
Flashed down nearly 26% in 6 minutes, suspected of "pig killing plate" reappeared?

author:CBN Broadcasting

Yesterday, Baibang Technology, a stock in the Apple industry chain, rose 17%.

Today, the share price of Baibang Technology fluctuated significantly. The stock price quickly fell after the opening, falling nearly 10% at one point. At 10:52, Baibang Technology quickly pulled up from a decline of -6%, an increase of more than 7% at 10:58, and then staged a "high platform diving", and the stock price hit the fall limit at 11:04. After that, it fluctuated violently again, and finally closed the fall limit at 13:09 in the afternoon.

Flashed down nearly 26% in 6 minutes, suspected of "pig killing plate" reappeared?

In the Oriental Fortune stock bar, some investors posted chat records, and some stock group "teachers" recommended stocks of Baibang Technology, shouting for group friends to buy. It is worth noting that most of these vote pushes are concentrated at around 10:55-10:57, just before the flash crash of Baibang Technology.

Flashed down nearly 26% in 6 minutes, suspected of "pig killing plate" reappeared?
Flashed down nearly 26% in 6 minutes, suspected of "pig killing plate" reappeared?

The above two screenshots are from Oriental Fortune Baibang Technology Stocks

Judging from the relevant stock exchange forums of Baibang Technology, some shareholders were recruited because of this, and suffered losses by mistakenly entering or directly buying at the highest point in the stock pulling stage, and some shareholders were lucky because they did not enter the market because they bought slowly.

Flashed down nearly 26% in 6 minutes, suspected of "pig killing plate" reappeared?

In recent years, "recommending stocks to kill pigs" is not uncommon, especially in some stock exchange groups and forums, some people call themselves "stock teachers", using the mentality of ordinary investors to blindly worship bigwigs, sharing some stock market experience, which also contains some so-called stock speculation cheats, after successfully establishing a person, pushing votes to recommend stocks, so as to carry out the operation of "killing pigs". Especially when the overall market is weak and panic is spreading, these "stock teachers" are more able to grasp the psychology of investors who are eager to return to their capital or earn income.

In recent years, the regulatory authorities have been rectifying "illegal stock recommendations", maintaining a high-pressure posture against "stock market black mouths", urging key website platforms such as Oriental Fortune Network, Great Wisdom, Ant Fortune, Xiaohongshu, and Bilibili to carry out comprehensive self-inspections, and deleting and blocking illegal activity information, links and software products such as "illegal recommendation of stocks, funds, and futures", "stock market black mouths" and "over-the-counter capital allocation", and taking step-by-step disposal measures against relevant accounts. In addition, we will intensify the identification and crackdown on illegal external link information disseminated in the form of "code words" and pictures, and cut off the online communication channels for information on illegal activities of securities and futures funds; Explore when users post the above content in search, group chats, private messages, etc., the website platform will automatically push warning reminders.

It stands to reason that under the severe crackdown, "illegal stock recommendation" and "black mouth in the stock market" should have disappeared long ago. But in reality, the "black mouth of the stock market" is everywhere, changing ways to deceive investors on various platforms. The reason for this is still the word "profit".

For investors, don't be confused by some "investment experts" and "insiders" who are "making money every day", and don't blindly believe the recommendations of the so-called "big V", "stock gods" and "experts", don't click on screenshots and links from unknown sources, and don't just join the investment group full of strangers. We will resolutely not participate in inducing investments such as "unified buying" and "making money together".

Flashed down nearly 26% in 6 minutes, suspected of "pig killing plate" reappeared?

The live class preview is stable! Explore the road to stability! At 12:00 p.m. on Friday, June 28, the "Yicai Knows" platform will continue to open a wonderful live class, and the host Wang Ying and the main teacher Jiang Yan of CBN Radio will bring the theme of "Hold Down!" through the video. Explore the road to stability! sharing. There will also be limited-time coupons and small gifts during the live stream!

Author: Xu Jinhua

Editor: Xu Jiayuan

Producer: Wang Junji

This article is the exclusive content of the WeChat public account of "CBN Broadcasting", please contact the background for authorization before reprinting. The individual stocks involved in this article are for reference only, and are not recommended for trading and are not responsible for personal income.