
Chasing blue and green, hard work and striving to be the first|Sheyang old community has a new look

author:Shoot the sun and melt the media

Renovation of old neighborhoods

It's the "key little thing" at the doorstep

It is also a "major event of people's livelihood" in urban development

The renovation of old residential areas is to improve the living environment

A livelihood project to enhance the people's sense of gain

It is also an important part of creating a civilized city

Chasing blue and green, hard work and striving to be the first|Sheyang old community has a new look

Early in the morning of June 24th

Walk into the renovated and upgraded Shuangxin Jiayuan community

The yellow-brown walls are lively and vibrant

Fancy railings, street lights, surveillance, etc

Public facilities are readily available

The ground is all asphalt

Vehicles are neatly parked inside the white parking line

The greenery on both sides is vibrant

Chasing blue and green, hard work and striving to be the first|Sheyang old community has a new look
Chasing blue and green, hard work and striving to be the first|Sheyang old community has a new look

"There are a lot of new fitness equipment in the community, and now I have nothing to do downstairs to walk, exercise, and many people from outside come to our community to play, praising the good work here." Grandma Chen, a resident of the community who was taking her little granddaughter to do stretching exercises with fitness equipment, told reporters.

Chasing blue and green, hard work and striving to be the first|Sheyang old community has a new look

In recent years, the County Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, in accordance with the deployment of the "Guiding Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Comprehensively Promoting the Transformation of Old Urban Communities" (Guo Ban Fa [2020] No. 23) and the requirements of the county party committee and county government, has adhered to the people-centered development philosophy, adhered to the new development concept, and in accordance with the requirements of high-quality development, conformed to the new expectations of the people for a better environment and a happy life, vigorously transformed the old communities in the county and improved the living conditions of residents.

In view of the shortcomings of the supporting facilities, imperfect functions, and incomplete public and social services in the old residential areas of the county, under the premise of conforming to the overall planning of the city, the infrastructure has been repaired, the basic functions have been improved, the living environment and quality have been comprehensively improved, and the modern social service system has been gradually improved, so as to effectively enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security, and have achieved remarkable results.

It is reported that the renovation of old communities in the county seat of our county is specifically responsible for the implementation of Hede Town and Economic Development Zone, which involves 12 communities in Hede Town and 3 communities in Economic Development Zone. Since 2012, in accordance with the principle of "first urgent and then slow, and gradually advancing", a number of old community renovation projects have been promoted, and a total of 20 renovation projects have been implemented during 2020, including Qingnan Community and Nanyuan Community, with a renovation area of 925,300 square meters, involving 10,509 households and a total investment of 71.33 million yuan.

Chasing blue and green, hard work and striving to be the first|Sheyang old community has a new look

Strengthen organizational leadership and strengthen promotion

Our county further strengthens the overall coordination role of the leading group for the comprehensive renovation of old communities. Organize the active participation of relevant functional departments such as development and reform, finance, natural resources, administrative examination and approval, and territorial towns, and be responsible for overall coordination, guidance, supervision, and assessment of the promotion of the transformation of old communities. Focus on strengthening the decision-making role of the leading group in the design stage of the renovation plan of the old community, strictly check the source, and ensure that the scheme design is scientific, standardized and in line with the transformation standards.

At the same time, establish a corresponding coordination mechanism, actively resolve the contradictions in the implementation of the renovation of old communities, and steadily promote the comprehensive renovation of old communities.

Strengthen overall planning and arrangements to reflect the will of the masses

Our county further screens the old residential areas that meet the scope of transformation of the city and county regulations (whether built before or after 2000), find out the bottom number, sort out the transformation content list and transformation standards stipulated by the city and county, distinguish the three situations that have been transformed to meet the standard, to be transformed, and to be renovated for the second time, and combine the three types of foundation, improvement and promotion to carry out reasonable classification. Based on the degree of oldness of the community and the urgency and consistency of residents' willingness to renovate, the renovation year should be reasonably arranged, and in principle, the renovation should be completed by the end of 2025. "We have been living in this community for 20 years, and we hope that the environmental sanitation of the community will be better and our quality of life will be improved." Grandma Tang, a resident of the pesticide factory community, said.

