
Parents' greatest vision: to let their children see these "big worlds"

author:There are deer in Shushan
Parents' greatest vision: to let their children see these "big worlds"

If a child has never seen the world since he was a child, then he is easy to live like "sitting in a well and watching the sky".

The so-called "what you get on paper is shallow, and you never know that you have to do it" is this truth.

What you learn in books is generally far from reality. If you want to know the truth of a thing, you need to practice. Practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

The same is true of education. If the child has not seen the world, then he does not know the truth of the world; If a child has not seen human nature, then he does not know the nature of human nature.

Some young people can see the truth of the matter at a glance because they have seen the world. And some young people live in a daze, because they have never seen the world.

The greatest vision of parents is to let their children see these kinds of worlds.

Parents' greatest vision: to let their children see these "big worlds"

First, let the child try the pain of "making money".

I have come into contact with more young people, and I have gradually found that many college students, or young people who have just graduated, are still not clear about the concept of "money".

Some young people think that it is common for a net worth of more than 100 million; Some young people think that they can also earn millions a year; Some young people believe that if others can succeed, they can also succeed themselves.

It can be seen that these people have watched too many "online dramas" or "short videos", and they can't tell the gap between the Internet and reality at all. If you want to understand the concept of "money", you need to try the pain of "making money".

There is a family in the village whose children were born in a wealthy family, and they have no worries about food and clothing since they were young, and they spend money like water. After he finished the college entrance examination, he tried to work on his own to make money. I found that it was difficult to earn 100 yuan.

After suffering from making money, his whole person has changed, not only does he no longer spend money like running water, but he also deeply feels that it is not easy for his parents. Because he understands a truth, making money on his own is not easy to come by.

If you haven't suffered from making money, you won't have the concept of money, and you won't have the heart to cherish a meal and a porridge. The so-called "jade is not cut, it is not made" is this truth.

Parents' greatest vision: to let their children see these "big worlds"

Second, let children get in touch with the "humanities and customs" of various places.

A few years ago, there was a report that a pair of parents took their son to travel all over China and came into contact with the humanities and customs of different places. In the eyes of these parents, reading 10,000 books also requires traveling 10,000 miles.

Let's think about the question, why do we go all over the world and see different places?

Because life is not a point, but a circle, a circle that expands infinitely. How big your circle of life is, how broad your vision is, and how rich your experience is.

If you haven't been to the first-tier cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, you don't know how fast the pace of life is in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen; If you haven't been to a poor village, you won't know how difficult it is for ordinary people;

If you haven't been to a historic city, you don't know the traces of history, and you don't know what happened in history; If you haven't seen the scenery of the north, you won't know what is thousands of miles of ice and snow.

While the child has time and is still young, it is best for parents to take their children around to see different landscapes. Always nested in one place, never in contact with the world, will eventually live ignorantly.

Parents' greatest vision: to let their children see these "big worlds"

Third, let children understand the essence of "human nature".

When we talk about the world, we have to talk about "human nature". The main body of this world is human beings, and all the problems that are destined are related to "human nature".

What is humanity? A relatively simple and innocent child will casually say that human nature is good. Children who have just graduated, due to setbacks, will sigh that human nature is evil.

Whether human nature is inherently good or inherently evil, it is biased. Because true human nature is neither good nor evil, it only has "selfishness". This is the so-called "human nature and selfishness".

A famous host surnamed Bai on CCTV once put forward a point of view: The world is not black and white, it is just a delicate gray.

This host surnamed Bai can be said to be an old Jianghu in the old rivers and lakes, so his understanding of "human nature" is definitely at a higher level than ordinary people. Because, others have seen strong winds and waves, as well as magnificent waves.

Young children should see the world of this "delicate gray". There are some truths that can only be understood, not spoken.

Parents' greatest vision: to let their children see these "big worlds"

Fourth, let children "be with the light and dust" with the world.

A person, no matter how great his ability and how outstanding his talent, he needs to shake hands with the world and integrate with the world.

Lao Tzu put forward a similar point of view in the Tao Te Ching, which is the same as the light. Mix with all the brilliance and be in harmony with all the people and things.

Some people wonder, why should I be with the light when I reject the environment in which I live? Because we are all ordinary people, we can't change reality, we can only accept reality.

Young people have a certain amount of arrogance and enthusiasm, thinking that they can change everything. Reality, after all, will give them a heavy slap in the face, so that they understand what "reality is stronger than people".

Think about it, an ordinary person can't even change whether he is unemployed or not, so what can he change? It can be seen that the truth is to be in harmony with light and dust and blend with the environment.

Don't reject the world, don't exclude the environment you live in, don't exclude the people you meet. Everything you meet is fate, you might as well deal with it indifferently and do your best. That's it.

Text/Shushan has deer