
He was originally cold, but when he looked at the woman he loved, he would also become very gentle.

author:Sunshine sheets
He was originally cold, but when he looked at the woman he loved, he would also become very gentle.

The picture comes from the Internet

The next afternoon.

Dean & Company.

After Yan Yue sorted out the information, she and Lin Nianlu went to Party A's company to discuss things.

The person who negotiated with them was Su Huai, the manager of the project of Party A's company.

Su Huai flipped through the documents handed over by the two and felt that there was no problem.

called the company's boss Chen Yuanjiang and reported the situation to him.

After Chen Yuanjiang listened, he looked at his watch: [I won't be in the company for the next week, I'm on a business trip to other places, and the only time I want to sign is this afternoon. 】

[Why don't you bring Dean's people over here to meet, there's no problem, I'll sign it.] 】

Su Huai: [Okay, I'll take them over.] 】

Su Huai hung up the phone and explained the reason to the two.

Yan Yue and the two of them didn't have any opinions, so they followed Su Huai over.

After the two followed Su Huai to the door of a banquet hall,

The two of them looked at each other, neither of them expecting to come over for the banquet.

In the banquet hall, the guests mingled and chatted with each other with red wine glasses.

Su Huai led the two of them through the bustling crowd and found the familiar figure.

Su Huai said hello: "Mr. Chen." ”

Chen Yuanjiang turned around and saw Su Huai standing not far away, and two girls were following him beside him.

Chen Yuanjiang's gaze swept over the two of them, and he was obviously stunned when he saw Yan Yue's face.

It was not only Chen Yuanjiang who was stunned, but also his partner Song Lin next to him.

He sighed in his heart, but it was a stunning color that he had never seen before.

Although Chen Yuanjiang was amazed by Yan Yue's face, he only froze for a moment before indifferently retracting his gaze.

And Song Lin was still staring at Yan Yue.

Yan Yue noticed it, and her heart was full of discomfort.

After she and Lin Nianlu said hello to Chen Yuanjiang, they lowered their eyes.

Song Lin was interested in getting acquainted, so he turned his head sideways and asked Chen Yuanjiang: "Mr. Chen, who are these people?" ”

Chen Yuanjiang introduced him: "This is Manager Su. ”

"The other two are employees of Dean & Company."

Song Lin nodded, "Dean, I still have some friendship with the CEO of their company. ”

"I've been to Dean before, and it's a shame I didn't see two beauties at the time."

If you had known each other earlier, wouldn't you have already taken this beauty into your pocket? Song Lin couldn't help but glance at Yan Yue again.

Yan Yue was extremely unwell, and just wanted to finish talking about things quickly and leave.

A few people went to a reception sofa and sat down.

As soon as Yan Yue sat down, Song Lin sat down beside her.

Yan Yue smelled a strong smell of smoke and perfume, and her heart was filled with discomfort.

frowned slightly, but couldn't say anything.

Chen Yuanjiang was talking to Manager Su, and Yan Yue and Lin Nianlu were listening.

Song Lin whispered at this time: "Miss Yan, what are your hobbies?" ”

Yan Yue's voice was faint: "There is no hobby." ”

Song Lin was choked, and continued: "I asked a group of friends to play golf this weekend, is Miss Yan interested in going to play together?" ”

"It's boring to be alone on weekends, right?" He shook his wine glass and folded his legs, trying to make himself look more masculine.

Yan Yue directly refused: "It's not a person, I want to go out with my husband on the weekend." ”

Song Lin was surprised: "Miss Yan is married?" ”

"Hmm." Yan Yue responded.

Receiving an affirmative answer, Song Lin was stunned.

But he recovered quickly.

It's just a married woman.

It's nice not to be responsible.

And it's much more flavorful than those young girls.

He couldn't help but glance at Yan Yue again, with charm in his youth, coupled with his extremely unscrupulous facial features, he was simply a stunner in the world.

Song Lin's desire for Yan Yue burned even more in his heart.

He thought again, who had bagged such a stunner?!

Chen Yuanjiang was talking to Su Huai, and casually glanced at Song Lin's side.

Song Lin's covetousness for Yan Yue was on his face, undisguised.

He sneered inwardly.

His friend is still the same.

When you see a beautiful woman, you can't walk.

What's more, it's still such a beauty, and if she doesn't make a move, it's not like Song Lin's style.

Song Lin changes women like changing clothes, he changes one every other day, and he is a well-known playboy in the circle.

He glanced at Yan Yue, there was indeed no man who would not be tempted by this face.

It's no wonder that Song Lin is so anxious, and he wants to start now.

Song Lin has been talking to Yan Yue, and Yan Yue is not salty or light.

The clock was already pointing to 5 o'clock, and it was about to be time to get off work, Yan Yue took out her mobile phone and sent a message and location address to Fu Tingyan.

Song Lin was still talking non-stop, chattering like a cicada on a summer tree.

She has such an attitude, can't he see it?

Yan Yue was hindered by Party A's face, and Song Lin didn't act out of the ordinary and let him talk non-stop.

But now she couldn't bear it anymore, and said directly to Lin Nianlu: "Nianlu, I'm familiar with this project, let me tell Mr. Chen." ”

"Come, I'll switch places with you."

Lin Nianlu also saw some signs and responded: "Okay." ”

She hurriedly put the information in her hand into Yan Yue's hand.

Yan Yue stood up and exchanged places with Lin Nianlu.

Song Lin was displeased, was this rejecting him in front of everyone?

Song Lin is in his thirties, not too old, not ugly, and has a successful career. There are quite a few women who pounce on them.

He is also distracted, and he doesn't care about feelings. The one who came up picked a beautiful one and fell in love.

So, he has been in a lot of relationships, and his girlfriends have changed one after another.

