
Qinglong Baiyanghu West Road is open to traffic


"After the road is built, the road is not only a lot wider, but also very smooth, it is much more comfortable to walk, we are farming, rushing to the field, picking up and dropping off dolls to study, it is very convenient!" Recently, the first phase of the Baiyanghu West Road project, located in Guilin Village, Qinglong Street, Tianfu New District, Meishan, was officially opened to traffic, and the local people were very happy.

Qinglong Baiyanghu West Road is open to traffic

It is understood that the first phase of the Baiyanghu West Road project starts from the Guilin Village Committee (Guilin Village Group 4) and ends at the junction of Huodiwan and Fenghuo Community, Yongshang Town, Xinjin District, Chengdu. In recent years, with the development of the surrounding area, the traffic capacity of the existing rural roads has been unable to meet the increasing traffic volume, and some road sections have steep curves and steep slopes, which have greater safety hazards. "The roads are narrow, the vehicles are difficult to pass, the dust is flying when the weather is clear, the mud is muddy when it rains, and the road surface is uneven, which cannot meet the travel and production requirements of the masses, and restricts local economic development and foreign exchanges." Yuan Tianqing, Secretary of the Party Committee of Guilin Village, said.

"In 2023, with the strong support of the new district and relevant departments, the first phase of the Baiyanghu West Road project started in November last year and was completed in more than 6 months, successfully completing various construction tasks." Zhang Lei, the relevant person in charge of Qinglong Street, said.

Qinglong Baiyanghu West Road is open to traffic

After the opening of traffic, the first phase of the Baiyanghu West Road project has a total length of 2.8 kilometers and a width of 6-8 meters, which not only provides good road access conditions for the local people, but also effectively solves the production, life and safety and convenient travel problems of the villagers in Guilin Village, bringing them more sense of gain, happiness and security, and at the same time, it is also of great significance for the industrial development and rural revitalization of Qinglong.

The construction of the first phase of the Baiyanghu West Road Cultural Tourism Belt Project is just a microcosm of the transportation construction in the new area. In recent years, the new area has focused on industrial development, focusing on the layout of rural revitalization, striving to build "revitalization roads and industrial roads", and promoting the improvement of rural roads, which has not only formed a rural transportation network of "external and internal connections, smooth villages, buses to villages, safe and convenient", but also opened up the "last mile" for rural people to get rich.

Qinglong Baiyanghu West Road is open to traffic

Nowadays, the "four good rural roads" of "smooth, clean, beautiful and safe" criss-cross the streets, paving to the doorsteps of villagers and repairing to the fields. "Next, the new area will closely focus on the 'four good' goals, actively promote the construction of rural roads, effectively improve the travel conditions of the people, continuously improve the quality of life of the masses, and pave a broad road to a happy life for the people, so that the countryside is stronger, farmers are richer, and the countryside is more beautiful." The relevant person in charge of Meishan Tianfu New Area said.

Qinglong Baiyanghu West Road is open to traffic

· Produced by Meishan Tianfu New Area Financial Media Center ·

Writer/Editor: Zhao Hui Su Mao

Photo: Chen Shitao

Editor on duty: Hua Xia Yu

Editor in charge: Lin Jiahao