Chasing blue and green, hard work and striving to be the first|Sheyang old community has a new look
Chasing blue and green, hard work and striving to be the first|Sheyang old community has a new look

Broaden financing channels and resolve financial problems

Our county makes full use of the financial support of the superiors, actively applies for special subsidy funds from the central government and the provincial finance, explores the issuance of local government special bonds to raise funds for transformation, integrates the relevant funds of county-level departments to invest in the transformation of old communities, and implements the deep participation of county-affiliated state-owned enterprises and town-affiliated state-owned enterprises in the transformation of old communities. Promote water supply, power supply, gas supply, radio and television, communications, postal services, street lamps and other state-owned professional business units to actively fulfill their social responsibilities, and invest in the transformation of pipelines in old communities. Encourage the original property rights units and property owners of old communities to contribute to the transformation, and advocate the residents of old communities to withdraw housing provident funds and pay special maintenance funds for housing to participate in the transformation. Through the paid use of new facilities and the implementation of asset rights and interests, social forces will be guided to participate in the transformation of old communities in a market-oriented manner.

Chasing blue and green, hard work and striving to be the first|Sheyang old community has a new look

Improve long-term management and consolidate the effectiveness of transformation

On the basis of fully investigating the implementation of the long-term management model after the transformation of the old communities in the surrounding counties and urban areas, combined with the actual situation of the old communities in the county, and fully respecting the wishes of the owners, our county adopts the management model of "government guidance, market leadership, and owner participation" to promote the sinking of the comprehensive social governance system. The old communities that have been renovated and renovated will be included in the community management system, and actively explore the full implementation of the "four-in-one" community management system of neighborhood committees, owners' committees, and property service enterprises under the leadership of community party organizations, give full play to the role of collective wisdom, and jointly do a good job in the long-term management of old communities after the transformation. "After the renovation of the community, the asphalt road leads to the door, the parking lot has also been expanded, and now the vehicles are parked neatly, which is very different from before, the community environment has become better, and the mood is more comfortable!" Speaking of the brand-new community, Cao Hengyan, an old resident of Shuangxin Jiayuan in Hede Town, was full of praise.

Chasing blue and green, hard work and striving to be the first|Sheyang old community has a new look

According to statistics, up to now, our county has implemented a total of 175 projects in 64 areas for the renovation of old residential areas, with an area of 1,912,100 square meters, a total investment of 486 million yuan, and 18,031 residents. Actively promote the implementation of the "last mile" task for the old communities that have been renovated to ensure the results of the renovation of the old communities.

At the same time, our county will also include old communities and scattered areas into the scope of community grid management, actively implement and promote state-owned property enterprises to implement comprehensive market-oriented property services for old communities, improve the long-term mechanism of market-oriented management of old communities, and innovate management models and improve service standards according to local conditions.

Chasing blue and green, hard work and striving to be the first|Sheyang old community has a new look

At present, 10 districts (208 old communities and scattered residential areas) within the scope of Hede Town and a total of 9 districts (81 old communities and scattered residential areas) within the Economic Development Zone have implemented property management and have been stationed in the service.

Recently, in accordance with the provincial and municipal requirements for the renovation of old communities, they have arranged the old community renovation projects during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, involving a total of 777 houses and 22,546 households, with a total construction area of 2,844,500 square meters and an estimated total investment of about 611.44 million yuan.

"In the implementation of the old community renovation project, we have always adhered to the people-centered, fully listened to the opinions and suggestions of residents, paid close attention to safety, ensured quality, reversed the construction period, and accelerated the progress, and strived to complete it by the end of 2025, so as to create a convenient and livable living environment for residents and effectively improve the appearance of the city." Yang Cheng, director of the county housing and urban-rural development bureau, said.