It was rare for him to see Yan Yue's appearance and temperament so in line with his heart, so he took the initiative to attack.

I didn't expect the other party to be of little interest in me?!

Where did Song Lin suffer such a setback!

He looked at Yan Yue's side face again.

A beautiful goose egg face looks particularly eye-catching in the light and shadow.

Sakura's lips are ruddy, and her eyelashes are curly and curled.

The faint red mole on the tip of the nose is even more reverie.

The tip of his heart was tickled.

Well, peerless beauties won't be easy to come by.

A little more effort, a little more effort.

He endured.

After Chen Yuanjiang asked Su Huai, he turned his head to communicate with Yan Yue and Lin Nianlu.

Chen Yuanjiang asked, and Yan Yue answered in no detail, in an orderly manner, and with clear logic.

Chen Yuanjiang couldn't help but look at Yan Yue's face, and said with emotion in his heart: It seems that beauty is not only beautiful, but also has high EQ and IQ.

He had a little more appreciation for Yan Yue in his heart.

But he couldn't help but think that it was estimated that a girl like Yan Yue would not accept his friend's offer.

Thinking of Song Lin's deflated appearance, Chen Yuanjiang looked forward to it in his heart.

Fried's President's Office.

Yu Yuanhao was reporting to Fu Tingyan when the mobile phone on the desktop vibrated suddenly.

Fu Tingyan picked up his mobile phone and looked at it, and saw Yan Yue's message.

[Ayan, I'm not in the company, you can come here to pick me up after work.] 】

Below is a location address.

Not far from Yan Yue's company, 4 kilometers away.

Fu Tingyan put his phone on the table casually, his eyebrows raised.

Yu Yuanhao, who was beside him, casually glanced at it and saw the address of the No. 2 banquet hall of the XX Hotel.

He suddenly remembered that the Liang family held a medium-sized real estate developer exchange banquet here today.

He had received the invitation, glanced at it, and was still a little impressed.

Generally, large banquets will send invitations to Fu Tingyan, and small and medium-sized banquets certainly dare not send invitations to Fu Tingyan, but they want to win over Fu.

I wanted to catch Fu's line through Yu Yuanhao, the first person next to Fu Tingyan.

So Yu Yuanhao also received a lot of invitations to banquets.

This real estate developer exchange banquet is one of them.

At that time, Yu Yuanhao glanced at it casually, and was not very interested, so he put it aside.

At this time, he couldn't help but speak: "It was a real estate developer exchange banquet held by the Liang family. ”

Fu Tingyan loosened his cuffs and asked with a light expression, "He invited you?" ”

"Yes," Yu Yuanhao continued, "This kind of banquet participation is not helpful to the Fu family, so I didn't go." ”

Fu Tingyan's expression was calm, and he looked at Yu Yuanhao: "Give me your invitation." ”

Yu Yuanhao was stunned, what does Mr. Fu mean to go to the banquet?

He thought that Mr. Fu would at most wait for Mrs. Fu to come out at the door and go back together.

So he's going to the banquet in person?!

Joke! When a big guy like Mr. Fu goes to this kind of medium-sized banquet, it is not equivalent to putting whales into the goldfish pond!

It's sure to cause a big commotion!

He couldn't even imagine that scene.

Yu Yuanhao only dared to be surprised for two seconds, and the boss's words must have to respond immediately.

He hurriedly went out to find the invitation and handed it to Fu Tingyan.

Fu Tingyan took the invitation.

Stand up, slowly pick up your blazer, and put it on.

Straighten out your shirt and watch.

The light shone in, and the man was bathed in light and shadow, his figure was slender and straight, and his face was not like a human being.

A luxurious and elegant atmosphere spreads out.

Yu Yuanhao couldn't help but be stunned when he looked at Fu Tingyan like this.

The president of his family doesn't care about his ability, just with this appearance, it's no wonder that so many girls in the capital want to marry him.

In Yu Yuanhao's sight,

Fu Tingyan picked up the car keys on the table and walked out.

At the banquet, Chen Yuanjiang had already signed his name on the document.

Yan Yue and Lin Nianlu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Yan Yue took the document and put it in the file bag.

When the two were about to say hello and leave, Song Lin on the side said at the right time: "Two young ladies, the business is done, why don't you come and have a glass of wine?" ”

He snapped his fingers, beckoned the waiter to bring a bottle of red wine, and unhurriedly poured it into several empty glasses.

He added: "I brought this red wine from the winery, and I originally wanted to give it to Lao Liang to taste." ”

"But now there are two beautiful women, of course the beauty comes first."

"Lao Liang is out of luck."

Yan Yue and Lin Nianlu didn't look obvious, but they were actually a little irritable in their hearts.

Chen Yuanjiang and Su Huai are both very good, and they talk about business seriously.

But this Song Lin is obviously a playboy.

I can't help but tune when I see a woman. Feeling. Say love.

also thought that he was infinitely charming, and women would not refuse him.

Song Lin could see that Yan Yue didn't mean that to herself.

But he just doesn't want to give up, the more difficult it is to tame the delicate flower, the more fragrant it is in the mouth, isn't it?!

He believed that with his charm, he would pursue her well, and she would agree to be his lover.

He thought that Yan Yue would look at Chen Yuanjiang's face and give himself a little thin face and would not refuse himself, but unexpectedly heard Yan Yue say: "Mr. Song, this is free." ”

"My husband came to pick me up, in a hurry." Of course Fu Tingyan wouldn't come so soon, this was just Yan Yue's excuse.

She really didn't want to see Song Lin anymore, and would rather go outside and wait for Fu Tingyan.

The breath and words on Song Lin's body made Yan Yue extremely uncomfortable.

