
Middle-aged men and women, the relationship is about to "cross the line", there are often these 3 signs, don't believe it

author:Lianzi said emotionally
Middle-aged men and women, the relationship is about to "cross the line", there are often these 3 signs, don't believe it

Text/Lotus Seeds

Figure/Sourced from the network

Moruwa once said: "Love needs to be carefully maintained, and the charm of novelty is only a flash in the pan." ”

Indeed, love and marriage need to be managed and maintained by two people who love each other, so that they can be long and happy.

Middle-aged men generally have a family, but some people have no sense of responsibility for the family and like to go outside to play ambiguously, which will have an impact on the family and make a happy marriage crumbling and outweighing.

In real life, some middle-aged men and women are tired of the dull and trivial married life and like to look for novelty and excitement outside, which is irrational.

Once an extramarital affair occurs, it will inevitably bring great harm to the original partner, resulting in ruining the original married life and regretting it for a lifetime.

Therefore, married middle-aged men and women must take precautions, do not be ambiguous with other members of the opposite sex, and pay attention to boundaries when dating.

If the two parties are always entangled and ambiguous in the name of friendship, the relationship will be different, and it is easy to cross the line.

As long as the relationship between two people is not normal, it can't be hidden at all, you can see through it at a glance, don't take chances.

In the final analysis, middle-aged men and women, the relationship is about to "cross the line", there will often be these 3 signs, don't believe it

Middle-aged men and women, the relationship is about to "cross the line", there are often these 3 signs, don't believe it

1. Frequent contact, chat and talk

Chat is a basic way of interpersonal communication, which can bring each other closer and enhance relationships.

For two people of the opposite sex, they will normally "avoid suspicion", and they will not contact each other frequently except after work.

However, if two people are in frequent contact, chatting and talking, or even some ambiguous topics, then the relationship between these two people is not ordinary.

Middle-aged men and women, the relationship crosses the line, often from the addition of friends, the two of them frequently contact, chat and talk.

After they add friends, they can't control their emotions, and they always like to chat with each other, talk about some gender topics and some ambiguous content, so as to solve their inner emotional desires.

In addition to talking about things at work, they will also talk about the trivialities of life, and they will also talk about emotional privacy, or talk to each other.

In this way, it is easy for the two to have emotional resonance, resulting in emotional dependence, which will inevitably breed ambiguous feelings, and once feelings are born, the relationship will become unclear.

Emotional dependence makes both parties accustomed to each other's existence, and they want to chat with each other all the time, which naturally gives the relationship the opportunity to cross the line, and it will be ambiguous if you don't pay attention to the relationship.

This is how Wang Yan and a male colleague had an ambiguous relationship, and since the two became friends, they have chatted frequently after work.

At first, it was natural to talk about things at work and trivial things in life, but gradually the relationship between the two became closer, and they talked about everything, not only about personal privacy, but also about various topics of both sexes.

Wang Yan's husband works in the field all the year round, and sometimes feels quiet in the dead of night, but there are male colleagues to chat with her, so that her emotional lack has been filled.

The two were in frequent contact, chatting and talking, and became emotionally dependent, just like that, when they were five months old, the two couldn't control their emotions, made an appointment to meet, and had an ambiguous relationship.

It can be seen that most middle-aged men and women cross the line in their relationships, starting from frequent contact and chatting.

Middle-aged men and women, the relationship is about to "cross the line", there are often these 3 signs, don't believe it

2. Flirting and scolding, not excluding physical contact

Scientific research and life experience tell us that only close people are willing to have physical contact with each other, and intimate physical contact can not only quickly enhance the relationship, but also sublimate the relationship. In general, people of the opposite sex will reject this kind of physical contact.

If both men and women are not averse to flirting, have physical contact, and are even happy to have some physical contact, whether intentional or unintentional, then it means that the relationship between these two people is not ordinary.

Therefore, middle-aged men and women like to get tired of being together, flirting and scolding, and immersed in ambiguity, then the relationship between the two will definitely cross the line.

This kind of middle-aged men and women always like to get tired of being together, flirting and scolding, and have physical intimacy, without any sense of boundary.

