
She was a little puzzled, her marriage to him started with an accident, why did he treat him so well?

author:Sunshine sheets
She was a little puzzled, her marriage to him started with an accident, why did he treat him so well?

The picture comes from the Internet

During the lunch break, Yan Yue received a call from He Rushuang as soon as she finished lunch.

He Mu's birthday is approaching, and He Rushuang wants to buy a set of imperial green jade jewelry for He Mu's birthday gift.

And the store she fancied happened to be near Yan Yue's company, so she asked Yan Yue to come down and give her a staff officer.

As soon as Yan Yue came, He Rushuang gave her a big hug warmly, and she was still shouting which handsome guy she saw last night and wanted to chase someone.

It seems that Cheng Xinghan's matter has not affected her.

Very good.

The two walked into the jade shop, because He Rushuang knew the store manager and had greeted him in advance.

As soon as the store manager saw He Rushuang coming, he immediately took out the latest top-quality imperial green jadeite jewelry from the collection room to show her.

He Rushuang opened the jewelry box, and a set of excellent jadeite jewelry was inlaid in a black box.

Jewels that are already in excellent color become more and more brilliant and shiny in the black.

He Rushuang had bought a lot of jewelry before, and it was obvious that this set of jewelry was really good, and it was very suitable for He Mu's birthday gift.

She said in a brisk tone, "Xiaoyue, what's the matter?" ”

Yan Yue knew that she had taken a fancy to it, and this jewelry was really good, so she nodded approvingly: "The condition is very good." ”

"Auntie will like it."

He Rushuang stretched out her hand and grabbed Yan Yue's shoulder, and her voice was pleasant: "That's it." ”

She took out the black card from her handbag and handed it to the store manager.

Just as the store manager took the bank card, a female voice came from behind -


A few people looked behind them and saw a good-looking woman walking in holding a man's hand.

The man is Shen Yijie, the second son of the Shen Group, and now the head of the Shen Group.

And the woman, the store manager is familiar, she came to see this set of jewelry a few days ago, took a few glances and left.

Dare to bring your own man to buy it now?

Yang Jing pointed to the jewelry with her finger, looked at Shen Yijie, and her voice was a little coquettish: "Yijie, I just fell in love with this set of jewelry, you can buy it for me." ”

He Rushuang was a violent temper, she frowned, and her tone was annoyed: "This young lady, do you know what it means to come first and come first, I plan to pay, and you still want to buy it?" ”

Yang Jing followed the words and looked at He Rushuang, with her hands around her chest, "I just want to buy it, my boyfriend will buy it for me." ”

Shen Yijie on his side didn't respond, Yang Jing looked at him sideways, and saw Shen Yijie's eyes staring ahead for a moment.

She followed his line of sight and saw a woman of extremely beautiful appearance, who stood there silently, eclipsing everything around her.

It is indeed a lot of capital to seduce men.

It's a stunning color she's never seen before.

Yang Jing's face was pale, and a sense of crisis hit her heart.

Shen Yijie was caught up with her with great difficulty, and she couldn't just be robbed.

She pulled Shen Yijie's sleeve and said coquettishly: "Yijie, you said yesterday that you would buy me jewelry." ”

A delicate voice came from his side, and Shen Yijie replied with some thoughts, "Oh, yes." ”

He took out the black card and handed it to Yang Jing, with a faint expression: "You can buy it." ”

At this time, his mind was full of Yan Yue's figure.

Wouldn't it be nice if she were his girlfriend......

He had never seen such a good-looking woman.

He has dated female celebrities before, and even the faces of female celebrities can't compare to her faces.

Shen Yijie was already thinking about going back to investigate Yan Yue's information in his heart.

He wanted to get her.

Yang Jing looked at Heika, happy in her heart, and didn't pay attention to Shen Yijie's trance.

She reached out to take the black card, and walked towards the store manager with a proud look on her high heels.

"Slap" slapped the black card on the table, raised his eyebrows, and said in a somewhat lofty tone: "I want this set of jewelry!" ”

He Rushuang's face was full of annoyance: "You don't understand what I just said, right, I came first." ”

She looked at the store manager, "Store manager, pay the bill." ”

The store manager looked embarrassed, but she still took He Rushuang's card, and when she was about to swipe the credit card machine,

I saw Yang Jing staring at her with blazing eyes, "My boyfriend is the president of the Shen Group, do you dare to give her the jewelry to try?" ”

The store manager's hand froze, and he looked at the two of them with an embarrassed face.

A Miss He, a second son of the Shen family.

None of them are easy to offend.

"What should I be," He Rushuang sneered, "What, want to use your own backer to put pressure?" ”

"Isn't the Shen Group amazing?"

"Xiaoyue is still the young lady of the Fu family, and the Shen family dares to go against the Fu family?"

He Rushuang knew that he had little chance of moving out of the He family, so he had to move out of the name of the Fu family.

Her eyes looked at Yan Yue, and everyone followed her gaze and stared directly at Yan Yue.

Yang Jing's eyes widened, it can't be, this woman is Fu Tingyan's wife?!

She bit her lower lip with a grim face.

And Shen Yijie's eyebrows and eyes were also dark, so he thought a little about this woman.

As a result, Fu Tingyan has already been in his pocket?!

Fu Tingyan really wants to rob him of everything!

Yan Yue: ......

She rubbed her eyebrows, but in order to help He Rushuang, she didn't say anything and acquiesced.

Then he said: "Everything comes first and comes first, and if you don't interrupt, you will have to pay for it." ”

He Rushuang looked at the store manager and said, "Store manager, pay the bill." ”

Because of Fu's support, the store manager had a bottom in his heart and was about to swipe the card.

Shen Yijie spoke: "Slow." ”

Shen Yijie originally didn't care about this set of jewelry, just buy something else if he couldn't buy it.

But about Fu Tingyan, he grabbed it!