Song Lin felt that this must be just Yan Yue's excuse, and he chuckled: "Miss Yan, don't even have time to drink a glass of wine?" ”

Yan Yue's expression was light, "My husband doesn't like me to drink." ”

Song Lin smiled, did he really open his mouth and close his mouth to remind himself of his husband?!

But Yan Yue probably doesn't understand his personality, the more difficult the beauty to tame, the more he likes it.

He has always played with flowers.

Song Lin glanced at Chen Yuanjiang and motioned for him to help.

Chen Yuanjiang had been watching the play on the sidelines just now, and he was happy about his friend's deflated appearance.

Unexpectedly, Song Lin actually wanted to pull him to help him tame the beauty?

To be honest, he didn't really want to help.

He admires Yan Yue, who has beauty, ability and intelligence.

She obviously didn't accept Song Lin's pastime and playful feelings.

And his friend obviously wanted to play with others, and because of Yan Yue's extraordinary beauty, people obviously refused and didn't want to give up.

Chen Yuanjiang was helpless and looked at Yan Yue: "Just give Mr. Song a few thin noodles,"

He called the waiter and poured two glasses of juice for the two beauties. ”

This gave Song Lin face, and he didn't embarrass Yan Yue and Lin Nianlu.

Yan Yue and Lin Nianlu didn't have any opinions, so they watched the waiter go to pour the juice.

Song Lin was dissatisfied, it was obvious that Chen Yuanjiang did not help him.

But I just want to be offended at both ends.

The other side.

"That girl looks so good," a gorgeously dressed girl looked in Yan Yue's direction and took a casual sip of red wine.

This girl's name is Wei Shu, and she is the daughter of the boss of Wei's real estate.

He Hui followed Wei Shu's line of sight and saw Yan Yue's figure.

When she moved her gaze up, she saw Yan Yue's face and couldn't help but be stunned.

It's really beautiful.

She has always boasted that she looks pretty good, and when she saw Yan Yue, she knew what it meant to be truly beautiful.

The skin is crystal clear and fair that I have never seen before, the facial features are also exquisite, and the figure is even better, with a slender and coordinated proportion, without a trace of fat.

I can't help but feel that there are really people who are fabricated by God's heart.

He Hui didn't react, if she looked good, she was good-looking, and it had nothing to do with her, but she was just a stranger.

After He Hui was fired by Fu Ting last time, her life has not been very smooth.

The big group will conduct a background investigation, and Fu Shi's rumors and rumors are probably known.

He Hui has never been able to find a job in a large group.

Instead, they are looking for medium-sized companies.

With the resume of the Fu Group, these companies will not conduct detailed background investigations.

Many companies sent her offers.

She selected Wei's Real Estate to join the company, and the salary she was given was okay, and her title was assistant to the general manager.

This time, she accompanied Mr. Wei and his daughter Wei Shu to attend the banquet.

Occasionally, when she is not busy at work, she will think of the glorious days in Fu's family, and think of the sacrosanct man who is high above.

Although last time he ruthlessly drove her out of Fu's family, making her embarrassed and becoming Fu's laughing stock.

But when she thought of his appearance, and the momentum of the superior that he displayed when he was strategizing.

She still couldn't help but be moved.

He made her unforgettable.

Thinking of the rumored Mrs. Fu, I don't know what kind of woman moved him.

kissed her passionately in public, and also appeared on the hot search.

She was very envious and jealous of this Mrs. Fu.

After all, the man she couldn't get by all means, people easily got it.

They also live together lovingly.

Thinking of this, jealousy and unwillingness surged in He Hui's heart.

Even though his heart was turned upside down, He Hui responded to Wei Shu with a smile on her face: "It's really good-looking." ”

Wei Shu said: "I really want to be friends with a beautiful woman, but I don't know if people will agree to me." ”

Wei Shu likes all things beautiful.

Thinking that if I could be friends with Yan Yue, how pleasing it would be to look at Yan Yue's face every day in the future?

Wei Shu has always been a man of action, and after thinking about it, he took action.

Holding He Hui's hand, he walked in the direction of Yan Yue.

And Yan Yue is here.

The waiter had already poured the juice.

Yan Yue and Lin Nianlu picked up the juice and drank it all.

After drinking, he took a tissue and wiped his mouth.

Song Lin looked at Yan Yue's delicate little face, and his heart was still itchy, and he said again: "Miss Yan, don't you stay to play?" ”

Yan Yue: "My husband should be in a hurry." ”

Song Lin stared at Yan Yue's face: "Wouldn't it be better to let him come up and chat with everyone?" ”

Just happened to see who was sacred, and could take Yan Yue, a great beauty, into his pocket.

Song Lin has always felt that he is the best among men, and he doesn't believe that he can't compare to Yan Yue's husband.

Let him come up, just to let Yan Yue see who is better and who she should choose.

Her husband will only be her foil.

"No," Yan Yue looked at her phone, except for the word "good" that Fu Tingyan replied on the chat interface half an hour ago,

There is no other news below, "He's busy." ”

At this time, Wei Shu and He Hui walked over.

Wei Shu greeted several people with a smile: "Hello." ”

Everyone's eyes turned to the two of them.

Song Lin's eyebrows raised slightly, and he thought in his heart that both of them were beauties, if there was no Yan Yue, he would definitely hook up.

But with the pearl and jade in front, you can't look down on the tile stone.

He was tickled by Yan Yue's heart, and only Yan Yue's figure was in his mind.

Chen Yuanjiang and Su Huai didn't react, and responded kindly and politely.

Yan Yue looked at the delicate girl in front of her, her eyelashes trembling slightly.

And Wei Shu sighed in his heart, the closer he is, the more beautiful the big beauty will be.

Her eyelashes are so long, and her face is so beautiful.

Looking at the soft skin like a baby, Wei Shu really wanted to pinch it.

