people of the Poetry Society, there are hardships and gains, achievements and shortcomings, but we always learn the rhythm and skills of poetry with full enthusiasm, and strive to create poems and lyrics that we are satisfied with, so that our writing level continues to improve. In order to actively respond to the call of the society, we have obtained good results in participating in various journals and various competitions, and have been highly praised and affirmed by the upper leaders.

First, in the past five years, the people of the Liaozhai Poetry Society have worked hard to study and actively create, and have achieved gratifying results. With the strong support of the majority of poetry friends and the full support of the caring people of the Society, the collection of works of the Liaozhai Poetry Society has been officially published, the first and second episodes.

Second, in the past five years, the people of Liaozhai Poetry Society have personally created five learning bases: Development Zone, Sanli Community, Chuanying Brewing Group, Mengquan Tourism Area, and Pu Songling Memorial Hall. And assisted the Chuanying Group and Pu Songling's former residence, and became a municipal advanced civilized poetry unit after acceptance. At the same time, it also actively cooperates with various bases to carry out various cultural activities, which has been unanimously recognized and praised by everyone.

Third, in the past five years, the people of Liaozhai Poetry Club have always insisted on a regular meeting every month, assigning homework every ten days, and three teachers taking turns on duty to tutor and comment, and then there is a special person responsible for collecting and putting it into the file. At the same time, teachers with professional knowledge are also invited to teach, so that everyone's poetry creation level continues to improve. Each of our regular meetings and learning activities is made into a beautiful article and an official account to report and publicize it to the outside world.

Fourth, in the past five years, the people of the Liaozhai Poetry Society have developed and recruited new and old members, forming a unique and multicultural group, including workers, farmers, teachers, businessmen, drivers, Taoist priests, retirees from all walks of life, etc. They each have their own strengths and talents; At the same time of learning poetry, he also often carries out various exhibitions and exchanges of calligraphy and painting, singing and dancing, and opera, thus enriching everyone's cultural activities. Make the poetry club more vibrant, more attractive, more warm and more cohesive.

Fifth, in the past five years, the people of Liaozhai Poetry Society have actively carried out various style collection activities, so that everyone can go deep into the natural life to absorb materials, grasp first-hand information, and lay a good foundation for poetry creation.

6. In the past five years, the people of Liaozhai Poetry Society have left many good memories: on March 4, 2019, it was established in the Zhuanghu Hotel in Sanli Community, when the number of poetry friends was less than ten; A small whiteboard was placed on the garden table in the hotel to give lectures, the teacher spoke professionally, and the poets listened carefully. This spirit of hard work touched Chairman Li Honglei, she personally coordinated to win us the cultural activity room of the development zone, and wrote the preface for our second book of poems, and after many efforts we won the Pu Songling Memorial Hall, Sanli Community Meeting Room, in these comfortable cultural platforms, for formal learning and holding various activities. At present, the Poetry Society has more than 10 official members of the Chinese Poetry Society, more than 20 members of the Zibo Poetry Society, and more than 40 members of the Zichuan District Poetry Society.

Five years of entrepreneurship have passed, and now we are moving forward from scratch. To sum up, all the achievements made are the result of the correct leadership of the Zichuan District Poetry Society, and the result of the joint efforts of the people of the Liaozhai Poetry Society. In particular, the members of the leadership team of the Poetry Society, they are the mainstay of the Poetry Society, and an important foundation for the development and growth of the Poetry Society. In the past five years, we have gone all the way, painstakingly, through ups and downs, it is not easy, so we must cherish this beautiful fate, seek common ground while reserving differences, and unite as one. In the future work, learn from each other and make progress together! Continue to communicate on this good platform, and work hard to make the future and development of Liaozhai Poetry Society better.

I wish the fifth anniversary celebration of the establishment of Liaozhai Poetry Society a complete success!

I wish all leaders, guests and poets: good health and smooth work!

Thank you!

Meng Fanzhong

A glimpse of theatrical performances

Looking back at the wonderful road and looking forward to the future, poetry and flowers are more fragrant - Liaozhai Poetry Society held a celebration meeting for the fifth anniversary of its establishment

A collection of poems to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the establishment of the Liaozhai Poetry Society

Xu Yongxing

The fifth anniversary of the establishment of the Poppy Liaozhai Poetry Society

The groan suddenly rose from the southeast ridge, swaying the shadow of the clear spring. On the side of the bridge, he helped the Sichuan eagle, won the poetry card, and the brewing was inclined to each other. A good opportunity to stay in the fairy township and compete for the chat. The wind leads the moon out of the thatched, the filial piety water raises the waves, and the road is paved in the distance.

Zhao Yuxia

The fifth anniversary of the establishment of the Yongliao Poetry Society

The five years of the company are celebrated, and the seats are bustling and joyful.

Playing and singing, blowing and playing appeared, and poems, calligraphy, paintings and prints competed.

Literary friends meet to increase the color of literature, and art friends study together to help the arts.

Climb hand in hand, and the glow is beautiful.

Meng Fanzhong

The 5th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Congratulations Poetry Society (Tongyun)

After five years of sweating and cultivating, I am happy to see the poetry and flowers blooming.

The performances are all present and celebrated, and the style is unique.


The 5th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Congratulations Poetry Society (Tongyun)

Liaozhai Society celebrates its fifth anniversary, and Sanli Village Hall gathers sages.

The president first moved the curtain, and the people sang and played the moon piano.

The words of the Beijing dialect encourage calligraphy and painting, and the sound of fan dancing is swaying in Yu Garden.

Today, when the song is played, the wine is prepared, and the two are drunk and happy.

