
became famous at the age of 3, failed the list twice, and was not "treated" by Song Dandan, how is You Haoran, how is it now?

author:Playground Cover
became famous at the age of 3, failed the list twice, and was not "treated" by Song Dandan, how is You Haoran, how is it now?
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became famous at the age of 3, failed the list twice, and was not "treated" by Song Dandan, how is You Haoran, how is it now?

In 2022, an online drama called "Uncle Waste Firewood with Children in the Family" was quietly launched, which aroused heated discussions among the audience. In the play, the former cute and clever "Xiaoyu" You Haoran has transformed into an unemployed and down-and-out adult.

From becoming unexpectedly famous at the age of 3 to playing the role of "waste wood" at the age of 25, You Haoran's acting career is like a roller coaster. He has twice failed to be listed at the Beijing Film Academy, and even seems to be untreated by his former "mother" Song Dandan in variety shows.

Is this former rising star okay now? Let's uncover the ups and downs of You Haoran's life story and explore the present and future of that lovely "little rain".

You Haoran's acting career began with an unexpected encounter. In 1999, at the age of 3, he was walking with his mother in the park when he was spotted by a producer who was preparing a public service announcement.

became famous at the age of 3, failed the list twice, and was not "treated" by Song Dandan, how is You Haoran, how is it now?

The producer was deeply attracted by Xiao Haoran's cute appearance and well-behaved personality, so he invited him to participate in the advertising shooting.

Despite his young age, You Haoran has shown remarkable perseverance and dedication. On the set, he insisted on working until four or five o'clock in the morning, and never complained even when he was exhausted.

This extraordinary performance impressed the crew members. In the end, after this public service announcement was broadcast, You Haoran's immature little hands held the basin and whispered "Mom, wash your feet" touched the hearts of countless audiences.

This successful attempt opened the door to the showbiz for You Haoran. Subsequently, he successively participated in popular TV series such as "Mansion Gate" and "True Love for You", and his popularity continued to rise.

became famous at the age of 3, failed the list twice, and was not "treated" by Song Dandan, how is You Haoran, how is it now?

However, what really made him famous in one fell swoop was the sitcom "Family with Children" in 2004.

In the crew of "Family with Children", 8-year-old You Haoran played the role of "Xia Yu" and soon became the darling of everyone. Although he often couldn't remember his lines when he was young, and sometimes even forgot that he was an actor rather than an audience, the crew members were tolerant of him and patiently guided.

You Haoran's naughty nature was also revealed on the set, and he once angered Gao Yalin, who played the role of "father", because of his naughty behavior. However, under the protection of "mother" Song Dandan, he was always able to turn danger into a disaster and continued to be favored in the crew.

In 2005, the first part of "Family with Children" was officially broadcast, and You Haoran instantly became the focus of national attention. His cute and clever image was deeply imprinted in the hearts of the audience and won widespread love.

became famous at the age of 3, failed the list twice, and was not "treated" by Song Dandan, how is You Haoran, how is it now?

What followed was a steady stream of opportunities, many well-known directors threw olive branches to him, and some companies even spared no expense to sign him.

For a while, You Haoran seemed to be standing at the pinnacle of his acting career, and his future was bright. His success even surpassed that of the child star Guan Xiaotong in the same period and became the hottest actor at that time.

You Haoran in childhood is undoubtedly lucky and dazzling, he seems to have infinite possibilities, and people can't help but look forward to what kind of brilliance he will create in the future.

However, no one could have imagined that this seemingly perfect start would lay the groundwork for various challenges in the future. The aura of a child star is certainly dazzling, but how to maintain this light during the growth process will become a major test that You Haoran must face in the future.

became famous at the age of 3, failed the list twice, and was not "treated" by Song Dandan, how is You Haoran, how is it now?

As he grew older, You Haoran gradually faced the first major challenge in his acting career - weight problems. The natural obesity physique coupled with the necessary nutritional supplements made You Haoran's weight continue to rise.

After an experience that required recuperation, his weight soared to a staggering 200 pounds! This change not only affected his image, but also brought a huge impact to his acting career.

In 2008, You Haoran starred in the TV series "Drive Your Melancholy Away". However, having lost his childhood wit and cuteness, the audience paid much less attention to him than before.

At the same time, Guan Xiaotong, who is also a child star, emerged with his performance in "How Far Is Happiness", and the development trajectories of the two began to diverge significantly.

became famous at the age of 3, failed the list twice, and was not "treated" by Song Dandan, how is You Haoran, how is it now?

