
Are peaches high in iron? Can eating peaches really replenish iron?

author:Science refutes rumors

"Peaches have a high iron content, and eating peaches can replenish iron"

It is rumored that peaches are the champion of fruits in terms of iron content, and they can replenish iron and help replenish blood.

Rumor analysis

This statement is not true.

In fact, peaches do little for iron supplementation, not only are they low in iron, only 0.3 mg/100 g, but they are also plant-based iron, and they are poorly absorbed.

There is a folk rumor that eating peaches can replenish iron and blood. In fact, peaches have little effect on iron supplementation, not only are they low in iron, only 0.3 mg/100 g, but they are also plant-based iron, and they are poorly absorbed.

In contrast, it is more useful to supplement iron and blood or eat duck blood, which has a maximum iron content of 30.5 mg/100 g, which is nearly 102 times that of peaches, and has a high absorption rate.

How nutritious are peaches?

Peaches have been cultivated in mainland China for 5,000 years, and the mainland has become the world's largest producer of peaches. When you get a peach, it smells peachy, and the flesh is delicate, sweet and juicy in one bite.

Among the many fruits, peaches, although not very nutritious, can also provide us with nutrients such as dietary fiber, potassium, vitamin C, and antioxidants.

The insoluble dietary fiber content of peaches is 1 gram per 100 grams, which is not outstanding, not even apples; At 127 mg/100 g, the potassium content is moderate among fruits, not as good as bananas, but 1.5 times that of apples; Many people are more concerned about the vitamin C content in fruits, and peaches may disappoint you, as they have a lower vitamin C content of only 10mg/100g, which is higher than apples, but far from fruits such as oranges, strawberries, kiwis, guavas, and winter dates.

Are peaches high in iron? Can eating peaches really replenish iron?

Part of the nutrients of peaches

However, peaches contain a variety of phenolic substances, and a total of 58 phenolic metabolites have been identified in peach fruits, among which chlorogenic acid, catechins, neochlorogenic acids, and epicatechin are the main phenolic substances in peach fruits. These phenols have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, which can help us reduce oxidative damage in the body, fight chronic inflammation, slow down aging, and help prevent chronic diseases.

Are peaches high in iron? Can eating peaches really replenish iron?

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Eating right "raises people", eating wrong "hurts people"

Eating peaches correctly can provide us with some nutrients that are beneficial to the body, which plays the role of so-called "nourishing people", but if you eat them wrong, they may "hurt".

1. The calories are not high, but eating too much is also fat

Peaches are not too high in calories at 42 kcal/100 g, and powdery peaches have even fewer calories at 26 kcal/100 g. This is still very friendly for friends who love peaches and want to control their weight. But even so, don't be arrogant, eating too many peaches is also not good for weight control.

According to the recommendations in the "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents", it is recommended to control the fruit at 200~350 grams per day, and the weight of 1 nectarine is about 150 grams, and 1 large peach is nearly 250 grams.

Are peaches high in iron? Can eating peaches really replenish iron?

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2. Don't beat it into juice

Many people are accustomed to beating peaches into juice and drinking them directly, thinking that drinking fruit juice is equivalent to eating fruit, but in fact the two are not the same, and this practice is not recommended.

First of all, after the fruit is squeezed into juice, nutrients may be lost, such as vitamin C and dietary fiber; Secondly, the sugars in fruit juice are free sugars, and the sugars in the original fresh fruits exist in the cells, called "endogenous sugars", and the cell walls are destroyed after juicing, and the sugars are free to the outside of the cell, which becomes free sugars, which have a greater impact on blood sugar and are easy to raise blood sugar.

Are peaches high in iron? Can eating peaches really replenish iron?

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Besides, the juice is easy to drink, the feeling of satiety is not strong, and it is no problem to drink two large glasses in one go. For example, if you eat 2 large peaches directly, you may not be able to eat them all, but if you drink the juice made from 2 large peaches, it is very easy, which is not only not conducive to blood sugar control, but may also make people gain weight!

3. Don't eat peaches

When someone eats a peach, they will inadvertently bite into the pit of the peach, revealing the kernel of the peach, and may eat it as a nut. In fact, peach kernels are not recommended to eat, they may contain amygdalin! Amygdalin itself is non-toxic, but when the plant cell structure is destroyed, it can be hydrolyzed to produce toxic hydrocyanic acid, causing acute poisoning in humans.

4. Beware of peach hair allergies

In addition, some people may be allergic to peach hair, which can cause itching, redness, chest tightness, difficulty breathing, and even anaphylactic shock after touching peach hair. For this group, it is recommended to try nectarines without peach hair, or wear gloves to remove the peach skin, or ask family or friends to help remove the peach skin before eating.

With these precautions, peaches are still a very delicious fruit for our summer. The peaches in summer are tender and juicy, and the peach fragrance is strong, so don't miss it if you love to eat!

According to the "rumor" mirror

In the face of food information, for healthy people, it is actually enough to pay attention to following the "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents" and achieving a balanced diet. For people with special needs, it is recommended to refer to the advice of professional doctors or nutritionists, and do not blindly trust information from unreliable sources.


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Planning and production

Author丨Xue Qingxin is a registered dietitian

Review丨Zhang Yu, Researcher/Ph.D., Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, National Health Science Popularization Expert

Planning丨He Tong

Editor-in-charge丨He Tong

Reviewer丨Xu Lai Linlin