She looked at Yan Yue, her eyes shining: "Little sister, can I get to know you?" My name is Wei Shu. ”

Song Lin raised his eyebrows, he thought that this beauty was coming for himself or Chen Yuanjiang,

Unexpectedly, the other party didn't even look at the two of them, and went directly to meet Yan Yue.

And He Hui glanced at Song Lin and Chen Yuanjiang.

If it weren't for Fu Tingyan, these two would be the best of the rich.

There should be countless women who have followed one after another.

She will also be one of them.

But He Hui has seen Fu Tingyan, and when he thinks of him, his heart will still be moved.

So he didn't react to Song Lin and Chen Yuanjiang, and he didn't have the heart to talk to them.

And Song Lin saw that the two beauties were indifferent to him, and wondered in his heart, could it be that his charm had really declined?

Even these two beauties are lukewarm to themselves!

Yan Yue looked at Wei Shu's bright eyes, she could see that Wei Shu was really befriending her, and she could also see that Wei Shu should have a good temperament, so she responded, "Okay." ”

Wei Shu was very happy in his heart, "Let's add a WeChat." ”

The two took their mobile phones and added WeChat to each other.

Wei Shu also added Lin Nianlu's WeChat.

Lin Nianlu lowered her head, found a new friend to verify it, and clicked through.

I can't help but sigh in my heart, Sister Yan's charm is really great, this is a killing of men and women.

He Hui didn't react.

She is only interested in men, and she knows what peerless beautiful women do.

At this time, there was a sensation at the door of the banquet hall.

Fu Tingyan walked in slowly.

He was dressed in a finely crafted black suit, with a long and straight figure.

The face is picturesque, the temperament is noble and elegant, and it is a little cold.

It's Nicholas Fu!

It's actually Fu Tingyan?!

How did he come here?!

Fu Tingyan is a frequent visitor to financial news reports.

This is a business exchange meeting, and of course the guests know Stephen Fu.

Quite a few people were stunned.

The banquet hall, which had been constantly talking, fell silent in an instant.

They all looked at the outstanding figure at the door in a daze.

After a moment, they came back to their senses and began to talk in a low voice.

"Oh my God, this is Fu Tingyan, I'm not mistaken!"

"Come and wake me up, if I'm hallucinating?"

"This is the living Fu Tingyan! I actually saw it! Real people are better than the newspapers! ”

"How could Mr. Fu participate in such a medium-sized small banquet?"

"Did you come here to find someone? Or did you like which company came to talk about the acquisition?! ”

In the eyes and whispers of everyone, Fu Tingyan looked around the banquet hall.

At a glance, he saw the figure he was looking for.

Without it, because she is always so dazzling in the crowd.

It also attracts his attention forever.

He could always see her at a glance and find her.

Fu Tingyan stroked his watch and walked towards Yan Yue with unhurried steps.

The people in the banquet hall all consciously gave way to Fu Tingyan, and their eyes kept looking at him.

Curious who he was here to see.

Song Lin and his entourage noticed the commotion in the banquet hall and looked around.

The bustling crowd blocked their view and they couldn't see what was happening.

Wei Shu was talking to Yan Yue excitedly, not paying attention to what was happening in the banquet hall at all.

Wei Shu was very chattering, but Yan Yue didn't feel noisy, but thought Wei Shu was cute.

Whatever she asked, Yan Yue answered.

Except for the two, everyone else looked at the banquet hall until they saw the bustling crowd make way for the man in the middle.

And the direction that the man came in is their direction?!

Song Lin and Chen Yuanjiang knew Fu Tingyan!

Song Lin looked at Fu Tingyan who came over, and his face was stunned.

This is an extremely outstanding man, a man that Song Lin's class can't see!

Song Lin is the leader of his class, of course he is self-aware and will not compare himself with Fu Tingyan.

Because there is simply no comparison.

Can he compare? He doesn't even have the qualifications to compare!

Even if Fu Tingyan took all his sight away as soon as he appeared, he was convinced.

However, how did Nicholas Fu appear here? Song Lin was a little puzzled.

Chen Yuanjiang didn't react, the two didn't intersect, but he couldn't help but be as curious as Song Lin, why did someone like Fu Tingyan appear here?

And He Hui saw Fu Tingyan again, and she had already forgotten about the fact that he had driven her out of the Fu family before.

Because as soon as she saw this man's figure, her heart jumped.

Only this man can make himself so.

She looked at Fu Tingyan's outstanding face, and her heart was beating rapidly.

She quickly straightened her hair and sorted out her clothes.

It wasn't until she looked at the god-like man again that her expectant eyes instantly dimmed.

I saw Fu Tingyan walking calmly towards everyone's eyes, his eyes staring at the beautiful back.

He walked to the side of the figure, and his voice was like a melodious cello, and he called out the woman's name with a little tenderness: "Xiaoyue." ”

Yan Yue slowly turned around and looked at Fu Tingyan, she stared at his bright starry eyes, smiled slightly, and said in a very light tone: "You are here." ”

Fu Tingyan gently rubbed her black hair, helped her say goodbye to the broken hair on her forehead, and said softly: "Go back." ”

The guests were stunned, stunned in place like clay sculptures.

The ballroom was silent, as if time had frozen in.

Just look at the man who appeared on the financial news and they can only look up to and behave intimately with a woman.

And he is no longer as cold as before, and he is still so gentle!

"It's so intimate, that's Mrs. Fu!"

"It's beautiful, it's quite a match with Mr. Fu!"

"Both of them are so good-looking, how good-looking their children are!"

"Thank you, Mrs. Fu, for letting me meet the real Mr. Fu!"

"What is the origin of this Mrs. Fu, I have never heard of it before, and I have never seen it!"

Song Lin was like being hit by five thunderbolts, his eyes stared straight at the two of them!

