
It is strongly recommended that the reimbursement ratio of rural medical insurance be adjusted to 96%, so that everyone can afford to get sick



In recent years, major countries in the East have been vigorously promoting medical reform, constantly improving the medical security system, and increasing the coverage and reimbursement ratio of medical insurance, in order to allow the broad masses of people to enjoy fairer and more accessible medical and health services. Among them, increasing the reimbursement ratio of rural medical insurance has always attracted much attention, because it is related to the vital interests of thousands of farmers, and also directly affects the rational use of medical resources and the fairness of medical services. Recently, the relevant departments proposed to increase the reimbursement ratio of rural medical insurance to 96%, this news has undoubtedly brought great encouragement and hope to the majority of farmers, and also set off a heated discussion on the reform of the rural medical insurance system from all walks of life.

It is strongly recommended that the reimbursement ratio of rural medical insurance be adjusted to 96%, so that everyone can afford to get sick

Increase the reimbursement rate of rural medical insurance to 96%

What does it mean to increase the reimbursement rate for rural health insurance to 96 percent? This is undoubtedly a great news for the reform of the rural medical insurance system in the big eastern countries, and it is also a great guarantee for the health of the peasant masses. At present, the medical insurance system in the rural areas of the big eastern countries mainly includes the new rural cooperative medical care and the basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents, and the purpose of increasing the reimbursement ratio is to let more farmers enjoy more reimbursement of medical expenses when they see a doctor, so as to reduce their economic burden, encourage them to actively seek medical treatment, timely treatment, and improve their health status.

Increasing the reimbursement ratio will also help promote the rational allocation of medical resources and avoid the problem of excessive concentration of medical resources caused by the low reimbursement ratio. It can be said that the rational allocation of medical resources is the top priority of medical reform, and it is also the fundamental purpose of the reform of the rural medical insurance system.

Increasing the reimbursement ratio of rural medical insurance can also promote the in-depth implementation of medical reform and promote the improvement of the quality of medical services. It can be said that medical reform is a systematic project, and increasing the reimbursement ratio is only part of it, but undoubtedly, this has a positive role in encouraging medical institutions to provide better medical services and promoting the coordinated development of medical service prices and medical security systems.

It is strongly recommended that the reimbursement ratio of rural medical insurance be adjusted to 96%, so that everyone can afford to get sick

The Challenge

It is not easy to really increase the reimbursement rate of rural medical insurance to 96%, which involves many problems and challenges. We must be clear that increasing the reimbursement ratio means that the expenditure of the medical insurance fund will be more, and how to ensure the sustainability of the medical insurance fund, how to avoid the shortage of the medical insurance fund caused by the increase in the reimbursement ratio, is a difficult problem in front of the authorities and relevant departments at all levels.

Increasing the reimbursement ratio also requires us to have sufficient medical resources to support, including doctors, medicines, medical equipment, etc., otherwise, no matter how high the reimbursement ratio is, farmers will not be able to enjoy high-quality medical services. However, at present, there are still many problems in the allocation of medical resources in large eastern countries, such as excessive concentration of medical resources and uneven quality of medical services, which undoubtedly creates certain obstacles to increasing the reimbursement ratio.

It is strongly recommended that the reimbursement ratio of rural medical insurance be adjusted to 96%, so that everyone can afford to get sick

Improve the medical security system

Faced with the challenge of increasing the reimbursement ratio of rural medical insurance, what should we do? We must realize that increasing the reimbursement ratio is only part of the reform of the medical security system, and we need to make greater efforts in other aspects if we want to truly let farmers enjoy fairer and more accessible medical and health services.

For example, in addition to increasing the reimbursement ratio, we should also focus on strengthening the level of primary medical services, improving the capacity and service quality of primary medical institutions, so that farmers can enjoy basic health care services at their doorsteps and reduce unnecessary medical expenditures.

In addition, we also need to strengthen the supervision of medical expenses, whether in the process of increasing the reimbursement ratio or in the actual process of medical services, to prevent excessive inflation of medical expenses, so that farmers can really benefit.

Increasing the reimbursement ratio also needs to be combined with health education to improve farmers' health awareness and prevention awareness, so that they can understand the truth that prevention is better than cure, and actively participate in health management, so as to fundamentally reduce medical expenditure.

The authorities should also strengthen the supervision of medical institutions in increasing the reimbursement ratio of rural medical insurance, encourage medical institutions to carry out various forms of medical services, ensure the quality and integrity of medical services, so that farmers have more choices and can enjoy more comprehensive medical security.


Increasing the reimbursement ratio of rural medical insurance to 96% is undoubtedly a major challenge to the reform of the medical security system in the eastern countries, and it is also a systematic project, which requires the joint efforts of all parties and requires us to start from many aspects in order to truly realize the benefits it brings. It is hoped that in the process of promoting this work, the relevant departments can fully listen to the opinions of all parties, make scientific decisions, and do a good job in relevant policy guidance, and also hope that the majority of farmers can take the initiative to pay attention to and participate in the reform of the medical security system.