Guo Jiebo

He Liaozhai Poetry Society celebrated its fifth anniversary

The three miles of heroes are full of exquisite arts, and the saucy people are happy.

The poetry, calligraphy and painting scenery is infinite, and the opera and piano sound are endless.

The chanting sound is rhythmic, and the palms sound into the sky.

Five years of hard work to store momentum, a smile to fly in the sky.

Song Shiguang

The fifth anniversary of the establishment of the Poetry Society

Half of the white hair pays Tang Feng, and the body is formed into an association with Liaozhai.

After five years of hard work, I will still wish to totem.

Che Chunde

The fifth anniversary of the establishment of the Liaozhai Poetry Society


Xianxiang association gathers talents, chasing dreams and obsessing with the soul of the Tang and Song dynasties.

Worship the poetry and immortal words, and respect the words and holy sentences.

Wave a fine imitation of Lotte rhyme, pen drunk playing Tao Lingqin.

I love to abandon the Qingyu case, and I regret the three thin Wu Lingchun.

Dong Zhanchun

Sauvignon Blanc Liaozhai Poetry Society's fifth anniversary celebration

    Say five years, remember five years. Filial piety is always in a hurry, and the wind is sent to the sea and the sky. The affection is lingering, the meaning is lingering. Fortunately, the original intention has never been idle, and the poetry gathers in the willow springs.

Zhang Bo

Poetry Society's Fifth Birthday (Tongyun)

Looking for bosom friends and filial piety at the water's edge, Acura Poetry Society for five years.

Friends of the same voice are happy to get together, and multi-talented guests are happy to help leisure.

A song of Yongmei calligraphy and ink paintings, hundreds of flowing water show literary faces.

Today's social celebration is the starting point, and read more mountains and rivers to write beautiful articles.

Che Xianliang

Congratulations (rhyme)

Liaozhai Society celebrates its fifth anniversary, and the opera Beijing vibrates for nine days.

Into the painting of the Jiangnan light dance beauty, fill in the lyrics Saibei Mange sweet.

The sound of the piano began to chants and chants, and the music of the book was swirled,

The group of friends is multi-talented, and the Tang wind and Song rain overflow Zichuan.

Zhang Guanglei

Liaozhai Poetry Society's Fifth Year Celebration (Tongyun)

In June, the sky is about to burn, and the fragrant fragrance wafts through the Xiao River.

The anniversary of the community dance was celebrated, and the poem attracted pride for nine days.

Sun Debing

The fifth anniversary celebration of Liaozhai Poetry Society has a message (rhyme)

Three thousand gray hairs follow each other day and day, and the poems can be traced with joyful time.

After singing a song, my heart flew to the clouds.

Meng Fanjun

The 5th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Congratulations Poetry Society (Tongyun)

Welcoming the fifth anniversary of the society, it has been difficult along the way.

The young seedlings become big trees, and the young eagles spread their wings in the sky.

The rhythm of poetry and rhyme is gathered into a volume, and the calligraphy, painting and singing are presented in front of the screen.

Cultural inheritance promotes righteousness, and teachers and students work together to climb again.

Sun Fengsheng

Congratulations to the fifth anniversary of the Liao Zhai Poetry Society

I am glad to hear that the New Year's celebration is a cup, and a happy life can be a few times.

Painting the scenery into poetry as a pen, and collecting sages to form a society and love as a medium.

Mentors and friends accompany each other every year, and Lijuqing accompanies them every day.

After five years of chatting and building dreams, we ushered in Wenyuan to win the lead.

Yu Xinmin

Celebrate the five-year-old essay of the Liao Zhai Poetry Society

And the monument stands on the bank of the lotus pond, and the Sanli New District is auspicious.

The talent exhibition of opera and singing, Danqing dance and ink art are promoted.

The group is unrestrained and lyrical, and the joy rises and shines.

Poetry friends are diligent and rhythmic, chatting about the fertile field and continuing to be brilliant.

Zhang Aili

Celebrating the 5th Anniversary of the Establishment of Liaozhai Poetry Society (Tongyun)

On the fifth anniversary of the completion of the school age, the Sanli community gathers all the talents.

The ancient songs are beautiful and the music is beautiful, and the wind and the moon are soft and sweet.

The poets of the eight directions are rich in books, and the lyricists from all over the world are bright and elegant.

The achievements are remarkable, and the east fence strives to be the first.

Li Yuyin

Celebrating the 5th Anniversary of the Establishment of Liaozhai Poetry Society (Tongyun)

Two cars and one crane Meng went first, and finally broke the ice when he met Sun Shi.

Five years have passed in a hurry, and the Year of the Dragon has gathered heroes for three miles.

Note: a. The second sentence is the four founders of the Poetry Writing Society (Meng Fanzhong, Che Xianliang, Che Chunde, Pu Xianhe) and Sun Debing. Tri-Mile / Tri-Mile Community.

Xue Yu

The 5th Anniversary of the Establishment of the He Zichuan Liaozhai Poetry Society (Tongyun)

On the fifth anniversary of my toddler, looking back is vaguely bitter and salty.

The cold daily warm poetry class, the autumn fruit is drunk and drunk.

Meng Qiuju

Celebrating the 5th Anniversary of the Poetry Society (Tongyun)

Calligraphy and painting hang high in the exhibition hall, and singing is playing.

On the branches outside the window, the birds seem to understand the poet's feelings.

Looking back at the wonderful road and looking forward to the future, poetry and flowers are more fragrant - Liaozhai Poetry Society held a celebration meeting for the fifth anniversary of its establishment