Yan Yue is Fu Tingyan's wife?!

Chen Yuanjiang was also stunned for a moment, but then thought that a woman like Yan Yue did have the capital to make Fu Tingyan tempted.

The face is top-notch, the body is top-notch, the EQ is high, and the IQ is high, which is a good match with Fu Tingyan.

After thinking about it, he smiled lightly and took a sip of red wine with a calm expression.

He caught a glimpse of Song Lin's gaffe and couldn't help but remind him: "I've come back to my senses." ”

Song Lin returned to his thoughts, his throat was dry, but he could only accept it.

Fu Tingyan, indeed he- can't compare.

He picked up a glass of red wine, and instead of tasting it lightly, he drank it quickly, so as to dispel his complicated feelings.

Lin Nianlu didn't react, she was shocked last time, she glanced at everyone, and she was very satisfied in her heart.

You see, everybody is like that.

Her last gaffe was reasonable.

So her mood is still very stable.

And He Hui muttered in a low voice:



"How could she be Mr. Fu's wife!"

She looked at the intimate behavior of the two, and only felt that a sharp knife was stabbing at the tip of her heart, and the stab was bloody.

Her heart hurt so much that she lost consciousness.

The man she couldn't get by any means was behaving intimately with another woman.

He was originally cold, but when he looked at the woman he loved, he would also become very gentle.

He will take the initiative to get close to his own woman, rather than letting her get close to him.

This scene pierced He Hui's heart.

Compared with what happened to her before, He Hui hated Yan Yue very much.

She glanced at Yan Yue resentfully, she was indeed beautiful.

Could it be that Yan Yue hooked up with Fu Tingyan with a face?

Did Fu Tingyan only look at his face?

He Hui's heart was full of resentment and unwillingness, as well as jealousy.

Her fists clenched tightly, her face pale.

Unlike He Hui's resentment, Wei Shu's eyes were shining.

The husband of the big beauty is so handsome!

The two are a perfect match!

Can she be an audience to watch them fall in love!

Their kids must be good-looking!

Can I be a godmother?!

Thinking so, Wei Shu asked, she has always been used to being straightforward: "Xiaoyue, do you have any children?" ”

She wants to be a godmother!

I want to kiss and hug with a beautiful child! Buy her/him nice little clothes!

Yan Yue's face flushed with cherry blossoms, and she lowered her eyes: "No." ”

Fu Tingyan hugged Yan Yue's slender waist and looked at Wei Shu: "Xiaoyue is still young." ”

Wei Shu was very excited: "Then I will be the child's godmother in the future, say okay!" ”

In the end, Wei Shu sent Lin Nianlu back.

Fu Tingyan and Yan Yue also left.

On the way, Yan Yue fell asleep because she was a little busy today.

When she woke up, she found that she had returned to the villa, and Fu Tingyan was walking slowly with her in her arms.

The man's hot temperature reached the tip of Yan Yue's heart.

She woke up instantly, and her hazy apricot eyes became clear.

She pulled Fu Tingyan's shirt, and her voice was very soft: "Ayan, let me down." ”

The top two buttons of the jacket were torn open in an instant.

Fu Tingyan's fair and bony neck and collarbone were exposed, and Yan Yue's face instantly turned red, and her face was flushed.

Fu Tingyan lowered his head, looked at Yan Yue's blushing little face, and smiled lightly in his eyes: "Wait a minute." ”

He walked to the living room and put Yan Yue on the sofa, Yan Yue was about to stand up.

Fu Tingyan sat down, grabbed Yan Yue's small waist, and held her in his arms.

Yan Yue was a little tired after a day of running, so she let him hug her, and she leaned on his chest.

Gently pluck your fingertips. Do. The buttons of his shirt.

Suddenly, a shadow suddenly fell from her apricot eyes.

The eyes were covered by a pair of large palms.

Her eyelashes twitched slightly, and she asked softly, "What's wrong?" ”

She heard the faint sound of laundry.

In just ten seconds, the big palm was removed, and Yan Yue saw a beautiful small box with red velvet texture in front of her.

She guessed what it was.

Wedding rings.

Yan Yue took the box, opened it slowly, and saw a pair of wedding rings inside.

The plum blossom carving on the ring is lifelike, reflecting the silver-white ring, which looks elegant and elegant.

The real thing is more exquisite than the renderings sent by the designer.

Fu Tingyan clasped Yan Yue's small waist with both hands, lowered his eyes, and looked at Yan Yue in his arms, his eyes were full of affection: "Do you like it?" ”

Yan Yue's eyes stared at the wedding ring and murmured, "I like it, it's beautiful." ”

Suddenly, she raised her eyes, met the man's shining Danfeng eyes, and asked softly, "Didn't you say that you could get it tomorrow?" ”

Fu Tingyan dropped a kiss on her hair: "It's ahead of schedule, the designer wants to see the finished product quickly, so he hurried to work." ”

Yan Yue picked up the lady's wedding ring, held it up, and carefully observed it in the light of the ceiling.

After looking at it for a while, he said, "It's even more beautiful than the renderings." ”

She was about to put the ring back in the ring box, Fu Tingyan took the ring, and his voice was affectionate: "I'll help you bring it." ”

He clasped Yan Yue's slender finger with his fingertips, and slowly put the ring on Yan Yue's ring finger.


She pursed her lips, her expression calm, but her heart was pounding.

By wearing this ring, you are declaring to everyone that you are a married woman.

She is also deeply aware that she is Fu Tingyan's wife.

She watched with a shudder as the lady's wedding ring landed perfectly on her ring finger.

Fu Tingyan gently rubbed the wedding ring and Yan Yue's knuckles.

Yan Yue's knuckles are slender and fair, and wearing this ring gives her a little more luxurious and exquisite.

