
The "hyperlipidemia terminator" was found out, is it winter melon? The doctor said bluntly: It's these 2 things!

author:Smell sir and talk about health
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"Lao Wang, you have bought a lot of winter melons again!" Early in the morning, Aunt Zhang went upstairs with a bag full of vegetables, and happened to meet her neighbor Dr. Wang, who had just gone downstairs to work. Dr. Wang, the head of the cardiology department at the Municipal People's Hospital, is usually very busy with work, but he always answers questions about the health of his neighbors.
The "hyperlipidemia terminator" was found out, is it winter melon? The doctor said bluntly: It's these 2 things!

Aunt Zhang is a warm-hearted member of the community, and this time she has just returned from the vegetable market, and the bag she is carrying is full of various vegetables, among which a large winter melon is particularly conspicuous.

When Dr. Wang saw it, he couldn't help but speak: "Auntie, you bought so many winter melons here, are you going to make any big dishes?" ”

Aunt Zhang replied with a smile: "Oh, Dr. Wang, I heard that winter melon can lower blood lipids, I have not raised blood lipids for some years, and I want to eat more winter melon to see if it can be lowered." ”

Dr. Wang shook his head and said with a smile, "Although winter melon is a good thing, it is not the terminator of high blood lipids!" ”

The "hyperlipidemia terminator" was found out, is it winter melon? The doctor said bluntly: It's these 2 things!

Aunt Zhang was stunned: "Then did I buy the wrong one?" ”

Doctor Wang smiled mysteriously: "Don't be in a hurry to throw away the winter melon, in fact, there are two things that are more effective than the winter melon, you listen to me slowly." ”

Hearing this, Aunt Zhang simply put the dishes on the steps next to her, intending to listen to Dr. Wang's detailed explanation.

Dr. Wang began to explain to Aunt Zhang while sorting out the information bag in his hand: "Auntie, winter melon is indeed a very healthy ingredient, rich in water and fiber, which helps to lose weight and detoxify, but when it comes to lowering blood lipids, it is not the best choice. Actually, there are two ingredients that work better. ”

The "hyperlipidemia terminator" was found out, is it winter melon? The doctor said bluntly: It's these 2 things!

"Which two?" Aunt Zhang couldn't wait to ask.

Dr. Wang held out two fingers: "The first is oats, and the second is sweet potatoes." ”

Aunt Zhang blinked: "Oats and sweet potatoes? Can these two things lower blood lipids? ”

Dr. Wang nodded: "That's right, studies have shown that the soluble fiber in oats can effectively lower LDL cholesterol, which is what we often call 'bad' cholesterol. Sweet potatoes, on the other hand, are rich in dietary fiber and antioxidants, which can help lower blood lipids and blood sugar. ”

Aunt Zhang couldn't help asking: "Then how can these things be eaten to be effective?" ”

The "hyperlipidemia terminator" was found out, is it winter melon? The doctor said bluntly: It's these 2 things!

Dr. Wang said with a smile: "It is best to eat a bowl of oats for breakfast every day, accompanied by milk or yogurt, which can effectively help lower blood lipids." Sweet potatoes can be steamed and eaten, or made into sweet potato porridge, which is both nutritious and delicious. ”

Aunt Zhang suddenly realized: "I see! It seems that I will have to buy some oats and sweet potatoes in the future. ”

Doctor Wang nodded: "Yes, these two things are more effective than winter melons. Of course, you should also pay attention to a balanced diet and moderate exercise, so as to better control blood lipids. ”

Aunt Zhang nodded again and again, saying that she would follow Dr. Wang's advice when she went back.

The "hyperlipidemia terminator" was found out, is it winter melon? The doctor said bluntly: It's these 2 things!

Seeing that Aunt Zhang was so serious, Dr. Wang continued: "In fact, the formation of hyperlipidemia is not only related to diet, but also related to genetics, age, lifestyle and other factors. Therefore, in addition to diet, it is also important to have regular check-ups and appropriate medication. ”

Aunt Zhang nodded thoughtfully: "Then I'll have to go to the hospital to check it out." ”

Dr. Wang smiled with satisfaction: "Yes, regular check-ups are very important. For example, I have a patient surnamed Li, who is in his fifties, who usually pays special attention to his diet, but his blood lipids are still high. Later, it turned out to be familial inheritance, and finally through drug treatment and lifestyle adjustment, the blood lipids were controlled. ”

Aunt Zhang sighed: "That's really the case, it seems that eating winter melon alone is not enough." ”

The "hyperlipidemia terminator" was found out, is it winter melon? The doctor said bluntly: It's these 2 things!

