
It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

author:Wonders of History

This is not a fashion show, this is simply a carnival of cows, ghosts, snakes, and gods!

Yin wind demon wind ass wind, wind wind blind! People show ghost show upside down show, show show against the sky!

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

What exactly is going on in the minds of these designers to make such disgusting fancy dresses!

Is this what they call art?

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

The demon wind is raging

It is said that wearing clothes is everyone's free choice, normal dress, of course, there is no problem, when we see some strange outfits, not only will there be a trace of discomfort in our hearts.

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

At a fashion show abroad, their outrageous outfits made people look miserable, and they felt like they wanted to punch when they saw it.

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

At a glance, a few yellow statues came into our eyes, but this is a fashion show, why are there statues?

When we zoomed in closer, we saw five or six people standing in a row, they were moving straight forward, but the clothes on their bodies were extremely unique.

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

Isn't this just the instant noodles you usually eat, how can they be made into clothes, and some of them can't even see their faces, which is simply too scary, and this designer definitely has a hole in his brain.

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

Although these performers are all in good shape, with this outfit and a very large instant noodle bucket behind it, it is simply too abstract!

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

Is this what designers call art? It's terrible, this kind of demon wind really needs to be stopped in time!

Then the camera showed a woman in a yellow jumpsuit, looking down from above, it felt fine, but this was in the stomach area, it was really a bit spicy to the eyes!

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

No wonder foreigners are very open-minded, and this dress is also very open, walking the steps of the model, so that everyone is not only silent after seeing it.

How can there be a hole, this kind of behavior that does not cover the body, let us ordinary people look at it, it is completely unacceptable, this kind of behavior should be stopped in time!

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

When this woman finishes walking around and turns around, her back is also displayed in front of our eyes, which ...... What are they?

It's just fooling around!!

When the camera pans to the next model again, we see her embracing herself with both hands, walking with a more confident step, but when we see this outfit.

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

I can't help but sigh in my heart, you are dressed like this, what is the meaning of boldly walking out and embracing yourself with both hands?

The designer has designed two models, one is black and the upper part of the body is completely covered, and the other is red and the lower part of the body is completely covered.

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

It's really for us ordinary people to be unable to accept such an outfit normally, it's just too explosive, is this kind of behavior of licking blood on the tip of the knife really good?

If a person wants to be liked and respected by more people, what he has to do is not this kind of behavior, and the ideal of the Tao of flowers and butterflies must have a position of their own in everyone's hearts.

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

There was also a woman who felt like she was surrounded by garbage bags, and she couldn't see any part of her body at all, although she walked with confidence.

But isn't this expression a little too wooden, and the meaning of the dress is completely invisible, and what can be felt is that they seem to regard this as a kind of performance art.

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

But we really can't understand these arts and unique exclusive understanding, this black garbage bag, with a pair of high heels, maybe this is the unique vision of foreigners!

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

This is not a man who came to us, he had a black pot lid on his head, although the matching of the lower body was very trendy, but this kind of outfit was really eye-catching.

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

With a white wallet in his hand, is this going to the streets?

This kind of outfit is absolutely head-turning, it looks like a hat up close, but from a distance, it looks like a black mushroom walking, which not only makes people smile.

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

Although I can't see at all what the deep meaning of such a design has, it is really funny enough, and such a strange outfit is really so popular abroad.

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

A man with a broken bone walked towards us, his clothes couldn't even see his right hand, this kind of clothes with large intestines and small intestines, also has its own unique style.

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

But this model is very handsome, and he walked out of the steps that his six relatives did not recognize, and I saw him walking in front of the camera with one hand in his pocket.

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

It may be that for some foreigners, they all have their own outfits and opinions, but in our opinion, this is indeed a bit excessive.

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

This kind of outfit will not only disturb the trend of society, but also spread some bad behavior, and the best thing to do is to work together to resist this bizarre outfit.

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

There was also a woman, dressed like an earthling, like a void creature, with purple barbs behind her.

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

It looks like a mutated eggplant, long and thin, and people will feel extremely uncomfortable when they see it.

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

This has to be worn out, it would be better if she went to the Comic Con, but walking on the street, she would definitely be laughed at by everyone, and she would dare to wear it like this in the future.

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

The young man in the back is not ordinary, he is wearing a transparent red and white dress, and he is holding an umbrella in his hand, although his face looks very upright.

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

But isn't this dress a little too explicit, there is a strange shape of red on the coat, and a red belt is tied around the waist.

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

It can be seen that he is very confident, because after all, this is a performance of the show, and many viewers are also applauding again and again.

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

Why is this dress crooked?

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

Could it be that this lady is not dressed properly, in fact, it is not, this dress is designed this way, giving people a feeling of doppelganger, as if floating in the air.

Although it is only a visual experience, can such an outfit really be liked by the audience?

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

Wearing clothes should be neat and tidy, so that the donkey's head is not the horse's mouth, it is simply a shame to throw it home!

Then there is a similar outfit, why should this dress be worn upside down, as if the whole person has been swallowed up.

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

How can you look at the road ahead when you walk like this, do you want to dig a small hole in the skirt, what does this designer think, can come up with such a strange design?

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

Then this one exploded even more, can you become a hen when you wear this dress?

What is such a design, is it the only way to reflect the beauty of the model, who will wear this dress if they get married?

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

The bridegroom must not just turn his head and run away!

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb


In fact, let's look at this matter, these strange outfits, let us see it, we are also very angry, what are these wears.

Although dressing is everyone's freedom, what is the ultimate meaning of such dressing, this is not something that a normal person can do.

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

In fact, these classic operations of cows, ghosts, snakes, and gods have emerged one after another around us, and what we have to do is to work together to evolve the network environment.

It also provides a safe and healthy environment for the network society.

It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb

Source: Mirror or Jie's official Douyin account

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It's time to stop! The crooked dressing and aesthetics of young people make everyone's scalp numb