
The doctor said bluntly: Is it a good thing that these two diseases come to the door? The old man who was found out was in better health!

author:Smell sir and talk about health
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"You said Lao Liu? It's a good thing that he found out about his disease! The doctor's words made Uncle Jiang stunned. He had just gotten out of the taxi and hurried into the hospital, feeling full of excitement. Last night, he received a phone call and learned that his old friend Uncle Liu suddenly fell ill and was taken to the hospital. Uncle Jiang didn't sleep well all night, he was worried, and he came early this morning.
The doctor said bluntly: Is it a good thing that these two diseases come to the door? The old man who was found out was in better health!

Uncle Jiang is a retired middle school teacher, who is usually quite strong, but he also has some minor problems. Recently, when he heard about Uncle Liu, he couldn't help but start worrying about his health problems, and decided to go to the hospital tomorrow for a full body physical examination.

"Doctor, what do you mean by that? Is it still a good thing that Lao Liu is sick? Uncle Jiang's face was full of doubts.

The doctor smiled: "Don't worry, Uncle Liu's test this time is actually high blood pressure and diabetes, although these two diseases sound scary, but if they are detected and controlled early, they will not only be harmless to the body, but also promote him to pay attention to health, and he can live longer." ”

Uncle Jiang was even more puzzled: "Aren't high blood pressure and diabetes a big problem?" How did it become a good thing? ”

The doctor said bluntly: Is it a good thing that these two diseases come to the door? The old man who was found out was in better health!

The doctor nodded and explained, "High blood pressure and diabetes do need to be controlled, but many complications can be avoided by early detection and reasonable management. Many elderly people usually do not pay attention to their diet and living habits, and do not find out until the problem is serious. In fact, through regular physical examinations, early detection of these problems can lead to timely lifestyle adjustments to avoid more serious diseases. ”

Uncle Jiang nodded again and again when he heard this: "So that's the case, then I have to check it well tomorrow." ”

The doctor continued: "Yes, especially for an elderly person like you, it is important to have regular check-ups. Although high blood pressure and diabetes cannot be cured, they can be maintained to a large extent through diet control, medication and regular check-ups. ”

The doctor said bluntly: Is it a good thing that these two diseases come to the door? The old man who was found out was in better health!

Uncle Jiang decided to act immediately, and went to the hospital's physical examination center early the next morning. After a series of tests, I found that my blood pressure and blood sugar were a little high. The doctor told him that this was the early stage and that it was completely controllable by adjusting his diet and lifestyle habits.

The doctor elaborated: "High blood pressure refers to a state in which blood pressure continues to rise, and if not controlled, it may lead to serious complications such as heart disease and stroke. Diabetes, on the other hand, is a metabolic disease caused by abnormal insulin secretion or action, which, if left uncontrolled, may lead to complications such as kidney disease, impaired vision, and neuropathy. ”

Uncle Jiang asked in surprise, "Then what should I do now?" ”

The doctor said bluntly: Is it a good thing that these two diseases come to the door? The old man who was found out was in better health!

The doctor smiled and replied: "You are now in the early stages, you just need to pay attention to your diet, reduce salt and sugar intake, eat more vegetables and fruits, exercise moderately, and maintain a good routine and rest habits." If necessary, it can also be combined with medication and regular check-ups to keep blood pressure and blood sugar in the normal range. ”

Uncle Jiang breathed a sigh of relief: "I see, then I have to pay attention to it in the future." ”

The doctor nodded: "Yes, early detection of hypertension and diabetes can be completely controlled through reasonable management." In fact, there are many elderly people who also find these problems through physical examinations and take timely measures, but they are healthier than those who do not know that they are sick. ”

Uncle Jiang listened attentively: "That's the case, it seems that regular physical examinations really can't be ignored." ”

The doctor said bluntly: Is it a good thing that these two diseases come to the door? The old man who was found out was in better health!

