
2, Zhu Youzhen and Zhu Youzhen's similar endings (middle)

author:Historical station

In August of the year when Zhu Youqi ascended the throne, 3,000 soldiers of the Longxiang Army stationed in Huaizhou (now Qinyang, Henan) suddenly mutinied. The New Year has passed, and the manhunt is not over. Zhu Youzhen was about to recall them back to Luoyang, so Zhu Youzhen took the opportunity to scare them and said: "The Son of Heaven will call you all to kill you after the mutiny of the Longxiang army stationed in Huaizhou!" There is also a saying that the so-called "holy decree" to summon the Longxiang army back to Luoyang was also forged by Zhu Youzhen - no matter what, in short, the soldiers were frightened and only begged King Jun for help. Zhu Youzhen saw that the fire was almost over, and said: "The first emperor led you to fight in the south and the north for more than 30 years, and it took this foundation to create: now that the first emperor has been killed, how can the usurper let you go?" After speaking, he also took out a portrait of Zhu Wen for everyone to see, and said with tears in his eyes: "You can only turn disaster into blessing if you kill Luoyang, capture the traitor and avenge the shame, and thank the first emperor!" The soldiers cheered enthusiastically and asked Zhu Youzhen to be their leader, but Zhu Youzhen did not accept it? It can be seen that when it comes to acting, Zhu Youzhen is much smarter than her brother Zhu Youzhen.

2, Zhu Youzhen and Zhu Youzhen's similar endings (middle)

Zhu Yuxi (?) ~March 27, 913)

Next, Zhu Youzhen sent Yuan Xiangxian and others to lead thousands of forbidden soldiers into the Luoyang Palace. Zhu Youqi took his wife Zhang, who should be Empress Zhang at this moment, and his cronies Feng Tingge, fled to the city wall of the North Palace in a hurry, intending to escape over the wall, but immediately found that the outside of the city was also controlled by "rebels", and there was no way to escape. In desperation, Zhu Youqi had to order Feng Tingge to kill Empress Zhang first, and then kill himself; In the end, Feng Tingge knew that if he fell into the hands of Zhu Youzhen and others, he would only die even worse, and he also swung his sword to kill himself - he was a small person, and he killed two emperors and a queen successively, which can be regarded as "worth dying", right? This is the first year of the Fengli calendar (913 AD) in February, from June last year to the throne, Zhu Youqi only served as the emperor for more than eight months, can barely be counted as a year. Zhu Youqi was Zhu Wen in the Tang Dynasty when he marched into Bozhou during the Guangqi period, and the camp prostitute who could not even leave a surname "Ye He Shengye" ("The History of the New Five Dynasties: The Biography of the Liang Family"), Tang Xizong changed the year name to "Guangqi First Year" in March of the fifth year of Zhonghe (AD 885), and changed the year name to "Wende First Year" in February of the fourth year of Guangqi (AD 888). It can be inferred from this that Zhu Youqi seems to have been born in 886 at the earliest; And his fourth brother Zhu Youzhen was born in the first year of Wende, that is to say, Zhu Youzhen was born no later than 888, and it is estimated that it is more likely to be in 886 and 887, let's count him as being born in 886, and when he ordered others to kill him in 913, he only lived to be 28 years old, and he was still a young man.