He pecked her lightly on the neck and sprayed his own breathing: "Xiaoyue, help me put it on." ”

Yan Yue picked up the men's wedding ring from the ring box and held Fu Tingyan's big palm.

Her heart was beating rapidly, and her hands trembled slightly.

She gently put the ring on Fu Tingyan's ring finger.

As soon as he put it on, Fu Tingyan clasped his fingers with Yan Yue and said softly: "In the future, everyone will know that Xiaoyue is Mrs. Fu." ”

He turned Yan Yue's face and kissed her affectionately.

The two of them were clinging to each other, and Fu Tingyan was crazy. Rob. Snatch. Every place in the cavity of Yan Yue's teeth.

The ten fingers of their wedding rings were clasped together, and the two wedding rings were overlapped, reflecting a silvery glow in the light.


Next day.

Yan Yue went to the company.

After working for a while, many colleagues around noticed that Yan Yue was wearing a wedding ring and wearing it on her ring finger.

Doesn't wearing a ring finger mean getting married?!

Except for Lin Nianlu, everyone in the group was shocked.

The colleague asked, "Yan Yue, are you married?" ”

"Hmm." Yan Yue replied softly.

The group was stunned.

"Oh my God, this is too sudden."

"I haven't even heard of you getting a boyfriend before, so why do you have a big news as soon as you come."



Lin Nianlu on the side calmly held a glass of water to drink, and thought in her heart,

If you know that Sister Yan's husband is Fu Tingyan, this won't scare you to death!


Only he knew about this news in the group, and Lin Nianlu felt very satisfied.

She leaned over to Yan Yue's side and said, "Sister Yan, Wei Shu asked us to go out to play this weekend." ”

Yan Yue thought about it for a while, so she agreed: "Then let's go." ”

She also sent a message to call He Rushuang as well.

It's more crowded.

Zhou Xia from the Administration Department passed by the office area and saw the colleagues in Lu Danzhen's group talking non-stop around Yan Yue, with excited expressions on their faces.

This aroused her gossip, and she deliberately slowed down and listened, and heard the news of Yan Yue's marriage.

Her eyes widened, and she quickly quickened her pace to go back to the administration department to share this shocking news with her colleagues.

After all, Yan Yue and the others had talked a lot in private.

As soon as Zhou Xia returned to the Administration Department, she first picked up the water cup on her workstation and drank warm water to calm down, took a deep breath, and said to the people in the Administration Department excitedly: "Do you know, Yan Yue is actually married!" ”

As soon as these words came out, the other colleagues stopped what they were doing and turned their heads to look at Zhou Xia in unison.

Only Dai Yun's hand tapping on the keyboard paused, and her eyebrows rose.

Yan Yue's husband is Fu Tingyan is known?!

Thinking that Yan Yue might be envied by her colleagues in the company, she stammered and became the focus of everyone.

Dai Yun felt uncomfortable in his heart, and a wave of jealousy rose from the bottom of his heart and spread to his whole body.

The soul of gossip in the hearts of other colleagues is burning.

"It's too sudden, I've never heard of her having a boyfriend."

"Have you seen her husband, is he handsome?"


Zhou Xia: "Ah, I don't know about this. The people in their group didn't say anything. ”

The faces of colleagues are full of regret, and the gossip is gone after listening to a little, which is boring.

Some colleagues are speculating, "Yan Yue is so good-looking, her husband must be very handsome." ”

"Not necessarily, haven't you seen that many beautiful women are matched with average-looking men?"

Dai Yun breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, it turned out that they didn't know the identity of Mrs. Yan Yuefu.

Zhou Xia saw the unusually silent silence of Dai Yun, who usually likes to talk about gossip, and felt a little puzzled in her heart.

She asked, "Sister Yun, do you say that Yan Yue's husband is a handsome guy or an ugly man?" ”

Dai Yun removed his hand from the keyboard and looked at Zhou Xia, "I don't know, in the past, beauties were with average-looking men." ”

The curiosity of the colleagues in the administration department suddenly disappeared: "That's what I said." ”

"Let's work hard, whether the husband is handsome or not, whether it's ugly or not, it matters to us."

Fu Group meeting room.

An executive stands in front of a projection cloth and talks about his work.

However, the wedding ring on Mr. Fu's left hand was too conspicuous, and he couldn't help but glance at the wedding ring while talking and continued.

The other executives at the conference table weren't much better.

Mr. Fu, he always shows his wedding ring intentionally or unintentionally.

One moment banging on the table with his hand wearing a wedding ring,

After a while, he pointed to the projection cloth with his finger on the wedding ring and sent the commander,

After a while, he raised the glass of water with his hand wearing the wedding ring and drank water.

Even flipping through documents with a hand wearing a wedding ring!

They really don't want to pay too much attention, but that wedding ring, that hand is always dangling in front of them, what can they do.

They all suspect that Fu always deliberately shows off his wedding ring, but Mr. Fu is not usually such a person.

They thought it was ridiculous, but they couldn't help but think it was the same thing in their heads.

Only Yu Yuanhao felt with great certainty that Mr. Fu was showing off his wedding ring......

Fu Tingyan noticed the intentional or unintentional gaze of the executives, and was very satisfied in his heart.

He raised his hand with the wedding ring, pointed to the projection cloth and said, "Turn the page back to the previous page, and I'll look at the sales data." ”

The executives followed Fu Tingyan's words and looked at Fu Tingyan's commanding face....... No, the hand with the wedding ring......

Any change in Fu Tingyan's body cannot escape the eyes of Fu's employees.

They were excitedly discussing in the group.

[Ah! Pander to! Mr. Fu came to work today wearing a wedding ring! 】

[Female colleagues who still have different intentions should take care of themselves, otherwise they will end up like He Hui! ] 】

[Mr. Fu passed in front of me just now, and the wedding ring is super beautiful! ] 】

After Nicholas Fu and a group of executives finished the meeting, he still stayed in the conference room to look through the plans submitted by the executives.