His eyebrows were sharp, "I want this set of jewelry!" ”

Yang Jing was overjoyed when he heard this, he had her in his heart.

Originally, she thought that Shen Yijie was just playing.

Now it seems that he has a certain place in his heart.

Otherwise, how could you snatch jewelry for her?!

The store manager spoke; "Shen Shao, I'm just a part-time worker, don't embarrass me."

Shen Yijie said calmly: "I know your general manager, wait." ”

After speaking, he took out his phone, pressed the screen on, and swiped the address book on the screen.

I found the name "Zhou Rui, General Manager of Liuxiang Jewelry" and called out.

The phone was connected, and Shen Yijie turned on the speakerphone-

Zhou Rui: [Shen Shao, what's the matter? 】

Shen Yijie: [I fell in love with a beautiful woman at the same time as a set of jewelry in your store, who did you say it for? 】

Zhou Rui did not hesitate: [Of course it is Shen Shao. 】

He Rushuang's eyes on the side were angry, and his voice was high: [I came first, and I have to pay, so Shen Yijie came to rob me.

Don't you pay attention to first-come, first-served? 】

[And you Liuxiang want to go against the Fu family and the He family? ] 】

Liuxiang Jewelry has no business dealings with Fu and He, and Zhou Rui is really not afraid: [This young lady, whoever pays first, the things are theirs, it is useless to come first and then come. 】

He Rushuang: [How can he stop me from paying? If he didn't stop me, I would have paid it a long time ago. It was he who wouldn't let the store manager swipe my card. 】

Zhou Rui: [Then I'm sorry, our store only recognizes receipts, and doesn't recognize any payment. Well, as an apology, how about you get a 10% discount on any item you buy in my store? 】

He Rushuang was angry: [Is that money I lack? 】

Zhou Rui: [Then there is no way. 】

Shen Yijie hung up the phone, glanced at He Rushuang, and then looked at Yan Yue.

He smiled suddenly, "If you want it, I can give it to you, there is a condition." ”

Blatantly teased: "How about Mrs. Fu accompany me for one night?" ”

Shen Yijie was originally a sworn enemy with Fu Tingyan, and it seemed that ridiculing Yan Yue, who was Mrs. Fu, was very in line with his style.

It's just that I can't get along with Fu Tingyan.

Only Shen Yijie knew that he did have some thoughts about Yan Yue.

Her appearance, figure, and temperament are all based on Shen Yijie's aesthetic points.

He really has a strong interest in Yan Yue.

And Yang Jing has been getting along with Shen Yijie day and night for more than a year, so she can naturally see a little bit of Shen Yijie's thoughts.

What is this woman's ability?

Hook up one man after another!

Especially Fu Tingyan!

Thinking that she was Fu Tingyan's wife, Yang Jing had green tendons on her forehead and clenched her fists tightly.

What Yang Jing wants to catch up with most is Fu Tingyan.

She has been to Fu's family, and she has also been to the place where Fu Tingyan and her partners meet, in order to create a chance encounter with Fu Tingyan.

And the assistant next to him seemed to have discovered her purpose, exposed herself mercilessly to her face, and asked herself not to come over again in the future. Harassing Fu Tingyan.

There was no way, so she set her sights on Shen Yijie.

As a result, she didn't expect that the man she couldn't get so hard to get would actually marry a wife?

This woman is not different except for being beautiful.

She remembered the last time she saw the news, which she had always thought was fake.

I didn't expect it to be true, he really kissed this woman.

I kissed so much......

Thinking of that elegant and innocent man, Yang Jing was very unwilling.

Why wasn't he the one who kissed him, and why did he choose this woman over himself.

Even Shen Yijie favored this woman.

Thinking of this, she looked at Yan Yue with resentment.

He Rushuang looked at Shen Yijie like an angry lion: "You are dreaming!" ”

Yan Yue frowned: "Shen Shao, don't make this kind of joke casually." ”

"Joke-" Shen Yijie's tail voice was elongated, "Mrs. Fu can't even make a joke?" ”

Yan Yue's tone was a little unhappy: "This kind of talk is disrespectful to women. ”

Outside the Jade Shop.

"Xiaolin, you sort out the information and put it on my desktop, I'll go back to the company in the afternoon......" Yu Yuanhao walked towards the door of the mall while making a phone call.

He lifted his wrist to look at the time on his watch, casually glancing around.

I saw Shen Yijie, Yan Yue and two women standing together and saying something.

Yan Yue's face was not very good.

Shen is Fu's sworn enemy, and the two companies have been fighting openly and secretly for many years.

After the last time Shen's rumors about Mr. Fu were resolved, Shen's stock price fell by 5%.

Could it be that Shen Yijie was annoyed and angry and looking for trouble with Yan Yue?

Yu Yuanhao frowned and walked in.

As soon as he entered the door, he greeted loudly, "Mrs. Fu." ”

Everyone looked towards the door and saw Yu Yuanhao walking in and standing directly beside Yan Yue.

When Shen Yijie saw Yu Yuanhao, his expression was not very good, and he snorted lightly.

As soon as I saw him, I remembered the defeat last time.

Until now, the Shen family has not earned back the lost money, and he was also lectured by Shen's father and doubted his ability to work.

Thinking of Shen's father's questioning eyes, Shen Yijie loosened his neckline irritably.

If he makes this kind of mistake next time, he, the president of the Shen family, can pack up his baggage and leave.

He Rushuang looked at Yu Yuanhao and asked, "Who is this?" ”

Yan Yue replied softly, "Tingyan's assistant, Mr. Yu." ”

He Rushuang said hello to Yu Yuanhao.

Yang Jing saw Yu Yuanhao, and her eyes widened slightly.

Why is he here?

He was very clear about his pursuit of Fu Tingyan.

Shen Yijie and Fu Tingyan are well-known mismatches.

