
It is urgent to solve the problem of college students' employment, otherwise there will be a big problem, and suicide will be light!



The employment of college students has always been the focus of social attention, and it is also a long-standing and controversial topic. With the increasing number of college graduates, the employment situation is becoming more and more severe, and many college students are facing employment pressure, and even the phenomenon of unemployment after graduation. And these unemployed college students are not only a personal problem, their employment plight also affects the hearts of their families, and even has a certain impact on social stability and economic development.

In the current special period, affected by the epidemic, the employment situation is more severe, and many fresh graduates are facing the "cold winter" of finding jobs. What are the reasons for the prominence of the employment problem of college students, and how to effectively solve this problem? This article will explore this issue from multiple perspectives, hoping to give you some inspiration and conjecture.

1. Parents pay a huge price for their children's education, but they face employment problems

Parents have always attached great importance to their children's education, and they hope to lay a solid foundation for their children's future through high-quality educational resources. Whether it is in children's learning or life, parents will give them meticulous care and support, and even pay a huge financial price.

When a child finally graduates from university after years of study, only to find that he or she cannot smoothly integrate into society and find a satisfactory job, this will undoubtedly bring great loss and pain to parents. They have paid so much for their children's education, but in the end they have such a result, which is undoubtedly a heavy blow to them.

When we talk about the employment of college students, we cannot ignore the mood and situation of parents, their hearts may be full of helplessness and guilt, they will begin to reflect on whether there is something wrong with their children's education that leads to their children's employment difficulties? And this invisible pressure and sense of self-blame will also have a certain impact on family relationships, and even become the fuse of family conflicts.

It is urgent to solve the problem of college students' employment, otherwise there will be a big problem, and suicide will be light!

2. The dilemmas and challenges faced by unemployed college students

For those college students who are unable to successfully find employment after graduation, they are not only facing material pressure, but also psychological distress and challenges. On the one hand, they need to face all kinds of doubts and pressures from their families and society, and they are unable to bring financial support to their families, which will also make them feel extremely guilty and helpless.

On the other hand, long-term unemployment will also make them feel a certain sense of inferiority and anxiety, they will begin to doubt their own ability and worth, and even be full of confusion and fear for the future. Under such psychological pressure, some people may choose to escape reality and indulge in the virtual world, while others will have negative emotions and even mental health problems.

From a social point of view, a large number of unemployed college students will also bring certain hidden dangers to social security, and once these groups of people are influenced by extremist ideas and even embark on the road of crime, then they will pose a certain threat to social stability and harmony.

It is urgent to solve the problem of college students' employment, otherwise there will be a big problem, and suicide will be light!

Third, solving the employment problem requires the joint efforts of all parties

In view of the current employment problem of college students, we cannot simply blame a certain reason, nor can we pin our hopes on a certain group, but we need the joint efforts of all sectors of society to find an effective solution.

1. The authorities have introduced more down-to-earth policies

The authorities play a pivotal role in solving the employment problem, and they need to have an in-depth understanding of the actual situation of the society and listen to the opinions of all parties before they can introduce more down-to-earth policies that can really help those college students who have employment needs.

For example, the proportion of social insurance contributions of some employers can be appropriately reduced and a certain amount of employment subsidies can be given, which can reduce the employment costs of enterprises to a certain extent and increase the enthusiasm of employers in recruitment. The authorities can also increase employment support for graduates of key colleges and universities, encourage them to work at the grassroots level, and contribute to the cause of national construction.

It is urgent to solve the problem of college students' employment, otherwise there will be a big problem, and suicide will be light!

2. The school adjusts the major settings

The school also needs to adjust its professional settings, not blindly pursuing popular majors, but combining the country's industrial policies to cultivate more talents that meet the needs of society. Schools can also strengthen career planning education for students, so that they have a clear understanding of where their future development direction lies when choosing a major.

3. Businesses offer more internship and employment opportunities

Enterprises are the "employers" of college students' employment, and they also need to provide more opportunities and support for college students' employment. Through cooperation with colleges and universities, some internship programs can be carried out, so that students can get in touch with the society and increase practical experience during their time in school, and can also provide more employment opportunities for college students through various job fairs and job promotion fairs.

It is urgent to solve the problem of college students' employment, otherwise there will be a big problem, and suicide will be light!

4. Establish correct values in the whole society

In addition, we also need to look at the employment of college students from a social perspective, and we cannot blindly pursue a "golden job" while ignoring the value of other professions. We should establish correct values, not only pay attention to academic qualifications, but also pay attention to a person's professional quality and practical ability, only in this way can the society be more diversified, and can also provide more development space for college students.

It is urgent to solve the problem of college students' employment, otherwise there will be a big problem, and suicide will be light!

IV. Conclusion

The employment of college students is a "battle" without gunpowder, and solving this problem requires the joint efforts of all sectors of society, as well as the ability of college students to have a tolerant and tenacious heart. Whether they are successfully employed or facing employment difficulties, they should maintain an optimistic attitude, constantly enrich themselves, improve their overall quality, and believe that as long as they work hard, they will be able to find a suitable stage for themselves and show their value.

I hope that in the future, the society can give more understanding and support to college students, and I also hope that every college student can bravely face life and bravely chase their dreams, because they are the hope and future of this era.