
The grandmaster reported that the "first person" Wang Tianyi was investigated, and what waves will be set off in the Chinese chess world

author:Hearing the sound of the green tree

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Friends who like chess have always known the name "Wang Tianyi", he is the person with the highest rating in men's chess, and his achievements in chess are unparalleled.

But who would have thought that such a chess king would have a relationship with "bribery"! The current Wang Tianyi has not appeared for a long time.

The grandmaster reported that the "first person" Wang Tianyi was investigated, and what waves will be set off in the Chinese chess world

Huge fame, controversy that never stops

"Wang Tianyi, the first person in chess", is very powerful, many people are not clear, here is a brief introduction to the hierarchy of the "Chinese Chess Association".

Chess associations generally distinguish the level of chess players by rank titles, and the two highest and most difficult titles to obtain are grandmaster and national master.

Under normal circumstances, only professional chess players can be in these two tracks, and more than a dozen titles such as chess association masters and local masters below the national master level are all active stages for amateur chess players.

The grandmaster reported that the "first person" Wang Tianyi was investigated, and what waves will be set off in the Chinese chess world

But there is not only one grandmaster, so how can these people distinguish between high and low? To this end, the Chinese Chess Association has introduced the Xiangqi player rating.

Every time the grandmasters play in public, it will affect their scores, and the higher the score, the higher the level of the player, and the rating is also the focus of many chess enthusiasts.

As of 2024, Wang Tianyi has been sitting on the "No. 1 rating" seat for eleven years! It's completely to the point where you can see the mountains at a glance.

The grandmaster reported that the "first person" Wang Tianyi was investigated, and what waves will be set off in the Chinese chess world

What's even more exaggerated is that Wang Tianyi will break through 2,800 points in 2023, becoming the first and only Chinese chess player with more than 2,800 points.

Judging from the superficial results alone, Wang Tianyi is the leader of the contemporary chess world, and he has also attracted the attention of most chess fans. It's just that the more attention there is, the louder the questioning will be, and Wang Tianyi has not been less "targeted" by his peers.

The grandmaster reported that the "first person" Wang Tianyi was investigated, and what waves will be set off in the Chinese chess world

As early as 2011, grandmaster Sun Yongzheng publicly questioned Wang Tianyi for cheating. Wang Tianyi was completely "untimid", and officially invited Sun Yong to fight Shiban chess, and Sun Yong could pick the location at any time!

This matter was quite popular at the time, and many chess friends were waiting for the two to face off, but unfortunately due to the intervention of the Chinese Chess Academy, the matter of the appointment was finally closed.

Dazhong Daily, November 11, 2012: China Chess Academy: This move is not advisable
The grandmaster reported that the "first person" Wang Tianyi was investigated, and what waves will be set off in the Chinese chess world

For more than ten years, doubts similar to Sun Yongzheng's voices have never knocked Wang Tianyi down, which shows that Wang Tianyi's top level is beyond doubt.

But who would have thought that a report "not aimed at Wang Tianyi" would pull Wang Tianyi off the altar.

The grandmaster reported that the "first person" Wang Tianyi was investigated, and what waves will be set off in the Chinese chess world

No one can run

In October 2023, the "chess king" Liu Dahua took his ID card and publicly reported Guo Liping on social platforms for manipulating the game and arranging bonuses! At that time, Guo Liping was the deputy director of the China Chess and Card Sports Management Center.

In addition, Liu Dahua also claimed that in order to cover up the fact of "manipulating the game", Guo Liping constantly suppressed and retaliated against the chess players who revealed the truth, resulting in a miasma in the chess circle.

The grandmaster reported that the "first person" Wang Tianyi was investigated, and what waves will be set off in the Chinese chess world

Liu Dahua's report caused a lot of trouble at the time, and many chess enthusiasts paid attention to the matter. The relevant departments immediately began to investigate the matter, and Guo Liping was also transferred from the post of deputy director of the chess and card management center.

Until June 2024, the investigation has not ended, and more and more people are involved, and Wang Tianyi is one of them.

As early as a few months ago, Wang Tianyi was summoned by the police for investigation on suspicion of accepting bribes from non-state workers. And since April 24 this year, Wang Tian has not appeared in the public eye again.

Beijing Daily client2024-06-26Chinese chess player Wang Tianyi was investigated for accepting bribes from non-state workers
The grandmaster reported that the "first person" Wang Tianyi was investigated, and what waves will be set off in the Chinese chess world

Wang Tianyi's investigation reminds us of the recording of a call between Grandmaster Wang Yuefei and Grandmaster Hao Jichao in June last year.

In the conversation, the two talked about the topic of "Wang Tianyi buying chess", and also involved in the scandal of "manipulating the game with software"!

The grandmaster reported that the "first person" Wang Tianyi was investigated, and what waves will be set off in the Chinese chess world

Is the content of the recording true or false? Is Wang Tianyi innocent? We have no way of knowing and can only wait for the results of the investigation by the relevant authorities.

But what we can be sure of is that the Chinese chess circle is in a miasma, and the purity of the competition is difficult to guarantee.

The grandmaster reported that the "first person" Wang Tianyi was investigated, and what waves will be set off in the Chinese chess world

Is there a problem with Wang Tianyi?

After Wang Tianyi was investigated, many people wanted to know one thing: whether Wang Tianyi cheated or not, and whether his title of "the first person in chess" was water?

We can learn a thing or two about this problem from Wang Tianyi's past performance.

For more than ten years, there have been too many voices questioning Wang Tianyi, and many people have compared his games, moves and AI, thinking that Wang Tianyi has maintained his current status through software.

The grandmaster reported that the "first person" Wang Tianyi was investigated, and what waves will be set off in the Chinese chess world

But eleven years have passed, and there have been at least three rounds of investigation against Wang Tianyi, but no one has been able to come up with tangible evidence.

At the same time, Wang Tianyi has always maintained a very high winning rate, and when he plays against other chess players, he doesn't even have many draws! Anyone who knows chess knows what it means.

The grandmaster reported that the "first person" Wang Tianyi was investigated, and what waves will be set off in the Chinese chess world

Judging from the facts, Wang Tianyi does have the strength of the first person, there is no doubt about this.

And those who question his strength ignore one thing: although Wang Tianyi is the first person, he will also improve, and the birth of AI has brought more room for improvement to chess players.

But having strength does not mean that there is no problem, reports about Wang Tianyi have appeared, indicating that Wang Tianyi is likely to be involved in things like "buying chess".

The grandmaster reported that the "first person" Wang Tianyi was investigated, and what waves will be set off in the Chinese chess world

We can also guess from this: Wang Tianyi has outstanding strength and became famous at a young age, but the fame he gained cannot be converted into profits, and after a long time, Wang Tianyi also sank into money transactions. It's quite common in the world of football, and it's nothing new.

But at the same time, Wang Tianyi also has a trace of clarity. Regarding the situation of the miasma in the chess circle, Wang Tianyi also vaguely expressed his opinion.

He said many times in the live broadcast that he envied the harmonious atmosphere of the Go world next door and the alternation of the old and the new, and hoped that the chess circle could have less fighting and more consideration for the inheritance of competition.

The grandmaster reported that the "first person" Wang Tianyi was investigated, and what waves will be set off in the Chinese chess world


Wang Tian was born in 1989, and now he is only 35 years old, and he is the only chess player who can barely cope with AI when he is in the prime of life. If it weren't for this, he would be an eternal monument in the Chinese chess world.

It's a pity that it's all the same......

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