Yu Yuanhao stood on one side, his eyes first looked at the extremely conspicuous wedding ring, and then his eyes fell on Fu Tingyan's face, and said, "Mr. Fu, Master Shen Yao wants to ask you to meet in the afternoon. ”

Fu Tingyan retracted his thoughts, and raised his eyebrows, "Shen Yao? ”

He didn't know anything about the piano world.

Yu Yuanhao: "He is a famous master in the piano world, and he said that he wanted to talk to you about Mrs. Fu." ”

Fu Tingyan tapped the table a few times silently with his fingertips, "Okay, then the time between two and four o'clock in the afternoon will be free to meet this Master Shen." ”

"Okay." Yu Yuanhao responded.

Jingcheng Airport.

Shen Yao pushed the suitcase and walked out of the airport gate.

She sped up abroad and bought the first flight to fly back after the matter was settled.

The bottom of my heart is full of Yan Yue's affairs.

Zheng Liyuan was waiting at the gate of the airport early, as soon as he saw Shen Yao.

He said hello and took the suitcase in her hand.

The two walked to the parking lot and got into the car, Zheng Liyuan asked, "Teacher Shen, do you want to go to the association or go back to your house." ”

Shen Yao leaned back in the chair, with a bit of exhaustion from a long journey on her face: "Go to Fu's." ”

Shen Yao didn't know Yan Yue's information, she only knew that she was Mrs. Fu, so she could only find Fu.

Zheng Liyuan was surprised, "You have already made an appointment with Mr. Fu?" ”

Shen Yao replied lightly: "Hmm." ”

Zheng Liyuan pressed his hand on the steering wheel and started the car unhurriedly, but he was thinking in his heart:

It seems that Teacher Shen really values Yan Yue, and for her to deal with foreign affairs in advance, she will go to find someone without rest as soon as she comes back.

Presumably, he will soon have more junior sisters.

Thinking of this, Zheng Liyuan's heart rose with an unbearable joy.

After parking the car in Fu's parking lot, the two pressed the elevator and went up to the lobby on the first floor.

Zheng Liyuan explained his intention to the front desk.

After the front desk called Yu Yuanhao to confirm, he handed over the pass card to the two of them.

The two came to the elevator entrance and waited for the elevator.

A Fu executive is returning from outside.

He stood at the entrance of the elevator, staring at the red numbers jumping on the display, and glanced around casually.

Seeing Shen Yao and Zheng Liyuan's side faces, I always felt a little familiar.

I think I've seen it somewhere.

Just as he was pondering who they were, the elevator arrived.

Shen Yao and Zheng Liyuan walked in first.

I turned around and was facing the elevator door.

When the executive stepped in, he saw the faces of the two men.

The bright face made his memory clear.

Isn't this Master Shen and her disciple Zheng Liyuan?

The executive is a piano idiot, and he usually goes to the recital when he has nothing to do.

I also let my daughter learn piano.

As a piano obsession, he certainly knows all about the famous people in the piano world.

Shen Yao and Zheng Liyuan are well-known in the piano world, and he has also gone to listen to the recitals of the two.

The sound of the piano that he heard that time often came to his mind, and he could not forget it for a long time.

Now, he's actually seen a real person?

He was very excited in his heart, and of course fans wanted to say hello when they saw their idols.

Gao Guan: "Master Shen, Teacher Zheng, hello." ”

Shen Yao and Zheng Liyuan raised their heads at the sound and saw a middle-aged man looking at them with excitement and admiration.

Shen Yao understood, this was her fan: "Hello. ”

The executive excitedly said, "I had the pleasure of listening to your concert last time, and it was really good!" ”

Shen Yao smiled, with a kind face: "Thank you for liking." ”

"Why haven't I seen you have a concert since? I'd like to hear it. ”

"When is the next concert, can I know in advance?"

Shen Yao: "I've been busy with the association recently, and I haven't planned yet." Not soon, though. ”

"I'll give a month's notice when it's going to open."

Executive: "Ah, I'm looking forward to it!" ”

As soon as he finished speaking, the elevator stopped on his floor.

He greeted the two and walked out.

Suddenly, he frowned, feeling as if he had forgotten something.

When he returned to the office, he suddenly remembered that he had forgotten to ask the two of them for an autograph!

But the direction in which the two of them went was the president's office!

Then he still has a chance!

He quickly flipped out a beautiful notebook on the desktop, picked the most expensive and beautiful fountain pen in the pen holder, and walked out excitedly.

It was the first time for an employee passing by to see such an excited appearance of an executive, and couldn't help but ask, "Director Yang, where are you going?" ”

Yang Mingtou didn't reply, "Find an idol to sign an autograph." ”


You're still chasing stars at a lot of age!


Shen Yao and Zheng Liyuan came to the president's office, and the front desk led the two to knock on the door of Fu Tingyan's office.

"Enter—" A magnetic, pleasant voice came.

The front desk pushed the door open, and the two walked in.

They looked over and saw a man standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

The man's side face is handsome and handsome,

Wearing a wide suit, the figure is perfect.

His slender knuckles hold a golden phone,

The thin lips are spitting professional words.

The tone is calm and unhurried, and there is no committal beak of the superior.

There is no doubt that this is a man at the top of the pyramid who is very good-looking and capable.

Zheng Liyuan stared at Fu Tingyan with a little stunned eyes.

The last Ren family banquet just glanced at Fu Tingyan from a distance, and he didn't have any real feelings about him, only hearsay that this is an extremely skillful and good-looking man with a good family background.

Looking at Fu Tingyan so closely, Fu Tingyan's image in his heart has become concrete.

