
Thumbs up! Mr. Feng Xiaoping donated a sewing machine to the museum

author:Micro tour of Gansu

On June 23, Mr. Feng Xiaoping, an enthusiastic citizen, donated a sewing machine made by Lin Maoming Factory and a set of wrought iron cabinets that he had collected for many years to the Longxi County Museum. In order to express its gratitude to Mr. Feng for his selfless donation, the museum presented him with a collection certificate and presented cultural and creative products as a token of encouragement.

Thumbs up! Mr. Feng Xiaoping donated a sewing machine to the museum
Thumbs up! Mr. Feng Xiaoping donated a sewing machine to the museum
Thumbs up! Mr. Feng Xiaoping donated a sewing machine to the museum

Donation site

Thumbs up! Mr. Feng Xiaoping donated a sewing machine to the museum
Thumbs up! Mr. Feng Xiaoping donated a sewing machine to the museum
Thumbs up! Mr. Feng Xiaoping donated a sewing machine to the museum
Thumbs up! Mr. Feng Xiaoping donated a sewing machine to the museum

Donating cultural relics to museums can not only better protect cultural relics and preserve the witness of history, but also allow more ordinary audiences to see the real objects and give full play to the cultural value of cultural relics. This donation of cultural relics not only enriches the collection of Longxi County Museum, but also injects new energy into Longxi's cultural undertakings. It is hoped that the example of cultural relics donors can arouse the enthusiasm of the whole society for the protection of cultural relics, enhance the public's awareness of cultural relics protection, drive more groups and individuals to devote themselves to the protection and donation of cultural relics, and make due contributions to the promotion of cultural undertakings in Longxi.

Source: Longxi County Museum

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