
The old man said, "If you don't move three things at home, your days will go smoothly every day", and the more these three things don't move at home, the smoother it is!

author:Popular science of agriculture and agriculture
Introduction: The old man said that "the three things at home are not moving, and the days are smooth every day", the more the three things in the family are not moving, the smoother they are!

"The ups and downs of the family road are man-made, not by the mandate of heaven." The rise and fall of a family is not controlled by providence or fate, but by the actions, decisions, and efforts of the family members themselves.

The old man said, "If you don't move three things at home, your days will go smoothly every day", and the more these three things don't move at home, the smoother it is!

A family with high-quality feng shui often has "three immobility", the more immovable, the more blessed, and the days will be smoother and smoother!

So, what does the "three immobility" refer to in this house? Let's find out!

1. If there is no anger at home, blessings will come naturally

When a family is uneasy, there are often these four types of "weirdos", namely: "the old man who is disrespectful to the elderly, the child who does not listen to the teachings, the man who loves to gamble, and the woman who does not care about the family." As long as you have one of these 4 "weirdos" in your family, your family will be defeated!

The old man said, "If you don't move three things at home, your days will go smoothly every day", and the more these three things don't move at home, the smoother it is!

Have you noticed that these 4 types of "weirdos" have a common characteristic, that is, they love to be angry. They are often angry with outsiders, and when they return home, they treat their family members as trash cans for "bad moods", making the home unpeaceful.

I have such a neighbor around me, almost every 2-3 days, his house will have a big fight, and even call the police to find the police. Actually, it's not a big deal, it's just that the old people in his family always love to be "nosy", either they can't get used to it, or they can't get used to it. If you don't put the food, you have to quarrel with you, and if you give less, you have to be noisy if you buy something to eat for your child, and you have to be noisy if you don't give him food. Say all day long, this one looks down on him, that looks down on him.

The old man said, "If you don't move three things at home, your days will go smoothly every day", and the more these three things don't move at home, the smoother it is!

Chatting with the neighbors, he said that none of his relatives would come to his house because the old people in his family would quarrel with them and drive them away whenever their relatives came to his house. Moreover, she will say that she is not good in front of her relatives, and that is not good, and when her relatives leave, she will in turn say that her relatives are not good and look down on him.

In short, it's all a little thing, and a quarrel is for several days in a row, which makes the family uneasy. In such a family, neighbors will avoid it, for fear of causing trouble, life will not be smooth, and they can't do anything they want.

Therefore, the top blessing of a family is a harmonious atmosphere. The more angry people in the house, the greater the anger and the greater the calamity. You know, building a home is a lot of hard work, destroying a home, one person is enough, and even 3 generations can be destroyed.

"If the father loves the mother, the mother is quiet, the mother is quiet, the son is safe, the son is safe, the family is peaceful, and the family is prosperous." In a family with superior feng shui, both parents and children will tolerate and understand each other, tolerate each other, and truly understand each other's positions and feelings. Such a family can condense blessings and make the family full of warmth and happiness.

If the closest family members do not control their emotions and vent their anger without holding back, it will only lead the family into an emotional whirlpool, which will often lead to difficulties and even disasters.

Therefore, we must remember that "if there is no anger at home, blessings will come naturally", the more immovable, the more blessed you are, and the more smooth your home will be!

The old man said, "If you don't move three things at home, your days will go smoothly every day", and the more these three things don't move at home, the smoother it is!

2. Don't complain, stay away from disasters

Every member of the family is suffering for this family. For example, a mother in a family who is at home full-time with her children not only has to take care of the child, but also hand him over to study, take care of the housework, and take care of the elderly. If, as a husband, she can't share the pain in her heart and just complains, then it will cause all kinds of misfortunes to the family.

The old man said, "If you don't move three things at home, your days will go smoothly every day", and the more these three things don't move at home, the smoother it is!

As the mistress of the family, it is the same, always complaining and complaining that the man earns little money and does not care about the family, and over time the family will be hinted by negative emotions and become more and more uncomfortable.

There is such a passage in "The World Without Complaining", which makes a lot of sense, and it goes like this: "Complaining never attracts and brings what you want; On the contrary, complaining will make you never get rid of the things you don't want. ”

The meaning of this statement is that if you want to attract and get what you want, then, you should avoid complaining and instead focus on your desired goals and take positive actions to achieve them. By thinking and acting positively, you can be more likely to achieve your desires and get rid of those things you don't want.

If a family is full of resentment and is always attacking each other's shortcomings, then it is conceivable that the relationship between you will become more and more diluted, and even resentful. Moreover, there is resentment in the family, which is more like a chronic poison, devouring people's energy day after day until it is exhausted.

Therefore, if you want family peace, don't complain every day, it's better for everyone to work together, face up to the current problems, and solve them slowly. Two people can be together, that is, fate, love and gratitude, life is so short a few decades, why can't you be positive?

We can look at the happier families around us, they are all full of love and gratitude to each other, the warmer the family, the stronger the happiness.

In short, if you want your family to be happy and lucky, then you need to be emotionally stable in the family. Don't be angry, don't blame, understand more, and communicate more, so that the whole family will be in a positive energy field, and blessings will come naturally, and it will be smoother and smoother!

The old man said, "If you don't move three things at home, your days will go smoothly every day", and the more these three things don't move at home, the smoother it is!

3. Don't be desired, be free and rich

As the old saying goes, "If people are not satisfied, they often encounter disasters and sorrows." Although this proverb is only a few words, it clearly points out the characteristics of two types of people who suffer from life, one is those who work hard but have no reward, and the other is those who are greedy and insatiable.

The old saying reminds us: life is like a mirror, reflecting the inner state, and those who are rich in their hearts often feel happy and peaceful, and their families are happy; Those who have unbridled desires are suffering in their hearts, and their families are also full of disasters. ”

There is no unhappy family in the world, only a family that is not satisfied, and the more greedy it is, the more miserable it is. Because, the more dissatisfied you are, the more you live in the imaginary future.

The more you can't get it, the more you want to struggle, and the more you struggle, the more painful it becomes. A family with unbridled desires destroys not only their own lives, but also the lives of their parents, wives and children.

Xiao Li used to be the vice president of the company, with a happy family and both children. However, he fell into stock speculation due to greed, and after making small profits at first, he became more and more addicted, and even was dismissed because of this. His family advised him to be content, but he insisted on going his own way and ended up with huge debts. The family broke up, his wife left him, and his parents returned to work to pay off their debts due to illness. Xiao Li's greed ruined his life and family.

The old man said, "If you don't move three things at home, your days will go smoothly every day", and the more these three things don't move at home, the smoother it is!

We must understand that exquisite silk is no more than the upper and lower body, delicious food is only three meals a day, and the high-rise building is only 3 feet on the couch. How happy a family is depends not on how much wealth there is, but on how satisfied it is in the present state.

In short, if you can truly "not be angry, be in harmony and be complete; No complaints, the family thrives; If you are not greedy, your blessings will last forever", then you will be able to truly raise a rich home of the best Feng Shui.

You can type these three sentences in the comment area and remind yourself at all times: "I will not be angry in the future, I will not be resentful in the future, and I will not be lustful in the future!" "May you and I do all three things and have a happy and happy home!