If he told Shen Yijie about this, let him know that he chose him because he couldn't catch up with Fu Tingyan,

He's just a spare tire!

It's all over for yourself!

Thinking of this, Yang Jing's eyes wandered, and her expression was a little flustered.

The figure shuddered.

Shen Yijie was still uncomfortable in his heart, and he didn't notice the changes in Yang Jing.

He looked at Yu Yuanhao and said in a mocking tone: "Assistant Yu, is it so coincidental? ”

Yu Yuanhao's expression was faint: "It's not that enemies don't get together, this sentence is honest." ”

He glanced at Yang Jing beside Shen Yijie, and knew it from the bottom of his heart.

He still had some impressions of her.

After all, Yang Jing is the craziest of so many women chasing Fu Tingyan.

Unexpectedly, now she has caught up with Mr. Fu's nemesis.

Yu Yuanhao looked at Yan Yue and asked softly, "Mrs. Fu, is something happening?" ”

He Rushuang roughly told what happened.

Shen Yijie said sarcastically on the side: "Assistant Yu, no matter how big the Fu family is, his hand can't reach for Liuxiang Jewelry." ”

He remembers that although Fu Shi is involved in many fields, Fu Shi is not involved in the jewelry industry.

He has some friendship with Zhou Rui, the general manager of Liuxiang Jewelry.

Even if Yu Yuanhao used the name of the Fu family to press the people of Liuxiang Jewelry, it was useless.

The two sides have no business contact, and there is no entanglement of interests, no matter how big Fu Shi is, it can't affect Zhou Rui's decision.

This jewelry, he Shen Yijie is going to decide.

And Yang Jing beside her, at first she really wanted to get this set of jewelry, but now she has no intention of doing so.

She just wanted to pull Shen Yijie and leave quickly.

She was afraid that Yu Yuanhao would accidentally say something.

It's over if Shen Yijie knows.

Shen Yijie loves a person who fights with Fu Tingyan so much,

If he knew, he was just a spare tire, and it was her second choice if she couldn't catch up with Fu Tingyan.

With Shen Yijie's fierce personality, she really can't imagine what the consequences will be.

Thinking of this, Yang Jing trembled again.

Yu Yuanhao looked at Shen Yijie with an unclear look in his eyes: "Mr. Shen, as a competitor of the Fu family, you don't seem to know much about the information of your competitors. ”

Shen Yijie frowned: "What do you mean?" ”

Yu Yuanhao continued: "As the saying goes, knowing oneself and knowing one's opponent will not be defeated in a hundred battles. ”

"Mr. Shen manages the company like this, no wonder the stock price fell by 5% last time, and it seems that even Shen's shareholders don't trust Shen."

In the face of Yu Yuanhao's cynicism, coupled with the mention of the last failure, Shen Yijie's expression was very ugly.

On weekdays, he was well concealed and exposed.

Frightened, Yang Jing let go of his arm.

Yu Yuanhao made a call in front of Shen Yijie and went out, and the call was connected-

Zhou Xiang: [Assistant Yu, do you have anything to do? 】

Zhou Xiang is the owner of Liuxiang Jewelry.

Yu Yuanhao: [Mr. Zhou, Mrs. Fu accompanied her friend to buy a set of jewelry in the store, but your general manager didn't let it. 】

Zhou Xiang was shocked when he heard this: [I will tell him well, please apologize to Mrs. Fu.] 】

Yu Yuanhao: [That jewel .....]

Zhou Xiang: [Do you still need to ask me about jewelry?] The entire Liuxiang jewelry is Mr. Fu's, where do I have the right to speak. 】

As soon as these words came out, the faces of everyone in the store changed greatly.

There are those who are surprised, those who are curious, and those who are skeptical.

Even the shopping guides and customers who were introducing the jewelry couldn't help but glance in their direction.

The store manager was also shocked, when did Liuxiang Jewelry get involved with Fu's?

I haven't heard from above.

Shen Yijie gritted his back molars and frowned: "What does this mean?" ”

Yu Yuanhao's expression was indifferent: "A few days ago, Mr. Fu acquired several jewelry companies, and the news of the Shen family is really ill-informed." ”

Fu Shi signed a contract with a partner a few days ago, and the news has not yet been released.

However, in the business world, other companies will know in advance what happens to large companies.

Many companies know that Fu Shi wants to enter the women's jewelry and clothing industry.

And the Shen family didn't even know the movements of the Fu family.

Shen Yijie, the president of the Shen family, is really derelict in his duties.

Shen Yijie is also known as Fu Tingyan's opponent in the industry.

In Yu Yuanhao's view, Shen Yijie and Fu Tingyan are not comparable at all.

Not even an opponent.

Shen Yijie frowned, he really didn't know the news.

Yan Yueyu's eyelashes trembled slightly, and she couldn't help but glance at Yu Yuanhao.

He Rushuang was very happy to hear this, she pulled Yan Yue's shirt, and there was joy between her eyebrows.

There was hope for her jewelry.

Yang Jing felt unbelievable, Liuxiang Jewelry belonged to Fu's?!

Shen Yijie frowned: "Fu Shi wants to attack the jewelry industry? ”

Hasn't Fu always been uninterested in the jewelry and clothing industry?

Why did you suddenly change sex?

Yu Yuanhao's voice was calm: "Mr. Shen, let's reveal some news to you in advance, it's not a trade secret, it's something that everyone in the industry knows." ”

"Fu, not only the jewelry industry, but also the women's clothing industry will be developed."

During this time, Mr. Fu acquired these companies in order to give Mrs. Fu a dowry. Therefore, Mrs. Fu can buy whatever she wants in the store, and take whatever she wants. ”

He Rushuang was about to scream in her heart when she heard this.

Fu Tingyan is so petty, he loves him so much!

The other clerks also cast their eyes at Yan Yue.

