
Exclusive|DingTalk focuses on the recruitment business and launches "DingTalk Recruitment"

author:Tech Planet
Exclusive|DingTalk focuses on the recruitment business and launches "DingTalk Recruitment"

Text | Chen Qiaohui

Tech Planet exclusively learned that DingTalk recently launched a new business called "DingTalk Recruitment", and launched the official website of DingTalk Career Recruitment, creating a one-stop recruitment service platform in the DingTalk APP.

Exclusive|DingTalk focuses on the recruitment business and launches "DingTalk Recruitment"

Caption: DingTalk's official website.

According to the guidelines on the official website, Tech Planet found that DingTalk's recruitment service is located in the "Find a Job" in the DingTalk APP. After entering the "Find a Job" interface, you can see that there are two basic functions below, such as finding a job and improving your resume.

First of all, job seekers need to improve their personal information in the "perfect resume", including avatar, nickname, work experience, education experience, etc., the entire information filling process, do not need to fill in the cumbersome self-evaluation and feature introduction like the job resume, etc., the focus only needs to improve the job resume and educational experience.

Exclusive|DingTalk focuses on the recruitment business and launches "DingTalk Recruitment"

Note: DingTalk's "Find a Job" function interface.

After completing your resume, you can click "Find a Job" to enter the job search interface, and the recruitment information in the same city will be displayed by default. You can see job information posted by recruiters who have been verified by real names and companies, including job titles, salaries, job classifications, job descriptions, and work addresses.

Exclusive|DingTalk focuses on the recruitment business and launches "DingTalk Recruitment"

Caption: Recruitment information display interface.

In order to find a suitable job, job seekers can filter suitable job information by adjusting the "Nearby" and "Filter Positions" buttons at the top of the page, and in the "Filter Positions", you can see 22 categories and hundreds of sub-categories of job divisions, which can basically meet the needs of job seekers.

After confirming the suitable position, you can add a friend to contact, or you can submit an application, and the other party will contact you by adding a friend and making a phone call. At this point, the other party will also be able to see the pre-filled profile and biographical information.

In addition to the functions used by job seekers, as a recruiter, you can also click "Post Job" at the bottom of the job page to enter the job information editing. You need to fill in the highlights or highlights of the position, as well as the job title, job classification, salary, company, contact information, location, job description, etc. After filling in, you can publish, and if you have the information of job seekers, you can view it in the chat interface of DingTalk.

Exclusive|DingTalk focuses on the recruitment business and launches "DingTalk Recruitment"

Caption: The recruitment release function of "DingTalk Recruitment".

In addition, Tech Planet also found that the job search function will be migrated to DingTalk personal space in the near future, which is located at the first-level entrance of the discovery page, alongside functions such as friend circles, mini programs, and watching skits and so on. It means that the weight of "DingTalk Employment" will increase, and it will also get more traffic exposure.

As an office product, DingTalk has a certain user base and platform advantages in the recruitment business.

In January this year, at the 7.5 product launch conference held by DingTalk, Ye Jun, president of DingTalk, announced that by the end of 2023, the number of DingTalk users will reach 700 million, and the number of various organizations including enterprises and schools will reach 25 million, with a huge user base. It has a high reputation and influence in the enterprise market. This provides strong support for DingTalk to carry out its recruitment business, which helps to attract more businesses and job seekers to use its services.

In addition, DingTalk has a set of supporting functions for recruitment and interviews. Previously, DingTalk had launched an intelligent recruitment service to provide enterprises with full-process recruitment services such as searching, screening, interviewing, and recording based on unified communication.

From the perspective of demand, the recruitment market continues to be hot, which provides support for DingTalk's entry into the recruitment business. According to the big data on talent flow in the first quarter of 2024 released by, affected by factors such as the recovery of the consumer market, the flow of talents in the spring recruitment season, and the acceleration of industrial upgrading and transformation, recruitment in various places has started hotly. In the first quarter of this year, the recruitment demand of enterprises increased by 51.73% quarter-on-quarter, and the number of resumes submitted by job applicants increased by 21.33% quarter-on-quarter.

The hot recruitment market has also made the platform make a lot of money. It is reported that the head recruitment platform BOSS Zhipin hit a record high in a number of data in the first quarter of this year. According to its 2024Q1 financial report, in the first quarter of this year, important indicators such as BOSS Zhipin's operating income, the number of paid enterprise customers, and the average number of monthly active users all hit a record high, achieving revenue of 1.704 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 33.4%.

In the face of this tempting big cake, DingTalk is also facing many challenges for those who have just entered the game.

On the one hand, the market is also intensifying the competition among recruitment platforms. Tech Planet once mentioned in the article "The Great War Spring Recruitment, Recruitment Platforms Scatter Hundreds of Millions of Advertisements" that in March this year, from Metro Line 1 to Exit E on Dawang Road in Beijing, the competition of recruitment platforms was incisive. People who take the subway can see the advertisements of Zhaopin, BOSS Zhipin and Worry-free Future, and hundreds of millions of advertisements have been placed.

On the other hand, DingTalk not only has to face old recruitment platforms such as BOSS Zhipin, Zhaopin, and FutureFree, but also has to race against new players such as Kuaishou Kuaipin With a huge resume library and mature service system accumulated over the years, veteran players occupy an important market share.

And, most importantly, the cultivation of user habits is a big challenge. Traditional recruitment platforms have been deeply cultivated in the market for many years, and users have formed inherent usage habits, and DingTalk will undoubtedly need to invest a lot of resources, funds and time to change this status quo and let users accept and get used to its recruitment services.