Zhu Youzhen is not only handsome, but also calm and steady by nature, although she doesn't speak much, she especially likes to read. When Zhu Wen was called emperor, Zhu Youzhen was already a 20-year-old young man, at that time he was not only named the king of Jun, but also Zhu Wen set up the closest Praetorian Guard - Tianxing Army, and also appointed him as the Zuo Tianxing military envoy, that is, let him control half of the command of the forbidden army, a few years later, he was appointed as the commander of the Tokyo Mabu Army, so in the eastern capital of Bianliang, Zhu Youzhen is a well-known figure. Later, when Zhu Youzhen falsely preached the holy decree and forced Zhu Youwen to commit suicide, an important reason why it was very smooth was that he faked his hand to Zhu Youzhen. Presumably, Zhu Wen's great trust in Zhu Youwen also caused Zhu Youzhen's considerable dissatisfaction, and the false holy decree was to secretly order Zhu Youzhen to "harm Bo Wang Youwen" ("History of the Old Five Dynasties: The First Chronicle of the Last Emperor"); As for Zhu Youzhen, regardless of whether its holy decree is true or false, let's get rid of my father's fake son who is more than a real son. Therefore, strictly speaking, it should be Zhu Youqi and Zhu Youzhen's brothers who teamed up to get rid of Zhu Youwen. The common political enemy was dead, and the contradictions between the brothers soon became prominent, and Zhu Youzhen took advantage of Zhu Youzhen's favorable condition of "usurping the position and not attaching himself to the feelings of the masses", seized the opportunity to launch a coup d'état, and easily got rid of Zhu Youzhen. When Yuan Xiangxian and Zhao Yan took the jade seal of the country and asked Zhu Youzhen to go to Luoyang to take the throne, Zhu Youzhen said: "Bianzhou is the place where the first emperor started his business, if you must support me, hold an enthronement ceremony in Tokyo." So he ascended the throne in Daliang that month, and restored the "first year of the Fengli calendar" to "three years of Qianhua", and Zhu Youzhen was the late emperor of Liang. Next, Zhu Youzhen restored the title of Zhu Youwen, the king of Bo, that is, he put all the responsibility for killing Zhu Youwen on Zhu Youjun; Zhu Youqi himself was deposed as a concubine. Like Liu Shao of the Liu Song Dynasty, due to the rebellious act of killing his father, historians of all dynasties did not recognize Zhu Youqi as the emperor, and the lineage of the Later Liang only remembered "Taizu Zhu Wen" and "Late Emperor Zhu Youzhen". In fact, no matter what Zhu Youqi's character and behavior are, his status as an emperor for more than 8 months cannot be erased.

Sure enough, as Zhu Wen expected, none of his sons was the opponent of Li Keyong's son Li Cunqing, and the mediocre late emperor Zhu Youzhen could not be compared with Li Cunqing. Not to mention that he can't personally lead the army to fight and defeat the enemy like Li Cunmiao, even the domestic government and government have been made a mess by him. His wife was the daughter of Zhang Guiba, Zhu Wen's hero, and as soon as Zhu Youzhen ascended the throne, she was ready to canonize her as the queen. But Zhang said, don't worry, wait until Your Majesty has gone to the southern suburbs to worship the gods. Zhu Youzhen agreed, it is said that the sacrifice to the gods of heaven naturally has to choose a good period when the politics are relatively clear and the people live and work in peace and contentment, and when Zhu Youzhen was in power, the Later Liang Empire failed to find an opportunity to worship the gods due to internal and external difficulties. It wasn't until September of the fifth year of Qianhua (915 AD) that Zhang became seriously ill, and Zhu Youzhen hurriedly canonized her as Concubine De - probably to rush to rejoice for her first, and then officially canonize her as the queen when her illness improved, right? Unexpectedly, that night, the unblessed Concubine Zhang Defei died at the age of 24. Zhu Wen's eighth and youngest son, Zhu Youjing, was named King Kang, and he had two pupils in his eyes, which is said to be a rich and noble appearance, and Zhu Youjing was also very conceited, thinking that he should be the emperor. On the day when Concubine Zhang Defei was about to be buried, Zhu Youjing took advantage of the Chaos Sect assassin to infiltrate Zhu Youzhen's dormitory. Zhu Youzhen had just fallen asleep, and was awakened by the sonorous sound of the sword next to the bed, and hurriedly jumped up, drew his sword and shouted: "There are assassins!" He escaped barefoot by jumping over the wall, and called for the forbidden army to search, and finally captured all the assassins. Needless to say, both the assassin and Zhu Youjing were executed, and Zhu Youzhen said to Zhao Yan and Concubine De's brothers Zhang Hanjie and Zhang Hanlun with emotion: "I almost can't see you!" ”

("The Height is Unbearable - The Emperor and His Concubines and Children" series No. 624)