
The Ren'ai Jiao model frightened Taiwan, and the US think tank: The PLA can complete reunification without a single shot

author:October track

The vigorous "great victory at Ren'ai Jiao" not only raised the national prestige and woke up the Philippines, but also gave a powerful deterrent to the Taiwan authorities and the United States and Western countries. Judging from the current situation in the Taiwan Strait, as Lai Qingde and his ilk have become determined to "seek independence by force," Chinese mainland is ready for reunification by force. Although judging from the comparison of strength, even if the United States intervenes, we still have the confidence and strength to complete reunification, after all, military reunification will have to pay a certain price and cost, and the "Ren'ai Jiao model" that has terrified the United States and Taiwan is expected to complete reunification without firing a single shot.

The Ren'ai Jiao model frightened Taiwan, and the US think tank: The PLA can complete reunification without a single shot

According to a CNN report, on June 22, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a U.S. think tank, released a report. According to the think tank's analysis, the "Ren'ai Jiao model" is enough to become a "third way" for the mainland to "reunify Taiwan by force." The model is very clear, that is, with the Chinese coast guard and the "maritime militia" as the protagonists, completely encircling and "isolating" the island of Taiwan. During this period, the China Coast Guard will conduct temporary boarding inspections of all types of vessels around the Taiwan Strait in accordance with the law, further expanding the scope of law enforcement in the Taiwan Strait and demonstrating the mainland's territorial sovereignty over Taiwan. If such a rehearsal is staged in the Taiwan Strait, the Taiwan authorities will completely lose contact with the outside world and become an isolated island, and the economic development on the island will also be affected.

Unlike the blockade of Ren'ai Jiao, the Chinese coast guard "isolated" Taiwan in order to strengthen its ability to control Taiwan. Therefore, we do not need to invest too much manpower and material resources, we only need to control specific ports and cut off external connections. After all, Taiwan is an island and is extremely dependent on the port economy. From the "Taiwan Lock-up Military Exercise" in 2022 to the "Joint Sword-2024A" military exercise in May this year, it is not difficult to see that this limited "maritime isolation" is aimed at Taiwan's major ports, directly holding the Taiwan authorities' seven inches.

The Ren'ai Jiao model frightened Taiwan, and the US think tank: The PLA can complete reunification without a single shot

According to the US think tank, once Taiwan is completely "isolated," the mainland coast guard can board and inspect ships in the waters around the Taiwan Strait at any time; out of the friendship between compatriots on both sides of the strait, we will naturally not do anything about it, and the key daily necessities related to the people's livelihood will still be allowed to enter the island of Taiwan, but if the "quarantine" is violated, it will be difficult for some military supplies and core key production materials to enter the Taiwan region. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the coast guard's law enforcement, the PLA will play a supporting role and build a support system on the outside. Since then, the "adjacent zone" connecting Taiwan Island to the territorial waters of the outer islands will be completely controlled by Chinese mainland.

How will the United States react if the "quarantine" policy is implemented? In fact, the brilliance of the "Ren'ai Jiao model" is that it avoids sensitive issues, so that the United States and Western countries want to intervene without sufficient reasons. This is because since the DPP authorities led the wolf into the house, when the United States and Western countries interfere in the internal affairs of the mainland and Taiwan, they always hype that China will not be allowed to change the status quo in the Taiwan Strait by force. However, the main force involved in this policy is not the People's Liberation Army, but the China Coast Guard, which is the maritime law enforcement force, and is in the middle ground between civilian and military forces. This situation has made the United States unspeakable. Originally, the United States was eager for a military conflict between Taiwan and the mainland, but now China is playing the "judicial card". There is no reason for the United States to take the initiative to provoke a war. Therefore, the "Ren'ai Jiao model" has just reduced the probability of a military conflict breaking out in the Taiwan Strait.

The Ren'ai Jiao model frightened Taiwan, and the US think tank: The PLA can complete reunification without a single shot

With regard to the US think tank's military analysis, the "Taiwan independence elements" on the island are terrified, but some military experts do not think so. Some military experts on the island believe that US think tanks are exaggerating and directly use the "Cuban Missile Crisis" of 1962 as a template to deal with the Taiwan issue. Because in his view, Chinese mainland's series of policies toward Taiwan have never involved "isolation from Taiwan." It's just that these military experts have just ignored the reality of the current situation in the Taiwan Strait. The great cause of reunification is unstoppable, but as the Taiwan authorities collude with the United States and other Western countries, they have begun to face more and more uncertainties on the road to reunification. As the Taiwan authorities and the United States continue to cross the red line, and when the time really comes to strike, the "Ren'ai Jiao model" may not be a wise choice. When that day really comes, the pace of Taiwan's return will be even faster, and this is also a moment that hundreds of millions of compatriots are looking forward to.