
A woman is "lying flat" in the West Lake, what is the situation?

author:Suxia Melting Medium

Recently, Hangzhou, Zhejiang

A woman accidentally fell into the West Lake

At the critical moment, the woman did not panic

Instead, he adopted a method of self-help known as "lying flat".

Lie calmly on the water

Reduce physical exertion and keep your body balanced

This way of self-help

Not only did further danger be avoided

It also bought her valuable rescue time

Soon after, rescuers arrived at the scene quickly in a rescue boat

Rescued the woman safely

Flame Flame Summer Sun

Cool in the water and safe and unforgettable

How to avoid drowning accidents?

How to rescue someone who accidentally falls into the water?

The secret to saving lives must be mastered


The rules of self-rescue from drowning that everyone needs to know


Don't panic Keep your brain awake

A woman is "lying flat" in the West Lake, what is the situation?


Grab floating objects such as plastic, foam

Or something like a lifebuoy

Wait for rescue

A woman is "lying flat" in the West Lake, what is the situation?


Do not lift your hands up (perpendicular to the water) when drowning

Or desperately yelling and struggling

In case of rapid physical depletion

Get into the water faster

The right thing to do is:

The top of the head can be back and the mouth and nose up

Expose your mouth and nose to the surface of the water for breathing

In case of choking

A woman is "lying flat" in the West Lake, what is the situation?

Hold your breath at the same time and keep your limbs relaxed

A woman is "lying flat" in the West Lake, what is the situation?

This posture can be minimized

The area of the body in contact with water

Thus reducing the resistance of the water

Allow yourself to stay on the surface of the water for longer

Other than that

Breathe slowly while lying on the surface of the water

If you're short of breath

It's easy to get stuck in the water

In addition to the "lying flat" type of self-rescue, there is also a way called "jellyfish hugging" that can also be used for "drowning" self-rescue.

A woman is "lying flat" in the West Lake, what is the situation?

"Jellyfish hugging" is to curl up the body and hold your knees tightly with both hands.

As long as the person who falls into the water can remain relaxed during this process and hold his breath at the same time, he will automatically float up.

How to save yourself in an unexpected situation while swimming outdoors?


Extraction muscle

(1) Leg cramps: swim to the shore or grab nearby floating objects as soon as possible; If you can't continue swimming, take a deep breath and dive underwater, try to straighten your feet, and then push your legs out as hard as you can, until the cramps slowly subside.

(2) Finger cramps: Immediately clench your hands into fists, grasp them repeatedly, and then open them vigorously until they no longer cramp. Can float on your back.



Treading water as much as possible and exposing your head to the surface of the water will reduce the need to choke on water again.

Tread water regularly for a while to calm yourself down before taking other measures.


Encounter a whirlpool

Try to lie flat on the surface of the water and swim quickly in the direction of the whirlpool using the most common swimming style.


Entangled in aquatic plants, etc

(1) Don't struggle desperately, kick and kick randomly, otherwise it will make the aquatic plants more tight.

(2) If there are people nearby, ask for help as soon as possible, grab something that can be grasped, and let the body surface.

(3) The most effective way is to take a deep breath and dive into the water to unravel the aquatic weeds.

How to properly rescue a drowning person?

Being able to swim is not the same as being able to save people. When encountering someone drowning, you must ensure your own safety when rescuing and avoid blind rescue.

1. Rescue on the shore by the method of "shouting, stretching and throwing".

  • "Call": shout for help and seek help from more people around you;
  • "Call": call the police at 110, 119, 120, etc. for help;
  • "Stretch": Under the condition of ensuring one's own safety, hand branches, sticks, bamboo poles, etc. to the person who falls into the water;
  • "Throwing": Throwing floating objects such as foam blocks, lifebuoys, and sealed empty plastic bottles to the drowning person to help them float for help.
A woman is "lying flat" in the West Lake, what is the situation?

2. If the conditions for launching the rescue are met, the rescuer should approach the drowning person from behind, and then hold up his body, let his head out of the water, and swim sideways to shore.

A woman is "lying flat" in the West Lake, what is the situation?

Note! Never approach a drowning person from the front. Because out of the instinct to survive, they may cling to anything. In case of being caught, one should let go and sink, leaving the drowning person first and then rescuing.


Summer is the time when drowning accidents are high

Be sure to keep drowning prevention knowledge in mind

Be vigilant and beware of accidents

Source: Comprehensively compiled from National Emergency Management, Hangzhou Daily, Hubei Emergency Management, Yantai Emergency Management