Mr. Fu loves Mrs. Fu so much!

Actually for Mrs. Fu to buy women's jewelry, clothing industry!

What a fairy romantic love story this is!

The novel shines into reality!

They were reminded of the last cyber incident.

I remembered the kissing scene I saw.

Oh my God, how loving I am in private!

I can't help but think of some pink bubble images in my head.

And Yang Jing's expression couldn't hold back any longer.

The man she couldn't get with all her might, this woman easily got it.

Fu Tingyan still likes her so much!

A man has to like a woman to think about what she likes in his career, and to expand these industries for her, just to please her.

She remembered what she had done chasing Fu Tingyan, and compared what Fu Tingyan had done for Yan Yue.

The more she thought about it, the jealousy in Yang Jing's heart was like a fire, and the more it burned, the more vigorous it became.

Shen Yijie's expression was not very good-looking, he glanced at Yan Yue again, and the earlobes of the stunning woman were slightly red.

It seems that she has a good relationship with Fu Tingyan?!

He really took a fancy to Yan Yue's appearance, looking at this appearance, he had no chance?!

Yan Yue was shocked by Yu Yuanhao's words.

Fu Tingyan has always been very good to her, but she never thought that he would do this for herself.

Will she affect Fu Tingyan's career decisions?!

To be honest, no woman would be unhappy if a man does this kind of thing for a woman?!

Yan Yue's heart was happy.

But sometimes she is a little puzzled, her marriage to him started with an accident, and they haven't been together for many days, why is he so good to him?!

Yu Yuanhao's words interrupted Yan Yue's thoughts, and she only heard Yu Yuanhao say, "So, Mrs. Fu, this set of jade jewelry naturally belongs to your friend." ”

Shen Yijie and Yang Jing's faces were not very good-looking.

Shen Yijie felt that there was no face.

Fu Tingyan once again embarrassed himself.

He had no choice but to speak: "Since it's Fu's shop, I don't want to buy it,"

"Baby, let's go find a better store and buy something better than this one." After speaking, he took Yang Jing's hand and walked out.

Yang Jing was completely out of thought, she didn't care what Shen Yijie said, and let him lead her out.

Her heart was full of jealousy and unwillingness towards Yan Yue.

He Rushuang looked at the backs of the two of them and muttered: "The dead duck has a hard mouth, obviously he can't buy it, and he seems to be not rare." ”

The dispute is finally over, and the store manager breathes a sigh of relief.

After knowing that Yan Yue was the proprietress of the proprietress , she immediately smiled and introduced more jewelry to the two.

Yu Yuanhao instructed the store manager before leaving, and the things consumed by the two of them will be free of charge in the future.

But He Rushuang refused, and the store manager couldn't resist her, so he had to settle the bill for He Rushuang at cost price.

Yan Yue didn't have much interest in jewelry, but just accompanied He Rushuang to buy it.

After the two of them finished buying, He Rushuang sent Yan Yue downstairs to her company.

She grabbed Yan Yue's arm and whispered, "Fu Tingyan is really good to you. ”

"Yan Yue, your marriage is crooked, and the knot is good."

He Rushuang knew that Yan Yue and Fu Tingyan's marriage began with an accident.

She is also worried about living Yan Yue's married life.

Now seeing that Fu Tingyan is so good to Yan Yue, He Rushuang is relieved.

She thought of the red marks on Yan Yue's neck that she had inadvertently seen several times in a row, He Rushuang leaned into Yan Yue's ear and whispered: "Although Fu Tingyan is a good person, you can't let him do things in bed, it's you who suffers,"

Yan Yue's face flushed crimson when she heard this.

Miss Ho really loves to talk about these things as always.

He Rushuang continued: "Are you planning to have children? ”

Yan Yuexing's eyes shone slightly, and her curly and slender eyelashes glowed in the sun.

She shook her head: "Two more years, it's still early." ”

"Then you have to take good measures and don't go up. Just ......"

"Understood, understood," Yan Yue hurriedly drove He Rushuang away, not wanting to talk about these topics, "Didn't you say that you were going to chase that handsome guy?" If you don't go, you'll be gone. ”

"yes, I'm glad you reminded me." After He Rushuang finished speaking, she started the car and left.


Shen Yijie Villa.

Shen Yijie flipped through the information found by the secretary, and his eyebrows and eyes were dark.

He saw Yang Jing's panicked look in the face of Yu Yuanhao, thinking that the two had some past before.

I was afraid that Yang Jing would do something unfavorable to him or the Shen family in the future, so I checked it.

The result of the findings -

That's great!

This woman has been chasing Fu Tingyan for so long,

ran to Fu every day, and when he couldn't see anyone, he inquired about his whereabouts,

Quietly follow him to various banquets and gatherings to create chance encounters.

After Fu Tingyan noticed it, he asked Yu Yuanhao to come forward to solve the matter.

The day after Yu Yuanhao found her, she came to find her.

Shen Yijie is just in the spirit of playing with Yang Jing, and he doesn't care what she wants to approach him.

But he didn't allow Yang Jing to use himself as Fu Tingyan's spare tire!

At this time, Shen Yijie's face was full of fierceness, and he put out the cigarette in the ashtray.

Crumple up the materials and throw them in the trash.

Stood up and walked up to the second floor with big strides.

Open the door to the guest bedroom and walk to the bed.

lifted the quilt and pulled Yang Jing's hair with his big palm.

Yang Jing, who was still asleep, was awakened by the intense pain in her head.

She exhaled in pain and asked with pain, "Shen Yijie, what are you crazy about?" ”

"What's my wind?" Shen Yijie pulled hard again, Yang Jing's face turned white, and his face was full of fierceness: "Where did you get the guts?" Dare to use me as Fu Tingyan's spare tire! ”

"In this world, the person who dares to trick me Shen Yijie has not been born yet!"