Just by looking at it, I feel that this is a man who stands at the top of the pyramid and is different from ordinary people.

Zheng Liyuan was a little frightened by Fu Tingyan's superior momentum.

And Shen Yao didn't react, she was in her sixties, with a lot of experience and a wide range of knowledge.

What kind of people she hadn't seen.

No matter how outstanding Fu Tingyan is, she only treats her like an ordinary person.

Fu Tingyan hung up the phone, turned around, bowed politely to the two, and looked at the guest sofa: "Please sit." ”

The two of them walked over to the reception couch and sat down.

Fu Tingyan then sat down on the sofa in a slow manner.

He casually placed his phone on the coffee table.

He made tea unhurriedly, and after making tea, he pushed the tea cup in front of the two of them.

His expression was a little lazy, and he spoke slowly: "What does Master Shen want to talk to me about?" ”

Shen Yao said calmly: "I like Mrs. Fu's talent very much and want to accept her under my name." ”

Fu Tingyan's gaze swept over Shen Yao casually: "Do you know my wife?" ”

Shen Yao shook her head: "At the Ren family's banquet last time, Mrs. Fu's performance on stage was amazing, and I admired her very much. ”

"She's a very talented pianist and shouldn't be buried."

"She studied piano with me, and in time, she will stand at the top of the piano world."

Shen Yao's eyes became brighter and brighter as she spoke.

Fu Tingyan glanced at it and said, "I'll tell Xiaoyue." ”

Shen Yao took out the business card from her bag and handed it to Fu Tingyan, "If you are troublesome, Mr. Fu must persuade Mrs. Fu well." ”

"She's really talented, and it's a shame not to develop in the piano world."

Fu Tingyan took the business card, glanced at it, then raised his eyes and looked at Shen Yao: "I will tell her, but the decision is up to her, and I will not interfere." ”


The two chatted casually for a few more words, and Shen Yao left.

After Shen Yao left, Yu Yuanhao handed the information about Shen Yao and Zheng Liyuan to Fu Tingyan.

Fu Tingyan took it and looked at it carefully.

After reading it, he leaned back in his chair and rubbed his eyebrows.

The cuffs of his shirt were half-rolled up, and his watch glistened in the light.

Yu Yuanhao stood on the side and said softly: "Master Shen has a high reputation in the piano world, and her vision is also well-known in the industry, and now she is 67 years old, and there is only one disciple under her name, Zheng Liyuan. ”

"Master Shen takes a fancy to Mrs. Fu, which is an excellent opportunity for Mrs. Fu."

Fu Tingyan casually put the information aside and looked at Yu Yuanhao: "It doesn't matter what opportunities there are. ”

"I won't interfere with her in whatever Satsuki wants to do."

"Whether she chooses the workplace or the piano, as long as it is what she chooses and wants to do, she can do it."

Yu Yuanhao was slightly stunned, "What Mr. Fu said makes sense." ”


Shen Yao and Zheng Liyuan stood at the elevator entrance and waited for the elevator.

Shen Yao pondered for a while and said, "Li Yuan, what is the probability that Yan Yue will agree." ”

Zheng Liyuan shook his head: "I can't estimate. ”

After all, Mrs. Fu's identity is not ordinary, and people don't necessarily need to learn piano to gild.

It's just that Yan Yue is indeed extremely talented, maybe that's why Shen Yao chose Yan Yue.

Shen Yao said: "Mrs. Fu's identity is indeed an obstacle. ”

Zheng Liyuan sighed with emotion: "If only she could be my little junior sister." ”

Yang Ming, who was not far away, was just about to go over to sign the autograph when he heard this shocking news.

Shen Yao wants to take Mrs. Fu as an apprentice, but Mrs. Fu may not agree?!

Master Shen still wants Yan Yue to agree?!

Master Zheng still wants Yan Yue, the little junior sister?!

Yang Ming was stunned.

Last time, he heard that Mrs. Fu was an employee of Fu's cooperative company.

I didn't expect it to be a hidden piano master?!

And the two bigwigs are so fancy?!

Shen Yao noticed Yang Ming, and she glanced at it casually.

Yang Ming came back to his senses and stepped forward with a smile: "Can you trouble the two masters to sign for me?" ”

"My daughter and I are both fans."

Shen Yao smiled and said, "Okay." ”

Shen Yao and Zheng Liyuan left their signatures in their notebooks.

Yang Ming looked at the two artistic fonts on the notebook.

I was very happy in my heart, thanked the two and left.

At night.

Fu Tingyan sat on the sofa with Yan Yue in his arms, Yan Yue lowered her eyes and looked at Shen Yao's business card in her hand, her eyelashes trembled slightly.

Of course Shen Yao and Yan Yue have heard of it, after all, Yan Yue learned piano at the age of 5 and studied piano for 13 years until she was 18 years old, so she is very familiar with things in the piano world.

Fu Tingyan had already told Yan Yue that Shen Yao had come to Fu to find him in the car when he came back.

Yan Yue felt quite incredible, because of an unexpected performance, she was actually appreciated by Shen Yao.

Fu Tingyan kissed Yan Yue's cheek, wrapped his hand around Yan Yue's small waist, and asked; "Satsuki, what do you think?"

Yan Yue raised her eyes and looked at Fu Tingyan's seductive Danfeng eyes: "I haven't thought about it yet." ”

Fu Tingyan stared at Yan Yue with burning eyes: "I support you in whatever decision you make, as long as it is what you choose and what you like." ”

"Hmm." Yan Yue answered softly.

Fu Tingyan gently twisted Yan Yue's chin and kissed it.

Accustomed to being intimate with this man......


Continued from the next part:

She will be happy and excited because of his intimacy, so she will like him

If it is invaded and deleted