The doctor continued, "Yes, many people think they are not sick and wait until the symptoms are obvious to go for a check-up, often missing the best time for treatment. Regular medical check-ups can detect problems early and take early measures to prevent them before they occur. ”

Uncle Jiang nodded: "Thank you, doctor, I really benefited a lot today!" ”

The doctor smiled and waved his hand: "You're welcome, feel free to come to me if you have any questions." ”

Uncle Jiang left the hospital happily, and secretly decided in his heart that he must have regular physical examinations in the future and maintain healthy living habits. He thought of Uncle Liu's expression when he saw him on the hospital bed that day, and his heart was even more emotional. Although Uncle Liu fell ill suddenly, because he was found early, he has now begun to cooperate with the doctor for treatment, and his condition is gradually improving.

The doctor said bluntly: Is it a good thing that these two diseases come to the door? The old man who was found out was in better health!

A few months later, Uncle Jiang and Uncle Liu attended a health lecture organized by the community, and it was the enthusiastic doctor who gave the lecture. The doctor shared a lot of knowledge about hypertension and diabetes during the lecture, and also specifically mentioned the importance of early detection.

The doctor said: "High blood pressure and diabetes are not terrible, what I am afraid of is not paying attention to it and not managing it. Early detection and timely measures can completely control the condition and maintain a good quality of life. Just like Uncle Liu and Uncle Jiang, they found the problem through regular physical examinations, and now their physical condition has been well improved through diet control and moderate exercise. ”

Hearing this, Uncle Jiang and Uncle Liu looked at each other and smiled, they knew that it was precisely because of early discovery and reasonable management that their lives were healthier and more quality.

The doctor said bluntly: Is it a good thing that these two diseases come to the door? The old man who was found out was in better health!

However, a new question suddenly popped up in Uncle Jiang's mind: since hypertension and diabetes can be controlled through early detection and management, what other ways can these diseases be prevented in daily life?

According to the latest medical research, the key to preventing high blood pressure and diabetes is a healthy lifestyle.

First of all, it is necessary to maintain a balanced diet, eat more vegetables and fruits, and eat less foods that are high in fat, sugar and salt.

Secondly, it is necessary to maintain a moderate amount of exercise, at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise every day, such as brisk walking, running, swimming, etc. In addition, it is necessary to maintain a good work and rest habits, ensure adequate sleep, and avoid staying up late.

Also, avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, which can increase the risk of disease.

The doctor said bluntly: Is it a good thing that these two diseases come to the door? The old man who was found out was in better health!

Data shows that a long-term study of middle-aged and older adults shows that maintaining a healthy lifestyle can significantly reduce the incidence of hypertension and diabetes.

Studies have found that 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a day can reduce the risk of high blood pressure by 30% and the risk of diabetes by 20%. A balanced diet and good sleep habits can also significantly reduce the risk of disease.

Uncle Jiang understood these truths and decided to pay more attention to diet and exercise in his daily life to better prevent high blood pressure and diabetes. He secretly decided that in the future, he should not only have regular medical check-ups, but also maintain a healthy lifestyle, and strive to have a healthy body and stay away from diseases.

The doctor said bluntly: Is it a good thing that these two diseases come to the door? The old man who was found out was in better health!

However, Uncle Jiang still had a question in his heart, so he decided to consult the doctor again: "Doctor, is there any other way to prevent it besides a healthy lifestyle?" ”

"Yes, in addition to a healthy lifestyle, regular health check-ups are also very important. Health problems can be detected as early as possible through medical checkups, and measures can be taken in a timely manner. In addition, maintaining mental health and avoiding excessive stress and anxiety can also help prevent high blood pressure and diabetes. ”

Uncle Jiang nodded with satisfaction: "Thank you, doctor, I understand." ”

The doctor smiled and replied, "You're welcome, I wish you good health." ”

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[1] Deng Jing, Peng Xiaobin, Fu Xiaolan, et al. Analysis of comorbidities of hypertension, hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia among residents aged 35~75 in Changshou District, Chongqing[J].Occupational Health and Injuries,2023,38(05):261-269.)

The doctor said bluntly: Is it a good thing that these two diseases come to the door? The old man who was found out was in better health!