
This year's dog days are not ordinary, not encountered in 60 years, there are three major characteristics, two bad news, one good news

author:Popular science of agriculture and agriculture
Introduction: This year's dog days are not ordinary, not encountered in 60 years. There are three characteristics, among them, there are two bad news and one good news, what do they mean? Will this year's dog days be more hot or rainy? Let's take a look at how the ancients judged!

This year's summer solar term is approaching, which means that we will usher in the day of "steaming and cooking". However, we must know that the summer heat is only a small heat, and it is not until the summer heat that the hottest time of the year can be ushered in.

This year's dog days are not ordinary, not encountered in 60 years, there are three major characteristics, two bad news, one good news

Xiaoxiao is the June season of the 24th solar term of the lunar calendar, which indicates the official beginning of the summer season, and the main climate is characterized by rising temperatures and entering the thunderstorm period.

Although Xiaoxiao is just a small heat, it is not the beginning of dog days, but it is not far from dog days. Listening to the old people around me, this year's dog days are not ordinary, and they will not be encountered in 60 years. There are three characteristics, among them, there are two bad news and one good news, what do they mean? Will this year's dog days be more hot or rainy? Let's take a look at how the ancients judged!

This year's dog days are not ordinary, not encountered in 60 years, there are three major characteristics, two bad news, one good news

First, let's take a look at how the "dog days" are regulated

The method of calculating the dog days, we can find it in the almanac, the ancients set up this method is very simple, just 21 words: "The summer solstice three Geng count the head volt, the summer solstice four Geng count the middle volt, and the autumn after the end of the one Geng count." ”

The meaning of these words is that from the summer solstice, counting to the third Geng day will enter the "first volt", counting to the fourth Geng day will enter the "middle volt", counting to the first Geng day after the beginning of autumn is the "last volt".

This year's dog days are not ordinary, not encountered in 60 years, there are three major characteristics, two bad news, one good news

In "Huainanzi Tianwenxun", it is said: "The 15th day after the summer solstice is the small heat, and the 15th day after the small heat is the big heat." "It takes 30 days from the summer solstice to the great heat, and every 10 days there will be a "Geng day", so the day of ambush will inevitably fall between the small heat and the big heat.

What is "volt"? According to the interpretation of the ancients, it means "to hide and avoid ambush". Because the weather is too hot during this time, people are prone to illness, so in ancient times, people would also hold sacrificial ceremonies to pray for safety and health. This kind of sacrificial activity is what we often hear about as "Fu Sacrifice", on this day to kill a dog as a sacrifice, so you see that the right side of the word "Fu" is the word "dog".

In short, it is too hot to move. Therefore, the ancestors chose the hottest 30 or 40 days of the year for us to avoid, hide, and quiet.

This year's dog days are not ordinary, not encountered in 60 years, there are three major characteristics, two bad news, one good news

So how to calculate the time of ambush? First of all, we have to understand what is "Geng Day"?

We know that the 24 solar terms and the December building are the basic content of the Ganzhi calendar, and later the 24 solar terms were absorbed by the lunar calendar and are called an important part of the lunar calendar.

In the Ganzhi calendar, the "ten days of dry" A, B, C, D, E, G, G, XIN, NON, and 癸 will repeat the word "Geng" every 10 days, and we call this day with the word "Geng" "Geng Day".

This year's dog days are not ordinary, not encountered in 60 years, there are three major characteristics, two bad news, one good news

Now that we understand what the "Geng day" is, we can count the dog days of this year according to the saying of "three Geng on the summer solstice, four Geng on the summer solstice, and one Geng on the autumn and the last one".

This year's summer solstice has passed, it is on June 21 of this year, we have to check from June 21, until the third "Geng day" appears, this day is the day of ambush.

Specifically: the first Gengshen day after the summer solstice this year is on June 25, which is Gengshen Day; The second Geng day is on July 5, which is the Gengwu day; The third Geng day is on July 15, which is Gengchen Day. Therefore, this year is July 15 "ambush".

This year's dog days are not ordinary, not encountered in 60 years, there are three major characteristics, two bad news, one good news

The beginning of the "last fu" is on the first Geng day after the beginning of autumn. This year's "beginning of autumn" is on August 7, and the first Geng day after August 7 is on August 14, which is Gengxu Day. Therefore, the end of this year starts on August 14 and counts 10 days from there, and August 23 is the last day of the last month, and August 24 is officially out.