In 2014, You Haoran and Guan Xiaotong ushered in an important turning point in their lives at the same time. You Haoran tried to challenge the costume drama "Kamikaze Knife", however, his image has changed too much, and he is like the "Xiaoyu" in the audience's memory, which has caused a lot of doubts.

In April of the same year, the two co-starred in "Tang Dynasty Boy", but You Haoran was reduced to a supporting role and stood silently in the corner at the press conference, while Guan Xiaotong became the focus of the audience as the heroine.

This stark contrast undoubtedly brought a huge blow to You Haoran.

Faced with the trough of his career, You Haoran did not give up. With the encouragement of his mother, he decided to apply for the Beijing Film Academy, hoping to improve himself through professional learning.

became famous at the age of 3, failed the list twice, and was not "treated" by Song Dandan, how is You Haoran, how is it now?

Mother's words are like an initiation: "If you want to be an outstanding actor, you must first have a solid academic foundation. This made You Haoran determined to reinvent himself by studying hard.

However, 19-year-old You Haoran unfortunately failed in the 2015 exam due to body problems. This defeat didn't bring him down, and the following year, he challenged again, but lost again.

At the same time, Guan Xiaotong successfully entered the Nortel Performance Department with excellent results, and the gap between the two was further widened.

This successive blows made You Haoran fall into deep self-doubt. He began to reflect on his current situation, realizing that if he didn't make changes, he might never return to the top of his acting career.

became famous at the age of 3, failed the list twice, and was not "treated" by Song Dandan, how is You Haoran, how is it now?

So, he made up his mind to go all out to lose weight.

You Haoran's road to weight loss was not easy. Not only does he have to control his diet, but he also has to stick to high-intensity exercise. At the same time, he also has to take care of his studies to prepare for the Nortel exam again.

This period of time is both stressful and extremely precious for You Haoran. He knew that this could be his last chance to reinvent himself and return to showbiz.

Hard work pays off. With hard work, You Haoran finally managed to lose 30 pounds in 2019, and also received an admission letter from Beijing Film Academy.

became famous at the age of 3, failed the list twice, and was not "treated" by Song Dandan, how is You Haoran, how is it now?

At this moment, he seemed to see the hope of returning to the peak of acting. However, You Haoran is also well aware that this is just a new starting point. He still has a long way to go before he can regain his footing in the competitive entertainment industry.

This experience made You Haoran understand that the road to growth is never smooth. The aura of the past does not guarantee future success, only by constantly working hard and constantly breaking through oneself can we go further in the acting career.

After entering the Beijing Film Academy, You Haoran did not stop. In December 2019, just three months after entering school, he devoted himself to the filming of "Such a Lovely Us".

This youth-themed TV series was supposed to be an opportunity for him to return to the screen, however, it backfired, and the show did not attract much attention. You Haoran seems to have been forgotten in the corner again, and the aura of a child star is no longer there.

became famous at the age of 3, failed the list twice, and was not "treated" by Song Dandan, how is You Haoran, how is it now?

In the same year, he also participated in the recording of the variety show "The Voice of Cultural Tourism", hoping to show his versatility through different types of programs. Unfortunately, this attempt still failed to stir up much of a stir.

You Haoran found that it was more difficult than he imagined to win the audience's love again.

During this period, You Haoran seems to have gradually faded out of public view, and news about him has become more and more rare. However, he did not give up his love for acting. On social media, You Haoran began to show his passion for e-sports, frequently cheering for the RNG team.

Whenever RNG wins a game, he is always the first to send congratulatory messages and even personally go to the scene to support the team.

became famous at the age of 3, failed the list twice, and was not "treated" by Song Dandan, how is You Haoran, how is it now?

This hobby, which seems to have nothing to do with acting career, allows people to see a more three-dimensional and real You Haoran. He is no longer the stereotyped "Xiaoyu", but a young man with his own interests and attitudes.

This transformation may be that he is looking for a new breakthrough.

In October 2020, You Haoran actively participated in and promoted the activities of his younger brother Zhai Jinlong on his personal social account. The move unexpectedly put him back in the public eye.

However, instead of applause and cheers, he was greeted by overwhelming doubts and ridicule. Many netizens questioned whether he was still capable of helping others, and some even bluntly suggested that he give up his dream of being an actor and find a stable job.

became famous at the age of 3, failed the list twice, and was not "treated" by Song Dandan, how is You Haoran, how is it now?

