
The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one

author:Bureau of Grotesque Science
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In 2010, Chen Lianxiang was arrested, and she was the "wolf grandmother" who abducted and trafficked more than 40 children in two years. The child in her hands, disobedient, pushed directly into the water and drowned.

The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one

Chen Lianxiang's words in the court were even more incredible, when the judge asked her if she had anything to say, she was like no one else, "The child is gone, just regenerate"

The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one

What is it that makes a 60-year-old lady embark on this path?

The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one
The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one

Chen Lianxiang background

Chen Lianxiang was born in 1950 in a village in Fujian, surrounded by mountains, beautiful scenery, but life is bitter. At that time, the country did not practice family planning, and having children was like a competition to see who could open a small kindergarten.

The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one

The Chen family has many heads, and Chen Lianxiang, as the boss, has had to be a little mother since she was a child, and she shoulders the housework and farm work. As soon as the morning dawned, she had to go up the mountain with her father and mother with a hoe on her back, and before the sun went down, she had to work overtime in the field. I haven't touched the school door, I don't know how to read the words, and if you want to know what's going on outside, you can only rely on the old people in the village to brag about it, or a tattered old book.

The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one

Chen Lianxiang's childhood slipped away quickly in the busyness, and she grew into the pillar of the family in a few moments. As a teenager, he became an all-round expert, taking care of his younger siblings and taking care of housework. At that time, the fate of rural girls was like a soldering iron marked with a seal, and they couldn't run away. Just after she was twenty years old, her family arranged for her to marry a peasant who was also very poor.

The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one

After marriage, life is as hard as ever, and the husband and wife face the loess with their backs to the sky, and compete with the soil. No matter how diligent Chen Lianxiang is, her days are still like spinning on a grinding stone, and there is no improvement at all. The pressure of life is overwhelming, and the two often quarrel over firewood, rice, oil and salt, and in the end, the marriage also collapsed in the noise.

The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one

Chen Lianxiang was really tired like a dog, and finally dragged her back to her parents' house. This time, the village exploded, and the gossip people were busy. Chen Lianxiang doesn't care about their idle empty words, the wind of reform and opening up is blowing to the south, and factories are popping up like bamboo shoots, how can there be a reason to sit still? Thinking that she couldn't spend her whole life working the land, she decided to go to the city and mix around.

The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one

Chen Lianxiang's life is really miserable, she works in various factories in the city, doing heavy work with no technical content, but she still holds on, hoping to save a little money and live a little more decently. But the years are not forgiving, no matter how hard you work, the savings are still insignificant. The first year of the year passed, and the hard work did not pay off, only the physical strength became worse and worse.

The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one
The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one

Embark on the road of trafficking

One day in 2008, Chen Lianxiang met fellow villager Li Diji in the corner of her part-time job. The two chatted for a few words, and Li Diji made a bold proposal, saying that it was a good way to make money simply and quickly. Chen Lianxiang's heart moved when she heard this, but she was also skeptical. This is not a small proposal, it is actually child trafficking! The idea was swirling in her head, and she didn't say yes right away, but the scales in her heart had begun to tilt.

The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one

Chen Lianxiang's life has been miserable, and after so many years of polishing in the factory, her monthly salary is still the same as that of a mosquito leg. When Li Diji threw out that heart-warming plan, she hesitated. The future of being alone, coupled with that pitiful savings, will not last a few days at all. With a heart, Chen Lianxiang decided to let it go, and just took that step.

The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one

Chen Lianxiang's first abduction operation was so nervous that her palms were sweaty.

She carefully selected a target and locked on a three-year-old boy on the streets of a small county town. This kid is very innocent, and when he saw the candy handed over by Chen Lianxiang, he was not wary at all. She took the opportunity to mix the candy with sleeping pills, and the child became groggy as soon as she ate it. Things progressed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the child was taken away and handed over to Li Diji.

The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one

That move made her earn a full 28,000 yuan, which is more than she can't earn by doing hard labor all her life. At that moment, she felt that she had finally tasted what it was called "success".

The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one

Chen Lianxiang's targets were all children who seemed defenseless. She would first wander around the market, in front of the school, or in the bustling neighborhood to find a target. She especially likes to keep an eye on children under the age of three, because children at this age are not wary of strangers at all, and candy toys are hooked at the first glance. She picks on when her parents are busy or negligent.

The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one

Once the target was set on the target, Chen Lianxiang started work. She always dressed like a simple peasant woman and smiled like a flower. She pretended to be a friendly neighbor, approached the children, chatted with them in a gentle tone, and handed them candy or small toys. When the children saw her so kind, their vigilance immediately fell to the back of their minds, and they were soon fascinated by her "kindness".