Whether the dog days are 30 or 40 days a year depends on whether the time of the "middle volts" is 10 or 20 days in the year.

So, how is "Zhongfu" calculated?

According to the traditional method left by the ancients, that is, between the summer solstice solar term and the beginning of autumn solar terms, if there are 4 Geng days, then Zhongfu is 10 days, and if there are 5 Geng days between the summer solstice solar terms and the beginning of autumn solar terms, then Zhongfu is 20 days.

This year, there are a total of 5 Geng days between the summer solstice and the beginning of autumn, which are Gengshen Day, Gengwu Day, Gengchen Day, Gengyin Day and Gengzi Day. So, this year's dog days are another extended version of dog days, which is 40 days long.

This year's dog days are not ordinary, not encountered in 60 years, there are three major characteristics, two bad news, one good news

Second, this year's dog days are not ordinary, not encountered in 60 years

Why do you say that this year's dog days are not seen in 60 years? Because this year's summer solstice is handed over at 4:51 on June 21, this is the earliest summer solstice in 228 years. The last time there was such an early summer solstice was in 1796, at 2:42 on June 21, two hours earlier than this year's summer solstice. However, there is an earlier one in this century, in 2096, when the summer solstice was celebrated at 14:30 on June 20 in the Gregorian calendar.

"The summer solstice will come early", the summer solstice comes early, which means that the dog days will come early, and 2024 will take 72 years from the next 2096. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that this year's dog days are not encountered in 60 years.

This year's dog days are not ordinary, not encountered in 60 years, there are three major characteristics, two bad news, one good news

3. There are three major characteristics of this year's dog days, among which there are two bad news and one good news

The first "bad news": this year is the extended version of the dog days

As has been made clear above, this year's dog days are from July 15 to August 23, a total of 40 days, which is a year of 40 dog days for ten consecutive years since 2015, which means that this year's dog days may be hotter for a longer time.

However, next year, 2025, the dog days will be 30 days, and the record of 40 consecutive dog days will finally be ended.

This year's dog days are not ordinary, not encountered in 60 years, there are three major characteristics, two bad news, one good news

The second "bad news": this year's "summer solar term" is before the "volatile".

As the old saying goes, "Before the summer comes out, it must be a disaster year." This means that if the summer of this year is passed before the "coming out", then according to the experience of the ancients for thousands of years, the year may not be very good. There was a grain crop failure.

This year's summer vacation is on August 22, and August 23 is the last day of the end of the year, and August 24 will officially "come out". Therefore, this year is "before the summer season comes out", and according to the folk proverb, this year's grain production may be affected by the weather and there will be a failure of the harvest.

This year's dog days are not ordinary, not encountered in 60 years, there are three major characteristics, two bad news, one good news

Good news: this year's dog days are "Mother Days"

Dog days, like the beginning of autumn, are also divided into "male and female", according to the concept of the ancients, regard the singular number as yang, corresponding to the male, and regard the double number as yin, corresponding to the female. This year, the lunar date of the day of "ambush" is the tenth day of the sixth month, which is an even number. Therefore, this year's dog days are "Mother Days".

As the old saying goes: "The male is fierce, the female is cool", "The male is hot and the cow is dead, and the female is cool and swishing." "This year's dog days are 'mother', which means that this year's dog days may not be as hot, although they are hot for a long time. Of course, dog days are not very hot, indicating that there is more rain in some places, and we should pay attention to flood prevention.

This year's dog days are not ordinary, not encountered in 60 years, there are three major characteristics, two bad news, one good news

Fourth, is there more heat or more rain on dog days? Look at how the agricultural proverbs left by the ancestors are judged

1. The sun is on the head, and the drought is at the end;

2. Drenched the head and went down to the tail;

3. There is rain at the head, and there is rain at the head;

4. There is no rain in Fuli, and there is no rice in the hoard;

5. Three dogs into three rains, five grains into the warehouse;

6. Die in the heat in the morning, and rain in the evening;

7. There is no rain in the head and two are resting, and there is no rain in the third and autumn is hopeful.

This year's dog days are just around the corner, what do you think this year's dog days will look like? Looking forward to your sharing, thanks for reading.
