
How to raise pigs so that pigs can get less sick?

author:Lao Zhou said three farmers
How to raise pigs so that pigs can get less sick?

Pigs are willing to eat, sleep, and not get sick, which is the hope of pig farmers, how can it be done in actual breeding? Generally, rural pig farmers say that feeding pigs should rely on the scoop to carry the luck, the scoop is lucky, the pig will not get sick as it is fed, it is very smooth, indeed, some people feed the pig is difficult to get sick, there is a farmer in our village is like this, the pig Hainan disease occurred, and the pig was raised smoothly. Raising pork knows that as long as the pig is sick, it will cause the pig to eat no meat, and it will cost a lot of treatment costs. So how to raise pigs in rural areas, so that pigs can get sick less?

How to raise pigs so that pigs can get less sick?

First, regular deworming, many people in rural pigs will not give pigs deworming, not deworming, pigs eat a considerable part of the feed is parasitic, so fattening pigs are best dewormed twice, once in the introduction of fattening milk, the other time in the weight of about 30 kilograms.

Second, pay attention to the usual feeding management, the occurrence of common diseases is not to pay attention to the situation, do not feed moldy and spoiled feed, do not feed just sprayed pesticide green fodder, summer to prevent heat stroke and cooling, winter to prevent cold and warm, the weather suddenly changes to prevent the occurrence of colds. Pay attention to the feed do not change suddenly, the feed of rural pigs is not long-term stable, what is fed today, the feed is often changed suddenly, the impact on the piglets is very large, easy to cause disorders of pig digestive function, indigestion and other diseases.

Third, the cleaning and sanitation of the pig house and the surrounding environment and regular disinfection can not be ignored the problem, do not think that everything will be fine after vaccination, the usual management should still be paid attention to, inside and outside the pig house, troughs, etc. to keep clean and hygienic, eat the remaining food to clean up in time, to avoid pigs to eat moldy and rotten feed, especially in summer.

Fourth, the prevention of injection, pig disease and common disease is the most livestock and poultry, some epidemic infection can lead to the annihilation of the whole army, so we must pay attention to the pig disease vaccination work, all the local animal husbandry department has pig disease seedlings to be vaccinated and prevented, and to be able to make pigs immune, do not inject expired and invalid phytophale seedlings. Rural pig farmers are relatively rough in vaccination, some of them go to buy their own vaccines to inject themselves, due to improper storage or expiration of vaccine and insufficient injection dose will cause vaccination failure, pigs do not have immunity at all. Some pigs missed the beating, did not meet the requirements of head injection, one by one immunization, once encountered the epidemic is easy to infect.

Fifth, in the summer season, we should pay attention to heat stroke prevention and cooling, and in winter, we should keep warm from the cold. In the cold season of winter and spring, especially the wind through the hall, it is easy to cause pigs to catch a cold in the case of sudden changes in autumn and winter. Although the pig pen has been changed from the deep pit and deep circle in the past to the dry flat circle, because the ground is a cement floor, it is very cold, and the bedding is insufficient, and some farmers do not give the pigs bedding grass at all, resulting in the reduction of the disease resistance of pigs. In the hot summer, no heatstroke prevention and cooling measures are taken, and pigs are allowed to adapt to climate changes, resulting in pigs being prone to illness in the hot summer.

Sixth, the newly introduced pigs should be isolated and observed, if directly into the group feeding, it is easy to be infected with the disease brought by the new pigs. Rural pigs are rarely self-breeding, generally after the Spring Festival to fill the column, the introduction of new pigs must be isolated for about half a month without finding a disease before they can be flocked.

As long as attention is paid to feeding management, deworming, preventive injections of pigs, cleaning and sanitation of pig breeding sites and regular disinfection, etc., pigs are rarely sick.

How to raise pigs so that pigs can get less sick?