
Red Mark丨Chen Lin Village: Inherit the red spirit and continue the red blood

author:Shoot the sun and melt the media

In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions during his inspection in Yancheng, make good use of red resources, and inherit red genes, the "Sheyang Release" official account launched the "Red Mark" column to take you to search for the revolutionary deeds of martyrs and feel the profound heritage of red culture. Today, "Red Mark丨Chen Lin Village: Inheriting the Red Spirit and Continuing the Red Blood" is launched.

Red Mark丨Chen Lin Village: Inherit the red spirit and continue the red blood

Chenlin Village is located in the southwest corner of Changdang Town, but also the southwest of Sheyang County, where the three counties meet, west of Shanggang Town, Jianhu County, south of Qingdun Town, Tinghu District, convenient transportation, Lianyan Railway across the entire Chenlin, Zhong Lingyuxiu, outstanding people, simple folk customs, can produce many people. The name of the village is named after the heroic name of the anti-Japanese hero Chen Lin. The village has 7 villager groups, a population of 2,683 people in 860 households, a total of 77 party members, and a total land area of 8,995 acres.

Red Mark丨Chen Lin Village: Inherit the red spirit and continue the red blood

A brief introduction to the deeds of the martyrs

Martyr Chen Lin, formerly known as Chen Changyu, Sheyang County Changdangren, was born on March 28, 1922, enlisted in the army in the spring of 1942, and served as a soldier of the Fifth District Team, deputy squad leader, and squad leader of the Yandong Corps in two years due to his outstanding work performance. He was only 22 years old at the time of his death.

Red Mark丨Chen Lin Village: Inherit the red spirit and continue the red blood

In the middle of the night on the sixth day of the fifth lunar month in 1944, Comrade Chen Lin followed the district team to set out from Dawa overnight, wading through three rivers and more than 10 ditches all the way, and rushed to Datankou at the dawn of the day, mainly to cooperate with the main force to attack the Chen Haotian troops of the Heshuncang puppet army. However, this operation was known to the enemy, and the enemy puppet spies reported to the Japanese devils stationed in Ueoka at that time, and the district team was surrounded by more than 300 Japanese puppet troops from the east, west, and north of the Ueoka stronghold, and the entire district team of more than 40 people was in extreme danger. In order to cover the breakthrough, the district leaders decided to leave five people, including Chen Lin, Cang Gongming, and You Xing, to cover the siege. They stood by a ditch and shot at the enemy, in the fierce battle, one of the enemy's bullets shot into Comrade Chen Lin's abdomen, the nearby comrades wanted to come to bandage him, but Chen Lin stopped him, he held back the pain, stuffed his intestines into his stomach, covered the wound with one hand, shot the enemy with the other, and threw the grenade when the enemy approached. Blood stained the thatch around him, and Chen Lin did not leave the position even to death. The battle lasted until evening, and the enemy did not manage to cross the position even a single step. Seeing that night was falling, the enemy was afraid of the fortified fortresses of the anti-Japanese base area, and even more afraid of the melee night battle of the New Fourth Army, so he could only retreat to the Shanggang stronghold in a gloomy manner. The Yandong Corps of the New Fourth Army completed the combat mission of its superiors and defended the security of the base area. The comrades-in-arms all returned safely, but their good squad leader, Chen Lin, sacrificed his life for the country, spilled his blood on Madu, and his life was forever fixed at the age of twenty-two.

After the sacrifice of Comrade Chen Lin, the District Committee of the Fifth District (Panwan District) of Yandong County held a memorial meeting, and all the comrades of the district team paid tribute to the martyr Chen Lin who died due to the resistance against Japan. In May 1945, the Yandong County Government named Chen Lin's hometown Chen Lin Village (now Chen Lin Village, Changdang Town), and the tombstone is now erected in Sheyang County Martyrs Cemetery to show permanent commemoration.

In recent years, the new Party and Mass Service Center of Chenlin Village is 560 square meters, with a party member meeting room, a learning activity room, a library, a party affairs open column, a village affairs open column, a cultural stage, and a red culture learning center, which has become a place for the majority of party members to learn, live and entertain, and is also a platform for the majority of party members to exercise their party spirit.

Red Mark丨Chen Lin Village: Inherit the red spirit and continue the red blood

The village has a developed water system, a beautiful environment, and the economy is dominated by grain planting, mainly planting rice, wheat, leeks and other crops. The village has 450 acres of fish pond breeding, 20 acres of fruit trees, 90,000 laying hens, and 4,910 acres of circulating land in the whole village, which has promoted the development of modern agricultural industrialization, and currently has 5 farms and 5 large planting households. The villagers have started their own businesses to develop characteristic planting and breeding industries, with a total of 35 households in the village, with an average household income of more than 20,000 yuan, and the village's collective economic operating income will exceed 700,000 yuan by the end of 2023.

Red Mark丨Chen Lin Village: Inherit the red spirit and continue the red blood
Red Mark丨Chen Lin Village: Inherit the red spirit and continue the red blood
Red Mark丨Chen Lin Village: Inherit the red spirit and continue the red blood

In the next step, Chenlin Village will continue to excavate the red culture, pursue the red memory, inherit the red blood, integrate the red gene into the spirit of struggle, and strive to build a harmonious and civilized red martyr village.

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