After speaking, with a strong arm, Yang Jing was thrown to the ground.

At this time, Yang Jing was embarrassed, her hair was messy, covering her face.

His body was full of the pain of a hard fall.

She pulled her hair back to her head, and her forehead was bruised, and her eyes were full of anger.

She was really fed up with Shen Yijie's uncertainties, and the matter was revealed anyway.

I couldn't pretend to be obedient and well-behaved to Shen Yijie anymore, and said angrily: "You think I'm willing to follow you, you can't even compare to Fu Tingyan's finger!" ”

This sentence simply jumped on Shen Yijie's thunder point, he walked slowly in front of Yang Jing, looked at her condescendingly, and his eyebrows were fierce: "You say it again?" ”

Shen Yijie's face was very bad at this time, it was angry and gloomy that Yang Jing had never seen before.

In the past, no matter how big Shen Yijie's temper was, there was no expression on his face like now.

It was a gloom and fierceness that seemed to devour everything.

Yang Jing was scared, the corners of her mouth trembled, and her body began to tremble.

She didn't dare to speak again.

She was afraid that the man who was in a rage at this time would act irrationally and hurt herself.

With Shen Yijie's character, no one knows what kind of things he will do.

But Yang Jing knew that she must not be able to afford it.

The corners of Yang Jing's mouth were trembling, and she said tremblingly, "I was wrong......

Shen Yijie looked down at Yang Jing fiercely; "Leave the villa now, and don't appear in front of me in the future."

Yang Jing's face was full of horror, she just got up, because her legs were weak and she fell to the ground, she had no choice but to stand up against the wall.

She hurriedly changed the clothes on her body back to her regular clothes,

I don't care about the clothes and skin care products that I usually leave in the villa.

Pick up the satchel and walk out of the villa without looking back.

She secretly thought in her heart that she would never provoke a madman in the future, otherwise she would not know how to die.


Ting Fu's office.

After Yu Yuanhao reported the matter to Fu Tingyan, he casually talked about the matter in the jade shop.

The more Fu Tingyan listened, the more his eyebrows and eyes darkened.

He put the pen down, put the papers aside, and leaned back in his chair.

Porcelain's fingertips tapped silently on the armrest.

The picturesque face frowned at this time, and his expression was a little unhappy.

Shen Yijie openly laughed at Yan Yue, and others may think that it was revenge on him.

But men understand men, if it weren't for a little thought, Shen Yijie would definitely not say such a thing.

After Yu Yuanhao finished speaking, he saw that Fu Tingyan's expression was not very good, so he stood quietly on the side.

Fu Tingyan raised his eyebrows, tilted his head slightly, and ordered: "In the future, Shen Yijie's whereabouts and Shen's movements will be reported to me." ”

Shen Yijie acted strangely, and Fu Tingyan was afraid that he would do something uncontrollable to hurt Yan Yue.

In the past, the Shen family often deceived the Fu family, and he never bothered to pay attention to the Shen family's movements.

In his eyes, the Shen family was not a competitor of the Fu family, and he didn't need to pay attention to their affairs at all.

But this matter involves Yan Yue, so it's different.

Everything about Yan Yue, there is one thing that may endanger her, Fu Tingyan will not let go.

Yu Yuanhao answered softly "Okay", then pulled the door and walked out.

Off-duty hours.

The road is full of traffic and crowds.

Fu Tingyan didn't ask Sister-in-law Zhang to prepare dinner tonight.

His friend, who opened a nearby restaurant the other day, has been asking him to come over and have a personal show.

He planned to take Yan Yue over tonight.

The green light turned red, and Fu Tingyan's knuckles pressed the steering wheel.

He looked at the private cars in front of him and the pedestrians crossing the zebra crossing.

Looking sideways at Yan Yue, Wen Sheng asked, "Been busy lately?" ”

Yan Yuezheng tapped her fingertips on the screen of her mobile phone to reply to the messages in the work group, and when she heard this, her lowered eyelashes raised and looked at Fu Tingyan: "It's okay, you can still handle it." ”

"The collaborator has a few questions about the document and is answering him."

Fu Tingyan remembered something, and asked again: "You are not responsible for the project of Fu's Building?" ”

The company reports a list of project team members every year.

Fu Tingyan saw that Yan Yue was no longer on the list today.

"Well," Yan Yue nodded, her voice soft, "The company has taken over a new project, I joined, and the project of Fu's Building has been taken over by other colleagues." ”

The red light is off, and the green light is on.

Fu Tingyan started the car and slid the steering wheel with his big palm, "Then won't you see Mrs. come to me in the future?" ”

Speaking of this, Yan Yue recalled the last time she went to his company to deliver documents, and he pulled her to ...... in the office

She whispered softly to dissipate the breath: "I didn't go to Fu Shi much, just twice." ”

Once last year, I didn't see Fu Tingyan.

Once again, it was last time.

Fu Tingyan stretched out a hand and rubbed Yan Yue's hair.

The hair is soft and smooth, and the touch in the palm is obvious.

He twisted his fingertips and returned his hand to the steering wheel: "Madame should go to Fu Shi more." ”

Yan Yue shook her head lightly, and her tone was very light: "It's too eye-catching, it's not good." ”

Fu should have seen her last time.

If she went over again, many people would definitely greet her and cast their eyes.


The car drove into the underground garage of the mall.

After Fu Tingyan parked the car, he took Yan Yue's hand and took the elevator to the fifth floor.

The combination of handsome men and beautiful women, many people peeked at them along the way.

What kind of fairy-looking couple is this?!

Some people think Fu Tingyan is very familiar and are quietly discussing who he is.

After going up to the fifth floor, Fu Tingyan reported the box number.

Led by the waiter, the two entered the box.

The waiter washed the tea set familiarly, made the tea and put it on the coaster in front of the two of them, and then withdrew.