In the face of these harsh remarks, You Haoran chose to remain silent. He did not defend himself, nor did he fight back, but silently endured these criticisms. In his opinion, only through practical actions and excellent works can we truly respond to these doubts.

During this period, You Haoran, although he encountered a bottleneck in his acting career, he did not give up. He has shown great effort in his studies, losing weight, and trying new areas.

This kind of perseverance may be the key to his ability to persist in the highly competitive industry of the entertainment industry to this day.

You Haoran knows that the transformation from a child star to an adult actor is not an easy task. But he firmly believes that as long as he continues to work hard, he will one day be able to stand at the peak of life again.

became famous at the age of 3, failed the list twice, and was not "treated" by Song Dandan, how is You Haoran, how is it now?

This silent and persistent attitude also made some viewers begin to re-examine the former child star, looking forward to more surprises he can bring.

In 2021, You Haoran ushered in an important comeback opportunity. He was invited to participate in the popular variety show "Cute Detective", and the program team hoped to evoke the audience's good memories of "Family with Children".

This was supposed to be a warm reunion, but it unexpectedly sparked controversy.

When You Haoran affectionately said to Song Dandan, "Mom, I am your youngest son", Song Dandan's reaction was beyond everyone's expectations. She just responded lightly with a "You Haoran", and then fell silent.

became famous at the age of 3, failed the list twice, and was not "treated" by Song Dandan, how is You Haoran, how is it now?

This is in stark contrast to her enthusiastic attitude towards other "Family with Children" actors.

What's even more surprising is that when Zhang Yishan appeared, Song Dandan's attitude was completely different. She warmly asked Zhang Yishan about his current situation, and even expressed her hope to have dinner together in the future.

In the face of such doubts, You Haoran chose to remain silent. He seems to understand that in this highly competitive circle, only speaking with his work is the most powerful response.

In 2022, You Haoran ushered in another opportunity. He starred in the web series "Uncle Waste Firewood with Children", playing Xiaoyu who has an unsatisfactory life when he grows up.

became famous at the age of 3, failed the list twice, and was not "treated" by Song Dandan, how is You Haoran, how is it now?

This was supposed to be a good opportunity for him to prove himself again, however, this drama was once again questioned by netizens.

Some people believe that You Haoran is overly dependent on the fame of "Family with Children" and can't get rid of the image of "Xiaoyu". Some people also raised objections to the character creation, believing that the setting of "Uncle Waste Firewood" is insulting to the image of "Xiaoyu".

These doubts and criticisms undoubtedly cast a shadow on You Haoran's comeback. However, he didn't give up. You Haoran knows that every attempt, whether successful or not, is the only way for him to regain his footing.

Although the road to comeback was full of ups and downs, the 25-year-old You Haoran did not give up. He is trying to find his own way of acting, trying to be reborn from the cute image of a child star and grow into a mature and stable actor.

became famous at the age of 3, failed the list twice, and was not "treated" by Song Dandan, how is You Haoran, how is it now?

This path of transformation is difficult, but it is also a necessary one.

Looking back on You Haoran's acting career, it is not difficult for us to find that his starting point is indeed very high, but because of this, he is facing greater challenges and pressures. The transition from a child star to an adult actor is not an easy task, which can also be seen from the experience of child stars Yang Zi and Zhang Yishan in the same period.

After Yang Zi left the crew of "Family with Children", she experienced a period of confusion. She chose to put her acting career on hold for the time being and focus on her studies. In the end, through continuous efforts, she successfully showed a new side in works such as "Fragrant Honey Sinks Like Frost" and "Please Advise for the Rest of Your Life".

Zhang Yishan gradually got rid of the label of "Liu Xing" and grew into a powerful actor through one excellent work after another.

became famous at the age of 3, failed the list twice, and was not "treated" by Song Dandan, how is You Haoran, how is it now?

These successful cases may give You Haoran some inspiration. In the face of doubts and challenges, perseverance and hard work are the only way out. You Haoran understands that everyone will experience a trough, but only by having the courage to break through can we usher in a new peak.

Today's You Haoran is in the golden age of 25 years old, and he still has a lot of time to work hard and improve his acting skills. We have reason to believe that as long as he continues to maintain this indomitable spirit, one day, he will shine again and find his place in the entertainment industry.

We will wait and see how you will be in the future.

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