The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one

As soon as the children were lured to a hidden place by her, Chen Lianxiang began to move. She took out the sleeping pills she had prepared in advance from her pocket and put them in candy for the children to eat. It didn't take long for the children to fall asleep and be at her mercy. She quickly picked up the child, left the scene according to the planned route, jumped into the pre-arranged car, and ran away.

The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one

Chen Lianxiang engaged in this business, and the more she worked, the more experienced she became. She found that it was much better to run a small place than a big city, and the people in the countryside and small county towns were negligent, and the police were slow to chase after them. She also figured out how to deal with those emergencies, such as when a child suddenly cried, she was not soft, she immediately pinched her arms or covered her mouth, so that they could be honest and motionless.

The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one

Chen Lianxiang's tricks are getting more and more slippery, not only the old tricks of candy toys, but now she even has tricks to find helpers. She pulled in an accomplice, and the two pretended to be kind old men and grandmothers, which can simply deceive the blind. That time, she really dared to start in the crowded downtown area, and while the child's parents were busy shopping, she quietly got the child away, which was simply "robbing and stealing".

The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one

Chen Lianxiang is really cold-blooded to the bone, never caring about the whereabouts of the children, nor caring about their fears. These kids are nothing more than commodities on the shelves, whatever she wants. This indifferent attitude made her a big family in Li Diji's place, and she made her "business" prosperous in two years, which is simply a "wolf's heart and dog lungs", and even the basic humanity has been lost!

The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one
The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one

Arrested without remorse

Chen Lianxiang was finally caught, but the old woman was very indifferent in the interrogation room. The policeman asked vigorously, her face was still the same dead fish face, for her, this was just another drama in life. Decades of wandering life had worn away her sense of shame and fear, and her eyes had not changed at all, as if the police's questioning had no effect on her.

The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one

During further interrogation, the police learned that Chen Lianxiang's poor children were completely heartless. The child is crying? Not only was she not distressed, but she panicked and directly used her hands and feet to shut up the child. Some children were even injured because of her rudeness. In her mouth, these wounded and frightened children were just little stones in her path of crime, just kick them away.

The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one

The police asked her where the children were now, and her indifferent answer was simply numb, saying that she was only responsible for handing the children to Li Diji, and she didn't know what was going on.

The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one

She even mentioned an even more outrageous incident, saying that one time her accomplice threw a child into the river and drowned because a child cried so violently. In the face of this cruel act, not only did she not apologize at all, but emphasized that she did not kill people with her own hands.

The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one

Chen Lianxiang confessed to Li Diji and the other accomplices, and described in detail how they quickly distributed the children to various places. The more details are revealed, the more serious Chen Lianxiang's crime becomes.

The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one

At the last moment of the interrogation, the police asked Chen Lianxiang if she regretted what she had done, and she just replied lightly: "If the child is lost, it will be impossible to have another one", as if all this had nothing to do with her.

The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one
The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one

The court pronounced the verdict

In court, the evidence presented by the prosecutor was ironclad, and the facts ruthlessly revealed Chen Lianxiang's crimes. In a sonorous voice, he unrelentingly enumerated the crimes of Chen Lianxiang and her gang in the past two years: abducting and selling 46 innocent children and destroying countless families. Behind every number, every name, there is deep sadness and tears.

The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one

Chen Lianxiang lowered her head in the courtroom, as if all these accusations had nothing to do with her, but she knew in her heart that she couldn't escape.

As a result, she was sentenced to 10 years and one month for child abduction and trafficking, and was also fined 3,000 yuan. As soon as this verdict was issued, many people felt that the sentence was simply outrageously light. Inside and outside the courtroom, the anger and disappointment of the victim's family collapsed, and this verdict made people feel that "the big thing was small, and the small thing was turned into a small thing", and it did not give the victim justice at all!

The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one

Chen Lianxiang is simply an exemplary prisoner in the prison, abiding by the rules, working hard to reform herself, and learning to work at the same time. This trick is a true spirit, and even the prison guards are impressed by her, and as a result, there is an extra year and a half of a large commutation of her sentence on her reform report card. In 2016, her penitential performance won a parole pass, and in the end, she only had 5 years in prison.

The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one

After being released from prison, Chen Lianxiang quietly integrated back into society, although the law gave her a second chance, but the fate of those innocent children is still a question mark, which is really distressing. The hearts of the victims' families are still dripping blood, and the eyes of society are as sharp as knives, cutting past her. In this scene, no one won, and the pain is still those children and their families who are waiting to go home.

The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one
The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one


Chen Lianxiang's 5 years cannot make up for the family that lost its child. She came out, but the child could never return to the arms of her family, and the parents lived in the pain of losing their child all their lives. For human traffickers, only by beating them hard can they hold down their evil hands.

Information sources:

Abducted and trafficked 46 children in 2 years and threw them into the river because the children cried too loudly! The trafficker said this after she was caught

The old man abducted and trafficked 46 children for 2 years, and after being arrested, he said: If the child is gone, there will be another one