The movements are slow and methodical, and they are very familiar and pleasing to the eye.

The environment of the shop is antique, with the melodious sound of the guzheng wafting through.

A good store indeed.

After the two ordered a meal, Yan Yue picked up the tea and took a sip.

As soon as she put down the teacup, she heard Fu Tingyan ask, "Xiaoyue, what do you want for the wedding ring?" ”

Yan Yue's eyelashes lifted slightly, facing a pair of sparkling Danfeng eyes.

The man's eyes seem to have gurgling water, and they seem to be filled with stars, which makes people fall into it at a glance and cannot extricate themselves.

Yan Yue's heart trembled.

Then he stabilized his mind, held his breath, and said, "Be simple, just wear it every day." ”

"I'll find someone to customize, and then he will send a design draft, and you can pick one that suits you."

"Hmm." Yan Yue nodded lightly.


After eating, the two drove back.

Yan Yue looked at the scenery outside,

The dotted lights attach to the dim and towering community, forming a picture full of fireworks in the world.

The lights quickly receded in her eyes, her eyes became more and more hazy, and her head was a little dizzy.

Fu Tingyan looked at the blush on her face, and reached out to touch her cheek.

A piece is piping hot.

He suddenly remembered that Yan Yue had eaten two bowls of wine-stuffed meatballs, retracted his gaze and focused on driving, and asked, "Xiaoyue, are you drunk?" ”

Yan Yue's head became more and more dizzy, but she was still a little clear: "A little, my brain is dizzy." ”

Yan Yue was easy to get drunk, she thought that she would be fine if she ate a dessert with a little alcohol flavor, and she didn't feel anything when she ate it, so she ate more.

I didn't expect the stamina to be so great.

Her eyes became more and more hazy, and she watched dimly as Fu Tingyan drove the car into the villa garage.

Dimly watched as Fu Tingyan unbuckled her seat belt and carried her into the villa.

Fu Tingyan put Yan Yue on the sofa, worried that she would be drunk and uncomfortable.

went to the medicine box to find hangover pills, poured a glass of water, and handed it to Yan Yue: "Xiaoyue, hangover medicine, take it." ”

Yan Yue took the water glass, lowered her eyebrows, and her eyelashes trembled slightly.

But he didn't take the pill in Fu Tingyan's hand.

She raised her eyes to look at Fu Tingyan, the man's facial features in the haze were extremely good-looking, his lips were thin and ruddy, and Danfeng's eyes were cold and affectionate.

Like the cold emperor in the TV series she watched.

Yan Yue's heart lake was like being blown by a breeze, trembling and tickling.

Can't tell if it's the effect of alcohol or it's him. Too. Lure. Person..

Yan Yue suddenly wanted to kiss him.

She placed the glass of water in her hand on the coffee table and stood up.

Suddenly, Fu Tingyan was pressed on the sofa.

She put her hands on Fu Tingyan's shoulders, his shoulders were strong and strong, and his skin was hot.

The hot heat passed through his clothes to the palm of her hand.

Her hands also got hot.

Fu Tingyan would never refuse any of Yan Yue's moves.

He put the medicine on the sofa casually, put his big palm around Yan Yue's slender waist, stared at Yan Yue's misty apricot eyes, and his voice was hoarse: "Xiaoyue, what's wrong?" ”

The sound is as good as a low and pleasant cello sound.

Yan Yue felt that she was bewitched again.


When Yan Yue woke up, her head hurt a little.

She rubbed her temples and looked to the side.

Fu Tingyan is not there.

She had just sat up, slippers hooked on her toes.

There was the sound of footsteps beside him.

She looked sideways and saw a handsome man leaning against the door.

The expression was a bit of early morning laziness.

He was wearing a set of black silk pajamas with an unbuttoned middle.


At ten o'clock, Lu Danzhen posted a message in the group group-

[All the group members go to the conference room for a meeting.] 】

Yan Yue picked up a notebook and a ballpoint pen and walked to the conference room with Lin Nianlu.

Lin Nianlu walked and whispered to Yan Yue beside her:

"It is estimated that Mr. Lu will have to lose his temper this time."

"There is a project where Party A has been rated B, how can Mr. Lu endure it, it is estimated that the documents we handed over will be reviewed more strictly in the future."

Dean has a tradition of sending out feedback forms every year for the partners to rate Dean's business level, which is divided into four grades: A, B, C, and D.

The projects managed by Lu Danzhen have been all A-grades, except for one or two B-grades that she led the team when she was promoted to management in the early years, and they have all been A-grades since then.

Therefore, for Lu Danzhen, it is a great shame for her to have a B rating now.

More than 20 people sat in the conference room, waiting for Lu Danzhen's arrival.

As soon as Lu Danzhen came in, he put down the water glass, notebook, and pen.

Although her expression was still as gentle as ever, her colleagues who had worked with her for many years could tell that she was a little serious now.

Many people began to feel apprehensive in their hearts.

Lu Danzhen picked up a ballpoint pen, opened the notebook, wrote a few lines in the notebook, and then raised her eyes to look at a colleague: "What's going on with the Yancheng project?" How could Party A only be rated B. ”

Fine sweat broke out on the forehead of the colleague, and the voice was a little trembling; "There was a data error in the progress payment report in the last period, and Party A's engineer took it to report to the leader, and was counted down by their leader."

Lu Danzhen rubbed her temples: "How could you make such a low-level mistake with wrong data?" ”

"Party A is in a hurry, and I didn't have time to check."

Lu Danzhen recorded it in her notebook and raised her eyes: "In the future, the progress payment report will be shown to me first and then given to Party A." ”

The colleague responded, "Okay." ”

Lu Danzhen glanced at everyone in the conference room, "Everyone reports what they are doing." ”

She looked at her colleague on the far left of the conference table: "Xiaolin, you start first." ”

From the left, everyone reported their projects, and when it was about to be Yan Yue, there was a knock on the door of the conference room-

"Mr. Lu, there is a Mr. Wang looking for you." The front desk said.

