
Play all "run fast"! Who's going to save Big A?

author:Money Eye
Play all "run fast"! Who's going to save Big A?

Reading guide:6month27The market opened low and went low,Shenzhen Index、The index fell more than 1.5%,Shanghai Composite Index fell nearly 1%:The turnover of the Shanghai and Shenzhen markets today was 626.3 billion yuan,A decrease of 17 billion yuan from the previous trading day; More than 4,700 stocks fell, with a median gain of -1.98%. In terms of sectors: only the three sectors of banking, real estate services, and tourism rose, and the rest all fell, with new stocks of science and technology, lithography machines/photoresists, diet drugs, industrial metals and other sectors leading the decline.

Play all "run fast"! Who's going to save Big A?

There is heavy news landing this afternoon: the "Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee" is scheduled to be held in Beijing from July 15th to 18th; At the same time, various authoritative media also released important content on "enhancing the systematic, holistic and coordinated nature of reform". However, the real trend is a bit ugly, and the volume of the two markets has also changed from "65.5 billion yuan" at noon to "17 billion yuan" at the close.

In the [Afternoon Comment] of the VIP customer platform, Brother Qian made a summary analysis and reminded from the perspective of "there is no need to be too pessimistic"——

Play all "run fast"! Who's going to save Big A?

In the afternoon, the market continued to weaken, and there was a small dive at the end of the Shenzhen Index and the Chuang Index.

Compared with the noon closure, the more obvious change in the technical aspect is that the weekly K-line trend of the index is dead again, and the weekly trend of the three major indexes has shown a dead fork resonance!

Although the weekly trend will come to an end tomorrow, and there are still variables in theory, judging from the current market atmosphere, it is really difficult to reverse the decline - unless external forces intervene, and they must intervene strongly; As for the impulsive "lifting but not lifting", the effect will only be counterproductive.

Falling to this point, the cut has basically left the market, and the rest are either deep and dead, or light and wait-and-see - the overall selling pressure on the market will not be too large, the problem is that over-the-counter funds simply can't find a reason to enter the market to do long, which is the most fatal.

If the decision is left to the market, there is probably only one way to go: when it falls out of the space, out of value, and is "cheap" enough, of course, there will be funds entering the game. But who can afford the potential systemic risks behind this, as well as the cost of risk spillovers?!

Closing data shows that northbound funds sold 10.958 billion yuan on a net basis today! Of course, the pot cannot simply be thrown to foreign capital, after all, the main force of domestic capital sells more and runs faster, but if the RMB exchange rate does not fight back, it will be difficult to reverse the momentum of foreign capital retreat.

Seriously, no one cares?