For example, when middle-aged men and women are together, they always like to say some ambiguous jokes, and they also cooperate with some intimate behaviors of physical contact, which is easy to cross the line.

For another example, when middle-aged men and women are alone, they hook their shoulders and arms, and there is no avoidance at all in all kinds of physical contact, which is a manifestation of an unusual relationship.

If the two are immersed in this kind of ambiguous behavior, after a long time, an ambiguous relationship will inevitably occur, and once the right time comes, an intimate relationship will occur.

Colleague Liu Ming is such a person, he likes to talk to beautiful women when he sees them, and when the relationship is familiar, he can't help flirting and scolding, so he has a lot of physical contact with the other party.

This is how he had an extramarital affair with a middle-aged woman, and when the two started out, they always liked to flirt together, not only hooking shoulders and arms, all kinds of physical contact, and even often going out on dates.

Eventually, when they went out on a date, the two didn't control their emotions and had an intimate relationship, which led to an extramarital affair.

It can be seen that middle-aged men and women, when dating, must know how to handle the sense of boundaries, do not always fight together, and have physical contact, otherwise, the relationship will cross the line sooner or later.

Middle-aged men and women, the relationship is about to "cross the line", there are often these 3 signs, don't believe it

3. Giving gifts to each other, money is not clear

In a relationship, the exchange of gifts is a special way of expression, which not only represents the heart, but also hints at the development of the relationship between the two.

Middle-aged men and women generally have families, and if they frequently exchange gifts in their usual interactions, then the relationship between these two must be unusual.

For a person, always giving to the other party regardless of gains and losses, in fact, there is ulterior motives. Especially the middle-aged men and women, who have experienced all kinds of life, know more that if there is no benefit, it is impossible to give selflessly.

Therefore, in a relationship, if there is no purpose, it is impossible to pay money and material things to other members of the opposite sex. They are willing to give, in the way of small favors, which is nothing more than to achieve the satisfaction of the desired emotional desires.

Especially middle-aged men, they constantly give gifts and spend money on women outside, just to play ambiguous with each other and develop a lover relationship to satisfy their emotional desires.

They look for novelty outside, and playing ambiguous is this way to quickly win the woman's favor, and once the woman accepts it, it will soon develop into a lover relationship.

Therefore, middle-aged men and women give gifts to each other, and money is not clear, then it means that the relationship between the two is no longer simple, and it is easy to have an ambiguous relationship.

Mr. Zhang and Miss Li have been friends for many years, both are married, although the two have always said that they are just good friends, but anyone with a discerning eye understands that their relationship is not ordinary.

Because, Miss Li not only knitted a scarf for Mr. Zhang, but also received a collection of music boxes from Mr. Zhang.

In fact, the moment the two gave each other these two gifts, the relationship between the two became ambiguous. Of course, anyone with a discerning eye will guess that their relationship is not ordinary.

It can be seen that middle-aged men and women give gifts to each other, and if there is money on money that is not clear, the relationship must be unusual, and it is easy to cross the line.

Middle-aged men and women, the relationship is about to "cross the line", there are often these 3 signs, don't believe it

Emotional Message:

Between men and women, in addition to two people in love and marriage, they will support each other and work hand in hand, and it is impossible for men and women in ordinary relationships to have.

Therefore, middle-aged men and women, whose relationship is about to "cross the line", often have these 3 signs: frequent contact, chatting and talking; flirting and scolding, not excluding physical contact; Sending gifts to each other, money is not involved.

It can be seen that the relationship between men and women is not ordinary, and they all start from some small things. If in the relationship, the two are always immersed in the ambiguous atmosphere of flirting and scolding in the name of friendship, then it is easy to cross the line.

Here is a reminder to middle-aged men and women, if you have a family, when you have a family with the opposite sex, you must pay attention to the sense of boundary, do not play ambiguous, and avoid the consequences caused by crossing the line.

Entering middle age, both men and women must have principles and bottom lines, take the initiative to refuse ambiguity, and do not cross the line, so as to keep the happiness that originally belonged to them.


Author: Lianzi, focusing on the creation and sharing of the emotional field, I hope to bring you warmth and comfort in the soul with words that go to the heart. If you like it, please follow me, thank you!