Lu Danzhen frowned after hearing this.

surnamed Wang, who else can she be looking for at this time.

In order to get her to sign the divorce agreement, they actually found her company.

He hadn't been in her company before.

He just can't wait to divorce her?

Lu Danzhen turned back to the group members and said, "Let's rest for a while, and wait for the meeting to continue." ”

Groups of people go out to fetch water or go to the bathroom.

Yan Yue and Lin Nianlu sat in their seats, both sliding their mobile phones.

Suddenly, Yan Yue's mobile phone vibrate, she opened the chat software, and saw that Fu Tingyan had sent her a photo.

The photo shows half of Fu Tingyan's figure.

The two buttons on the top of his white shirt were unbuttoned, revealing his beautiful collarbone, and the marks on his collarbone were even redder than what Yan Yue had seen in the morning.

Yan Yue's earlobes turned red.

Think of what I saw in the morning.

What a sin.

She actually ravaged Fu Tingyan. That's it.

Yan Yue bit her lower lip, like a green onion, her fingertips tapped a few words and sent it over: [Husband, I'm sorry. 】

Fu Tingyan: [Madam, I'm very happy. 】

Fu Tingyan: [Needless to say, I'm sorry. 】

Fu Tingyan: [This is proof that my wife loves me. 】

Yan Yue's face turned even redder, this is what the noble and cold president said?!

She felt that Fu Tingyan had been breaking her imagination of him.

Lin Nianlu, who was on the side, saw Yan Yue's appearance and came over.

Yan Yue hurriedly pressed the phone screen off.

Lin Nianlu smiled sheepishly: "Say, you won't show me any good things." ”

"It's not for kids to look at these things."

"I'm twenty-two, Sister Yan, I'm two years younger than you."


Outside the door, at the front desk.

Lu Danzhen twisted her eyebrows and looked at the man sitting on the reception sofa.

As soon as Wang Yuan saw Lu Danzhen, he immediately handed over the divorce agreement in his hand, his expression was not very good, and he frowned; "Danzhen, sign it, don't torture each other."

Lu Danzhen's eyebrows twisted deeper, and her tone was cold: "Torture, you actually think it's a kind of torture?" ”

Her shoulders were loosened, and her tone was cold and hard: "If you want me to sign, you can!" ”

"Xiaohong's custody belongs to me."

Lu Danzhen and Wang Yuan have only one son under their knees, named Wang Hong, who is 14 years old this year.

Wang Yuan frowned: "Of course it's impossible." ”

Wang Yuan only has such a son, and he is the only male born to Wang Yuan in the Wang family's generation, so Wang Yuan naturally refuses.

Lu Danzhen: "Then don't talk about it!" ”

Turn around and want to leave.

Wang Yuan knew that if she didn't give custody of Lu Danzhen's son, she would not sign it even if she died.

If he sues for divorce, it is uncertain whether the custody judgment will be awarded to him.

What's more, he has a handle, if Lu Danzhen knows about it, she will sue, the custody will definitely not be his, and he will have to pay a large amount of compensation.

Therefore, before Lu Danzhen knew, she should quickly let her sign this divorce agreement.

Thinking of this, Wang Yuan said in a cold tone: "If you don't sign, I will make your divorce known to the whole company." ”

Wang Yuan knew that although Lu Danzhen had a strong work ability, she had a shortcoming.

It's about saving face.

She always maintained the illusion of a happy marriage in front of her friends and colleagues.

In fact, there has long been a rift between them.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have gone out to find the mistress.

That's right, Wang Yuan's handle is that he cheated.

The third child's name is Xu Rong, and she gave birth to a daughter for Wang Yuan.

If he had given birth to a son, Wang Yuan would not have been so obsessed with Wang Hong's custody.

What's more, if Wang Hong doesn't follow him, his mother will definitely not accept Xu Rong to enter the door.

Lu Danzhen said angrily: "You actually threatened me? ”

Wang Yuan actually used threats in order to divorce!

She sneered: "You think you know me very well, you say, it's best to shout that the whole company knows." ”

"You think I'm going to be scared?!"

She loves face, but compared to Xiaohong's custody, this is nothing!

At this moment, Lu Danzhen's mobile phone rang.

It was a message from the detective she was looking for a few days ago.

She saw that Wang Yuan was in such a hurry to divorce, and she was a little puzzled about his attitude, so she asked a detective to check on him on a whim.

When Lu Danzhen clicked on the document sent by the detective, she saw the photos of Wang Yuan and Xu Rong attached to it.

There is also a photo of two people holding a little girl on a trip.

She scoffed.

She didn't expect that she would find out so much information on a whim.

It turned out that Wang Yuan cheated five years ago and gave birth to a daughter with Xu Rong.

Because the Wang family values men, it is estimated that Xu Rong will not be able to enter the door, so he wants Wang Hong's custody so much.

Every time he asked her for divorce, the excuse was that she was too busy with work to take care of the family, and asked her to go back to be a housewife or get divorced.

Knowing that it is impossible to go back to being a housewife with her character, she wants to use this excuse to pinch her!


It's all for the sake of the mistress and their daughter outside!

"Wang Yuan, you are really good!" Lu Danzhen pressed the screen, looking at Wang Yuan with coldness and a little contempt in his eyes.

Wang Yuan was a little uneasy at this time, looking at Lu Danzhen's appearance, he wouldn't know something, right?!

I only heard Lu Danzhen continue: "I cheated five years ago, my daughters were born, and I said that both parties are busy with work, are you embarrassed to say it?" ”

"I still want to divide the property equally and ask for Xiaohong's custody! You dream! I will sue you and then get the best lawyer for the highest damages! ”

"People and money, you don't want anything!"