Dr. Wang nodded: "Yes, so the control of hyperlipidemia requires a variety of efforts, and it cannot rely on just one kind of food. ”

At this moment, Aunt Zhang suddenly thought: "Doctor, do you have any scientific data to support the effects of oats and sweet potatoes?" ”

Dr. Wang smiled slightly: "Of course there is." For example, a study by Harvard University has shown that eating oats in moderation every day can reduce total cholesterol levels by about 5%. Another study on sweet potatoes found that the dietary fiber in sweet potatoes can significantly lower LDL cholesterol and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. ”

Aunt Zhang was dumbfounded when she heard this: "Wow, it turns out that oats and sweet potatoes are so amazing!" ”

The "hyperlipidemia terminator" was found out, is it winter melon? The doctor said bluntly: It's these 2 things!

Dr. Wang continued, "Not only that, but these studies also found that the antioxidants in oats and sweet potatoes also play a significant role in preventing atherosclerosis. For example, β-glucan in oats and anthocyanins in sweet potatoes are both very powerful antioxidants. ”

Aunt Zhang hurriedly asked, "Then should I eat these two things every day?" ”

Dr. Wang laughs, "You don't have to eat it every day, but you can eat it often, especially for breakfast and dinner, and you can add some oats and sweet potatoes appropriately." Of course, the most important thing is to eat a varied diet and not be picky. ”

Aunt Zhang nodded: "Well, I understand, it seems that I have to adjust my diet well." ”

Dr. Wang smiled with satisfaction: "Yes, as long as you stick to a healthy lifestyle, your blood lipids will naturally drop slowly." ”

The "hyperlipidemia terminator" was found out, is it winter melon? The doctor said bluntly: It's these 2 things!

Just when the two were chatting passionately, Aunt Zhang suddenly remembered a question: "Doctor Wang, you said, if I eat these healthy foods every day, won't I have to worry about blood lipids?" ”

Dr. Wang laughed: "Auntie, you have a good question!" In fact, in addition to diet, there is another very important factor, and that is exercise. ”

Aunt Zhang asked suspiciously: "Sports? So how do you exercise? ”

Dr. Wang explains, "Actually, there are many ways to exercise, such as brisk walking, running, swimming, and cycling. The key is to stick to at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every day, so that you can effectively lower blood lipids. ”

The "hyperlipidemia terminator" was found out, is it winter melon? The doctor said bluntly: It's these 2 things!

Aunt Zhang suddenly realized: "I see, then I will exercise more in the future." ”

Dr. Wang nodded: "Yes, the combination of diet and exercise, coupled with regular check-ups and necessary medication, you don't have to worry about high blood lipids." ”

Aunt Zhang nodded with satisfaction: "Thank you, Doctor Wang, I know what to do." ”

Dr. Wang smiled and said, "You're welcome, health is the most important thing, everyone should pay attention." ”

The "hyperlipidemia terminator" was found out, is it winter melon? The doctor said bluntly: It's these 2 things!

As Dr. Wang hurriedly went downstairs to work, Aunt Zhang happily went upstairs with vegetables, and secretly decided that from today onwards, she must eat more oats and sweet potatoes, exercise more, and strive to get rid of the problem of high blood lipids as soon as possible.

However, a new question suddenly popped up in Aunt Zhang's mind: since diet and exercise are so important, if someone doesn't pay attention to diet at all and only relies on exercise, can they lower blood lipids?

Dr. Wang's words still echo in his ears: "Diet and exercise are inextricably linked. ”

Yes, although exercise can effectively lower blood lipids, if you don't pay attention to your diet, you will still consume a lot of fat and cholesterol, resulting in elevated blood lipids. Exercise can only help burn some calories, but it can't completely offset the negative effects of an unhealthy diet.

The "hyperlipidemia terminator" was found out, is it winter melon? The doctor said bluntly: It's these 2 things!
The data showed that a study of middle-aged people showed that people who only relied on exercise without diet did not have significantly lower blood lipid levels, but instead had a higher appetite and more high-fat foods because of increased exercise, which was counterproductive. Therefore, a healthy diet and moderate exercise are indispensable.

In the end, Aunt Zhang strengthened her belief: if you want to really get rid of hyperlipidemia, you must take a two-pronged approach, not only to pay attention to your diet, but also to insist on exercise. Only in this way can you really maintain a healthy body and stay away from the trouble of high blood lipids.

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China Food Economy,2016,(12):68.

The "hyperlipidemia terminator" was found out, is it winter melon? The doctor said bluntly: It's these 2 things!