
"10 points" is convenient丨What should I do if I can't sleep? Come to the hospital "on your doorstep" for insomnia!

author:Shanghai Huangpu
"10 points" is convenient丨What should I do if I can't sleep? Come to the hospital "on your doorstep" for insomnia!

Sleep is one of the most basic physiological needs of human beings, about 1/3 of our lives are spent in sleep, is your sleep quality good? Will there be problems similar to the following? difficulty falling asleep, difficulty continuing to fall asleep after waking up in the middle of the night; Thoughtful, worried about the consequences of insomnia, poor sleep quality; Long-term use of sleeping pills gradually wears off......

"10 points" is convenient丨What should I do if I can't sleep? Come to the hospital "on your doorstep" for insomnia!

If you have any of these sleep problems, you are a sign of insomnia. Some people will say that sleeping pills and melatonin can help you sleep, but research data shows that long-term use of sleeping pills can cause drug resistance, memory loss and indigestion, and long-term use of melatonin can cause nervous system damage, cerebral insufficiency and reproductive system damage.

Is there nothing else to do but take sleeping pills and alatonin? No, the Laoximen Street Community Health Service Center (hereinafter referred to as Laoximen Social Health) has launched the "Traditional Chinese Medicine Insomnia Clinic" to solve your sleep problems.

"10 points" is convenient丨What should I do if I can't sleep? Come to the hospital "on your doorstep" for insomnia!

Walking into the lobby on the first floor of Laoximen Social Hygiene, the large "Chinese Medicine Insomnia Clinic" roll-up banner is obvious, informing every resident who comes to the center to improve their sleep quality through the special outpatient clinic. In the acupuncture room of the TCM Department on the 4th floor, Ms. Yuan, a patient with long-term insomnia, is being treated with a hot compress. Ms. Yuan said that she had been treated for a week through the method of "internal and external application", "I slept well, the quality of life skyrocketed, and my colleagues said that my complexion has improved, and the whole person feels refreshed." ”

"10 points" is convenient丨What should I do if I can't sleep? Come to the hospital "on your doorstep" for insomnia!

According to Jia Yiwen, the attending physician of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, there will be patients who mention insomnia at night when the daily diagnosis and treatment are interrupted, and the more patients who ask the question indicate that it is not an isolated phenomenon, and the "Chinese medicine insomnia clinic" came into being.

"10 points" is convenient丨What should I do if I can't sleep? Come to the hospital "on your doorstep" for insomnia!

Patients who are receiving warm compresses

Jia Yiwen told reporters that since the opening of the "Chinese Medicine Insomnia Clinic", the ratio of middle-aged and elderly people to young people is 7:3, "In general, middle-aged and elderly people suffer from insomnia due to lack of qi and blood and liver qi stagnation, while many young people are caused by long-term depression and anxiety." According to her, there was a patient who had severe insomnia on weekdays, and became anxious over time, and after coming to the outpatient clinic for a visit, his symptoms improved by taking traditional Chinese medicine decoction, so that he had a sense of trust in the doctor and began to receive acupuncture treatment, and after a two-week course of treatment, the quality of sleep rose sharply, "Through our later inquiry, we learned that this patient came to follow up regularly and took decoction after the phased acupuncture treatment stopped, and now he not only sleeps better, but also reduces the dose of anxiolytics." ”

"10 points" is convenient丨What should I do if I can't sleep? Come to the hospital "on your doorstep" for insomnia!

Patients who are undergoing acupuncture

According to the reporter's understanding, the "Chinese Medicine Insomnia Outpatient Clinic" mainly uses characteristic acupuncture techniques combined with traditional Chinese medicine decoction, through Xu's abdominal eight needles, scalp needles, ear acupuncture, rolling needles, heat therapy, massage and other traditional Chinese medicine external treatment methods, combined with the use of tea, decoction, medicine pillow, internal and external treatment, to achieve the effect of nourishing the heart and spleen, calming the nerves and helping sleep.

"10 points" is convenient丨What should I do if I can't sleep? Come to the hospital "on your doorstep" for insomnia!

Patients who are being treated with dressings

At present, Laoximen Social Health (No. 81 Xueqian Street) has opened a "Chinese medicine insomnia outpatient clinic" all day on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; Kaiyuanfang (No. 188 Daji Road) opens a "Chinese medicine insomnia outpatient clinic" from Monday to Friday. Citizens with sleep disorders may wish to improve their sleep quality.