Lu Danzhen's chest rose and fell, and she didn't care if she was in the company, and others couldn't hear it.

Her mind was full of photos of Wang Yuan and Xu Rong.

These photos deeply stimulated her.

In the past five years, before the divorce, Wang Yuan was talking sweetly to Xu Rong, and when he returned home, he pretended to be a good husband.

Thinking of this, Lu Danzhen felt disgusted.

When Wang Yuan heard Lu Danzhen's words, he was shocked in his heart, and his eyebrows and eyes were dark.

He knew that the matter had been exposed, and there was no possibility of recovery.

It's just that how could Lu Danzhen know so quickly?!

At this time, several colleagues who rushed to the conference room saw Lu Danzhen and Wang Yuan arguing from a distance, and they didn't dare to raise their heads.

It's just that the words of the two of them drilled into their ears.

Colleagues were stunned!

Mr. Lu's husband actually cheated? Even a daughter outside?!

They couldn't believe it, and at the same time felt that Lu Danzhen was very pitiful.

Unexpectedly, the company's resolute Mr. Lu's house was also a mess.

It's really a scripture that is difficult to read!

The colleagues in the conference room could not hear very clearly because of the sound insulation, and only vaguely heard the words divorce, custody, and junior.

They are all speculating in their hearts about what is happening outside.

Lin Nianlu came over and asked Yan Yue: "Xiaoyue, what do you say Mr. Lu's husband is looking for Mr. Lu?" ”

Yan Yue shook her head lightly, "Who knows." ”


Outward appearance.

At the front desk.

Wang Yuan frowned, and his tone was a little unpleasant: "Everyone is a husband and wife, don't do things so desperately, make trouble. Courtyard. Do what? ”

Lu Danzhen's tone was cold: "Now I know not to make trouble. Tribunal? Why didn't you know when you cheated in the first place? ”

"You've planned it a long time ago, haven't you? I'm afraid that I will have to pay compensation after I know about it, and I'm afraid that I won't be able to get custody after your own affairs are revealed. “

"I said, why are you in such a hurry to ask me to sign, even if you sue for two years, you have to leave."

"If you're not in too much of a hurry, I'll find a detective to find you?"

"Get out of here, Dean doesn't welcome you, wait for the indictment!"

Wang Yuan also wanted to save: "Danzhen, I-"

Lu Danzhen grabbed the ashtray on the coffee table, "If you can't go, if you don't go, I'll smash it." ”

Hearing this, the front desk, which had been trembling and silent on the side, couldn't help but glance at it.

Lu Danzhen is resolute but gentle to people on weekdays.

She had never seen Mr. Lu who looked like such a shrew!

The front desk was stunned.

I couldn't help but give Mr. Lu a thumbs up in my heart.

This is how you should treat scumbags, reasoning doesn't work, you have to smash it.

Wang Yuan was a little hesitant, whether he wanted to take a step or not.

Lu Danzhen hurriedly raised the ashtray in his hand, as if he was going to smash it.

Wang Yuan was so frightened that he hurriedly ran away.

He pressed the door button and left Dean with the maximum stride.

Lu Danzhen put down the ashtray, and after Wang Yuan left, his expression became a little pale.

A few strands of hair brushed between her eyebrows, revealing a sense of loss.

She looked at the closed door of the company and couldn't help but sigh in her heart: her marriage was really a failure.

Lu Danzhen was not in the mood to hold another meeting, took a deep breath, and tried to restore her original appearance.

He returned to the conference room and said, "Send your work progress to the group, and today's meeting is over, and the meeting is adjourned." ”

The group members quietly returned to their respective positions.

Even if you weren't at the scene, you know that something unpleasant must have happened to Mr. Lu and her husband just now.

A few colleagues who had passed by the scene began to discuss the matter in small groups.

One pass ten, ten pass hundred.

Yan Yue and Lin Nianlu also knew.

Lin Nianlu sent a message to Yan Yue privately: [Mr. Lu's husband is really not a person! actually cheated on Mr. Lu for so long, and he wanted to trick Mr. Lu into signing a divorce agreement! 】

Yan Yue: [So, little sister, cherish life and stay away from scumbags. 】

When Lu Danzhen returned to her office, the anger in her heart did not disappear, but became more and more vigorous.

She couldn't get angry, so she found the email address of a colleague in Wang Yuan's company.

I sent them a group of information from the detectives.

When Wang Yuan returned to the company, many employees greeted him on the road, but he found that the employees who were respectful to him on weekdays looked at him with a little bit of inquiry in their eyes today.

Wang Yuan frowned.

Wait until he gets back to his office.

Another director knocked on his office door.

"Mr. Wang, what's going on? How did my sister-in-law post these photos everywhere! ”

Wang Yuan frowned: "What do you mean?" ”

Mr. Zhang opened his mobile phone and clicked on the email to Wang Yuan.

After Wang Yuan finished reading it, his face was full of anger.

Lu Danzhen is going to kill him!

Thinking of the strange looks of his colleagues along the way, he was angry and bruised on his forehead.

How will he be in the company in the future?!

Mr. Zhang said: "Mr. Wang, what do you say about this, now the colleagues of the whole company have received this email, and the impact is very bad, they will think that the company's executives are inappropriate." ”

Wang Yuan loosened his tie irritably: "I will find a way to solve it." ”

And on the other side,

After Lu Danzhen sent the email, she finally felt a little more comfortable.

It's just that Wang Yuan's money is nothing, she wants to make his heart suffer.

You must not be soft-hearted when dealing with scumbags.

She will hire the best lawyer and ask Wang Yuan for a large amount of compensation to live a good life with Xiaohong.

As for Wang Yuan, let him fall in love with Xu Rong in the eyes of others.


Continued from the next part:

Seeing the red marks on her husband's chest, she once again reflected on why she was drunk and did such a thing

If it is invaded and deleted