
If you want to cut off the root of blood stasis, you must first replenish the yang energy! If the blood is cold, it will coagulate, and if it is yang, it will do!

author:Director He of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Many people with blood stasis constitution, in the long run, the body will go from pain and bruising at the beginning, to cysts, nodules, lumps and other minor problems on the body.

But many friends will try to remove blood stasis after realizing the danger of blood stasis, but often it has little effect, the green tendons under the tongue are still thick and black, and the bruises can never be cleared, this is because everyone has not figured out one thing!

If you want to cut off the root of blood stasis, you must first replenish the yang energy! If the blood is cold, it will coagulate, and if it is yang, it will do!

That is, if the blood is warm, it will be fine, and if it is cold, it will coagulate!

In other words, a person's blood must have enough yang energy to push and warm the whole body in order to function normally.

In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, yang qi is the source of life of the human body, which has the effect of warming and nourishing the limbs and promoting blood circulation.

Therefore, if the yang energy in a person's body is abundant and the "fire" in the body is sufficient, blood stasis is not easy to produce.

On the contrary, if a person has blood stasis in his body, lack of yang energy, and is often afraid of cold, cold hands and feet, then no matter how you get rid of blood stasis, these blood stasis will still appear.

Therefore, if you want to effectively dispel blood stasis and cut off the root cause of blood stasis, you must first ensure that the yang energy in the body is sufficient.

Therefore, for patients with severe yang deficiency and blood stasis, on the basis of removing blood stasis, they can use the formula of yang tonic to add or subtract.

If you want to cut off the root of blood stasis, you must first replenish the yang energy! If the blood is cold, it will coagulate, and if it is yang, it will do!

You can use Zhenwu decoction to add and subtract conditioning, atractylodes, aconite, poria cocos, ginger, peony, etc., to warm the meridian and dispel cold, invigorate blood and dispel stasis.

However, some people are mainly kidney yang deficiency, some people are mainly spleen and stomach yang deficiency, and some people are spleen and kidney yang deficiency.

Therefore, you must find a professional doctor to combine your situation. Symptomatic addition and subtraction conditioning.

If you want to cut off the root of blood stasis, you must first replenish the yang energy! If the blood is cold, it will coagulate, and if it is yang, it will do!