
A city's "struggle code"

author:Shaanxi Net Hancheng Station

As the ancients said, "The city, so the people are also; The people are the foundation of the city. The hearts of the people yearn for it, and the city will prosper. The Yellow River is rushing and has a long history, stirring up the pride of the people of Hancheng to "counterattack in a small city". Making life better and making people happier has long become the city's continuous progress and original intention.

A city's "struggle code"

Concentric with the city, walk with dreams. The city and the enterprise have an intrinsic connection of co-prosperity and symbiosis, in order to achieve the goal of "people's hearts", Hancheng and Taishan Group have started a "two-way running" journey.

Build a nest to attract phoenixes

I pay sincerely, you live up to expectations

In recent years, in the face of the severe situation of the external environment and the bottleneck constraints of economic development, Hancheng has withstood the pressure, shouldered the responsibility, based on the new stage of development, completely and accurately implemented the new development concept, closely followed the actual development, reshaped the development ideas, and regarded investment promotion as an important starting point for economic stability and quality improvement, and turned the "stone from other mountains" into a powerful kinetic energy of "small city counterattack".

A city's "struggle code"

As an important support for Hancheng's economic growth, an important force for scientific and technological innovation, and an important platform for absorbing employment, the determination of the municipal party committee and the municipal government to support, serve and ensure the healthy and high-quality development of private enterprises has never changed. Therefore, in the work of attracting investment, our city has always taken care of private enterprises as "our own people", and has introduced a series of policies and measures to support the landing of new projects, encourage scientific and technological innovation, and help the development of enterprises. With the responsibility and feelings of loving Hancheng with heart and affection, we will help the private economy to go to a broader "sea of stars".

Taishan Group is a leader in China's private enterprises, thanks to the good business environment and a series of advantages in Hancheng, with the strong support of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, Taishan Group has achieved healthy and rapid growth. In 2019, after passing the preliminary inspection and demonstration, the Aegean Shopping Park, as a key investment attraction project in our city, was developed and constructed by Taishan Group.

Behind this cooperation is the like-mindedness of the Korean Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Government and Taishan Group to seize the opportunity and win the future, and it is also a vivid footnote to the mutual achievement of the city and the enterprise.

Born to the sun

I give you the sky, you spread your wings and take off

People take the city as their home, and the city is people-oriented. How to go from the "freehand" of top-level design to the "fine strokes" of implementation? It will take a citywide effort.

A city's "struggle code"

In order to build the Aegean Shopping Park into a new growth pole for the development of cultural tourism in Hancheng, our city closely follows the keyword of "high quality", "reads the problem" from a high position, and "breaks the problem" from the key, puts innovation at the core of economic and social development, focuses on specialization and characteristic development, and drives the transformation and development of enterprises with the strong determination of nirvana rebirth.

Going back to 5 years ago, the traditional business service model of Hancheng has been difficult to adapt to the development of the city and the needs of people's consumption, and it is urgent to improve the shopping environment of the people. In order to change this status quo, the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government have made efforts to make the industry the strongest "supporting force" of the economy and the strongest adsorption force of the population through the investment promotion method of attracting business and attracting enterprises by enterprises. At that time, Taishan Group had entered a stable period of development, and the company had also formulated the strategic goal of transforming from residential development to commercial development management, which coincided with the development concept of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government.

A city's "struggle code"

Taishan Group began to promote the Aegean Shopping Park project under Red Star Macalline. However, Cai Yong, who was the chairman of the group at that time, never imagined that it would take five years for this decision to be implemented and finally effective.

At the beginning of the construction of the project, it coincided with the major adjustment of the national real estate policy, and the three-year epidemic made the project construction even more difficult, the plan was reversed, the economy suffered direct losses, and the market continued to weaken...... One difficulty after another slowed down the progress of the project. Our city is determined to focus on one, do one, introduce one, and land one, take the initiative to win respect, and exchange actual results for support. At the same time, with a passion for the city and an entrepreneurial spirit of daring to be the first and indomitable, the pace of project progress has never stopped.

Gather momentum for a breakthrough and wait for spring. With the strong support of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government and the blessing of policy dividends, on June 9 this year, the Aegean Shopping Park opened as scheduled.

Go both ways

You and I go hand in hand to create a better future

The official completion and operation of the Aegean Shopping Park is the result of Hancheng's efforts to seize favorable opportunities, plan packaging projects, and continuously optimize the business environment. The project will radiate more than 1.3 million people in Hancheng, Heyang and Hejin, leading the public to enter the gathering place of quality life, and become a new engine of Hancheng's economy and a new highland of commerce.

A city's "struggle code"

With the opening of the Aegean Shopping Park, major brands such as Wanda Cinemas, Big Buyers Supermarket, Starbucks, Bawang Chaji, Tea Baidao, Pizza Hut, and Captain Jike also made a stunning appearance, bringing multi-scene and multi-dimensional lifestyle and consumption experience to surrounding consumers, and also injecting new young and trendy play vitality into the area.

A city's "struggle code"

As a commercial complex suitable for business, business and tourism, the shopping park ushered in nearly 150,000 visitors on the opening day, and the multi-functional formats such as tourism and leisure, catering and entertainment, and smart services met the needs of citizens and tourists. Since its opening, the flow of people has exceeded 670,000, and the average daily passenger flow has reached 40,000, which has further enhanced the popularity and vitality of the city and enabled the city to take advantage of the "opportunity" to grow.

With the guidance of the Aegean Shopping Park project, the city has a stronger sense of experience and more perfect functions, with a road network extending in all directions, and a 15-minute living circle such as schools, hospitals, communities, and supermarkets gradually forming, promoting the construction of regional central cities along the Yellow River.

A city's "struggle code"

Looking up at the starry sky and down-to-earth, Hancheng has reconstructed the order, regained the upward trend, and reshaped the image with the catch-up and transcendence trend of "reorganizing and starting again, rebirth and opening a new game", and built a "strong magnetic field" for enterprises and projects in accordance with the overall idea of "laying the foundation for agriculture, growing up in industry, filling in the grid in the service industry, and increasing the face of the cultural and tourism industry", laying a solid foundation for the landing and flowering of the Aegean Shopping Park.

Cai Yong, who is good at creating new ideas and daring to make something out of nothing, on the basis of overcoming difficulties together, reforming and creating new, taking the initiative to lead Taishan Group to actively participate in the innovative articles of Hancheng's economic and social development, so that the Aegean Shopping Park project has become a reality from a blueprint.

An open, inclusive, promising, and reborn Hancheng and a responsible, connotative, and dynamic private enterprise in the new era "go hand in hand", strive to explore the "struggle code" that makes the masses happier and more sustainable, and inject fresh blood of high-quality development into Hancheng's answer sheet of "being a good student of Weinan industrial development and striving to be the vanguard of the province's county economy".

Source: Hancheng News

Shaanxi Net Hancheng Station (Editor Wang Meina)

A city's "struggle code"